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Rising Star Healing System

Private Healing Sessions

DNA Activation
Private Sessions

Access your true potential

and discover your life's

Most people are born with

only 2-3 DNA strands of
their 40 total strands
activated. The rest is
dormant. Therefore, most
people access only 10-20%
of their true potential.
Several technologies now
exist that may light up, or
activate, the DNA up to the
12th, 22nd, or 24th strand.
That is helpful, but how can
you activate more DNA

The Rising Star Healing

System can activate up to
40 strands of DNA within
your being.

With each Rising Star

healing session, as much
DNA as you are ready to
have activated will be
activated for you. When
that is fully integrated and
you are ready to have more
of your DNA strands
activated, you will simply
feel a very strong urge to
receive another Rising Star
healing session, where
more DNA strands will be
activated for you.

With DNA Activation, your

highest potential can
become your reality.

DNA Activation is a huge

acceleration step on your
personal path, and can
open you to profound
spiritual advancement.
DNA Activation will also
help you to remain
centered and healthy
during this time of great
planetary change.

The benefits are DNA

Activation are extensive:

Bring your life's purpose

into alignment, and
become empowered to
achieve that purpose.

Increase your brain

utilization dramatically.
Through muscle testing, a
person's brain utilization
before DNA Activation was
measured at 7%, and less
than one week after her
DNA Activation she
measured at 20% brain
Strengthen your DNA,
while clearing unwanted
debris from your DNA

Open to new and increased

talents and abilities.

Enjoy increased energy,

increased clarity and focus,
and reduced mind chatter
and drama.

Create a greater opening

for connection with your
Higher Self.

Open more fully to your

spiritual gifts and abilities.

Clear family and genetic

karmic patterns 3-5
generations into your past
and future.

Strengthen your immune

system, and benefit your
nerves, blood, skin,
respiratory system and

Bring in and hold much

more positive energy in
your physical body.

In one profound case, one

week after Activation, a
woman stopped smoking,
stopped drinking alcohol,
stopped drinking coffee,
began to eliminate her use
of anti-depressant
medication, and reported
feeling wonderful!

DNA activation is a sacred

process. It was originally
performed in the Great
Pyramid of Giza, to prepare
priests, priestesses, oracles,
prophets and high healers
for positions of power and
responsibility within their

Schedule a Rising Star

healing session, and have
up to 40 strands of DNA
activated today!

Would you like to feel

better than you've ever felt
before? Feel more
happiness and joy, discover
your true direction in life,
bring forward your innate
potential? The Rising Star
Healing System can help
you do all this, and more.

The Rising Star can assist in

healing physical, emotional,
psychological and spiritual
issues, release trauma or
illness, and quite simply
transform your life!
Unresolved issues, old or
blocked energy and
physical symptoms all fall
away, leaving you feeling
empowered, lighter, more
joyful and energized. The
Rising Star healing system
even activates DNA,
bringing forward your true
potential and helping you
to become the person you
were born to be. Each
Rising Star session brings
healing to you for up to 21
days. It is considered
among the most powerful
healing systems available

The Rising Star is a unique,

living energy that evolves
as humanity evolves.

The Rising Star

encompasses many other
healing systems that exist
on the planet at this time.
As new healing systems
come onto the planet, the
Rising Star can incorporate
them into itself. The Rising
Star is a unique, living
energy that evolves as
humanity evolves.

The Rising Star is so simple

and yet so powerful.

How does the Rising Star


The Rising Star raises the

vibration of the aura
(human energy field) and
the energy field around
every living thing. It also
restructures your energy
circuits to hold more life-
force energy. In this way,
your entire being is
prepared to receive the
higher energy of a Rising
Star healing.

It is as if the healing energy

knows exactly where it is
needed most.

The Rising Star allows you

and the practitioner to still
your minds and transfer
powerful life-force energy
to the part of your being
that needs it most, for your
healing and rebalancing to
full health. It is as if the
healing energy knows
precisely where it is needed
most (sometimes not to the
place that you think is
best). It goes where it will
do the most good for your
overall well-being and

The Rising Star

incorporates the energy of
your personal lineage (both
in this lifetime, as in your
ancestral line, and on your
soul level) into each session,
thus bringing you the
energy most beneficial and
effective for you.

You may find that the

healing also has an effect
on family and friends. Since
we are all connected and
not separate, when you
change so do all around
you change.

During a healing session, all

levels of your being are

During a healing session, all

levels of your being are
addressed: physical,
emotional, psychological,
spiritual and etheric (a layer
of energy that exists
beyond physical matter, not
visible to the eye), thus
making the Rising Star
comprehensive and

Because the Rising Star

works on so many different
levels at once, a person
receiving it, say for a bad
back, may find that another
illness or issue also receives
healing. For example, lower
back pain may be
connected with unresolved
father issues, or feelings of
being unsupported. During
a Rising Star session, all
these levels receive healing
- back pain, father issues
and feeling unsupported -
resulting in a very
comprehensive and
beneficial experience.

The Rising Star works on

the five elements that exist
within your being: fire,
water, air, earth and ether.
Although not always
discernible to our limited
human perspective, the
first four elements are
found in your physical body.
While the fifth element,
ether, refers to the part of
you that is beyond the
physical elements, directly
connected to Source.

The Rising Star also brings

healing to all seven body
systems. The seven body
systems are like seven
layers of energy around
you. The physical body is
the first and most dense
body system, and the only
body system visible to the
eye. The physical body is
surrounded by six other
body systems, including
the emotional body system,
and so on. As healing is
brought to all body systems
at once, very deep healing
can occur.

The Rising Star is a Source

to Source healing,
completely pure.

Every session is unique.

The Rising Star is a Source

to Source healing,
completely pure. The
healing energy comes from
Source above and goes to
Source within you. This
Higher Consciousness that
is actually performing the
session, through the
practitioner as a channel or
conduit, knows exactly
what you need on all levels
- even more than you
might know of yourself.
Every session is completely
unique, because with each
session Source brings
exactly what you need at
that time.

Where did the Rising Star

come from?

The Rising Star was

channeled by Derek O'Neill,
an extraordinary
psychotherapist, healer and
spiritual teacher from
Ireland, during a More
Truth Will Set You Free
workshop in New York City
where several hundred
people witnessed the
transmission. Since then,
thousands around the
world have received
profound healing and
agree that the Rising Star is
very effective - in some
cases, life changing. The
overall response to this
system speaks for itself, as
many who have received
healings have gone on to
become Rising Star
practitioners and teachers

Why are three healing

sessions recommended?

During the first session

your mind will want to
follow what the practitioner
is doing. So most people
don't switch off and relax
deeply. During the second
session, the mind lets go of
control more so that
deeper issues can be
addressed. In the third
session, every part of your
being is filled with love and
light, and you are now
ready to let go of the issue
or dis-ease.

Are there any special


The Rising Star does not

require you to have faith,
follow a specific religion, or
even believe in it, in order
for it to be effective. It
merely takes your
willingness to heal and

Rising Star healing sessions

can be performed from a
distance if an in-person
session is not Hours
Open possible. You
will receive the same
powerful effects as an in-
person healing session.

We are open 7 days a week.

Please make an appointment

/ register for classes online
or send us an email or text.

*Generally our doors will be

open 20 minutes prior to
appointment/class start
Call 218-392-4885
Text 218-392-4885

1434 E Superior Street

Duluth, MN 55805

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