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This report contains information gathered comprising observations of four distinct learners.

The report
aims to provide an in-depth understanding of a specific child's profile, behaviour, strengths, areas of
improvement, learning style, response to teaching approaches, and recommendations. Additionally,
recommendations for tailored interventions and strategies to optimize learning outcomes for these four
learners are presented.

Child Profile


Name of learner: Atonkoya Richlove

Class: Basic Eight

Language: Frafra and English

Town: Bolga

Guidian: Atonkoya Benedicta

Occupation: Petty trader

Relationship with learner: Auntie

Child Behaviour

Richlove exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom and appears well rested and ready for
each day’s activities. She is regarded as one of the neatest and most clean learner in the class. She
posses strong verbal communication skills when engaging in group discussions.

Strengths of learner

Richlove is very intelligent and is one of the best pupils in class. He thinks logically and critically about

learner area of improvement

She finds it difficult to write and answer questions correctly in class due to her bad handwriting skills.
Her notes are always incomplete since she is unable to use the muscles of her hands and fingers
learning style

kinesthetic learner

learner response to teaching and learning approaches

She responds positively to kinesthetic teaching approaches. Her engagement in activities that require
physical movement, such as tracing letters or using manipulatives, she had the opportunity to practice
and improve on her handwriting.


1. Encourage the learner to practice handwriting regularly using worksheets or exercises specifically
designed to improve handwriting skills.

2. Provision of adaptive tools or technology. For example, learner can try using pencil grips or weighted
pens to provide better control and stability while writing. Additionally, digital tools like tablets or

3. seeking for professional help. the learner's bad handwriting significantly affects their academic
performance or causes frustration, it may be beneficial to seek professional help.


Name of learner: Ahmed Sakina

Class: Basic Eight

Language: Dagbani and English

Town: Tamale

Parent: Yussif Ahmed

Occupation: Constructor

Relationship with learner: Father

Child Behaviour

Salina is courteous, shows good manners in the classroom and respect for teachers and peers. She has
difficulty in understanding and following verbal instructions. she sometimes isolate herself where her
friends are conversing. and due to her difficult in hearing, she always positioned herself closer to

Strengths of learner

Sharifa is academically good especially in practical subjects like Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.
She is able to think logically and maturely as compared to the other pupils in class. She has a good

learner area of improvement

She performs poorly in dictation and has a problem writing oral notes. Her pronunciation is bad and she
lacks some basic learning materials.

learning style

visual learner

learner response to teaching and learning approaches

Sakina responds positively to visual teaching approaches as she rely on visual cues and information to
understand and learn.


1. Avoiding unnecessary background noise

2. Use objects, photographs, diagrams, facial expressions and gestures to explain what you say

3. Face the learner when talking

4. Supplement speech by writing down important words that are easy to miss.

Name of learner: Addy Benjamin

Class: Basic 7

ALanguage: Bono and English

Town: Berekum

Guidian: Addy Jamila

Occupation: Mobile Money Merchant Relationship with learner: Auntie

Child Behavior

Benjamin exhibited a reserved and introverted behavior during the observation. While quiet, He actively
listens during lessons and seldom disrupt the class. He always dresses badly and has a shabby, unstylish

Strengths of learner

Benjamin has excellent self-discipline and a strong work ethic. He is punctual in completing assignments.
His respect for authority and peers is massive and encouraging.

Areas of Improvement.

Benjamin needs support in strengthening his writing and communication skills.

Learning Style

learning style appears to be primarily auditory. He seems to absorb information effectively when
presented through verbal explanations and discussions.

Child Response to Teaching Approaches

He responds positively to one-on-one discussions and verbal explanations. He shows greater
engagement when teachers use audio-visual aids and interactive discussions. However, he tends to
struggle in subjects that involve extensive writing tasks.


1. Provide additional support and resources for improving his writing and communication skills, such as
extra writing exercises or workshops.

2. Encourage peer collaboration and group activities to help Learner develop his social and
communication skills.

Child Profile


Name of learner: Donkoh Clifford

Class: Basic Seven

Language: Bono and English

Town: Nkoranza

Parent: Ansah Linda

Occupation: Trader

Relationship with learner: Mother

Child Behaviour

Clifford has difficulty with organization and planning. He sometimes struggle to keep track of
assignments and have trouble breaking tasks into smaller steps. He again has trouble with impulse
control, leading to impulsive decision-making or difficulty following rules.
Strengths of learner

Clifford demonstrates exceptional creativity and problem-solving abilities. He likes to do things on his
own. He normally wants to touch objects, feel and use how things are done in the classroom

learner area of improvement

Clifford often struggle to organize materials, regulate emotions, set schedules and stick with tasks. He
misplaces papers and other petty school materials. He problems keeping track of his personal items and
needs to improve

learning style

visual learner and kinesthetic learner's

learner response to teaching and learning approaches

He responds positively to hands-on activities and interactive lessons. He also benefit from additional
support and guidance during independent work.


1. Breaking tasks into smaller and manageable steps

2. Use visual aids or reminders

3. Establish routines, and seek support from counselor.

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