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Grand Jury Initiative – Oral Arguments In 9th Circuit Court – December 5th, 2023 – Portland, Oregon

Grand Jury Team – Led By Dr. Henry Ealy, Senator Dennis Linthicum, Senator Kim Thatcher
Lead Attorney – Steve Joncus, ESQ
All court documents, peer-reviewed papers and graphics available on

Situation Overview

• Over $4.5 Trillion has been stolen from US Taxpayers in the largest Racketeering Enterprise in
world history brought to you by the WHO, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, WEF,
John's Hopkins University, and China. Executed by elected and appointed officials in the US who
we allege are guilty of treason, criminal data fraud, and explicit willful misconduct in the
construction of this murder for profit scandal.

• Even underreported by a factor of 5 to 30 times, there are still 1.6 Million reports in VAERS for
injuries caused by the damn shots. Currently, 36,501 people have died after getting these damn
shots (190 of them were children under 18). 8,923 people died within 48 hours of getting the
damn shot. And this doesn’t account for an inconvenient fact…if the person died after their
initial VAERS report, the CDC/NVSS criminal enterprise does not have to update the death
count to include them as of 2011.

• How many more of our loved ones have to die before their violations of federal laws, criminal
data fraud and willful misconduct are thoroughly investigated by a Grand Jury on behalf of We
The People and the perpetrators are held to account for their crimes against humanity?

• We can explain with ease which laws were broken by which people and how the entire
racketeering enterprise was fully constructed by April 7, 2020. More people have died from the
damn shots than from the lab engineered viral bioweapon and we can prove this fact to the
American people and people all around the world as well.

Major Timeline (There’s A Lot More)

• March 12, 2020 - Dr. Ealy begins tracking all COVID Case, Hospitalization & Fatality Data in U.S. &
Abroad on a daily basis.

• March 24, 2020 - CDC & NVSS go rogue and modify Death Certificate Recording exclusively for
COVID fatalities without notifying the Federal Register for Public Comment & Executive Branch
Oversight. In doing so, we allege the CDC violated at least 3 Federal Laws, the Administrative
Procedures Act (APA), the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), & the Information Quality Act (IQA).

• March 26, 2020 - HHS takes corruption baton from with CDC and erects system of
Medicare/Medicaid Insurance Fraud based upon highly subjective diagnosis of COVID (See April
6, 2020). HHS coerces hospital and medical professional compliance by financially incentivizing
COVID diagnosis in excess of normal reimbursement for similar infectious disease. Senator Dr.
Scott Jensen exposes malfeasance with ventilator Medicare/Medicaid insurance
reimbursements. Medicare/Medicaid Insurance Fraud forms major portion of
misappropriation of at least $3.5 Trillion Dollars of U.S. Taxpayer Funds as of March 2022.
COVID misappropriation has now elevated to $4.5 Trillion Dollars of U.S. Taxpayer Funds as of
November 2023. ***For comparison, the U.S. federal government typically allocates a maximum
of $25.3 Billion dollars for infectious diseases with similar recovery rates across all demographics
as currently reported by the CDC for COVID.***

• April 7, 2020 - DEBORAH BIRX, WHITE HOUSE PRESS BRIEFING confirms RICO Enterprise Fraud
Apparatus is fully operational: “So, I think in this country we’ve taken a very liberal approach to
mortality. And I think the reporting here has been pretty straightforward over the last five to six
weeks. Prior to that when there wasn’t testing in January and February that’s a very different
situation and unknown. There are other countries that if you had a preexisting condition and
let’s say the virus caused you to go to the ICU and then have a heart or kidney problem some
countries are recording as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a COVID-19 death. Right now
we are still recording it and we will I mean the great thing about having forms that come in and a
form that has the ability to market as COVID-19 infection the intent is right now that those if
someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.”

• October 12, 2020 - COVID Research Team led by Dr. Ealy publishes law-reviewed and peer-
reviewed manuscript alleging criminal data fraud by CDC. Our research indicates that COVID
Death Certificates were fraudulently hyperinflated by 88.6 to 94.0% as a result of the CDC
breaking 3 federal laws.

• March 23, 2021 - COVID Research Team led by Dr. Ealy publishes 2nd peer-reviewed manuscript
alleging criminal data fraud & challenging the supposed Safety & Efficacy of the EUA-approved
gene modification shots.

o Executive Summaries of the Following Topics can be reviewed from pages 6 – 20.

o The Fallacy of Asymptomatic Transmission

o The Fraud of PCR Testing
o Violations of Federal Law
o How Inaccurate Projection Models Created A Global Panic
o How Early Treatment Suppression Violated Standards of Medical Ethics
o Serious Problems With The Biologic Clinical Trials
o Argument In Favor Of Personal Injury Civil Litigation
o Argument In Opposition To Mandates
o Argument That An Emergency No Longer Exists

• March 7, 2022 - Dr. Ealy, Senator Thatcher & Senator Linthicum file a 63-page Grand Jury Petition
in 9th Circuit Federal Court with over 1000 pages of exhibits to substantiate allegations of
criminal data fraud and willful misconduct. In Grand Jury Petition, Rochelle Walensky (CDC-
Biden), Xavier Becerra (HHS-Biden), Robert Redfield (CDC-Trump), Alex Azar (HHS-Trump), and
Brian Moyer (NVSS-Trump & Biden) are named as defendants.

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Henry Ealy – Asymptomatic Transmission, Natural Treatments, Criminal Data Fraud & Willful

Senators Linthicum & Thatcher – What’s Going On In Government & How The DOJ Has Obstructed

Steve Joncus ESQ - The Law and Willful Misconduct

Kelly Mordechai & Judge Paul Nally - Grand Jury Education

Keith Wilkins - RICO & Enterprise Fraud

John Beaudoin - Death Certificate Analysis

Albert Benavides – VAERS Analysis

Martha - How to submit a FOIA

Brian O’ Shea – Eco Health, Peter Dazsak, Where ‘they’ are going with OneHealth

Mike Zarzano - Florida Grand Juries, How He Got Them Impaneled, Updates

Bill Ogden - County Grand Juries and how to get involved in your community

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