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B. The purpose of making this business proposal

This business development plan can encourage business activities to identify the advantages and
disadvantages of the business that will be run more objectively, in this case a strategy must be used
that can influence

C. Vision and Mission

1. Produce safe and quality products
2. Produces a diversification of nutritious food

products Mission:
1. Sell products to export bases among competitors
2. Creating new innovations in terms of development
3. implement a consistent food system

D. Name of the proposal author :

Name NPM Class
Aida Royani 22220037 i
Asih Triranti 22220069 g
Puspa Indah 22220250 g
Putri Setiani 22220258 g
Suryaningsih 2222023p i

E. Address : JL. Pramuka no 11, Bandar Lampung.


G. Sub file name : Bisnis plan kelompok 17

H. Document type : file

I. Executive summary
The restaurant business sector is one sector that can still survive and even develop in Indonesia's
uncertain economic conditions. The restaurant business is the right choice amidst the economic situation
and population growth. The basic reason for this restaurant business is "people need to eat to live" so this
is the reason why you have to develop a restaurant business.

Delicious food is certainly an important component to satisfy consumers. Apart from that, the
uniqueness of a restaurant can also be used to satisfy consumers because it will produce a positive
image that consumers will always remember. Therefore, we will build a home business based on food
sourced from bananas, so far bananas have only been known as a complementary fruit to desserts after
meals. Therefore, we will innovate bananas to make a variety of food menus.

The reason for choosing these basic ingredients is because bananas are liked by everyone, from babies
to adults. Apart from that, bananas are a horticultural crop that has a production level in Indonesia and
has a tendency to increase from year to year.

J. Company profile
This business profile will explain points related to the description of our business, starting from the
name of the company, the menus that will be offered, to the location of the business that will be
occupied. This business profile will be called "BANANA'S CAFÉ"
• Company name
We will name our restaurant business "BANANA'S CAFÉ". The choice of name is based on the products
we will offer because the menu is made from bananas. With this name, it is intended that consumers can
quickly give suggestions to our products that our restaurant has the characteristic of its menu which is
synonymous with bananas. This will make it easier for consumers to remember the name of our restaurant.

K. Business concept

• Product
Based on the name of our restaurant, we will provide menus with types of drinks, food, cakes and chips.
All of these menus are made from bananas. The advantage of our cafe is that the price is affordable and is
also supported by the theme of this cafe design with a natural feel, so it is very suitable for the menus that
will be served.

The menus that will be served include:


Smoothies Banana
Price : Rp 8.000

Green banana ice

Price : Rp 8.000
Banana juice
Price : Rp 8.000

Banana rolls
Price: Rp 10.000,- /box

Banana molten
Price: 10,000,-/box
Chocolate Banana (piscok)

Price : Rp 10,000,-/box

Chocolate banana balls

Price : Rp 10,000,-/box
Steamed banana cake
Price : Rp 25,000,-/box

Banana crispy
Price : 10.000,-/box
Various banana chips Price: 10,000,-/pack
L. Industry and market analysis
In the industrial analysis aspect, it will be explained starting from the raw materials used and where they
come from, then the flow diagram of the production process will be explained, the time plan for the
business to be carried out and the layout of: "BANANA'S CAFFE" will be explained.

• Raw material

The raw materials used in this business are bananas, the types of bananas that we use include Ambon
bananas, horn bananas, king bananas and uli bananas. We obtain these raw materials directly from banana
plantations in certain areas.

• Production flow process

In carrying out or running this business, a clear production flow is needed so that the business can run
smoothly. In Figure 1, the flowchart of production activities carried out at the "BANANA'S CAFFE"
business is explained.

Figure 1 flowchart of cafe production activities

From the flowchart diagram it can be described as follows, the process of producing menus begins with

purchasing the required raw materials, after all the raw materials have been purchased, then preparing the

required raw materials and preparing the required cooking equipment. After that, if there is a customer who

wants to order food or drink, it must bEendserved first, then the chef manages and cooks the menu ordered by

the customer after that the menu is served directly to the customer, but if there is no order, then the chef

processes and cooks the food which requires quite a long process, such as cooking the main menu food after

it is cooked, the food is served in a food display case.

Activity time

Our cafe business will operate for 12 hours, namely opening at 10:00 WIB and closing at 22:00 WIB.

 Funding

Our business capital comes from our contributions. The amount of capital we need is IDR. 200,000,000,- in

this business. Profit sharing will be implemented, for these profits will start after profit is determined.

• Use of Funds

The use of funds used in this business can be seen clearly in the details of the net cash flow, starting
from capital which consists of buying a building, buying office equipment, production equipment,
decorating the building because the building purchased is in poor condition so it is needed to decorating
the building according to the design that has been designed. Apart from that, licensing costs are also

For the income breakdown section, it is divided into 3, namely for the sale of drinks we estimate the
average price of drinks at 10,000,- for food sales the average price is around IDR 25,000,- for the type of
chips we estimate at IDR 10,000, ; All sales turnover is estimated with an average number of visitors of
25 people per day and with the assumption that within a month it sells for 25 days.

For expenditure of funds, salary costs, electricity costs, telephone costs, production operational costs,
promotional costs, as well as cleaning and security levies are included in other costs. Then the financial
profit/loss from cash incoming to cash out is also calculated. Apart from that, depreciation costs for certain
objects are also taken into account.

Market analysis

In the market analysis, points will be explained about which market this business will target, then in
terms of the level of competition, how to market this business to get maximum profits and there are also
strategies that will be used to promote this business.

 Target market

In this business, the target market is for all ages, from babies to adults. This is because almost
everyone likes to eat opisang fruit. Banana connoisseurs or fans have no age limit, therefore this cafe
business has the potential to be run.

 Level of competition

There is not much competition in this business, because the area does not yet see cafes that have a
concept like our cafe. So this can be used as a big opportunity in our business.

 Marketing efforts
For marketing efforts so that "BANANA'S CAFFE" gets lots of visitors, a marketing effort was carried out
by setting affordable prices with quality and healthy food products. However, by setting an affordable
price, I can also make big profits

 Marketing strategy

In launching a cafe business, during the opening you need a fairly wise marketing strategy, namely by
creating a promotion: buy one get one” during the first week after the cafe opens. We will make "buy
get one" which means that every customer who buys any type of food available on the menu, that customer
will get a free drink from one of the available drink menus. Apart from that, we will also make brochures
which will be distributed in certain areas to promote our business.

1. M. Why this business will grow

2. Business is the right choice amidst the economic situation and population growth. The basic
reason for this cafe business is "people need to eat to live" so this is the reason why you
should develop a restaurant business.
3. The reason for choosing these basic ingredients is because bananas are liked by everyone,
from babies to adults. Apart from that, bananas are a horticultural crop that has a production
level in Indonesia and has a tendency to increase from year to year.

Business development plan

Swot analysis

1. Easy raw materials
2. It is definitely halal
3. The first pioneer of "BANANA'S CAFFE"

1. There are no cafes made from bananas in this area
2. There is still little competition
3.High consumption power
4. The availability of advice and infrastructure is quite



1. Lack of advertising and promotion

2. The view of bananas on society

1..Tight competition between cafes in the regional sector

2.Brand image from senior cafe

3. Influence of weather
4. Indonesia's economic condition is not yet stable

With these internal and external factors, a SWOT analysis can be made using existing strengths
and opportunities.
The "BANANA'S CAFFE" business development strategy can be carried out using an internal
strategy factor matrix and an external strategy matrix.
1. Internal strategy factor matrix

This matrix is used to assess and evaluate internal factors which include the strengths and weaknesses
of the "BANANA'S CAFFE" business.

2. External strategy factor matrix

This matrix is used to assess and evaluate external factors which include opportunities and threats to
the "BANANA'S CAFFE" business.

O. Details of costs and budget

 Funding

Our business capital comes from our contributions. The amount of capital we need is IDR. 200,000,000,-
in this business. Profit sharing will be implemented, for these profits will start after profit is determined.

 Use of Funds

The use of funds used in this business can be seen clearly in the details of the net cash flow, starting
from capital which consists of buying a building, buying office equipment, production equipment,
decorating the building because the building purchased is in poor condition so it is needed to decorating
the building according to the design that has been designed. Apart from that, licensing costs are also

For the income breakdown section, it is divided into 3, namely for the sale of drinks we estimate the
average price of drinks at 10,000,- for food sales the average price is around IDR 25,000,- for the type of
chips we estimate at IDR 10,000, ; All sales turnover is estimated with an average number of visitors of
25 people per day and with the assumption that within a month it sells for 25 days.

For expenditure of funds, salary costs, electricity costs, telephone costs, production operational costs,
promotional costs, as well as cleaning and security levies are included in other costs. Then the financial
profit/loss from cash incoming to cash out is also calculated. Apart from that, depreciation costs for certain
objects are also taken into account.

Yaer st remaining proceeds

0 Rp. 200.000.000,-
1 Rp. 53.378.600,-
2 Rp. 63.178.600,-
3 Rp. 74.288.600,-
4 Rp. 86.856.100,-
5 Rp. 101.044.175,-
Amount of

capital Amount

of capital

Procced 1st year = Rp.

200,000,000,- Procced 2nd year =

Rp. 53,378,600,-

= Rp. 146,612,400,-

Procced 3rd year = Rp.

63,178,600,- Uncovered capital =

Rp. 83,442,800 Procced 4th year =

Rp. 86,856,100,-

The remaining capital that has not been covered is around 9/10 of the 4th year proceeds or it
takes approximately 9/10 years to cover it.

P. Implementation planning

The business plan that will be implemented in this business is as

follows" 1.Short Term Plan

The chocolate banana business that we are starting aims to increase work experience in business for
fellow students and the general public, apart from increasing creativity, it can also be used as a promising
business for our future lives and the costs of our daily needs.

2. Medium Term Plan

We will definitely develop the business we are starting in order to realize our shared dream, namely
wanting to become a successful young entrepreneur, market and marketing strategies are key to the
sustainability of our business in the future. Customers are king, therefore customer satisfaction is the
most important thing, because without customers it is not certain that this business will last long.

3. Long Term Plan

After successfully getting customers, we will further improve the quality and quality of our business,
not forgetting that we also build a network by building cafes and franchises so that the business we run
can owbigger in the culinary business secto.
Q. appendix

1. Title

Business name: “BANANA CAFE”

Address: Jln pramuka no 11, Bandar Lampung.

Ownership: Joint

Data source

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