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I am Jasmin Mayo and I have an aunt who runs a business that sells Vegetable, fish and

etc. So I do an interview on her. Her name is Teresita Rilloraza Dumaguin she is 60 years

1. Who runs the business? Do you have a partner in it?

• It was only me who runs the business I don’t have partner/business partner
because it is too messy and difficult for me. (Sole proprietorship)

2. How does your business started?

• There this day that I wanted to have a business I am thinking on what business
should I get?. I am choosing between Vegetables, meat, frozens, and Clothes. It is so
hard to decide for me because I wamt it all then I ask may duaghter what should I
get the she suddenly said that Why don’t I pick it all. Then at that moment I agreed.
I used the money the money on my atm card I used it all I gambled it in this
business. At first I was selling only in my house people will come into my house but
now in the present I made a own store for them using the money that I gained here.

3. What are the legality that you work on in this business?

• I work the papers to register and to had a license for my business.

4. What are the process to manage your business?

• The process manage my business right is that I plan every single detail that I
needed and analyze the business that I am in.
5. Is your business success or failure?

• My business is a successful one because as of now I have been never experienced

lost. Also, my business keeps on growing I have Been planning lately to make also a
sari-sari store.

Ante Tesing Store are so interesting. Imagine its so hard to risk but she risk her money because she trust
herself so much. She has now a succesful business and living happy because she has a hobby to
entertain herself. I admire her business process because it is really true that we need to plan and
analyze a one situation before going through that risk.


11-ABM 1

PT #1


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