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Characterizing Diamonds with FT-IR Spectroscopy

Characterizing Diamonds with FT-IR

Sponsored by Bruker Optics Mar 13 2019

Diamonds are among the world’s most popular gemstones. Also, many industrial
applications use diamonds in large quantities.

The high price for diamond motivates people to purchase cheaper material resembling the
appearance of a diamond, for example, synthetic Moissanite or cubic Zirconia. The value of
a real diamond however is based on its size, shape, and color. Specific colors yield higher
prices, yet special treatments like high pressure high temperature (HPHT) can change the
natural color of certain types of diamonds.

FTIR spectroscopy is a proven method to differentiate between authentic diamonds and

counterfeits, to determine the type of a diamond (Ia, Ib, ... IIb), and to verify whether a
diamond has been HPHT treated or not.

Traditional FTIR technology used for gemstone analysis includes sophisticated research
grade spectrometers equipped with a delicate beam condenser and a liquid nitrogen cooled
MCT*-Detector. A very suitable, cost-efficient and compact alternative is an FTIR solution
based on the portable and robust ALPHA II spectrometer equipped for diffuse reflection

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Characterizing Diamonds with FT-IR Spectroscopy

Figure 1. Bruker Optics ALPHA II with diffuse reflection accessory and sample tray

The ALPHA II features:

Small footprint (20 x 30 cm)

Robust instrument, confidence in results
Universal use (portable)
Touchscreen operation (no additional PC necessary)
Full sampling flexibility (solids, powders, liquids, gases)
Easy operation, no liquid nitrogen needed
Affordable price

To assess diamonds, the “diffuse reflectance” method has been proven to be a simple and
reliable measurement technique. It involves collecting differently scattered light from the
sample over a large solid angle and shows significant advantages compared to
transmission measurements.

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Characterizing Diamonds with FT-IR Spectroscopy

Figure 2. Principle of diffuse reflectance measurement.

In these cases, transmission measurements are particularly cumbersome because the

beam condenser and sample must be precisely aligned or positioned. Also, the lower light
flux here often necessitates the use of a more sensitive liquid nitrogen cooled detector. This
is no the case for DRIFT measurements.

Measurement Procedure
The FTIR analysis of gemstones using the ALPHA II involves a very easy sampling
procedure. Once the background measurement is done with the included reference gold
sample, the gemstone is positioned in the sampling cup. Brilliants are typically placed on
their flat side in the central position of the sample holder. Stones with lower symmetry (e.g.
oval) are orientated with their long axis along the sample holder bar. Irregularly shaped
rough diamonds might have to be turned a few times until a high-quality spectrum is
obtained. The sampling cup height including the stone is adjusted using a turning knob to
focus the IR beam on the surface of the sample. The maximal signal intensity reflects the
best sample position.

Subsequently, the spectrum of the sample is acquired for about 30 seconds. The spectrum
collected is then compared with reference spectra of certain diamond types and/or
counterfeits for data evaluation in order to confirm whether the diamond sample is authentic
and to identify its class, respectively.

FT-IR Spectra of Diamond

Some typical FTIR spectra of diamonds are shown in Figure 3. The broad absorption
between the wavelength range of 1800-2700 cm-1 is because of the carbon itself. The

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Characterizing Diamonds with FT-IR Spectroscopy

sharp absorption band observed at 3100 cm-1 represents the hydrogen content, whereas
the spectral region between the 1500 and 1000 cm-1 includes the absorption from the

Figure 3. Mid-infrared spectra of diamonds.

Diamond or Fake?
Synthetic Moissanite (SiC) and cubic Zirconia (ZrO2) are the most commonly known
diamond counterfeits. Zirconia can be easily detected by the commonly used “thermal pen
test” but Moissanite could pass as a diamond because its thermal characteristics are too
similar to that of the diamond. Other identification methods are based on several
consecutive tests that can only be performed by experienced gemologists.

FTIR allows even inexperienced operators to distinguish the mentioned materials. The IR
spectra of diamond, Zirconia and Moissanite are illustrated in Figure 4 and the differences
between these specific spectral patterns are very clear.

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Characterizing Diamonds with FT-IR Spectroscopy

Figure 4. FT-IR spectra of a diamond and different imitations.

Which Type of Diamond?

Diamonds, in general, are classified into type I and II where type II does not contain any
measurable traces of nitrogen (N). The subtypes include:

Type Ia --> Diamond with aggregated N

Type Ib --> Diamond with isolated N (often synthetic)
Type IaA --> Diamond with groups of 2 N’s
Type IaB --> Diamond with groups of 4 N’s
Type IIa --> Diamond without N or Boron
Type IIb --> Diamond with Boron (blue or gray)

Type IIa and type IaB, which are often brown or gray color, are of special interest as they
can be converted to pink or colorless by appropriate HPHT treatment. The value of these
diamonds increases significantly due to these color changes. The differentiation between
type I and II is clear because only the spectra of type I diamonds show the absorption
features of nitrogen between 1450 cm-1 and 1000 cm-1.

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Characterizing Diamonds with FT-IR Spectroscopy

Figure 5 shows the characteristic differences of type Ib and IaB. The peaks at 1136 cm-
1and 1344 cm-1 are typical for disperse monoatomar nitrogen and therefore type Ib. The
absorbance at 1172 cm-1 is typical for the “B-centers” of 4 nitrogen atoms and therefore
type IaB [1].

Figure 5. FTIR spectra of different diamond types.

Since synthetic diamonds are typically of type Ib, the nitrogen peak at 1344 cm-1 is
assigned to be indicative for synthetic diamond.

Very compact and robust FT-IR spectrometer like Bruker Optics ALPHA can be a valuable
instrument in the gemological laboratory. The “diffuse reflectance” technique seems to be
the most universal and easiest method used for gemstone analysis. FTIR spectroscopy
also holds potential for use in other fields in gemology, for example, differentiating synthetic
emeralds or lead glass treated rubies from their natural counterparts.

* FTIR Fourier Transformation Infra-Red

* MCT Mercury Cadmium Telluride; infrared sensitive detector

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Characterizing Diamonds with FT-IR Spectroscopy

P. Thongnopkun, S. Ekgasit; FT-IR Spectra of faceted diamonds and diamond simulants;
Diamond & Related Materials 14 (2005) 1592 - 1599

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by
Bruker Optics.

For more information on this source, please visit Bruker Optics.

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Characterizing Diamonds with FT-IR Spectroscopy

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Characterizing Diamonds with FT-IR Spectroscopy

Bruker Optics, part of the Bruker Corporation is one of the world’s leading manufacturer and
worldwide supplier of Fourier Transform Infrared, Near Infrared and Raman spectrometers.

Bruker entered the field of FTIR spectroscopy in 1974. The early instruments set new
standards in research FTIR with evacuable optics, high resolution and automatic range
change. Since then, the product line has been continuously expanding with instruments
suitable for both analytical and research applications with exceptional performance

Today, Bruker Optics offers complete technical solutions for various markets which cover a
broad range of applications in all fields of research and development as well as industrial
production processes for the purpose of ensuring quality and process reliability.

Bruker Optics’ R&D and manufacturing center is located in Ettlingen, Germany, technical
support centers and sales offices are located throughout Europe, North and South America,
Asia, India, Middle East and Africa.

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