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Vocabulary and Grammar: Choose the word/phrase/sentence (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space
in each sentence or best answers the question.
1. We can ___recycle_______ old bottles (= tái chế chai nhựa cũ).
A. read B. recycle C. want D. watch
2. The students held some charity events (= tổ chức một vài sự kiện từ thiện) to ___raise_______
money (= gây quỹ).
A. put B. raise C. take D. do
3. We can donate clothes ___to_______ charity.
A. in B. of C. about D. to
donate sth to sb/sth: quyên góp cái gì cho ai/nơi nào
4. Last Sunday, my school organized a Spring Fair (tổ chức hội xuân) to raise money ____for______
poor children.
A. to B. for C. in D. of
5. Lots of schools ____raise______ money to help poor children.
A. raise B. rise C. take D. earn
6. Lots of students ____donate______ clothes, food, or money to poor children.
A. take B. buy C. donate D. sell
7. At home, some people _____recycle_____ things like (tái chế những đồ vật như là) plastic bottles and
plastic bags.
A. cycle B. recycle C. use D. sell
8. We __________ the park near our school last week.
A. planted B. recycled C. cleaned up D. donated
9. We should _____plant_____ more trees (= trồng nhiều cây) on the streets to make the city cleaner.
A. recycle B. organize C. sell D. plant
10. Ann and her friends __________ at the soup kitchen every Sunday.
A. sell B. collect C. volunteer D. run
11. Ms. White: “Welcome to Teen Talk. I’m talking ____to______ Annie Williams. She’s a middle
school student (học sinh cấp 2).”
A. in B. to C. at D. on
talk to sb: nói chuyện với ai
12. Ms. White: “And this month she has been busy ____helping_____ our community.” ~ Annie: “Hi.”
A. helped C. to help D. helps D. helping
busy doing sth: bận rộn làm gì đó
13. Ms. White: “So, Annie, let’s talk about what you did to help our community.” ~ Annie: Last month, I
___donated_______ warm clothes (= quần áo ấm) and my old toys.”
A. recycled B. raised C. cleaned up D. donated
14. Annie: “My sister donated some comics. They went to the poor children.” ~ Ms. White: “Great.
__________ else (Còn gì khác) did you do?”
A. What B. How C. Why D. When
15. Annie: “Last week, I __________ the park near my house.”
A. checked up (kiểm tra sức khỏe) B. cleaned up (dọn dẹp) C. picked up (nhặt lên)
D. looked up (tra cứu)
16. Annie: “The park was dirty so we picked up the ___garbage (= nhặt rác)_______.” = pick up the
A. trees B. old clothes C. garbage D. money
17. Annie: “We also __planted________ flowers and trees (= trồng hoa và cây) there.”
A. raised B. recycled C. planted D. cleaned up
18. Annie: “Now, kids can enjoy __________ in the park.” ~ Ms. White: “Fantastic.”
A. playing B. to play C. plays D. play
enjoy doing sth: thích làm gì đó
19. Ms. White: “Can you tell us about your volunteer work (= công việc tình nguyện)?” ~ Annie:
“Well, yesterday, my friends and I volunteered at Fair View’s __________.”
A. chicken soup B. soup kitchen C. chicken rice D. charity
20. Ms. White: “Wow! You guys ____did______ a great job (làm rất tốt) to help our community.” ~
Annie: “Thank you, Ms. White.”
A. planted B. did C. raised D. donated
do – did – done (v): làm
21. “Did you volunteer at a craft fair?” ~ “__________”
A. I loved it. B. Yes, I did.
C. I’m not sure. D. Yes. It wasn’t a bake sale.
22. “Who did you volunteer with?” ~ “__________”
A. My sister. She was great. B. There were some people.
C. I helped at a car wash. D. It was great.
23. “What did you do at the beach?” ~ “__________”
A. They planted trees. B. I was with my classmates.
C. We picked up trash. D. I liked the crafts.
24. “When did you donate our old clothes to charity?” ~ “__________”
A. I went there last week. B. It was two weeks ago.
C. I did that with my cousin. D. What a good idea!
25. “Why don’t we recycle these books? ~ “__________”
A. It looks great. B. I raised funds last week.
C. Let us buy some more. D. We should send them to the poor children.
II. Use the correct tense or form of the verb given in each sentence.
1. We ______were_________ at the beach yesterday. (be)
2. Neil _______was________ very tired last night. (be)
3. They _______were________ here ten minutes ago (10 phút trước). (be)
4. I ______was_________ a student in 2022. (be)
5. He _____was__________ in Paris last year. (be)
6. ______Was_________ she at home yesterday morning? (be)
7. _____Were__________ you a translator (= biên dịch viên) five years ago? (be)
8. It ________was not / wasn’t_______ cloudy yesterday. (be, not)
9. Hoa’s school ____organized___________ a book fair last week. (organize)
10. My mom _____made__________ some delicious cakes last night. (make)
make – made – made (v): làm
11. They _____watched__________ TV late at night yesterday. (watch)
12. We _____cleaned__________ up our school three days ago. (clean)
13. Last summer, lots of students in my school ___donated______ books and clothes. (donate)
14. Yesterday, I ______went_________ to Dam Sen Park with my friends. (go)
go – went – gone (v): đi
15. Mr. Jones _____got__________ up late yesterday morning. (get)
get – got – got/gotten
16. We _____had__________ a lot of homework yesterday. (have)
have/has – had – had
17. The children __took__ part in a lot of extra activities at their school last summer. (take)
take part in – took part in – taken part in: tham gia
18. Last year, our school ___raised________ lots of money to help poor students. (raise)
19. Last Sunday, we _______worked________ all day and ____picked___________ up tons of trash at
the beach. (work / pick)
20. I _____taught__________ English at this school in 2022. (teach)
teach – taught – taught (v): dạy
21. She _did not watch / didn’t watch_____ TV yesterday. (not, watch)
22. Helen __did not go / didn’t go_____________ to school last week. (not, go)
23. _____Did__________ you ____take________ part in the clean-up two weeks ago? (take)
24. How much trash _____did__________ they _____pick_________ up yesterday? (pick)
25. What ______did______ you _____do_______ to help our community last summer? (do)

III. Speaking: Match the questions in the left

column with the suitable answers in the right
1. What did she 1. A. I went
do last Sunday? _D__ shopping.
2. Did he donate 2. B. No, I didn’t .
food to the local _C__
(địa phương)
food bank?
3. What did you 3. C. Yes, he did.
do yesterday? _A__
4. Did you play 4. D. She cleaned up
games _B__ the street.
IV. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits
the blank space in the following passages.
*Passage 1:
Teenagers can do different types of (1)
__community________ service (= dịch vụ cộng
đồng) to help people, animals, (2)
__and________ places around them. Last year,
my friends and I volunteered at a soup kitchen.
We served (= phục vụ) food and (3)
___cleaned_______ the dishes (= rửa chén) there.
Three weeks ago, our school organized a fun run
to raise money (4) ____for______ charity (= gây
quỹ từ thiện). We raised more than five thousand
dollars after the fun run. We also (5)
__planted________ some trees and flowers in
local parks. What did you do to help (6)
____your______ community?
1. A. community B. volunteer C. shoebox
D. charity
2. A. so B. and C. but D. or
3. A. cleaned B. recycled C. raised
D. donated
4. A. for B. at C. to D.
5. A. plant B. planting C. planted D.
to plant
6. A. my B. your C. his D. her
*Passage 2:
Greg Jones, October 18
At my school we have a charity event every year.
We (1) _____raise_____ money for the local soup
kitchens and charity. Charity events are hard
work (= công việc vất vả), but they’re fun, too!
Each class holds a different event (= tổ chức 1
sự kiện khác nhau). Last month, my sister’s class
(2) ____had______ a talent show (tổ chức
chương trình tìm kiếm tài năng), and my class
had a bake sale. We organized a bake sale because
we learned how (3) __to make________ cakes
(cách làm bánh) in our cooking lessons.
Everyone baked (4) ____cakes (= nướng
bánh)______ at home and then brought (mang)
them to the school playground (sân trường) to
sell. We sold (bán) lots of cakes and cookies and
raised 85 dollars, so everyone was very happy!
Last year, we joined (= tham gia) a (5) __fun
run________ in the park. My class all ran or
walked for 3 kilometers. We were all very tired,
but we raised (6) __more________ money than
this year. Maybe (Có thể) we will run again next
1. A. grow B. rise C. raise D.
2. A. will have B. had C. has D.
is having
3. A. to make B. making C. make D.
4. A. ice cream B. rice C. burgers D.
5. A. craft fairB. talent showC. workshop D.
fun run
6. A. much B. little C. more D.

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