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United Church of Christ in the Philippines

Middle Luzon Jurisdictional Area/Manila North Conference

Marcela Church of Christ (Disciples)

143 Marcela Village 2, Brgy. F.Homes-MUlawin, CSJDM, Bulacan

First Council meeting EY 2023-2024

June 11, 2023

The meeting was held at the church sanctuary with an Opening Prayer by the Vice Chairperson, Eljo
Francisco at 12:30 in the afternoon.

Attendance Present Absent

1. Chairperson Marilyn Palma 1. Auditor Eunice Dessa Daoa

2. Vice Chairperson Eljo Francisco 2. Fin. Secretary Krishia Anne Gatus
3. Secretary Consorcia Hayo 3. Deacon Charlie Andrew Gatus
4. Treasurer Katherine Joy Pangilinan 4. CWA President Maricel Manuel
5. Elder Dolores Manuel 5. CYF President Arnel Singabol
6. Elder Ernesto Pangilinan
7. Elder Evelyn Francisco
8. Deacon Estrella Geron
9. Deacon Violeta Dela Rosa
10. CEN Jenilyn Pangilinan
11. CEN Carlo Rafael Fernandez
12. CEN Gemma Toribio
13. UCM President Miguel Camposano Jr.
14. Administrative Pastor Rev. Sammuel Salen
15. Voluntary Worker DM Herminia Salen

The following was recognized: Justine Rene Fernandez as the new CYF President; Evelyn Francisco as
CWA representative since the President Maricel Manuel is absent and Ernesto Pangilinan as the new
UCM President, because Miguel Camposano Jr is now a Lay Minister. Vice Chairperson Eljo Francisco
presided since The Chairperson, Mariyn Palma is not feeling well.

Presentation Of Agenda

Motion #1 It was moved by Elder Dolores Manuel and seconded by UCM President Ernesto Pangilinan
that the presented Agenda be accepted.

Motion #2 To promote punctuality and discipline it was unanimously approved that we set the
Official Time of Council Meeting from 12:30 to 5: 00 in the afternoon.

Motion #3 It was moved by CEN Member Gemma Toribio and duly seconded by Elder Evelyn
Francisco that the presented Agenda be approved.
Minutes of the Meeting

Motion #4 It was moved by CEN Member Gemma Toribio and seconded by LM Miguel Camposano
that the Minutes of the Meeting dated February 19, 2023 be accepted.


1. As to the approved motion that the church will buy a new laptop, will wait for the report of CEN.
2. The Pastor, Rev. Sammuel Salen was advised by the Chairperson, Marilyn Palma, that during the
“Pagbabalita” recognized CRO’s and Committees do the sharing of respective concerns and he
3. That the Financial report of CSRD till April of 2023 be posted at the bulletin board, ASAP

Motion #5 It was moved by Elder Evelyn Francisco and seconded by UCM President Ernesto
Pangilinan that the Minutes of the meeting be approved.

Minutes of the Meeting dated February 26, 2023

Motion #6 It was moved by CYF President Justine Rene Fernandez and seconded by the Treasurer
Katherine Joy Pangilinan that the Minutes of the meeting be accepted.


Christian Stewardship and Resource Development Committee (CSRD)

1. Still no report on tithers, building fund and IGP, No Annual budget in the folders yet, Financial
Report not yet posted on the Bulletin board.

Christian Education and Nurture (CEN)

1. Materials and Schedule of Vacation Church School will depend upon the Schedule of the Manila
North Conference (MNC)

Solicitation Letter for Church Building

1. The Solicitation letter had been revised and ready for presentation to the Congregation.

There was a suggestion that reports and minutes of the meeting be prepared in Tagalog.

Motion #7 It was moved by CYF President Justine Fernandez and duly seconded by CEN Chairperson
Jenilyn Pangilinan that reports and minutes of the meeting be prepared in English but be explained in

Motion #7a It was moved by the Chairperson Marilyn Palma and seconded by the UCM President that
the Minutes of the meeting dated February 26, 2023 be approved.

Minutes of the Meeting dated April 2, 2023

Motion #8 It was moved by Deacon Violeta Dela Rosa and Seconded by Elder Evelyn Francisco that
the Minutes of the Meeting be accepted.
There was a discussion regarding the number of departments in the Sunday School. Younger
Elementary, Middle Elementary, Older Elementary, CYF, CYAF, Adult. But due to the unavailability of
place for each Department, the following will be implemented: Joint Younger and Middle Elementary;
joint Older Elementary and Younger CYF; Older CYF, CYAF and adult.

Fifty thousand (php50,000.00) grant for church building

Because of the urgency, the Pastor, Rev. Sammuel Salen suggested that the Council discuss this part of
his report. It was unanimously approved that the Church will avail of this grant.

Council members are advised to have lunch right after the Worship service since food is ready.

Next meeting is on June 25, 2023, 12:00 noon to 7pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 in the afternoon with a closing prayer.

Certified true and correct by,

Consorcia C. Hayo


Noted by,

Marilyn Palma Rev. Sammuel Salen

Chairperson Administrative Pastor

Continuation of First Church Council Meeting for EY 2023-2024

June 25, 2023


Present Absent

1. Chairperson Marilyn Palma !. Financial Secretary Krishia Ann Gatus

2. Secretary Consorcia Hayo 2. CEN Carlo Rafael Fernandez
3. Treasurer Kathrine Joy Pangilinan 3. Deacon Charlie Andrew Gatus
4. Auditor Eunice Dessa Dao 4. CYF President Justine Rene Fernandez
5. Elder Dolores Manuel
6. Elder Evelyn Francisco Late
7. Elder Ernesto Pangilinan
8. Deacon Estrella Geron 1. Vice Chairperson Eljo Francisco

9. Deacon Violeta Dela Rosa 2. DM Herminia Salen

10. CWA President Maricel Manuel

11. CEN Jenilyn Pangilinan
12. CEN Gemma Toribio
13. LM Miguel Camposano Jr
14. Adm. Pastor Rev. Sammuel Salen

Christian Education and Nurture

Vacation Church School

That CEN will look for teacher who will attend the Vacation Churach school, Teacher’s Training
and will submit the list on July 7, 2023. However, VCS will be conducted not as scheduled by Mnaila
North Conference, but will be conducted later.

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