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Journal of Veterinary Behavior 17 (2017) 6e13

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Ovine Research

Effect of multiple environmental stressors on the adaptive capability

of Malpura rams based on physiological responses in a semi-arid
tropical environment
Veerasamy Sejian a, b, c, *, Davendra Kumar a, John B. Gaughan c, Syed M.K. Naqvi a
ICAR-Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar, Rajasthan, India
ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore, India
School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland, Gatton, Queensland, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A 45-day study was conducted where the primary objective was to evaluate the effect of simultaneously
Received 5 July 2016 imposed multiple stressors (thermal, nutritional, and walking) on the adaptive capability of Malpura
Received in revised form rams based on changes in ingestive behavior, physiological, blood biochemical, and endocrine responses.
6 September 2016
Twenty adult Malpura rams (average body weight 44.9 kg) were used in the study. The rams were
Accepted 28 October 2016
Available online 10 November 2016
divided into 2 groups, CON (n ¼ 10; control) and multiple stressors (MS; n ¼ 10; multiple stressors). All of
the rams were stall fed with a diet consisting of 70% roughage and 30% concentrate. The CON rams were
maintained in a shed under ambient conditions with ad libitum feeding without walking, whereas MS
rams were subjected to multiple stressors (thermal, nutritional, and walking). The feed intake (P < 0.01)
cortisol was lower and water intake (P < 0.01) was higher in MS compared to CON rams. Among the physiological
heat stress measurements, respiration rate afternoon (P < 0.01), pulse rate morning (P < 0.01), rectal temperature
Malpura ram afternoon (P < 0.01), skin temperature afternoon (P < 0.05), and both morning and afternoon scrotum
multiple stress temperature (P < 0.01) increased significantly in MS rams. Both hemoglobin (P < 0.05), packed cell
nutritional stress volume (P < 0.01), increased and plasma glucose (P < 0.01) reduced significantly (P < 0.01) in MS as
respiration compared to CON rams. Among the endocrine parameters, the plasma cortisol increased and plasma
thyroxin reduced significantly (P < 0.05) in MS rams. The study indicates that Malpura rams have the
walking stress
capability to adjust their physio-biochemical and endocrine responses to cope with multiple stressors in
a hot semi-arid environment. Furthermore, the study also indicated that respiration rate, rectal tem-
perature, scrotal temperature, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, and cortisol may act as ideal biological
markers for quantifying the impact of multiple stressors in Malpura rams.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction facing animal science is the need to increase production in the

context of climate change. The challenge is exacerbated because
Livestock production can be adversely affected by the detri- high production animals are subjected to greater influences by
mental effects of extreme climatic conditions. Climate change is climatic factors, particularly those raised under tropical conditions
considered to be the major threat to the viability and sustainability (Martello et al., 2010).
of livestock production systems in many regions of the world High ambient temperature affects the ability of sheep to dissi-
(Gaughan et al., 2009). A considerable population of poor people pate body heat, and as a result, respiration rate, body temperature,
depends on animals for food, fiber, income, social status, security, heart beat, and water consumption increase (Marai et al., 2007).
and companionship. Hence, one of the biggest challenges currently Increased body temperature and respiration rate are the major in-
dicators of heat stress in sheep (Al-Haidary, 2004). Furthermore, an
increase in body temperature is usually associated with marked
* Address for reprint requests and correspondence: Veerasamy Sejian, Animal reductions in feed intake, redistribution in blood flow, and changes
Physiology Division, National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Adugodi,
to endocrine functions that will negatively affect the production
Bangalore 560030, India. Tel: þ91-9740726121; Fax: þ91-080-25711420.
E-mail address: (V. Sejian). and reproductive performance of sheep (Marai et al., 2007).
1558-7878/Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
V. Sejian et al. / Journal of Veterinary Behavior 17 (2017) 6e13 7

During stressful conditions, various endocrine responses are Experimental design

invoked in an attempt to improve the biological fitness (reduce the
impact of the stressor) of the individual. The front-line hormones to Twenty adult Malpura rams (2-4 years old) with mean body
overcome stressful situations are glucocorticoids and thyroid hor- weight of 44.9  0.69 kg were used in a 45-day study. The Malpura
mones. The secretion of glucocorticoids is a classic endocrine is a triple purpose, hardy sheep breed, which originated in the arid
response to stress (Kannan et al., 2000). Currently, it appears that and semi-arid areas of Western tropical India. The rams were
glucocorticosteroids provide an initial integrating signal which in divided into 2 groups, CON (n ¼ 10; control) and MS (n ¼ 10;
conjunction with other hormones and paracrine secretions may multiple stresses). The animals were housed in asbestos-roofed,
determine specific behavioral, physiological, and biochemical re- dirt floor sheds 2.4 m high at the center and 1.73 m high at the
sponses in an animal to allow some degree of adaptation when the sides. The 3.66  7.32 m shed has a holding capacity for 100 adult
animal is exposed to different environmental conditions (Wingfield rams. A wire mesh partition was used to hold the experimental
and Kitaysky, 2002). The thyroid gland is one of the most sensitive animals at a stocking density of 3 m2/animal. The 4 sides of the shed
organs of the ambient heat variation (Rasooli et al. 2004). The were covered with open-type wire mesh. The sheep were individ-
appropriate thyroid gland function and the activity of thyroid ually restrained while feeding to determine individual feed and
hormones are considered crucial if the productive performance in water intake. Before the start of the experiment, these animals were
domestic animals is to be maintained (Todini, 2007). When the acclimatized to the restraint. At 9 AM, both groups of rams were
animals suffer due to the heat load, food ingestion is reduced and removed from the shed. The MS rams were subjected to heat and
metabolism slows down, resulting in a hypofunction of the thyroid walking stress, whereas CON rams were housed in a similar adja-
gland (McManus et al., 2009). Hence, measuring metabolic hor- cent shed. The CON rams were maintained in the shed under
mones such as thyroid hormones will give an indication of the ambient conditions (maximum ambient temperature exposed was
mechanisms of adaptation. 38 C) for the 45 days of the study. The CON rams had ad libitum
Sheep in hot semi-arid environment are for the most part reared access to feed and water. The MS rams were subjected to multiple
in extensive systems. The productive potential of sheep in these stressors each day: thermal, walking, and nutritional. For 18 hours
areas is influenced by their exposure to harsh climatic factors of each day, the MS rams were housed in the same shed as the CON
(Sejian et al., 2011). Sheep grazing in this ecological zone faces rams. The first stressor was exposed to outdoor ambient conditions
extreme fluctuations in the quantity and quality of feed on offer for 6 hours each day (10 AM to 4 PM) where the temperature ranged
year round (Martin et al., 2004). However, in the context of climate from 39 C to 44 C. During this 6-hour period, MS animals did not
change, it is not only the heat stress that affects livestock. Other have access to shade, feed, or water. The second stressor was
important environmental stressors include nutritional stress and walking. The MS rams were subjected to walking stress by walking
walking stress which comes about due to the need to walk long them for 14 km. This 14 km was covered in 2 spans. The animals
distances to source adequate feed and water. Most of the produc- took 1 hour and 30 minutes (10 AM to 11:30 AM) to complete 1 span
tivity losses of livestock during the summer are incurred through (7 km) and the second span (7 km) was between 2 PM and 3:30 PM. A
low pasture availability (Sejian et al., 2013). face mask was attached to the rams to prevent them grazing while
Therefore, from climate change perspectives, it is essential to walking. Before start of the experiment, the animals were accli-
study the influence of all the major environmental stresses simul- matized to these face masks (Sejian et al., 2012) to avoid any undue
taneously (Sejian et al., 2013) to understand in depth the adaptive restraining stress. The third stressor was nutritional. Apart from the
capability of the target species, in this case sheep. Gaining this prevention of grazing while walking, the MS rams were only fed at
understanding may pave the way for identification of the ideal 30% of the ad libitum intake of the CON rams.
requirements for sheep to counteract such environmental ex-
tremes. Hence, an attempt has been made in this study to deter- Feed sample analysis
mine the effect of multiple stressors that are simultaneously
imposed on sheep. The primary objective of the study presented All the rams were stall fed a diet consisting of 70% roughage and
here was to evaluate the simultaneous impact of multiple envi- 30% concentrate. The composition of the diet was roughage (Cenchrus
ronmental stressors (thermal, nutritional, and walking) on the ciliaris) and concentrate mixture (barley 65%, groundnut cake 32%,
adaptive capability based on changes in ingestive behavior, physi- mineral mixture 3%, and common salt 1%). Table 1 describes the di-
ology, blood biochemical, and endocrine responses in Malpura etary composition of the feed provided to the sheep. The crude
rams. protein of the feed sample was determined by Kjeldahl technique
(AOAC, 1995). Neutral detergent fiber was determined by the Van
Soest et al. (1991) without sodium sulfite or amylase, whereas acid
Materials and methods

This study was approved by the Central Sheep and Wool Table 1
Research Institute animal ethics committee. The chemical composition, energy, and nutrient contents of the diet provided to the

Nutrient contents Roughage Concentrate

Site of study Ingredients Cenchrus Barley, 650 g/kg; groundnut cake,
ciliaris 320 g/kg; minerals 30 g/kg including
The experiment was carried out at the Central Sheep and Wool 10 g/kg NaCl
Dry matter (%) 92.7 93.3
Research Institute, which is located in the semi-arid region of India
Crude protein (%) 8.4 14.0
at longitude 75 280 E, latitude of 26 260 N at an altitude of 320 m Ether extract (%) 1.9 3.2
above mean sea level. The average annual minimum and maximum Neutral detergent fiber (%) 72.6 48.5
ambient temperature ranges from 6 C to 46 C. The mean annual Acid detergent fiber (%) 54.7 9.0
relative humidity ranges from 20% to 85%. The annual rainfall in this Acid detergent lignin (%) 20 6.23
Digestible energy (MJ) 5.7 12.1
area ranges from 200 to 400 mm with an erratic distribution Metabolizable energy (MJ) 4.7 10.1
throughout the year.
8 V. Sejian et al. / Journal of Veterinary Behavior 17 (2017) 6e13

detergent fiber and acid detergent lignin were determined according maintaining a distance of 5-15 cm. Aim the region where the
to method as described by Robertson and Van Soest (1981). The en- temperature has to be taken, press the button on the device, the
ergy values of the diet are estimated as per the following formulae: temperature is displayed immediately on the screen of the device.
Total digestible nutrient ¼ digestible crude protein/kg þ Sweating rate was recorded at weekly intervals at 2 PM. Sweating
digestible carbohydrate/kg þ 2.25  digestible ether extract ¼ 0.4 rate was measured by method as described by Berman (1957),
kg total digestible nutrient where digestible carbohydrate ¼ (crude based on the time taken for the chromatography paper disc
fiber þ nitrogen free extract). impregnated with cobalt chloride to change color from violet to
Digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) are bright rose.
calculated as per the following formulae: The Hb and PCV were estimated using whole blood samples by
methods as described by Balasubramaniam and Malathi (1992) and
DEðMJ=kgÞ ¼ 18:4096  0:4 ¼ 7:36 Jain (1986), respectively. Plasma glucose (Tietz, 1976) was estimated
using Span diagnostic kits, India as per standard method using the
MEðMJ=kgÞ ¼ 7:36  0:82 ¼ 6:04 UVevisible recording spectrophotometer (UV-160A; Shimadzu
Corporation, Japan). Hormonal parameters such as cortisol
(analytical sensitivity was 10 nM; the intraassay and interassay
coefficient of variations were 5.8 % and 9.2 %, respectively), thyroxin
Climatic data
(T4) (analytical sensitivity 13 nmol/L; intraassay and interassay
coefficient of variations 5.1 % and 8.6 %, respectively), and triiodo-
Table 2 describes the cardinal weather parameters during the
thyronine (T3) (analytical sensitivity 0.1 nmol/L; intraassay and
study period. The minimum and maximum temperatures, dry and
interassay coefficient of variations 3.3% and 8.6%, respectively)
wet bulb temperatures, and relative humidity were measured using
were estimated by radioimmuno assay (RIA) using gamma counter
a digital thermohygrometer (Zeal, London, UK). The weather pa-
(PCeRIA MAS; Stretec, Germany) using RIA kits supplied by
rameters were recorded twice daily at 7 AM and 2 PM.
Immunotech, Marseille Cedex, France.

Blood collection and plasma separation

Data analysis
Blood (5 mL) was collected at 2 PM on day 0, 15, 30, and 45 from
each animal in the CON and MS treatment groups. Blood was The data were analyzed using the general linear model pro-
collected from the jugular vein using 20 gauge-sterilized needles cedure by multivariate analysis of variance which included the ef-
and plastic syringe in tubes with heparin anticoagulant. Plasma was fects of heat stress, nutritional stress, and combined stressors and
separated by centrifugation at 1870 g at room temperature for their interactions. Effect of fixed factors, namely treatment (TRT:
20 minutes. The plasma was then divided into equal aliquots in control [CON] and multiple stressors [MS]) and days (DAY: longi-
microcentrifuge tubes and kept frozen at 20 C until further tudinal time over which experiment was carried out on days 0, 15,
analysis. Plasma samples were used to determine plasma glucose, 30, and 45) and the TRT  DAY interaction of the variables studied
cortisol, triiodothyronine (T3), and thyroxin (T4) concentration. were analyzed. Data were presented as mean  standard error of
the mean, and statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS
Variables studied software, Version 18.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago. The level of statistical
significance was set at P < 0.05.
Feed intake (FI) and water intake (WI) were recorded daily. The
following parameters were measured at 15-day intervals: respira- Results
tion rate (RR), pulse rate (PR), rectal temperature (RT), skin tem-
perature, scrotum temperature, skin sweating rate, scrotum Feed and water intake
sweating rate, hemoglobin (Hb), and packed cell volume (PCV).
Physiological responses were recorded twice daily at 8 AM and 2 PM. The effects of multiple stressors on FI and WI are presented in
The RR (breaths/min) was recorded by counting flank move- Table 3. The FI was lower (P < 0.01) in the MS rams compared with
ments/minute with the help of a stop watch, from a distance of 4- the CON rams on days 15, 30, and 45. Total FI was lower (P < 0.01) in
5 m without disturbing the rams. The PR (beats/min) was the MS rams (29.22  0.36 dry matter intake [DMI] g/wk0.75/day)
measured by palpating the femoral artery. For recording the pulse compared with the CON rams (88.26  0.56 DMI g/wk0.75/day).
rate, rams were restrained gently. The RT (oC) was recorded using However, WI was higher (P < 0.01) in the MS rams (9.37  0.17 L/
a clinical thermometer by inserting the thermometer by 6-7 cm DMI kg/day) compared with the CON rams (3.92  0.06 L/DMI kg/
inside the rectum inclined toward the wall of the rectum. RT was day). Furthermore, DAY influenced both FI and WI (P < 0.01) indi-
recorded by gently restraining the rams. The skin (flank region) cating that the differences between TRT after day 0 persisted over
and scrotum temperatures (oC) were recorded using a noncontact time. In addition, there were significant TRT  DAY effects (P < 0.01)
infrared thermometer (B.S.K. Technologies, Hyderabad, India) by on both FI and WI.

Table 2
Climatological data during study period both inside and outside the shed

Environment Time of recording Minimum Maximum Dry bulb Wet bulb RH (%)
temperature ( C) temperature ( C) temperature ( C) temperature ( C)

Inside the shed Morning (8 AM) 32.41  0.52 33.61  0.33 35.47  0.50 23.15  0.51 35.43  1.47
Afternoon (2 PM) 36.50  0.50 38.25  0.22 42.57  0.45 24.30  0.42 33.14  1.72
Outside the shed Morning (8 AM) 34.33  0.30 35.12  0.37 32.02  0.38 24.45  0.56 40.60  2.36
Afternoon (2 PM) 39.23  0.68 42.58  0.67 41.37  0.79 25.86  0.48 30.21  2.65

RH, relative humidity.

V. Sejian et al. / Journal of Veterinary Behavior 17 (2017) 6e13 9

Table 3
Effect of multiple stresses on feed and water intake in Malpura rams

Attributes Days Treatments Day mean Effects


Feed intake (DMI g/w /day) 15 76.85  0.54 29.26  0.28 53.05  0.41 ** ** **
30 92.32  0.48 28.97  0.43 60.65  0.46
45 95.61  0.65 29.44  0.38 62.52  0.52
Mean 88.26  0.56 29.22  0.36 58.74  0.46
Water intake (L/DMI kg/day) 15 4.72  0.10 9.90  0.09 7.31  0.10 ** ** **
30 3.80  0.05 10.03  0.18 6.92  0.12
45 3.23  0.04 8.18  0.24 5.71  0.14
Mean 3.92  0.06 9.37  0.17 6.65  0.12

CON, control; MS, multiple stresses; TRT, treatment; TRT  DAY, treatment and day interaction.
**P < 0.01.

Physiological responses indicating that the differences between TRT after day 0 persisted
over time. However, TRT  DAY effects only influenced PRM
The effects of multiple stressors on RR, PR, and RT are pre- (P < 0.01).
sented in Table 4. Among the physiological responses, treatment The effects of multiple stressors on the skin and scrotum tem-
influenced respiration rate afternoon (RRA) (P < 0.01), pulse rate perature and sweating rate are presented in Table 5. The treatment
morning (PRM) (P < 0.01), and rectal temperature afternoon influenced skin temperature afternoon (STA) (P < 0.05), scrotum
(RTA) (P < 0.01) between CON and MS groups. The RRA was temperature morning (ScTM) (P < 0.01), and scrotum temperature
higher (P < 0.01) in the MS rams (66.1  2.92 breaths/minute) afternoon (ScTA) (P < 0.01) between CON and MS groups. The STA
compared with the CON rams (58.1  3.92 breaths/minute). was higher (P < 0.05) in the MS rams (39.0  0.3 C) compared with
Similarly, RTA was higher (P < 0.01) in the MS rams (39.1  the CON rams (38.5  0.3 C). Similarly, ScTA was higher (P < 0.01)
0.16 C) compared with the CON rams (38.6  0.24 C). However, in the MS rams (37.7  0.2 C) compared with the CON rams (37.0 
PRM was lower (P < 0.01) in the MS rams (52.5  2.15 beats/ 0.2 C). However, the storm was lower (P < 0.01) in the MS rams
minute) compared with the CON rams (58.1  2.07 beats/min). (33.6  0.2 C) compared with the CON rams (34.1  0.2 C).
Among the physiological responses, DAY influenced RRA (P < Furthermore, DAY influenced STM (P < 0.01), STA (P < 0.01), ScTM
0.01), PRM (P < 0.01), PRA (P < 0.01), and RTA (P < 0.05) (P < 0.01), and ScTA (P < 0.01) indicating that the differences

Table 4
Effect of multiple stresses on respiration rate, pulse rate, and rectal temperature in Malpura rams

Attributes Days Treatments Day mean Effects


RRM (breaths/minute) 0 24.0  1.55 22.8  1.84 23.4  1.70 NS NS NS

15 27.6  3.12 25.6  1.97 26.6  2.55
30 25.7  1.69 20.4  1.51 23.1  1.60
45 22.6  1.89 23.4  1.89 23.0  1.89
Mean 25.0  2.06 23.1  1.80 24.1  1.93
RRA (breaths/minute) 0 56.2  3.99 52.8  4.08 54.5  4.04 ** ** NS
15 57.4  4.13 68.4  2.25 62.9  3.19
30 66.2  4.09 80.6  2.35 73.4  3.22
45 52.6  3.45 62.4  3.01 57.5  3.23
Mean 58.1  3.92 66.1  2.92 62.1  3.42
PRM (beats/minute) 0 62.2  1.65 63.2  1.79 62.7  1.72 ** ** **
15 60.8  2.72 47.8  2.80 54.3  2.76
30 54.4  1.36 46.4  1.48 50.4  1.42
45 54.8  2.53 52.4  2.51 53.6  2.52
Mean 58.1  2.07 52.5  2.15 55.3  2.11
PRA (beats/minute) 0 71.4  1.40 68.6  1.61 70.0  1.51 NS ** NS
15 60.8  2.52 58.8  2.53 59.8  2.53
30 62.4  2.08 62.4  1.36 62.4  1.72
45 60.4  3.29 58.4  2.17 59.4  2.73
Mean 63.8  2.32 62.1  1.92 62.9  2.12
RTM ( C) 0 38.2  0.13 38.0  0.13 38.1  0.13 NS NS NS
15 37.8  0.23 38.0  0.25 37.9  0.24
30 38.2  0.25 38.0  0.28 38.2  0.27
45 38.3  0.34 38.1  0.18 38.2  0.26
Mean 38.1  0.24 38.0  0.21 38.1  0.23
RTA ( C) 0 38.8  0.22 38.9  0.13 38.8  0.18 ** * NS
15 38.5  0.20 39.1  0.19 38.8  0.20
30 38.8  0.24 39.3  0.17 39.1  0.21
45 38.4  0.31 39.1  0.15 38.7  0.23
Mean 38.6  0.24 39.1  0.16 38.9  0.21

CON, control; MS, multiple stresses; NS, nonsignificant; PRA, pulse rate afternoon; PRM, pulse rate morning; RRA, respiration rate afternoon; RRM, respiration rate morning;
RTA, rectal temperature afternoon; RTM, rectal temperature morning; TRT, treatment; TRT  DAY, treatment and day interaction.
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.
10 V. Sejian et al. / Journal of Veterinary Behavior 17 (2017) 6e13

Table 5
Effect of multiple stresses on skin and scrotum temperature and sweating rate in Malpura rams

Attributes Days Treatments Day mean Effects


STM ( C) 0 35.0  0.4 34.9  0.2 34.9  0.3 NS ** **
15 35.7  0.2 35.9  0.2 35.8  0.2
30 38.4  0.2 38.9  0.1 38.7  0.2
45 37.5  0.3 35.9  0.2 36.7  0.3
Mean 36.7  0.3 36.4  0.2 36.5  0.3
STA ( C) 0 37.5  0.4 37.2  0.3 37.4  0.4 * ** NS
15 38.1  0.4 38.8  0.2 38.5  0.3
30 39.3  0.3 40.3  0.3 39.8  0.3
45 39.1  0.2 39.6  0.2 39.3  0.2
Mean 38.5  0.3 39.0  0.3 38.7  0.3
ScTM ( C) 0 33.7  0.1 34.0  0.1 33.8  0.1 ** ** **
15 34.0  0.1 34.2  0.1 34.2  0.1
30 35.6  0.2 35.0  0.3 35.3  0.3
45 32.9  0.3 31.3  0.4 32.1  0.4
Mean 34.1  0.2 33.6  0.2 33.8  0.2
ScTA ( C) 0 39.1  0.3 39.2  0.2 39.1  0.3 ** ** NS
15 38.2  0.2 38.7  0.2 38.5  0.2
30 36.8  0.1 37.7  0.3 37.3  0.2
45 34.1  0.2 35.1  0.2 34.6  0.2
Mean 37.0  0.2 37.7  0.2 37.4  0.2
SSR (g/m2/hour) 0 132.9  18.1 129.26  28.8 131.07  23.5 NS NS NS
15 156.0  28.8 192.40  53.1 174.19  40.9
30 141.1  25.6 167.77  49.0 154.42  37.3
45 80.8  34.5 199.65  50.0 140.21  42.3
Mean 127.68  26.7 172.27  45.2 150.0  36.0
ScSR (g/m2/hour) 0 926.0  164.1 1190.0  176.4 1058.0  170.3 NS NS NS
15 1029.0  144.3 1327.0  162.3 1178.0  153.3
30 975.4  44.6 1136.0  60.9 1056.0  52.75
45 1232.0  163.2 1486.0  89.3 1359.0  126.3
Mean 1040.0  129.1 1285.0  122.2 1163.0  125.7

CON, control; MS, multiple stresses; NS, nonsignificant; ScSR, scrotum sweating rate; ScTA, scrotum temperature afternoon; ScTM, scrotum temperature morning; SSR, skin
sweating rate; STA, skin temperature afternoon; STM, skin temperature morning; TRT, treatment; TRT  DAY, treatment and day interaction.
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.

between TRT after day 0 persisted over time. However, TRT  DAY tropical environments. Studying the effect of simultaneously
effects only influenced (P < 0.01) STM and ScTM. imposed multiple stressors will provide relevant data that can be
used to establish the impact of climate change on livestock pro-
Blood biochemical and endocrine responses duction. The results of the current study have shown that multiple
stressors influence feed intake, water intake, physiological re-
The effects of multiple stressors on blood biochemical and sponses, biochemical, and endocrine responses differently when
endocrine responses are presented in Table 6. Except for T3, all compared to individual stressors in the rams.
blood biochemical and endocrine responses differed significantly Feed and water intakes are the important parameters for
between treatments. Among the blood biochemical responses, establishing the adaptive capability of sheep (Minka and Ayo, 2009;
treatment influenced Hb (P < 0.05), PCV (P < 0.01), and plasma Sejian et al., 2010a). Animals subjected to heat stress attempt to
glucose (P < 0.01) between CON and MS groups. The Hb was higher adapt by reducing their feed intake and increasing their water
(P < 0.01) in the MS rams (11.45  0.53 g/dL) compared with the intake. The significantly lower feed intake and higher water intake
CON rams (10.42  0.51 g/dL). Similarly, PCV was higher (P < 0.01) in the MS group shows the severity of these responses when sheep
in the MS rams (33.19  0.94%) compared with the CON rams (28.74 are exposed to multiple stressors. It is known that when sheep are
 1.96%). However, plasma glucose was lower (P < 0.01) in the MS exposed to high ambient temperatures, their ability to dissipate
rams (42.45  2.13 mg/dL) compared with the CON rams (51.86  body heat is reduced, and this results in an increase in respiration
2.32 mg/dL). Among the endocrine responses, treatment influenced rate, body temperature and consumption of water, and a decline in
plasma cortisol (P < 0.05) and plasma T4 (P < 0.05) between CON feed intake (Marai et al., 2007). Marai et al. (2007) postulated a
and MS groups. The plasma cortisol was higher (P < 0.01) in the MS reason for reduced feed intake in sheep exposed to heat stress. They
rams (25.15  2.53 nmol/L) compared with the CON rams (15.66  explained that exposure to high environmental temperatures
2.57 nmol/L). However, plasma T4 was lower (P < 0.01) in the MS stimulates the peripheral thermal receptors to transmit suppressive
rams (61.05  7.16 nmol/L) compared with the CON rams (78.82  nerve impulses to the appetite center in the hypothalamus, thereby
7.52 nmol/L). Among the blood biochemical and endocrine re- causing a decrease in feed intake. The decrease in feed intake re-
sponses, DAY influenced only the plasma glucose (P < 0.01) indi- sults in less metabolic heat production and this could be viewed as
cating that the differences between TRT after day 0 persisted over an adaptive mechanism. Several studies have stated that exposure
time. However, TRT  DAY effects did not influence any of the blood of sheep to hot environmental conditions induces a marked in-
biochemical or endocrine responses. crease in water turnover, as well as water intake (Monty et al., 1991;
Ismail et al., 1995; Padua et al., 1997). An increase of water intake
Discussion may occur as compensation for a deficit of body water which results
from an increase of evaporation through the respiratory tract and
The study presented here is of practical relevance as occurrences the skin surface (Minka and Ayo, 2009; Darcan et al., 2008).
of multiple stressors are a common phenomenon in semi-arid Furthermore, the significant influence of experimental days in the
V. Sejian et al. / Journal of Veterinary Behavior 17 (2017) 6e13 11

present study and the significant interaction between treatments animal either by a reduction of feed intake, by a reduction in ac-
and experimental days on both feed and water intake indicate the tivity, or both (Al-Haidary, 2004).
ability of these animals to adapt to the cumulative stressful Skin temperature and scrotal temperature showed significant
conditions. variation for treatment, indicating their significance for adaptation
The physiological functions of animals, such as RT, RR, and PR, in sheep. Scrotal temperature was much more reliable in assessing
can favor its survival in a hot climate. Several researchers have the impact of multiple stressors than the skin temperature. This
studied physiological adaptation mechanisms such as RT, PR, and difference could be attributed to the wool coat on the body skin as
RR in small ruminants (Otoikhian et al., 2009; Phulia et al., 2010; compared to scrotal skin. Furthermore, the scrotum is an important
Sejian et al., 2014). In the present study, the significantly higher thermoregulatory organ in sheep (Marai et al., 2007). Hence, scrotal
RR and RT in MS group, when the animals were exposed to mul- temperature has higher significance for assessing the thermo-
tiple stressors during the afternoon when the environmental tolerant capability of sheep. Both skin and the scrotal sweating
temperature was in peak indicate the significance of these 2 pa- rate did not differ between treatments. This suggests that Malpura
rameters for adaptation in Malpura rams. Both RR and RT have rams relied more on respiratory evaporative cooling mechanisms
been shown to be good indicators of thermal stress and may be than the cutaneous evaporative mechanism. This finding was in
used to assess the adversity of the thermal environment (Marai contrast to the previous finding in Malpura ewes where there was a
et al., 2002; Daramola and Adeloye, 2009). Onset and degree of significant effect of multiple stressors on sweating rate (Sejian et al.,
thermal stress in an animal are best reflected by a rise in rectal 2013). Therefore, there may be a sex difference in adaptive mech-
temperature and respiratory dynamics, for example, rapid, anisms in Malpura sheep.
shallow respiration (Al-Haidary, 2004; Marai et al., 2007). The Multiple stressors significantly increased both Hb and PCV. The
significantly lower PR during morning in the present study in- reason for this could be severe hemoconcentration as a result of the
dicates the typical adaptive behavior of desert animals of keeping imposed multiple stressors. Both Hb and PCV are considered to be
themselves cool during the night hours to cope up with the severe good indicators of stress in farm animals (McManus et al., 2009).
heat stress condition during the day time. Furthermore, the Although the animals had ad libitum access to water, the levels of
reduced pulse rate in the MS group may be due to a decrease in the Hb and PCV were higher in the multiple stressors group again
metabolic rate as a result of restricted feeding of this group. This highlighting the additive effects of multiple stressors. Generally,
view was supported by the findings of several investigators who during heat stress, severe dehydration has been reported in live-
have reported that there is a correlation between heart rate and stock, which ultimately leads to increased levels of Hb and PCV
metabolic heat production (Yamamoto and Ogura, 1985; Barkai (Marai et al., 2007; McManus et al., 2009). Furthermore, severe
et al., 2002). Aharoni et al. (2003) suggested that heart rate de- water deprivation in the MS rams during walking stress could have
creases during thermal stress as a general effort by the animal to aggravated the condition. The reduced plasma glucose in the MS
decrease heat production. This reduction could be achieved by the treatment could be attributed to both food deprivations as well as

Table 6
Effect of multiple stresses on blood biochemical and endocrine responses in Malpura rams

Attributes Days Treatments Day mean Effects


Hb (g/dL) 0 10.30  0.39 10.33  0.49 10.32  0.44 * NS NS

15 11.10  0.56 12.11  0.86 11.60  0.71
30 10.01  0.71 12.06  0.38 11.03  0.55
45 10.28  0.37 11.32  0.37 10.80  0.37
Mean 10.42  0.51 11.45  0.53 10.94  0.52
PCV (%) 0 32.00  1.02 33.13  1.00 32.16  1.01 ** NS NS
15 26.95  1.98 31.78  1.44 29.36  1.71
30 28.36  3.07 33.65  0.68 31.00  1.88
45 28.46  1.75 34.20  0.63 31.33  1.19
Mean 28.74  1.96 33.19  0.94 30.97  1.45
Glucose (mg/dL) 0 51.42  2.03 48.22  4.26 49.82  3.15 ** ** NS
15 54.12  1.50 44.37  1.65 49.24  1.58
30 49.02  1.86 35.40  1.22 42.21  1.54
45 52.86  3.90 41.82  1.39 47.34  2.65
Mean 51.86  2.32 42.45  2.13 47.15  2.23
Cortisol (nmol/L) 0 14.19  1.77 15.73  3.87 14.96  2.82 * NS NS
15 18.72  2.02 26.43  2.17 22.57  2.10
30 13.71  3.18 28.39  1.63 21.05  2.41
45 16.02  3.29 30.05  2.45 23.03  2.87
Mean 15.66  2.57 25.15  2.53 20.40  2.55
T3 (nmol/L) 0 1.27  0.28 1.30  0.28 1.29  0.28 NS NS NS
15 1.52  0.24 0.97  0.16 1.25  0.20
30 1.62  0.18 0.99  0.14 1.31  0.16
45 1.46  0.21 1.46  0.21 1.46  0.21
Mean 1.47  0.23 1.18  0.20 1.33  0.22
T4 (nmol/L) 0 79.81  9.67 78.41  8.41 79.11  9.04 * NS NS
15 80.34  5.62 54.16  9.00 67.25  7.31
30 76.78  6.91 47.64  6.31 62.21  6.61
45 78.37  7.89 63.99  4.93 71.18  6.41
Mean 78.82  7.52 61.05  7.16 69.94  7.34

CON, control; Hb, hemoglobin; MS, multiple stresses; NS, nonsignificant; PCV, packed cell volume; T3, triiodothyronine; T4, thyroxin; TRT, treatment; TRT  DAY, treatment
and day interaction.
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.
12 V. Sejian et al. / Journal of Veterinary Behavior 17 (2017) 6e13

the need to increase utilization of glucose during walking (Sejian the Director of Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute for
et al., 2012). The decrease in glucose levels could be related to a providing the research facilities and to Shri K.C. Sharma and Shri
decrease in insulin and thyroxine, which are closely associated with Kamal Kumar for their technical help during the experiment.
energy metabolism during stress (Rasooli et al., 2004). A decrease in The idea of article was conceived and the experiment was
plasma glucose could also be due to the marked dilution of blood or designed by V. Sejian. The experiment was performed by D. Kumar
increase in the plasma glucose utilization to produce more energy and V. Sejian. The data were analyzed by Dr. S. M. K. Naqvi. The
for greater muscular expenditures required for high muscular ac- article was written by John Gaughan and V. Sejian.
tivity (Rasooli et al., 2004; Sejian et al., 2010b). Nutrient restriction
combined with increased glucose utilization due to increased res- Ethical considerations
piratory muscular activity after thermal exposure, resulting in more
reduction in glucose concentration in multiple stressors group. This study was approved by the Central Sheep and Wool
Multiple stressors significantly increased plasma cortisol con- Research Institute animal ethics committee.
centration, indicating that these animals are under stress. However,
the cortisol concentration (25.15 nmol/L) obtained in this study was
Conflict of interest
much lower than when 2 stressors (51.00 nmol/L) and 3 stressors
(31.03 nmol/L) were simultaneously imposed on Malpura ewes
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest for this
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