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Project: Play space Renovation

NPO PROJECT MANAGER Qinghan Gao Build DAY : 85 Plan Duration

TASK START DURATIO DATE April 3-April 9 April 10-April 16
DAY N DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Video or In-person
Verify task1-3 details 1 1 100%
Prepare the playground
1 2 4 The CP
Check the flatness Email or Video
8 5 100%
condition conference

Video or In-person
2 Perform soil tests 8 5 The CP Check the soil condition 15 5 100%

Check the utility Video or In-person

3 Perform utility checks 8 5 The CP 15 5 100%
condition meeting

Apply for a construction

4 15 26 The CP Check on progress All of three 12 36 70%

Purchase commercial
The CP and The
5 liability insurance and get 15 26 Check on progress All of three 12 36 100%
the proof

Fundraise portion of The CP and The

6 36 19 Check on progress All of three 33 29 50%
equipment costs FP

Identify community
The CP and The
7 resources to prepare in-kind 64 12 Check on progress All of three 64 12 0%

Recruit volunteers and The CP and The

8 43 26 Check on progress All of three 40 32 0%
finalize the list FP

Sign the contract and

Purchase playground The FP and The Video or In-person
9 64 5 negotiate transaction’s 64 5 0%
equipment PV meeting

Meeting for Build Week Video or In-person

78 5 0%
work details meeting
10 Install playground equipment 85 4 All three partners

Check on progress In-person meeting 85 4 0%

Safety monitoring and The CP and The Repair and maintenance Email or Video
11 92 60 92 60 0%
maintenance of site PV services conference
Communication duration %Communication Complete STAKEHOLDERS: CP FP PV

April 17-April 23 April 24-April 30 May 1-May 7 May 8-May 14 May 15-May 21 May 22-May 28 May 29-July 4 July 5-July 11 July 12-July 18 July 19-July 25 July 26-June 2

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93

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The project and communication table present the time schedule for 11 tasks and
communication arrangements in each task in form of a Gandhi chart. The Gandhi table
comprises two main parts. The first part records specific content on the left, and the second
part visualizes the time bar on the right. This project spans 90 days, beginning on April 3rd
and concluding on July 2nd. The construction week is scheduled to start on day 85, June 26th.

The left part includes the following:

1. Task: The 11 main tasks in the play space renewal project sequentially.
2. Plan start: The number of days until a specific task begins.
3. Plan duration: The planned duration of a task.
4. Stakeholders and team: The CP, The FP, The PV.
5. Communication activity: The primary content of pointer communication in a given task.
6. Communication method: The medium and method of communication in a specific task,
mainly categorized into three types:Email, video conference, in-person conference.
7. Communication start: The planned start time of the communication task.
8. Communication duration: The planned duration of the communication.
9. Communication complete: The degree of completion of the communication task.

The right section displays the number of days, weeks, and associated dates marked above for
a 90-day project, with attached legends for reference. Here are some details for
communication schedules.

Preparatory meeting
For most of the tasks, we hold a communication meeting with the stakeholders on the Friday
of the week prior to the start of the task. We mainly aim to confirm the content and schedules’
details of the next task. Before build week, we’ll even take a week out to communicate with
stakeholders and volunteers. All parties are well prepared for the work and potential risks
during the build week.

Adequate time for task delivery

For tasks that require the submission of certificates or permits, we will set aside the next week
for partners to organize the documents and make the assignment delivery after the assignment

Full communication in each task

Checking progress can be accomplished in a variety of ways: email, in-person meetings and
video conferencing. During the task, we will send an email to the organizer on the Friday of
each week to confirm the progress of the week and the expected progress for the following
week. We will hold video or in-person meetings every two weeks. The format of the meeting
depends on the progress of the task and the difficulties encountered.
Playspace Renovation project

TO: Dr. Shuwen Li, Instructor

From: Qinghan Gao, Student
Date: NOV 9, 2023
SUBJECT: Reflections on Second Draft of Communication Schedules

This memo comes mainly to explain the main reflections on second draft of
communication schedules. There are two main changes. The first is additional explain
and that I refined some of the header notes and explanations in the table. The second
is that I've included more explanation after the table to help its readers understand it.

Table headers for more precise presentation

I changed the planned start time for each task from "Plan Start" to "Plan Start Day". I
also added a header label in front of the number of days in the project.

More detailed explanation

I have explained the contents of each column in the table. And explained the logical
relationship of the bars on the right to the text on the left and the associated numbers

I hope you can review my memo and offer me feedback.

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