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Prayer in the Christian life CVL

What is prayer? 1. “Hallowed be Thy name” is put into

practice by adoration.
“For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a
Adoration is the first attitude of man
simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry
acknowledging that he is a creature before his
of recognition and of love, embracing both
trial and joy.”
- God’s holiness and glory explain each other,
St. Therese of Lisieux,
because God’s glory is that part of His holiness
that He reveals in creation and history.
“Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart
- The manifestation of God’s holiness changed
to God or the requesting of good things from
after original sin as God manifested His
holiness by revealing His name, in order to
St. John Damascene restore man to the image of His Creator.

The APOSTLES CREED - In Jesus Christ the name of the Holy God is
revealed to us in the flesh
- states the most essential points of
Christian doctrine. - The name above all names that Christ
- Summarizing the Apostles' teaching. receives after His Passover is: Jesus Christ is
- the profession of the Christian Faith Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (CCC
begin with the words “I believe in 2807-2812)
- God”. contains what Christians
2. “Thy Kingdom come” refers primarily to
believe about the persons and work of
the final coming of the reign of God through
God the Father, God the Son, and God
Christ’s return.
the Holy Spirit. (CFC # 36)
 Rom 14 defines the Kingdom of God as
The Lord’s prayer
righteousness and peace and joy in the
Holy Spirit.
 “Kingdom” in the petition “Thy
Kingdom come” means:
1. as an abstract noun: Kingship
2. as a concrete noun: Kingdom
3. as an action noun: Reign.

3. “Thy will be done” is that all men may be

In the picture above, Christ turns in prayer saved.
towards the Father (cf. 2599). He prays  According to Ephesian 1 God’s will is to
alone, in a deserted place. His disciples look
gather up all things in Christ.
on from a respectful distance. St. Peter, the
 The Father’s will has been perfectly
head of the apostles, turns towards the others
fulfilled once for all in Christ.
and points to Jesus who is the Master and the
 The faithful can accomplish the will of
Way of Christian prayer (cf. 2607) and says,
the Father by uniting themselves with
“Lord, teach us to pray” (Lk 11:1) the will of Christ.
 We can discern the will of God by
 The Lord's Prayer "is truly the prayer.
summary of the whole gospel."7  St Augustine, understands “on earth as
"Since the Lord . . . after handing over it is in heaven” as “in the Church as in
the practice of prayer, said elsewhere, our Lord Jesus Christ Himself”
'Ask and you will receive… (CCC
 The Lord's Prayer is the most perfect
of prayers.
4. “Give us” in “give us this day our daily Forgiveness is essential for prayer, because
bread” teaches to expect everything from our only hearts attuned to God’s compassion can
Father. receive the gift of prayer. (CCC#2838-2844)

 “Our bread” in “give us this day our 6. “And lead us not into temptation”
daily bread” means the nourishment prays that God may not:
life requires, both material and 1. allow us to enter into temptation
spiritual. 2. let us yield to temptation.
 The petition for bread is connected 7. “Evil” in the petition “deliver us from
with the hunger in the world, because evil” refers to a person, Satan.
we cannot receive the bread without
sharing it with the poor. The definitive defeat of Satan will entail that
all creation will be freed from sin and death.
“This day” in “give us this day our daily bread”
means: Hail Mary
1. our mortal time  is a traditional Catholic prayer asking
2. the today of God. for the intercession of the Virgin Mary,
the mother of Jesus. It asks Mary to
The three senses of “daily” in “give us
pray for all sinners, and to
this day our daily bread” are:
communicate with God on our behalf.
1. the temporal sense: repeats “this day” to
 Comprises of three parts
confirm us in trust
 the first part - refers to God's
2. the qualitative sense: signifies what is
greeting to Mary, through the
necessary for life
intermediary of the Angel Gabriel (Luke
3. the literal sense: refers to the Holy 1: 28) announcing Mary that she is
Eucharist. chosen as the mother of God.
“Daily” (Greek: epiousios) means literally  The second part - is the greetings
“super-essential”. of Elizabeth to Mary. When Mary
visited her.
5. God will “forgive us our trespasses”
 The third part - is the additional
under the condition that we forgive those who
prayer added by the Church to
trespassed against us.
complete the prayer and the beliefs
 The efficacious signs of God’s that Mary intercede for us.
forgiveness are the sacraments. Glory Be Prayer - the Catholic Doxology
 We have to forgive in order to be
forgiven, because in refusing to forgive History and Tradition of the Glory Be
our brothers, our hearts are closed and Prayer
their hardness makes them impervious
"The Glory Be prayer - is most familiar from
to God’s love. the Rosary where it is recited at the end of
 The “as” in “as we forgive those who each decade of the Hail Mary. It goes back
trespass against us” means that we many centuries and is known also by its Latin
must participate in God’s mercy and name and version as the Gloria Patri (Glory
love. Be to the Father)

Forgiveness can be accomplished This prayer is called a doxology, from the

practically by: Greek word meaning an expression of glory
1. turning injury into compassion or praise.
2. purifying the memory in transforming the
hurt into intercession.
It is not in our power not to feel or to forget
an offence.
History and Tradition of the Glory Be  The Angelus has been traditionally said
Prayer three times daily, at 6 am, 12 noon
My admiration for them intensified during the Sign of the cross and 6 pm, you can pray it at anytime!
 The tradition for the doxology comes
pandemic when they were taking care of It is still accompanied by the ringing.
from the Jewish synagogues. St. Paul  is a prayer, a blessing, and a
Covid positive patients despite the risks. Now
often used doxologies similar to the Hail Holy Queen - "Salve Regina"
sacramental. As a sacramental, it
that I am in Grade 11, I choose to enroll in
Glory Be in his letters. For example, he
the STEM strand and explore the possibility of prepares an individual to receive grace
referred to “the only wise God, through  The "Hail, Holy Queen" is a salutation
taking up a medical course in the future so and disposes one to cooperate with it.
Jesus Christ, be honor forever and deprecation, a greeting of petition and
that I can be able to serve our sick and poor The Christian begins the day, prayers,
ever. Amen.” in the conclusion of his intercession. Mary is called mother of
sisters and brothers. and activities with the Sign of the
letter to the Romans (Rom 16:27). mercy because Christ her Son, is the
Cross: "In the name of the Father and
 How
in 1608, the famous bishop
to keep oneself worthy and St. Francis incarnation of God's love and mercy.
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
de Sales
respectable? ended his classic book  A Marian hymn and one of four Marian
Introduction to the Devout Life in a  It is also called as a Universal
1. Draw up or review your personal vision antiphons sung at different seasons
similarandfashion: “Glory be to Jesus, to Prayer.
key purpose in life. within the Christian liturgical calendar
Whom, with the Father and the Holy
2. Form yourself in the good habits that Self-worth - our of the Catholic Church.
strong conviction that each
be honor and yourglory, now and
core values and help of us is of great isworthoften and
described as a "powerful"
is endowed with
ever, and
you to all Eternity.
achieve your key Amen.”
purpose in life. unique gifts to fulfill
prayer, meaning that
one’s purpose in those
life who pray it
3. Do away with behavior that goes Example: have their prayers answered.
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the
against your core values and your key I know that
 isI am a unique
a Catholic person
prayer who isthe
glory of the Lord has risen upon
purpose in life. endowed with gifts.intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
you." ~ Isaiah 60:1
4. Be a person who tells the truth at all I am aware of my capabilities and skills. I can
"To him be glorytimes in and prudentand
the church in sharing
in Christit always putClaude
to good use (1588-1641)
in order to popularized
Jesus throughout all generations, forever and discoverthemoreidea
whatthe Memorare
I can do and washowwritten
I can by
5. Respect is earned and I order to get
ever. Amen." respect
~ Ephesians 3:21 it has to start Saintthe
make better Bernard.
lives of others using them.
from others,
Using my gifts give meaning to my existence
within yourself.
 Many people make the sign of the Memorare – “Remember O Gracious
and sets direction towards my purpose and
cross Mary”
6. when
Remain reciting
open andthis consistent
prayer or one in your dreams
of its variants
attitude which
towards theothers.
priest says at
 is a Catholic prayer seeking the
the start of Mass: “In the name of the Freedom - ourintercession
desire to make fullBlessed
use of the
of the
7. Beand
Father, comfortable
of the Sonwith andyourself,
of the Holywith yourinner power of choosing and of making good
 Virgin Mary.
Spirit, gifts
Amen.” andThe talents.
Glory Be prayer decisions in order to achieve our purpose in
 is an efficacious invocation of the
reaffirms the eternal glory of our “God life.
8. If there are opportunities where you Blessed Mother to intercede in our lives
in Three Persons, Blessed Trinity,” as
can use your talents and gifts, grab it Example: on behalf of Her Son.
our Triune God is called in the well-
and make it as breakthrough for  The original prayer was written in Latin
known hymn Holy Holy Holy. Let us try
growth. I was elected and asgets
the class president
its name from the during
first word
each day, in reciting this prayer and
the class election. Many of my classmates said
others, of the prayer, memorare,
How to tobe growopenintostronger
God’s graces, so
freedom? that I am a competent leader. I have doubts
that we may live our lives as hymns of meaning “remember.”
whether what they claimed is true given my
praise to Our
1. Form conscience by seeking the weaknesses.I am
your reminds us that the Blessed Virgin
in dilemma. Turning down
advice of persons you trust. Mary is ready to help us when needed
Angelus the challenge would not put me into pressure.
2. Set aside moments for silence, if we approach her with love, true
However, accepting the position will hone my
History and reflection,
origin and prayer to God. contrition for our sins.
full potentials and give me a sense of purpose
3. Develop a personal pattern of and meaning.  is a prayer invoking the intercession of
 The Angelus is a prayer in
discernment prior to making anywhich we our Blessed Mother. Its origins may
decision. the mystery of the date from the 12th century.
Incarnation, the event by which
4. Make it a habit to think first before "the Self-actualization - Our commitment to
Son ofmaking
God became man in order become fully ourselves and achieve our
a decision because every purpose in life by developing and using our
to livedecision
with us and Save us.
can affect one’s life as well asGod-given gifts.
 Angelus, a Christian devotion in
memory of the Incarnation. Example:
5. When making a decision be always
 The Angelus
ready to became
accept aitsprayer as we
consequences. When I was small, I had fun playing with
know today, towards the end of
6. Own your decision whether its right or the toys that are replicas of medical equipment
16th century… …with three Hail Mary’s, used by nurse and doctors. As I grew older, I
wrong and learn from it. got attracted to and curious of the life and
and short verses in between .
work of nurse and doctors whenever I see
7. Always remember that whether you them personally and on television. I felt a
are making a simple sense of pride and fulfillment while looking at
them busily tending and serving the sick.
The psalms were prayed by the Jews at the
8.Every choice we make and taking
time of Jesus, and He prayed them and
responsibility over it that is a step towards
quoted from them even on the cross as he
growth.  Mary was associated in the Middle According todying:
this rendition,
was “My God,Our MyLadyGod, why have you
9. We have powerAges over
with roses and rose
our choices. gardens.
When we The encouraged
abandoned Me?” (Psalm 22) Earlyto
Dominic and the Dominicans Christian
rose came to symbolize Mary. Hence spread devotion to her and her Son
monks who had fled to the desert to escape through
succumb to others choice because of fear and
the name Rosary. In 1470 the Church the Rosary the with assurance
distractions of thethatworld
manyand graces
to seek God
need, we surrender that power and make us
recognized the Confraternity of the would benefit all who prayed the Rosary.
and pursue holiness prayed the psalms in sets
Holy Rosary. Official Church of 50. They
 According toimagined
Father Richard that they were praying
How to achieve recognition was granted
one’s purpose by the Pope in
in life? the psalms
Gribble, in thehowever,
C.S.C., companyitofis King not David and
1. Appreciate In that sameyour
develop year, Pope Saint
the prophets
until the 15th and century holythat
menthe andRosary
women of old
gifts and V asked all Christians to pray the
and also
begins to in thethe
take company
shape we of Jesus.
know it
2. IdentifyRosary
your for theand
vision helpkeyof purpose
today. During this period the mysteries
life defending Christian Europe from They soon were praying the psalms together
and the individual prayers began to
3. Focus Muslim invasion
on behavior thatatputs
the your
sea Battle in community and used scrolls of papyrus or
coalesce. The “Our Father” came
at the of Lepanto.
service On October
of your vision and 7, the smaller lambskin to read from. Many of the monks
directly from the Gospel of Matthew,
in life. armada won a stunning and could not
chapter 6. read
the “Hail Mary” Latin,also
4. Dreams unexpected
are our life’striumph.
goal. Keep on language
came fromofScripture,
the Bible ainjoiningthe early Middle Ages.
of two
 Thatand
dreaming daymake
has been celebrated
choices that areever
Most of thefirst
greetings: people
of the outside
Archangel the monasteries
gearedsince as the
towards theFeast of the of
realization Holy
did not in
Gabriel have the scrolls or books
Annunciation andand likewise
dream.In 1597 Pope Sixtus V inserted the
of learned
Mary's cousin toElizabeth
read andin write.
the However,
word “Jesus” into the Hail Mary to give
illiterate monks
Visitation working
from Luke’s in theThe
Gospel. fields and many
5. Be attentive
that prayerto what youform.
its final like In
“Holy laypeople
Mary, Mother wished
of God, to pray
sharefor in us
want seventeenth
because these century Saint clarify
will help Louis de
sinners now and at the hour
prayer life of the literate Monks and of the of our
Montfort in
your purpose andlife.
“The Wonderful Secret of
Church.Amen” is from a popular prayer
the Rosary”
6. Visualize the kindrepresented
of person that a major
of the faithful at the time.
advance in popularizing the Rosary.
you want to become when you are Since
 The they didCreed
Apostles’ not know which Latin
followsand thecould not
Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903)
an adult and in your old age. memorize
Sign of theall 150 immediately,
Cross psalms, they is gradually
7. Powerful
Believe inSoiritual
the power of your dream.
benefits began substituting
ancient. An early mention the Paternosters
of the (Our
8. Pray1. for
is a Christ-centered and prayer. Fathers) for"Apostles'
expression the psalms. Theyoccurs
Creed" needed in a way
2. The Rosary is a powerful way to
guidance. atoletter
keepof track
how many in they
AD 390 prayed, so
contemplate the Face of Christ, they agrouped
from synod in the prayers
Milan. Theinto sets of 50, as
History and 3. The Rosary
origin of theis aholy
rosary by which Creed may have
the psalms were beenin theassociated
Psalter. They withstill
Mary constantly sets before us the the
a way widelyto accepted
keep count, in the
so they collected
 The history of the Rosary
mysteries of her Son, is full with fourth century, that, under the
small pebbles or other items, which eventually
facts, truths,
4. The legends,
Rosary is anmyths
invaluableand source of inspiration
become beads, of thesimilar
Holy Spirit,
to those eachusedof in other
genuine piety. For over
self-discovery and600 years, the
integration, the Twelve
religions to Apostles
count prayers contributed
and acts an of
5. ThehasRosary
been aishallmark
a sublime of encounter
Catholic of article the twelve
There is a articles
charming of tale
the of a hermit
devotional life and has been and is a
Friendship, Creed.
Paul of Egypt not ininits thepresent
mid-300s formwho
6. engaging
The Rosary form of prayer
unites us to thefor bond until
would 341fill AD,
his garment with up to 300 small
countless of people.
between Jesus and Mary,  The Apostles’ Creed faithfully embodies
stones and cast one away for each prayer he
7. The Rosary is a supreme source of the teachings the Apostles brought to
The roots of the Rosary
comfort andgosolace,
back to two Rome and the rest of the known world.
distinct sources:
8. Thethe first is a
Rosary 3000 years old
condensed and of
version The Salve TheReginamore (Hail, Holy Queen)
he prayed, the lighter is he
is found in thethepsalms
Gospels.attributed to King David from thebecame.11th century and is
This story is frequently
very likely
in the Joyful
Scriptures of the Old
(Monday and Saurday) prayed at
apocryphal. Here we seeRosary
the conclusion of the the merger of
1. Thethe second is the
Annunciation practice
of the AngelofGabriel to recitation. Although these prayers were the
the two sources for the Rosary:
keeping Mary.
track of prayers by counting with in vogueHebrew for 300Psalms years, of they wereand notcounting
2. The Visitation of Mary to
beads, pebbles, or marks on wood or stone. Elizabeth. all arranged in the final form that we
3. The Birth ofinJesus in Bethlehem beads from the pre-Christian era.
This practice, found the great religionsof ofJudea. know until the Council of Trent, 1545-
4. The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Another apocryphal story, believed to
the world such as Hinduism, Buddhism, 1563.
5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple. be true as late as the 19th and
Taoism, and Islam, is very ancient as well.
20th centuries, is the account of
The psalms number 150 and come from the
early Hebrew writings around the time of apparitions of Our Lady to Saint
Kings David and Solomon. Dominic in 1208 to hand over to him
the Rosary as we know it today.
According to this rendition, Our Lady
 He died in Paris on September 27,
The Glorious Mysteries - (Wednesday
and Sunday)
 Beatified: August 13, 1729, Rome,
1. The Resurrection of Jesus. Papal States by Pope Benedict XIII
2. The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven.  Canonized: June 16, 1737, Rome,
3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Papal States by Pope Clement XII
He was blessed with an excellent intelligence
4. .The Assumption of Mary into Heaven.
that his father encouraged him to be a priest
5. The Coronation of Our Lady in Heaven.
in order to alleviate their family from poverty.
The Luminous Mysteries- (Thursday) He put his heart into his dream which was
realized in 1660 when he was ordained priest
1. Jesus' Baptism in the Jordan. at the age of 19. But God has a great plan for
2. The Wedding at Cana. him.
3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom.
4. The Transfiguration.  He purified his priestly vocation
5. The Institution of the Eucharist. through experiences of hard work,
sufferings and inner struggles.
The Sorrowful Mysteries- (Tuesday and  He realized that his experiences of pain
Friday) and sufferings are likened to the
poverty experiences of Jesus.
1. The Agony of Jesus in the Garden of
 This realization led him to believe that
Jesus is in the poor..
2. The Scourging of Jesus at the Pillar.
3. The Crowning of Jesus with Thorns. His profound experience of an incarnational
4. The Carrying of the Cross. God whom he found in the person of those
5. The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus. who are in poverty situations led him to make
radical responses to the cries of the poor,
St. Vincent Life
 displaced farmers,
 Saint Vincent lived their lives with one
all-embracing purpose  abandoned children,
 Vincent, His Search for Life’s Purpose  sick soldiers,
and Meaning.  agnostics and
THE ORIGIN OF THE MISSION  poor women and children
St. Vincent was born in April 24, 1581 at Pouy,
“the poor are dying of hunger and are
Landes, Gascony, France. He came from a
condemned” is the immortal phrase of Vincent
devout Catholic family who were farmers.
which summarized his experiences with the
poor. Vincent’s strong love and service of the
 Parents: Jean de Paul and Bertrande
destitute coupled with his trust in divine
de Moras
providence (God’s work) led to the foundation
 Siblings: Jean, Marie- Claudine,
of three congregations in his lifetime:
Marie, Gayon, Bernard
 He had "become the symbol of the In August of 1617, at Chatillon-des-Dombes,
successful reform of the French Vincent learned about the harsh condition of a
Church". poor family in the town that was literally dying
 "The Apostle of Charity" of hunger. Vincent preached a sermon from
 "The Father of the Poor“ the pulpit on the material needs of those poor.
 Patron Saint of all the Charitable A few hours later he was surprised to see the
Works whole town come to the aid of that family. so
 Feast day – September 27 much so that they would have extra food for
that day and the following but after that when
the provisions have been consumed, will they
return to their miserable way of living?
“This charity is not well-organized,” he  In 1630, it was evident that the
reflected. And thus, he founded the first confraternities were not enough to
Confraternity of Charity where members will accomplish the mission that Vincent
help by turns all the poor and the sick of the had received. In many of the parishes
town. (Sinking Deep Our Roots… Spreading and especially Saint Sauveur of Paris,
wide our branches Vol. 1, p. 180) the ladies experienced repugnance and
difficulties in personally serving the
Congregation of the Mission (1625) inspired
by event of the confession of the dying
peasant and the sermon of Folleville; Vincent recalled, “the ladies of Saint Sauveur
founded the Company of Charity in their
Here then is the story of the experience of
parish. They themselves served the poor,
Gannes and Folleville (an estate of Mdm. de
brought them food, medicines and all the rest;
Gondi). In January of 1617 in Folleville, a
and since they were distinguished and had a
little town in the north of France, Vincent
husband and family, many times it was so
discovered the spiritual poverty of the poor in
annoying for them to carry the stew-pot in
the countryside. He recalled, “One day I was
such a way that it troubled them and they
called to hear confession of a poor man who
talked among themselves about looking for
was seriously sick. This man was known to be
some servants who would do it for them.”
the best individual or at least one of the best
in the village. But the truth of the matter was This made Vincent’s heart ached since his
that he was loaded with sins, which he had concept of charity is a personal commitment.
not the courage to confess. This problem would lead Vincent to the
discovery of a definite form, of charity. It was
He declared this later in a loud voice in the
in those circumstances that Marguerite
late spouse of the general of the galleys. He
Naseau, a cowherd from Suresnes, took the
said, ‘Madame, I was condemned had I not
initiative of going to serve in the charities of
the courage to confess’. That man died; the
Paris. He recalled, “I proposed to her the
woman for her part upon noticing the
service of the sick.
necessity of general confessions wanted that
the following day I would preach about the He willingly and immediately accepted it and I
topic. That is what I did. God granted His sent her to saint Sauveur. This is the parish
blessings in such a way that all the inhabitants of Paris where the charity had been first
of the place immediately made their general established and since then, they started to
confession. There were so many that it was join and meet by themselves almost without
necessary to call on two Jesuit priests to help noticing it.”
hear confessions, preach and catechize.
Little by little, other young women were
This led to the idea of offering the same attracted partly by the example of
exercise in other parishes on the lands of that Marguerite Naseau and by the ideal of
lady (Mdm. De Gondi) for several years. This personally serving the suffering people of
went on until the time when the lady (Mdm. France, started to join the Confraternities of
De Gondi) thought of maintaining several Charity. The small group of young women
priests who would continue giving these were then called “servants of charities”.
missions and because of this, she gave us the
”Louise became the head of the community of
College des-Enfants where Fr. Portail and I
these sisters. On November 29, 1633, a young
myself stayed.”
group of women were installed in the private
 Vincent would say more that the one house of Louise. Thus was born the Company
of the Folleville was the first sermon of of the Daughters of Charity. (Of Roots and
the mission, which is the beginning of Wings, pp. 66-68)
the Congregation of the Mission. The
Vincent’s life became the classroom where he
formal foundation of the Congregation
was taught how to love… “to love with the
would occur eight years later on April
sweat of our brows and strength of our arms.”
17, 1625.
1. St. Vincent lived an imperfect life which is Also, he inspired young men and women to
filled with twists and turns. All those serve in the mission and to join in groups of
experiences are God’s providence in order for charities particularly the Confraternities of
him to find life’s meaning and real purpose Charity, Congregation of the Mission and
(vocation and mission). Daughters of Charity. These congregations
saved many lives of the poor and people of
- In the past, Vincent believed that providing a
France. They began to turn to God and
good life for his family was his purpose. He
became sensitive to the needs of others
tried his best to become a priest since
especially those in situations of poverty.
priesthood is a stepping stone towards a good
Because of this, Vincent was named as a hero
and comfortable life for himself and his family.
of France and proclaimed by the Church as
However, these experiences made him realize
Patron Saint of All Charitable Works. Lastly,
his potentials and limitations; his virtues such
the Vincentian Family spread all over the
as humility, simplicity and charity; and
world and have been existing for more than
discover Jesus who is in the poor. With this,
350 years.
he was able to find his purpose that brought
meaning to his vocation and mission as a
servant of God.

2. St. Vincent continued to take care of the

poor because he believed that when he serves
the poor, he also serves God who is in the
poor (incarnational spirituality).

- Incarnational spirituality contends that

“Jesus in flesh – He lives in the poor and He is
the poor”. With this, Vincent believed that
Jesus is in the poor. He said, “To serve the
poor is to go to God. And you have to see
God in their person.”

- Thus, he was able to organize charities that

would take care of the spiritual and physical
needs of those who are suffering – the victims
of wars, spiritual crisis (spread of heresies)
and the abandoned children (orphans).

3. Vincent’s search for meaning in life brought

him immense passion and vitality in
committing himself to the mission of
evangelization and as an agent of moral

- Vincent’s profound love for Jesus, led him to

a holy life. His holiness was witnessed and
felt by the people that the latter began to
listen to his preaching and supported his
works of charity. He was able to influence
people particularly the elite and nobility class
to support the confraternities and missions.
He was able to “bridge” the gap between the
rich and the poor.

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