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1.This invention was a great step in forwarding transportation and was invented in western asia?

A. Wheel- invented in western Asia in around 3,500 BCE

B. Kalesa- this was introduced by the Spanish in the Philippines in 1700s
C. Cart- invented in Southwest Asia and northern europe
D. All of the above

2.This type of wheel is a closed two-wheeled cart which is a favored vehicle for Roman women?

A. Roman Cart- not applicable to carry passengers

B. Roman Wheel- made up words
C. Roman Carpentum
D. Roman Coccio- madeup words

3.This is an Italian term meaning to carry on trade?

A. Trafficare
B. Strada- road
C. La Machina- car
D. Traficares- wrong spelling

4.It is an exclusive function to plan, organize, directing, supervising, coordinating, and recording traffic

A. Enforcement
B. Traffic enforcement
C. Traffic management
D. Enforcer

5. Mr. A is a slow driver and has a poor driving skill. What Traffic congestion Mr. A can causes?

A. Poor maintenance
B. Human errors
C. Poor control Measures
D. Physical inadequency

6. Mr. B has a habit of not checking his car before going to work which causes his car to flip due to a
bumpy road. What Traffic congestion Mr. A can causes?

A. Poor maintenance- Characterized by unrepaired roads

B. Human Errors- Caused by slow drivers
C. Poor control measures- poor implementation of traffic laws
D. Physical inadequacy- lack of roads, narrow bridges

7. This type of regulatory signs used to regulate priority over a road section?

A. Priority signs – intended to regulate priority over a particular road

B. Restrictive signs- to indicate regulations which is prohibited
C. Mandatory signs- used to notify road users of special rules for safety
D. All of the above

8.Mr. A is driving along kapangan road upon seeing a sign he immediately put on his seatbelt. What
regulatory signs did Mr. A saw?

A. Priority signs – intended to regulate priority over a particular road

B. Restrictive signs- to indicate regulations which is prohibited
C. Mandatory signs- used to notify road users of special rules for safety
D. All of the above

9.The selections bellow are the duties of drivers in case of accident EXCEPT.

A. Stop immediately
B. Assist injured person
C. Drive the car to ask for help
D. Report the incident

10.Mr. A cannot operate a vehicle and want to learn how to drive. What license should Mr. A get?

A. License
B. Driver’s License
C. Student drivers permit
D. Professional license

11.Mr. A is driving along bokawkan road wherein he is not allowed to overtake. What pavement
markings is printed in the road?

A. Single white dotted line

B. Double yellow line
C. Double white line
D. B and C

12.Mr. A was sentenced to imprisonment due to a hit in run incident. In this occasion what essential
steps in the enforcement process is being done?

A. Prosecution
B. Apprehension
C. Penalization
D. Adjudication

13.Mr. A is driving his Lamborghini in kapangan when suddenly a dog suddenly appeared Infront of him,
with the help of his years of experience he suddenly drifted his car to avoid hitting the dog. In that
occasion what is the term in the markings left on the road?

A. Drift Marks
B. Skid marks
C. Wheel marks
D. All of the above
14.Mr. A is a passenger of a van where in the driver shouts that a loose brake has occurred, resulting the
van to fall in a ravine. In this situation what accident is being portrayed according to key event?

A. Running of road
B. Non-collision on road
C. Collision on road
D. All of the above

15. Mr. A is driving at balili where in there is a narrow bridge ahead due to the mis communication, both
cars enter the narrow bridge resulting an accident. What causes of traffic congestion is being

A. Physical inadequacy
B. Poor control measures
C. Human errors
D. Poor maintenance


16. This is a quality of good reporting where in reports are based on facts.

A. Factual
B. Objective
C. Relevant
D. Complete

17.This report is the exact narrations of facts that was discovered during investigation?

A. Investigative police Report

B. Formal police report
C. Basic police report
D. A and B

18.Mr. A who is a police officer submits a letter of accomplishments to his superior. What category of
police report did Mr. A submits.

A. Basic Police report

B. Informal police report
C. Formal police report
D. A and B

19. This is also called the salutation in business letters.

A. The Greetings
B. The subject line
C. The heading
D. Signature

20. When writing a paragraph if a letter only consists one paragraph, the paragraph will not be
numbered. Is the statement correct
A. True, although its sub paragraph will be lettered
B. True, although its sub paragraph will not be lettered
C. False, the paragraph will be numbered the same with its sub paragraph
D. False, they will be numbered consecutively

21. Bayaw who is a police officer writes a record about the arrest of Mr. Ipag. What kind of report did
Bayaw made?

A. Spot report
B. Police blotter
C. Special report
D. All of the above

22. Karding who is a police officer immediately writes a report to a shooting incident to inform his chief.
What kind of report did karding made?

A. Spot report
B. Police blotter
C. Special report
D. Inspection report

23. This type of report is done during a particular event the chief officer has to know the actual situation
from his subordinates before the public is informed.

A. Special report
B. Situational report
C. Closing report
D. Spot report

24.Mr. A was involved in a crime and was invited by the police for questioning. What is he?

A. Witness
B. Suspect
C. Victim
D. Complainant

25. This type of good report writing presents the facts without using jargon words and should not be

A. Factual
B. Complete
C. Objective
D. Relevant

26.Mr. A want to use fewer words on his police report. What criteria of good police report should he

A. Clarity
B. Accuracy
C. Brevity
D. Specifity

27.Mr. A want to send Mr. B a letter regarding to the passing of Mr. B’s father. What type of letter should
he make?

A. Formal letter
B. Informal letter
C. Social letter
D. Official letter

28. Mr. A’s boss was replaced by Mr. B where in he received a letter regarding to the changes of rules and
regulations in their office. What kind of letter did Mr. A receive?

A. Formal letter
B. social letter
C. official letter
D. circular letter

29. How many parts does a civilian letter contain?

A. 10
B. 12
C. 13
D. 14

30.Which is not correct on the rules on margin setting below?

A. Top-first page, 11/4 inches

B. Left-1 ¼ inches
C. Right- ¾ inch
D. Bottom- 1 ¼ inches


31. This is the power given by the court to impose its authority to hear and determine certain cases?

A. Jurisdiction
B. Venue
C. Investigation
D. None of the above

32.According to _______ the territorial jurisdiction is exercised within the limits of the place where the
court is located and extra territorial jurisdiction is exercised beyond the confines of the place where the
court is located.

A. Aristotle
B. Paganini
C. Situs
D. Cyrus
33.Mr. A was found seriously injured by the police in his house before he died, he whispers the name of
the perpetrator. What is the term to the statement of Mr. A?

A. Dying wish
B. Dying declaration
C. Dying sentence
D. None of the above

34.Mr. A who is intoxicated with alcohol is shouting and punching the cars of his neighbors resulting an
alarm and scandal? What crime does alarm and scandal belong?

A. Index crime
B. Non-index crime
C. Crime
D. All of the above

35. These types of crimes are considered as index crime EXCEPT?

A. Murder
B. Theft
C. Less physical injury
D. Slander

36.This are the purposes of preliminary investigation EXCEPT.

A. To Protect the state from having to conduct useless and expensive trials
B. To secure the innocent against oppressive prosecution
C. To protect the accused from inconvenience and burden of defending himself in trial
D. None of the above

37. Mr. A want to know the total number of reported crimes in their barangay for 5 years. What is the
term to the total number of reported crimes?

A. Crime rate
B. Crime volume
C. Crime number
D. All of the above

38. These are types of verified, formal sworn statement of fact signed by an affiant or

author, and witnessed by a notary public.

a. sworn statement
b. affidavit
c. inquest
d. complaints

39. These are prototypes of any documents or forms used in a legal transaction or judicial

proceedings, which contain important matters conveyed in technical terminologies and

presented in a suitable and systematic order in accordance with the circumstances of any case.

a. Legal writing
b. Legal forms
c. Legal logic
d. Statutory construction

40.Mr. A made a sworn written statement charging Mr. B a serious physical injury. What kind of letter did
Mr. A made?

A. Complaint
B. Information
C. Testimony
D. Confession

41. Mr. A Wrote an accusation charging a Mr. B with an offense, subscribed by the prosecutor

and filed with the court.

a. Complaint
b. Information
c. Subpoena
d. Affidavit

42. Mr. A arrested Mr. B for the crime or robbery. What should he conducted in order to determine
whether the case will falls under the jurisdiction of the RTC?

a. Inquest proceeding
b. Preliminary conference
c. Preliminary investigation
d. Search and Seizure

43. These are types of verified, formal sworn statement of fact signed by an affiant or

author, and witnessed by a notary public.

a. sworn statement
b. affidavit
c. inquest
d. complaints

44.Regarding on the rules on appeal how many motion for reconsideration is allowed?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
45.Mr. A was arrested without warrant where in the court ordered him to show in a designated place
and time in order to investigate whether he will remain in custody or not. In this situation what writ is
being applied?

a. Writ of habeas corpus

b. Writ of amparo
c. Writ of prohibition
d. Writ of qou warranto

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