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Academic Reading Skills: Seminar Two

Today, we will look at a section of the book ‘Introduction to Leadership: concepts and
practice’ by Peter Northouse. Please follow the steps below to access the text:

1) Go to the Library website

2) Search for the book title.

3) Click on the eBook link.

4) Go to the section ‘Leadership styles explained’ on p.61.

a) Look at the section ‘Leadership styles explained’ on pp.61-68. Which parts of it would be
useful for our two assessment questions?

 Assessment 1: Seminar Discussion

o Discussion topic- ‘Being a successful leader in business means you must
colloborate, not just tell people what to do.’ To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement?

 Assessment 2: 1500-word Essay

o Essay question- Outline the positives and negatives of autocratic and
democratics leadership styles.

Matthew Bayly English for Academic and Specific Purposes

b) Now, answer the questions below.

Authoritarian Leadership Style

1) What do authoritarian leaders perceive followers as needing?

2) What uncertain or negative circumstances may make authoritarian leadership more


3) How is authoritarian leadership used in some contexts?

4) Summarise the positives of authoritarian leadership.

5) Summarise the negatives of authoritarian leadership.

Democratic Leadership Style

1) How do democratic leaders treat followers?

2) What democratic leaders try to promote?

3) Summarise the positives of democratic leadership.

4) Summarise the negatives of democratic leadership.

Matthew Bayly English for Academic and Specific Purposes

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