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Academic Writing Structure: Seminar One

a) For assessment 2, you will need to write an essay. All essays have an introduction
paragraph; body section; and conclusion paragraph. What do you think these things
should include and what is their purpose? Discuss with a partner and add notes to the table

Introduction paragraph

Body section

Conclusion paragraph

Matthew Bayly English for Academic and Specific Purposes

b) Look at the short essay below. It answers the question ‘Outline the benefits and

limitations of online banking for businesses.’ Its paragraphs are in the incorrect order. Can

you place them in the correct order? How did you work out which order to put them in?

Research has suggested possible benefits for businesses to bank online. Firstly, utilising online
payments for business transactions may be more efficient than traditional transaction methods.
Indeed, American Express (2020) states that paying bills via the internet may be one of the top
advantages of online banking because it is a quick and generally simple process. Similarly,
convenient access to banking procedures is another positive of online banking for businesses,
especially for multi-national businesses. Here, Gildersleve and Christopher (2021) claim that the
relative availability of internet access worldwide allows for global businesses to operate their
banking systems more efficiently by adopting online banking. Moreover, there might also be
financial benefits for businesses to bank online. For example, Martins (2022) concludes that savings
accounts with online banks have higher interest rates and American Express (2020) argues that
charges made for banking are often reduced for online-only banks. Overall, it may appear that there
are positives for businesses to bank online.

Currently, there has been debate amongst researchers on the role online banking should play in
business. Online banking has been defined as ‘the use of the internet to conduct financial
transactions’ (Bank of England, 2023). Benefits of online banking for businesses have been
identified. It has been argued that online banking is more efficient and convenient than traditional
banking methods, allowing businesses to have a global reach and also reap financial benefits.
However, others have outlined limitations to online banking use for businesses. Here, it has been
suggested that companies still need access to physical banks to perform certain services, with online
banking services often having to be initiated within a physical bank branch and with the suitability of
online banking for smaller businesses who deal primarily in cash being questioned. Therefore, this
essay will outline both the positives and potential drawbacks of online banking in business.

Matthew Bayly English for Academic and Specific Purposes

However, despite the evidence outlined above, there may be several limitations to online
banking which are applicable for business. Firstly, businesses still generally need physical access
to banks in order to conduct some services. For example, both Natter (2019) and Martins (2022)
show that businesses may have to interact physically with bank staff to conduct multiple tasks
such as initial account openings; solving any banking problems; and accessing expert advice.
Similarly, many banking services that can be conducted online still need to be opted into within a
physical branch location. Here, American Express (2020) has questioned the suitability of online
banking for all business tasks, suggesting that companies cannot comprehensively conduct all
activities purely online. Moreover, online banking may not be wholly suitable for smaller
businesses which deal primarily in cash. According to Jones (2019) online banking facilities may
not meet the needs of all businesses, with smaller companies, primarily operating in cash, still
needing access to physical banks. In summary, there seems to be multiple reasons why online
banking may not be wholly beneficial for businesses.

Overall, this essay has outlined the benefits and limitations of online banking for businesses. It
has suggested that several positives can be identified. For example, online banking may be more
efficient for businesses, also perhaps being more convenient and aiding the running of
multinational companies. In addition, businesses may also gain financial benefits from banking
online such as higher interest rates on savings accounts and lower bank charges. Despite this,
possible limitations to online banking for business have also been outlined. Here, the importance
of physical bank branches for certain banking and financial tasks has been stressed. Additionally,
the suitability of online banking for smaller companies, particularly those trading in cash, has
been queried. All in all, the aptness of online banking for business depends widely on individual
company needs, with the benefits and limitations outlined in this essay providing material for

Matthew Bayly English for Academic and Specific Purposes

c) Introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs need certain components. Look at the
components below and decide which type of paragraph they should go in.

 Major detail sentence: this presents an idea or factor relevant to the topic of the paragraph
and question.

 Hook sentence: this is one sentence which introduces the topic of writing and grabs the
reader’s attention.

 Conclusion sentence: this provides a short summary of the main focus or topic of the

 Thesis statement sentence: this tells the reader what the focus of writing is in one or two

 Final remark sentence: this gives a final judgment on the focus of writing.

 Concrete detail sentence: this gives academic evidence to support a major detail sentence.

 Background sentences: these provide any information the reader needs to know to
understand your writing, such as any definitions of key terms and an overview of points to
be covered.

 Summary sentences: these summarise the most important points made.

 Topic sentence: this introduces the focus or topic of the paragraph.

 Restate the thesis statement: this reminds the reader what the focus of the writing was.

Matthew Bayly English for Academic and Specific Purposes

d) Now look again at the sample essay paragraphs from question b. Can you identify the
components discussed in question c?

e) Within academic writing, we use transitional language (firstly; secondly; however) at the
beginning of sentences and paragraphs to show the direction of our argument.

Look again at the paragraphs from question b:

 Identify transitional language used.

 Add the transitional language to the table below.
 Think of more transitional language and add it to the table below.

To add a new point

To add a similar

To introduce
evidence and

To add a contrasting

Matthew Bayly English for Academic and Specific Purposes

To conclude and

f) Now, choose suitable transitional language to complete the paragraph below.

Although the study conducted by Hancock (2003) has proved beneficial for understandings of how
international students find studying at university in the UK, both Martin (2006) and Smyth (2007)
have discussed examining its results in more detail. __________, These authors advise reviewing
Hancock’s conclusions, emphasising that many of the problems faced by international students in
adapting to studying at university are also shared by British students. __________ research has often
been expected to show a large difference in the academic writing style of international and British
students; ___________ Thompson’s (2004)conclusions disagree and recommended teaching
academic study skills to British and international students in joint classes. ______________,
studying together not only benefits academic skills for all students but allows better personal
relationships to be developed between international and British students, allowing foreign students
have a more positive experience when studying abroad. ______________, attendance data showed
that international students decided to attend academic study skill classes more often when taught
together with British students. ______________, research may suggest that changing teaching
habits at university has positive results for learners; ____________, Thompson (2004, 24) stated that
‘we hope to see a marked improvement in international student satisfaction if the results of the
study are implemented.’ __________, learning to adapt to all students’ needs, whether international
or domestic, will help improve study within British universities.

Matthew Bayly English for Academic and Specific Purposes

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