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Academic Writing Structure: Seminar Two

a) Look the essay question:

Outline the Benefits and Challenges of using Artificial Intelligence in Business

In this essay question, ‘outline’ is the instruction word. It is asking us to list and describe the
main points relevant to the topic.

What other common instruction words do you think you may find in assignments? List as
many as you can think of below.

Instruction words:

 Outline

Matthew Bayly English for Academic and Specific Purposes

b) Look at the common instruction words below. Can you match them with their meanings?

Analyse Evaluate
Assess Examine
Compare Explain
Contrast Justify
Define Summarise
Describe Identify
Discuss To what extent…

 Give the meaning of something in precise terms.

 Look in close detail at a topic and establish the key facts, issues or points.
 Make a topic clear and understandable or give reasons for something.
 Think about how far you think something is true. You should look at both sides of an
argument and defend your judgment on the issue.
 Defend your opinion or a point of view.
 Look for differences between two issues.
 Show the key points or the most important point of a topic.
 Split the topic into parts and look in depth into each part. You should look at how the
parts interrelate.
 Provide a detailed explanation on the topic or why/how something happens.
 Outline and think about different viewpoints on a topic.
 How far do you agree with a statement made on the topic? You should show both
sides of the argument but defend your opinion.
 Make a judgment about the worth, effectiveness or value of something.
 Look for similarities between two issues.
 Outline and bring together the main points on a topic.

Matthew Bayly English for Academic and Specific Purposes

c) Alongside an instruction word, assignment questions usually also have a controlling idea
and topic. Look at the essay question:

Outline the Benefits and Challenges of using Artificial Intelligence in Business

‘Outline’ is the instruction word.

‘The Benefits and Challenges’ is the controlling idea.
‘Of using Artificial Intelligence in Business’ is the topic.

Look at the assignment questions below. Can you identify the instruction word; controlling
idea; and topic?

• Evaluate the positives and negatives of performance-focused management style.

• Summarise macroeconomic and microeconomic trends currently relevant to the

European restaurant industry.

• Compare and contrast the effectiveness of two marketing principles used within an

example business.

• Identify four challenges which affect work-place productivity.

• ‘The impact of Covid-19 on the UK tourism industry has been largely negative.’ To

what extent do you agree with this statement?

Matthew Bayly English for Academic and Specific Purposes

d) Look at the question ‘compare and contrast the effectiveness of two marketing

principles used within an example business.’ Imagine you are writing a 1500-word essay to

answer this question. How would you plan your essay? Fill in our plan below.

Introduction: 150 words (10% of word count)

Background information:

Thesis statement:

Body paragraph 1: 300 words

Topic sentence:
Supporting sentences (major and concrete details):

Conclusion sentence:

Body paragraph 2: 300 words

Topic sentence:
Supporting sentences (major and concrete details):

Conclusion sentence:

Matthew Bayly English for Academic and Specific Purposes

Body paragraph 3: 300 words
Topic sentence:
Supporting sentences (major and concrete details):

Conclusion sentence:

Body paragraph 4: 300 words

Topic sentence:
Supporting sentences (major and concrete details):

Conclusion sentence:

Conclusion: 150 words (10% of word count)

Restate thesis:
Summary sentences:

Final remark:

Matthew Bayly English for Academic and Specific Purposes

e) Look at our assessment 2 essay question:

Outline the positives and negatives of autocratic and democratic leadership styles.

How would you plan your essay? Fill in the plan below.

Introduction: 150 words (10% of word count)

Background information:

Thesis statement:

Body paragraph 1: 300 words

Topic sentence:
Supporting sentences (major and concrete details):

Conclusion sentence:

Matthew Bayly English for Academic and Specific Purposes

Body paragraph 2: 300 words
Topic sentence:
Supporting sentences (major and concrete details):

Body paragraph 4: 300 words

Topic sentence:
Supporting sentence:
sentences (major and concrete details):

Body paragraph 3: 300 words

Topic sentence:
Supporting sentences (major and concrete details):
Conclusion sentence:

Conclusion: 150 words (10% of word count)

Restate thesis:
Summary sentences:
Conclusion sentence:

Final remark:

Matthew Bayly English for Academic and Specific Purposes

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