Energy of 2023.

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Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 1st January 1, 2023 Vol.

#20 Issue#1
"You are dearly loved."
Kryon The Energy of 2023
Astrologers are busy with their astral interpretations of the energy for the upcoming
Interdimensional year. Numerological interpretations are also popping up everywhere. Just as in
12 Strand DNA astrology, the interpretation of the energy of numbers and what they mean can vary
to a great degree. Not only the interpretations, but the methods of arriving at the
Activation interpretation are many and and often result in vastly different meanings.
The energy of numbers is vitally important to us because numbers are so much more
than just a method of counting. They symbolize our descent from the energy of
Light into the energy of Matter. These energies include the complete process of
experiencing that which came here for, separately and collectively.
In my practice of numerology, I first interpret each number separately as it occurs in
the string of numbers. This gives me a path, so to speak, to the end result. Then, as
traditional numerology dictates, I add them together to obtain a single digit for the
final outcome.
mp3 Download In alignment with the tradition of New Year Numerology, I offer to you this
interpretation of the upcoming energies for the year 2023 using the energy of
numbers: Please note that energetically, numbers are written differently from the
way we have been taught in math classes.
Akashic Wisdom
Retrieval The number two energetically represents opposites - the yin and
the yang, male and female, dark and light, fear and love. This
separation of opposites creates a dynamic energy between the two
ones. This energy is the stuff that holds the universe together. We
begin the year in a state of separation, not understanding that in
reality we are all one, that we are all together in this worldly
experience. We are motivated to begin our journey of exploration
into the energy that holds us together and yet separate from one another physically.
The zero represents everything and yet nothing. Zero is indicated
by a circle which is perfection, completion, wholeness, and
nothingness. It is the beginning and the end, the alpha and the
mp3 Download omega. This concept is demonstrated by the symbol for infinity,
which is the zero folded over once in the center so that it is now
able to reflect on itself. As we begin our journey of reflecting on
ourselves in order to also learn about others who are different from us, we also
Warrior Priestess come to recognize how we are actually much like one another. This enables us to
come to greater understanding and acceptance of our differences.
Wisdom Ebooks
And so we return to the two with greater knowledge and wisdom,
the better to further explore our differences, one from another. As
we do so, we bring the knowledge and wisdom we gleaned from
the experience of the energy of the zero to come to deeper and
greater understanding of ourselves and of others. We begin to find
ways to become accepting and compatible with those who act,
think, and look different from ourselves. As we do so, we also begin
to accept those things that we have within ourselves which we deem desireable and
undesirable, deserving of and undeserving of, acceptable and unacceptable.
The three is composed of the dynamic energy that is created by the
polarity of separation of the two. It represents the trinity energy. It is
Intuitive Tarot: The Key the energy of husband-wife-marriage, Father-Son-Holy Spirit,
That Unlocks Your Inner liquid-ice-gas, self-other-we/us. This is the climax of all that has
Wisdom gone before. First comes the initial learning about separation, then
Overcoming the Winter that of wholeness, and then the deep understanding of how
Blahs... Naturally! although we are separate and different, we are in reality all one and the same. With
Gettin' In the Swing with the knowledge thus gained, the result can only be that of coming together in the
Pendulums energy of triality.
An Inner Journey: Living After each number has been examined for its meaning, the numbers are added to
Your Life Purpose achieve a single number. In this case, 2023 adds up to 7.
And lots more Energetically, the seven is written beginning at the bottom,
moving upward, and then across. It thus represents our ascension
as we climb upward through our experiences. At the top the
energy moves to the left, as we review what we've experienced.
Through this review we come to realize the knowledge and
hopefully, wisdom, that our experiences offered us.
All in all, I believe that the energy of this new year will be that of greater
understanding and acceptance of our differences, whether it's personal, national, or
A Magical Mystical Book global. The word "triality" describes best what I believe we'll be moving into
1: Psychic Protection energetically. For me, that word encompasses understanding, acceptance, and
A Magical Mystical Book harmony.
2: Spiritual Love,
Communication Kathy
A Magical Mystical Book
3: BodyWise Healing P.S. The information about the energy of numbers was channeled to me several
years ago and deals with the energy of each number from 0 to 9. It is not traditional
Each ebook only $2.99 numerology, although there are some similarities. If you're curious about the rest of
Now available on Kindle the numbers, here is a link to the complete information I was given about the energy
of numbers:
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Experiencing a creative
The articles in all of these ezines
are available for you to use in
your ezine or on your website.
Please retain the copyright Become a Master of your beliefs
information and if you are using
it on your website or ezine, rather than a victim of their consequences
please provide a link to Your beliefs are stored in your subconscious mind. Neurological research indicates
http://www.warrior- that as much as 95% of your conscious brain activity is controlled by your My gratitude subconscious. Your beliefs are hidden in your subconscious. While you may be
knows no bounds for your unaware of their influence on you, your beliefs directly influence your actions,
kindness. choices, and behaviors.
Copyright©2022 Everything you do, think, and feel
Under One Roof is governed by the beliefs held in your subconscious.
All rights reserved
Your reality is created by your beliefs. You use them to define yourself - worthy or
worthless, powerful or powerless, smart or stupid, etc. The ability to live your life
effectively (or not) is affected by your beliefs.
Do you recognize some of these limiting beliefs?
I'm afraid to speak up and say what I think/believe.
No matter what I do or how hard I try, it's never good enough.
I don't deserve __________________.
I can't trust others.
All other people really care about is themselves.
I'm not important and neither is anything I do.
Life is hard.
Relationships are difficult and painful.
It's not safe for me to ________________.
I can't have (or do) ____________________,
When you change your beliefs, you change your life.
PSYCH-K provides safe and effective methods to rewrite the software of your mind
so that your conscious desires and your subconscious beliefs are aligned as YOU
desire them to be.
Begin your new year with new beliefs that support you in creating the life you truly
want. Take the first step and...
Click HERE for more information...
Forever Gifts
Books are forever gifts. Even if the recipient doesn't keep them forever, the stories
they read and the messages they receive will stay with them. If you don't know what
to give someone for Christmas, their birthday, or any other special occasion, you
can't go wrong with a book as a gift.
Here are a few suggestions from the collection of books that I've written on subjects
ranging from spiritual/metaphysical to self help::
An Inner Journey: Living Your Life Purpose
Omnidimensional Oracles
Put Your Fears to Work for You
A Magical Mystical Book: Psychic Protection
A Magical Mystical Book: Spiritual Communication
A Magical Mystical Book: Bodywise Healing
Wisdom of Warrior Priestess: Volume 1 (There are five additional volumes!)
Intuitive Tarot: The Key that Unlocks Your Inner Wisdom
Gettin' in the Swing with Pendulums
Overcoming the Winter Blahs... Naturally
Stickman Tai Chi
And just for fun... STUDS
The pretty much true story of my experiences as a Project
Superintendent on one of the more weird and wacky
construction projects that I've ever worked on.
I had never worked as a Project Supe before. My first day
on the job I discovered it was two weeks behind schedule,
the only subcontractor my boss had lined up was the town
drunk, and the permits were either incomplete or
nonexistant. Oh. And I had to live on site in a camper. And
that was only the beginning of this wild adventure.
All books are available on in print and as a
Kindle ebook

Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328

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