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Gwynedd Mercy University

School of Business and Education

Name: Katie McGovern Grade/Level: 3

Topic: Multiplication

PA Core or Academic Standard(s): (1 point) PA CC. 2.2 Algebraic Concepts

Big Idea(s): (1 point) Multiplying numbers by 9

Essential Questions: (1 point)

What is multiplication?
How do you multiply by 9?

Objective/Performance Expectation: What will students know and be able to do as a

result of this lesson? (1 point)
Students will understand how to multiply by 9 by doing the finger trick and reviewing
problems with a beach ball.


1. Briefly describe the students in your class, including those with special
needs. Explain how you will meet the needs of ALL learners
(Differentiated Instruction). (2 points)

This 3rd grade class has 23 students, 12 are girls and 11 are boys. There is
one students with an IEP and they will be handled accordingly to meet
their needs. Another student sits in front of the classroom so they can see
the board. In this lesson I will be focusing on visual and hands-on work to
meet the needs of the students.

2. List the specific standard and expectations as outlined in the PA

Core/Academic Standards (SAS). (1 point)
PA CC.2 Mathematics
PA CC. 2.2 Algebraic Concepts
PA CC.2.2.3: Grade 3
PA CC.2.2.3.A.1 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and

3. Explain the psychological principles/theories you used in constructing this
lesson and explain how it is manifested in the lesson. (2 points)

The learning theory Behaviorism will be used. My students will have

instructions on how to act while the beach ball is being thrown around.
The Cognitivism learning theory will be used as well. I will be teaching
my students tha having them apply their knowledge to answer questions
from the beach ball. Howard Gardiners theory of multiple intelligences
will be used. I will be using visuals and teaching them different ways to
understand how to multiply by 9.


4. Describe the effective classroom routines and procedures resulting in little

or no loss of instructional time. (1 point)
• Students will enter the room and empty their schoolbags and put them and
all their belongings, lunch, jackets, and schoolbag, in their cubbies
• They will write their name on the attendance sheet
• They will hand their homework in in the designated subject folder
• They will sit in their desks an get out the materials they need for the day
• They will see a list of journal prompts: tell a story, what did you do after
school yesterday?, what are you doing after school today?, on the board and
will do one in their journal until class starts
• When class starts the students will use the materials they have for the
specific subject
• Halfway through classes they will have snack time
• They will go back to classes
• Around 12:15 they will go out for recess than eat lunch
• They will come in, collect themselves, and write their homework
• They will have their last 2 classes of the day
• They will get their stuff from their cubbies
• They will pack their bag with all their homework materials
• They will line up in their designated line: car riders, walkers, or bus line
• Each student will have an assigned job every week: cleaners, line leaders,
collectors, people who hand things out, or messenger

5. Identify what you will do to set clear standards of conduct and behavior
management of student behavior. (1 point)
• The students and I will discuss what rules and what I expect from them
in the beginning of the year
• We will discuss what rules should be added or changed

• Each student will bring a copy home and will be told to review with
parents and have bring it back signed by student and parent
• I will have a big copy on a bulletin board
• I will also give students a sticker on their sticker log each day if they
do not break any rules, after 14 stickers they will get to pick out a prize
• If the class is good each week they will get a marble in a jar after 10
marbles they get a pizza party or movie day

6. Identify what you will do to establish expectations for student

achievement. (1 point)
For this lesson I will clearly establish expectations for when they are throwing the
ball around. I will also be showing many different ways to solving multiplication
by 9 so all students can succeed.


List Materials Needed 2 beach balls, sharpie, construction paper

7. Motivation Activities/Strategies: (1 point)

How will you generate interest or focus your lesson for the students?
I will tell start the class throwing a beach ball around to review multiplications
problems, multiplying by 1 to 8.

8. Prior Knowledge Activities/Strategies: (1 point)

How will you activate prior knowledge, build background, or review
previous lessons?
I will throw a beach ball around the classroom with multiplication problems they
already know. It will remind them of multiplication problems they already know.

9. Sequence of Lesson: What learning activities/strategies will you use to

engage the students in the learning? What will students do to use and
apply new concepts or skills (independent practice if relevant)? How will
you monitor and guide their performance? Include relevant vocabulary.
(Please use bullets to sequence your lesson) (3 points)
• I will throw a beach ball around with problems they already know,
and they will answer the question closest to their right thumb
• I will introduce the lesson on multiplying by 9
• I will teach them what multiplying by 9 is by showing what it
looks like in addition
• I will teach the kids the finger trick for multiplying by 9 with a
hand chart
• I will also teavh them how to count by 9s
• Than I will throw around a becah ball with just the 9 times table to
review the lesson by having them answer the question closest to
their right thumb

• I will than assign them 9 homework problems in their workbook to

10. Level of Learning/Assessment Evidence (1 point)

How will you know if students grasped the material? What
techniques/strategies will you use to assess learning (Bloom’s
Taxonomy)? Identify what informal and/or formal assessments you will
use to monitor student learning. Also identify if this will be formative or
I will know my students grasped the information when I am passing
around the ball with the 9 times table problems. I will be using strategies
from Blooms Taxonomy. They will be applying their knowledge to
answering questions from the beach ball and show me they understand and
remember the information taught.

11. What will you do to bring closure to the lesson? How will you summarize
this lesson and preview the lesson that will follow? (2 points)

To close the lesson I will remind kids of what we learned today. I will than tell
them tomorrow will we learn multiplying by 10.

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