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Blokkrig WEAPONS: Dagger, staff; ARMOR: None LANGUAGES: Celestial, Common, Diabolic, Goblin, Reptilian, Sylvan

Goblin: KEEN SENSES: Can't be surprised.

Wizard: LEARNING SPELLS: You can learn a wizard spell from a scroll with
DC 15 INT check
11 +0 12 +1 Goblin Wizard: WIZARD SPELLCASTING: To cast a Wizard spell, roll 1d20+1 vs a DC
equal to 10 + the spell's tier.

Wizard-1: SPELL MASTERY: Gain advantage when casting Sleep

SPELLS: Magic Missile (ADV), Protection from Evil, Sleep (ADV)

7 -2 11 +0 Wizard

16 +3 9 -1 1 0 10

49 5
4 8 Dagger

Flint and steel Backpack

Bag of coins (54)

Neutral Oil, flask


DAGGER: +0 (N), 1d4 (FIN) Rope, 60'

MAGIC MISSILE (Tier 1, Wizard), DC 11 to cast (always cast with advantage)
Duration: Instant
Range: Far
You have advantage on your check to cast this spell.
A glowing bolt of force streaks from your open hand, dealing 1d4 damage to one target.

PROTECTION FROM EVIL (Tier 1, Wizard), DC 11 to cast

Duration: Focus
Range: Close
For the spell's duration, chaotic beings have disadvantage on attack rolls and hostile spellcasting checks against the target. These beings also
can't possess, compel, or beguile it.
When cast on an already possessed target, the possessing entity makes a CHA check vs. the last spellcasting check. On a failure, the entity is

SLEEP (Tier 1, Wizard), DC 11 to cast (cast with advantage due to Spell Mastery)
Duration: Instant
Range: Near
You weave a lulling spell that fills a near-sized cube extending from you. Creatures in the area of effect fall into a deep sleep if they are LV 2
or less.
Vigorous shaking or being injured wakes them.

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