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E. Lopez St., Brgy. Our Lady of Fatima, Jaro, Iloilo City

Contact Numbers: (033) 329-1595 or 329-4151 ∙ Fax Number: (033) 329-6629I
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System

Concept Paper of Practical Research 2

By: Gaboy, Aleckxia Ashley B., 12 STEM 3

I. Research Title#3: Coping Mechanisms of Grade 12 Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics Students to Academic Stress in Colegio de San Jose

Type of Research: Causal Research

Variables: examining the cause-and-effect relationship between coping mechanisms of
Grade 12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics students and academic
Independent variables: Coping Mechanism of Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics Students
Coping mechanisms are the techniques people frequently employ to help them manage
uncomfortable or challenging emotions when under stress or after tragedy.
Dependent variables: Academic stress
Academic stress is characterized as a student's mental state brought on by ongoing social and
self-imposed pressure in a learning environment that depletes the student's psychological

Extraneous Variable: In a study on math anxiety and math achievement, extraneous

variables are factors that can impact the results but are not the primary focus. For
example, test anxiety can independently affect math test performance, potentially
confounding the relationship between math anxiety and math achievement. Similarly,
varying levels of prior math education among participants can obscure this relationship.
Researchers use techniques like random assignment, matching, statistical control, and
careful experimental design to minimize the influence of extraneous variables and
ensure a clearer understanding of the math anxiety-math achievement relationship.
Control Variable:
Example: Time of Day
Explanation: Researchers test everyone at the same time (e.g., morning) to avoid the influence
of varying alertness levels on math anxiety.
Controlled Variable for Math Achievement:

Example: Math Tutoring

Explanation: Participants can't receive math tutoring during the study to isolate the effect of
math anxiety on math achievement without tutoring interference.
Controlled variables help researchers focus on the specific relationship they want to study while
keeping other factors constant.

II. Introduction
Academic stress is described as an increase in mental pressure brought on by a student's
inability to satisfy expectations for academic success. The majority of parents and instructors
have higher expectations for their kids, but this pressure puts youngsters under more stress.
These pressures interfere with a student's normal activities and raise the risk of disorders linked
to stress, anxiety, and depression (Topor DR, 2010). Another significant indicator of stress
among university students is coping mechanisms. Coping styles are the methods that people
employ to control their stress and unpleasant feelings. According to research, students who
employ negative coping mechanisms like abusing drugs or denying their problems are more
likely to feel stressed than those who employ healthy ones like reaching out for social support
or exercising. This implies that students' stress levels and general well-being might be
significantly impacted by how they manage stress. This study will identify the coping
mechanisms used by STEM students in grade 12 to deal with academic stress.

III. References :
Jeyasingh, E. S. (2022). Coping Strategies for Adolescents Dealing with
Academic Stress. Retrieved from

Alkhawaldeh, A. et al. (2023). Stress Factors, Stress Levels, and Coping Mechanisms
among University Students. Retrieved from


E. Lopez St., Brgy. Our Lady of Fatima, Jaro, Iloilo City
Contact Numbers: (033) 329-1595 or 329-4151 ∙ Fax Number: (033) 329-6629
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System
Concept Paper of Practical Research 2
By: Gaboy, Aleckxia Ashley B., 12 STEM 3

I.Research Title#1: The Effectiveness of Google Meet and Traditional Teaching in

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education
Type of Research: Causal research, Quasi research, and Correlational research
Variables: To establish cause and effects relationship in comparison between Google meet
and Traditional teaching
Dependent Variable: Google meet and Traditional teaching
Google meet and Traditional teaching are the two types of teaching where Google meet is a
teaching that is a faculty-delivered instruction via internet. On the other hand, Traditional
teaching is a structured education program that focuses on face-to-face teacher-centered
instruction, including teacher-led discussion and teacher knowledge imparted to students
Independent Variable: Effectiveness of two types of teaching in Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics
Extraneous Variable:
Control Variable:

II. Introduction

The transition from the educational system of the 19th century to the one of the twenty-first
seems to have opened up new insights on the effectiveness and utility of the two educational
systems. Higher education students today rely heavily on computers for the majority of their
work because of the state of information technology. The majority of institutions of higher
learning are also aware that network technology can be used to generate, foster, deliver, and
assist learning as well as to improve students' knowledge and experience. Different traits that
are present in both traditional and online education can be used to explain their similarities and
differences. Simply put, attributes of online education entail that students take complete
responsibility for their learning. Traditional education, on the other hand, is defined by shared
accountability between students and teachers.
Therefore, this research study will provide an outline of the similarities and differences
between Google meet and Traditional teaching in Science, Technology, Engineering,
Engineering, and Mathematics education.
III. References

Mutuku, C. (2018). Online versus traditional education. A contrasting

analysis. Retrieved from

Kumari, S., Gautam, H., Nityadarshini., Das, B.K., and Chaudhry, R. (2021).
Online classes versus traditional classes? Comparison during COVID-19. Retrieved


E. Lopez St., Brgy. Our Lady of Fatima, Jaro, Iloilo City
Contact Numbers: (033) 329-1595 or 329-4151 ∙ Fax Number: (033) 329-6629
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System

Concept Paper of Practical Research 2

By: Gaboy, Aleckxia Ashley B., 12 STEM 3

I. Research Title #2: Perception of Grade 11 Science,Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics Learners on the Mandatory of ROTC Implementation

Type of Research: Quasi-Experimental Research

Independent variables: Perception of Grade 12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics learners
The way sensory data is arranged, analyzed, and consciously experienced is referred to as
perception. For this study, responses from Grade 12 students who employed all five senses
were used.
Dependent variables: Mandatory of ROTC Implementation
The purpose of the ROTC is to "provide military training to tertiary level students in order to
motivate, train, organize, and mobilize them for national defense preparedness."
Extraneous Variable:
Control Variable:

II. Introduction
The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a statute that must be complied with in the
Philippines (Anorico, 2019). The National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001 (R.A.
9163) was passed in response to popular calls for modifications to the Reserve Officers Training
Corps (ROTC Program) (Pacatang & Montallana, 2022). According to this law, the duty of the
government is to serve and safeguard its citizens (Trivedi & Van Cleve, 2020). Students can
greatly enhance their civic literacy and preparation for defense through the ROTC program
(Spoehr, 2021). They get the chance to meet new people, learn new skills, and develop a sense
of patriotism and responsibility for their nation. This study aimed to establish how Reserve
Officers Training Corps (ROTC) implementation was perceived by Grade 11 STEM students at
Colegio de San Jose.

III. References

Bagundol, D. B., Balan, A. J. D., Calunia, J. A., Lumactod, L. B., Valdez, T. D. T.,
Alvarico, A. B., and Cuevas, J. F. (2023). The Perception of The Senior High Students
in the Implementation of Reserve Officers Training Corps. Retrieved from

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