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2021, VOL. 59, NO. 6, 1922–1954

The applications of Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing context: a

systematic literature review
Ting Zheng , Marco Ardolino , Andrea Bacchetti and Marco Perona
RISE Lab – Research & Innovation for Smart Enterprises – Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Università degli Studi di
Brescia, Brescia, Italy


Industry 4.0 (I4.0) encompasses a plethora of digital technologies effecting on manufacturing enter- Received 26 February 2020
prises. Most research on this topic examines the effects in the smart factory domain, focusing on Accepted 2 September 2020
production scheduling. However, there is still a lack of comprehensive research on the applications KEYWORDS
of I4.0 enabling technologies in manufacturing life-cycle processes. This paper is thus intended to Industry 4.0; manufacturing
provide a systematic literature review answering the following research question: What are the appli- systems; advanced
cations of I4.0 enabling technologies in the business processes of manufacturing companies? The manufacturing technology;
study analyses 186 articles and the results show that production scheduling and control is the pro- manufacturing processes;
cess most often investigated, while there is also an increasing trend in servitization and circular smart manufacturing;
supply chain management. Moreover, there is extensive combined use of IoT, Big Data Analytics literature review
and Cloud, whose applications cover a wide range of processes. On the contrary, other technology
like Blockchain is not as widely discussed in the domain of I4.0. This picture calls for a future research
agenda extending the scope of investigation into I4.0 in manufacturing. Furthermore, the results
of this research can prove extremely useful for practitioners who wish to implement one or more
technologies, providing them with solutions for applications in manufacturing.

1. Introduction
Meanwhile, there are other digital technologies that have
Progressive globalisation, mass customisation and com- emerged as enablers of I4.0. Chen and Lin (2017) inves-
petitive business environments mean that ‘traditional’ tigate profit maximisation in 3D printing within smart
enterprise is facing new business challenges in today’s manufacturing systems, focusing on technical and man-
turbulent economy (Simmert et al. 2019). The demand agerial challenges to be overcome. There is also exten-
for faster delivery times, more efficient and automated sive exploitation of big data processing techniques and
processes, higher quality and customised products are algorithms, with the goal of improving system scalabil-
driving companies towards the so-called fourth indus- ity, security and efficiency (Xu and Duan 2019). In turn,
trial revolution, known as Industry 4.0 (I4.0). Cloud technologies can help implement Cloud Manufac-
The previous three Industrial revolutions led to great turing (CMfg), reducing costs and increasing scalability
increases in productivity driven by mechanisation, elec- by leveraging virtual resources (Buckholtz, Ragai, and
tricity and information technology (Veza, Mladineo, and Wang 2015). All these technologies can have repercus-
Gjeldum 2015). For Industry 4.0, the underlying tech- sions not only in the manufacturing sector, but also in
nology is represented by Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), everyday life by transforming traditional appliances into
which make production systems modular and change- smart products to implement sophisticated smart home
able, thus able to mass produce highly customised prod- systems (Aheleroff et al. 2020). In addition, the advent
ucts (Kagermann 2015; Nascimento et al. 2019). Indeed, of new technologies has led to the emergence of new
when CPS communicate over the Internet of Things, business models, such as what ‘multi-sided digital plat-
they connect infrastructure, physical objectives, human forms’, i.e. businesses capable of connecting two or more
actors, machines and processes across organisational groups of users thanks to the support of a digital platform
boundaries, enabling the fusion between physical and (Ardolino et al. 2020).
virtual world, exploiting sensors, actuators, and compu- I4.0 is growing in both developed and developing
tation power to transmit data in real-time for decen- countries. Choi and Choi (2018) study how Korean SMEs
tralised decision-making processes (Trappey et al. 2017). have implemented the smart factory concept and the

CONTACT Marco Ardolino Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Via Branze
38, Brescia, 25123, Italy

© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group


main challenges in advancing to the next level of matu- the relationships among performance objectives, man-
rity. Expectations on digitisation and I4.0 in the Ger- agerial capacities and I4.0 enabling technologies. Mittal
man metal and electric industry have been investigated et al. (2018) have tried to understand how the matu-
by Weber et al. (2017), while Dalenogare et al. (2018) rity models could be adopted to specific requirements
debated on the benefits of I4.0 related-technologies in the by SMEs and what are the challenges. Da Silva et al.
Brazilian industry. Zheng et al. (2019) also explored the (2020) focused on empirical studies of I4.0, summarising
current state of I4.0 in Italian manufacturing sector. the concept, benefits, challenges and enabling technolo-
The area of greatest impact by I4.0 is manufactur- gies of I4.0. Furthermore, Piccarozzi, Aquilani, and Gatti
ing, with the areas investigated ranging from improv- (2018) reviewed I4.0 from a managerial point of view.
ing production processes to optimising operational per- Buer, Strandhagen, and Chan (2018) try to map current
formance, developing products or services and supply literature investigating the link between I4.0 and lean
chain planning. Studies have also covered worker skills manufacturing, while Pagliosa, Tortorella, and Ferreira
(Kazancoglu and Ozkan-Ozen 2018), sustainability and (2019) investigate the key I4.0 technologies and link them
circular economy (Bressanelli et al. 2018a) and the link to lean practices. Frederico et al. (2019) outline the rela-
between implementing I4.0 and lean thinking (Buer, tionship between supply chain 4.0 and I4.0, and propose
Strandhagen, and Chan 2018) as Lean Thinking has been a maturity framework for supply chain 4.0.
implemented in many organisations (Amaro, Alves, and Although the literature mentioned above has covered
Sousa 2019). different perspectives in relation to I4.0, it seems that
I4.0 is a topic much debated in the literature, and many there is a lack of comprehensive consideration of the
studies analyse enabling technologies and their applica- impact of I4.0 from both a technical and managerial per-
tions (Fatorachian and Kazemi 2018; Kolberg, Knobloch, spective, as well as the holistic analysis of the different
and Zühlke 2017). However, the existing literature pays processes of manufacturing (Piccarozzi, Aquilani, and
more attention to the impacts of I4.0 on the specific pro- Gatti 2018; Schneider 2018). Thus, the authors seek to fill
cesse of manufacturing companies, instead of consider- this gap by performing a SLR, attempting to answer the
ing transversally all the processes in a holistic way. These following research question: What are the applications
gaps are clearly outlined by Piccarozzi, Aquilani, and of I4.0 enabling technologies in manufacturing business
Gatti (2018), pointing out the need to analyse the impact processes? The paper is composed of the following sec-
of I4.0 considering all processes. The goal of bridging this tions: Section 2 describes the conceptual framework that
gap leads to the development of a systematic literature guides this research; Section 3 demonstrates the method-
review (SLR). ology adopted for the literature review; Section 4 reports
To date, there are some SLR-type articles investigat- the main results, and Section 5 provides discussions on
ing different perspectives of I4.0 already published. For our findings, also outlining a future research agenda;
example, some scholars have adopted systematic biblio- finally, Section 6 draws conclusions from the work.
metric analysis to review academic progress on the topic
of I4.0 and summarise the areas of research and fields of
application (Liao et al. 2017; Muhuri, Shukla, and Abra-
2. Conceptual framework
ham 2019; Savastano et al. 2019; Strozzi et al. 2017).
Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Gawankar (2018) have devel- I4.0 introduces new opportunities that may disrupt
oped a sustainable I4.0 framework, incorporating sus- the traditional approach of manufacturing companies.
tainable aspects into machine-to-machine and human- Thanks to the growing number of new digital technolo-
to-machine integration enabled by I4.0 technologies, gies, I4.0 has numerous repercussions and applications
while Kerin and Pham (2019) summarise the use of Addi- in all the main processes. At the same time, technolo-
tive Manufacturing (AM), Internet of Things (IoT), Vir- gies can impact differently the various processes; there
tual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in the may be some technologies that have transversal impacts
domain of remanufacturing. Kadir, Broberg, and Con- on all processes, while others may focus purely on single
ceição (2019) review the ergonomics and human factors process.
in the domain of I4.0, while Klingenberg, Borges, and This study adopts an inductive-deductive approach
Antunes (2019) consider a data-driven approach for I4.0 according to Seuring and Gold (2012). As a starting
technology classification. Ghobakhloo (2018) has classi- point, a conceptual framework was developed (Figure 1).
fied building blocks and defined the technology trends Each of the intersections in the framework represents
of I4.0 by developing a roadmap for the I4.0 transi- the impact of applying each of the technologies anal-
tion for traditional manufacturing companies. In addi- ysed on each of the processes. One of the objectives of
tion, Moeuf et al. (2018) focused on SMEs, identifying this research is to measure the level of impact in each
1924 T. ZHENG ET AL.

Artificial Intelligence
Internet of Things

Cloud technology

Industrial Robot
Automation and

Simulation and

Big Data and



• New Product Development

Supply Chain Management

• Supply Chain Configuration
• Integrated Supply Chain Planning
Lifecycle Management

• Internal Logistics Management

Production and

Operations • Production Scheduling and Control
• Energy Management
• Quality Management
• Maintenance Management
• Customer Relationship
• After-Sales Management

RQ: What are the applications of I4.0 enabling technologies in

manufacturing business processes?

Figure 1. Conceptual framework.

node based on the applications described in the scientific This framework therefore represents the context of the
literature. authors’ research. A similar approach has been adopted
Using a conceptual framework can be very useful in by (Moeuf et al. 2018) published in International Jour-
a scientific study, since it ‘explains, either graphically or nal of Production Research, who conducted a literature
in narrative form, the main things to be studied – the review of case studies on the application of I4.0 in SMEs.
key factors, concepts, or variables, and the presumed
relationships among them’ (Miles and Huberman 1994).
Indeed, a conceptual framework can be defined as a 2.1. I4.0 enabling technologies
tentative theory of the phenomena under investigation The technological stream constitutes an important field
(Maxwell 2012) and is a way of looking at a problem concerning I4.0, and a combination of digital and man-
under analysis (Liehr and Smith 1999). ufacturing technologies can actually enable vertical inte-
This framework is mainly composed of two elements, gration of an organisation’s systems, horizontal integra-
namely: I4.0 enabling technologies and manufacturing tion in collaborative networks and end-to-end solutions
company processes, which are used to guide the analysis across the value chain (Kagermann, Wahlster, and Helbig
of the scientific literature. 2013; Klingenberg, Borges, and Antunes 2019). How-
The adoption of I4.0 technologies can have potential ever, there is no agreed list of I4.0 enabling technolo-
impacts on the various processes of manufacturing com- gies in the literature; scholars lack mutual understanding
panies. Business processes might also be supported by the and there are some inconsistencies among the differ-
technologies according to different applications, affect- ent literature domains (Fettermann et al. 2018; Riel and
ing both the individual process and more broadly the Flatscher 2017). In this paper, based on the fundamental
whole value chain. The list of process covers the entire design principles of I4.0, which are decentralisation, real-
production flow, from product design through manu- time support, modularity, interoperability, virtualisation
facture, service and, finally, recovery or disposal. There- and service-orientation (Alguliyev, Imamverdiyev, and
fore, all the processes identified have an impact on the Sukhostat 2018; Mohamed, Al-Jaroodi, and Lazarova-
product during its lifecycle. Part of these processes refer Molnar 2019), the authors consider a list of 10 clus-
more properly to Supply Chain Management (SCM), i.e. ters of technologies, resulting from a critical review
activities related to the management of suppliers and cus- of those mentioned in acknowledged research in the
tomers as well as planning and managing the flows of literature (Ardito et al. 2019; Da Silva et al. 2020;
materials between the various actors. Finally, we also con- Ghobakhloo 2018; Gölzer and Fritzsche 2017; Oztemel
sidered the processes intrinsically linked to operations and Gursev 2018), namely: Cyber-Physical Systems
and production, which represent the heart of the factory (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), Big data and Ana-
and manufacturing. lytics (BDA), Cloud technology, Artificial Intelligence

Table 1. Summary of I4.0 enabling technologies.

Technology Description References
Cyber-physical systems CPS is a collection of transformative technologies (Alguliyev, Imamverdiyev, and Sukhostat 2018; Lee,
that connects the operations of physical assets and Bagheri, and Kao 2015; Monostori et al. 2016)
computational capabilities. The main aim is to monitor
physical systems while creating a virtual copy
Internet of things Information network of physical objects (sensors, (Atzori, Iera, and Morabito 2010; Oztemel and Gursev 2018;
machines, cars, buildings, and other items) that Trappey et al. 2016)
enables the collection and exchange of data, allowing
interaction and cooperation of these objects
Big data and analytics Collection and analysis of large amount of available data (Buhl et al. 2013; Fosso Wamba et al. 2015; Vera-Baquero,
using a series of techniques to filter, capture and report Colomo-Palacios, and Molloy 2014)
insights, where data are processed in higher volumes,
with higher velocities and in greater variety
Cloud technology System for the provision of online storage services for all (Li et al. 2010; Tao et al. 2011; Xu 2012)
applications, programmes and data in a virtual server,
without requiring any installation
Artificial intelligence System that think humanly and rationally according to six (Kok et al. 2009; Monostori 2003; Russell and Norvig 2016)
main disciplines, including natural language processing,
knowledge representation, automated reasoning,
machine learning, computer vision and robotics
Blockchain A database that creates a distributed and tamperproof (Ghobakhloo 2018; Sikorski, Haughton, and Kraft 2017;
digital ledger of transactions, including timestamps of Viriyasitavat et al. 2018)
blocks maintained by every participating node
Simulation and modelling Technologies that mirror the physical world data such (Ghobakhloo 2018; Higashino, Capretz, and Bittencourt
as machines, products and humans in a virtual world, 2016; Kocian et al. 2012)
aiming for simplification and affordability of the design,
creation, testing and live operation of the systems
Visualization technology Augmented Reality: a set of innovative Human Computer (Azuma 1997; Mujber, Szecsi, and Hashmi 2004;
(augmented and virtual reality) Interaction (HCI) techniques that can embed virtual Regenbrecht, Baratoff, and Wilke 2005; Reif and Walch
objects to coexist and interact in the real environment; 2008; Wang, Ong, and Nee 2016; Yew, Ong, and Nee
Virtual Reality: application of computer technology to 2016)
create an interactive world, allowing the user to control
the virtual object and whole virtual scene in real time
Automation and industrial robots Machinery and equipment that automize operational (Cherubini et al. 2016; Ghobakhloo 2018; Oztemel and
processes, containing also Collaborative Robotics, which Gursev 2018)
allows humans and machines to operate in a shared
learning environment
Additive manufacturing Process of joining materials in successive layers to make (Durão et al. 2017; Esmaeilian, Behdad, and Wang 2016;
objects from 3D model data to ‘unlock’ design options Holmström et al. 2010)
and achieve great potential for mass-customisation

(AI), Blockchain, Simulation and Modelling, Visualiza- Development, Human Resource Management, Procure-
tion Technology, Automation and Industrial robot and, ment) increase the effectiveness of primary activities.
finally, Additive Manufacturing (AM) (Table 1). Another model is the Value Reference Model (VRM),
developed and published by the non-profit organisation
Value Chain Group (Kirikova, Buchmann, and Costin
2012). It addresses three different level, namely: gov-
2.2. Manufacturing company business processes
ernance (strategical processes), planning (tactical pro-
The scientific literature presents various frameworks and cesses) and execution (operational processes). In addi-
reference models listing typical default processes in com- tion, the supply chain operations reference (SCOR)
panies. These models are often used for assessing and model developed by the Supply Chain Council includes
comparing performances among the process under anal- five primary process: Planning, Sourcing, Making, Deliv-
ysis, possibly revealing best practices (Weilkiens et al. ering and Returning. This model is generally used to
2016). evaluate and improve the performances and management
In the literature, the most used model is the Value of supply chain networks as well as to highlight the func-
chain analysis by Michael Porter which includes a list of tional requirements of best practices (Stewart 1997). The
activities undertaken by a company in order to deliver last example illustrated in this paper is the process clas-
a product or a service (Porter 2011). The activities are sification framework (PCF) developed by the American
divided into two categories: primary activities and sup- Productivity & Quality Center (APQC) (APQC 2019).
port activities. Primary activities (Inbound Logistics, This model includes 12 enterprise-level processes; the
Operations, Outbound Logistics, Marketing and Sales, first five refer to operating processes and the other seven
Service) add value to the goods and services delivered, to management and support services. Even though this
while support activities (Infrastructure, Technological model can be seen as an extension of the famous Porter
1926 T. ZHENG ET AL.

Table 2. Summary of manufacturing business processes. phenomenon in order to fill research gaps and strengthen
Process Description the field of study (Petticrew and Roberts 2006). Even
New product Design, testing and prototyping of a product though this approach is evolved from the field of
development before its production and marketing. This medicine, in recent years systematic reviews have also
process also includes conceptualisation well as
the possible redesign of new product versions
been undertaken in the social and management sciences
Supply chain Decision-making process linked to the strategic (da Silva Etges and Cortimiglia 2019; Ülgen et al. 2019).
configuration choices generally adopted at managerial level as To guarantee the rigour and generalizability, a struc-
regards both the configuration of the network
(number of levels, selection of suppliers, tured selection process was implemented, and structured
make or buy strategy) and the factory layout criteria adopted to include related papers and exclude
including material flows management and asset
positioning unrelated cases.
Integrated supply Mainly demand forecasting and planning (demand To build the starting database, the authors began by
chain planning planning, demand forecasting), distribution
(distribution planning), sourcing (purchasing searching the term ‘Industry 4.0’ and its derivatives as
planning), positioning of materials at various keyword in article titles, abstracts, keywords in Scopus
levels of the supply chain (inventory planning)
and production (master production scheduling)
and Web of Science (WoS) databases. Despite the fact
Internal logistics Factory operational logistics activities for the that issues of digitisation and the adoption of digital tech-
storage, internal handling of products and nologies in manufacturing enterprises have been debated
production enslavement
Production scheduling Process that includes both the scheduling (e.g. from different perspectives in addition to ‘Industry 4.0’
and control machine load management, batch allocation) (e.g. ‘Smart manufacturing’, ‘Smart factory’, ‘Factory of
within the factory and the monitoring and
control of production the Future’), publications data were taken exclusively
Energy management Monitoring and control of all the resources used for considering the term ‘Industry 4.0’ and its derivatives.
the production and for the general functioning
of the factory (e.g. raw materials, energy, Indeed, this concept has been widespread for many years
utilities) and acknowledged by several international academic
Quality management Factory activities to control production in terms communities.
of both products (e.g. product defects) and
processes (e.g. production parameters) The data source creation phase led to the collection of
Maintenance Management of planning and maintenance for 13,651 papers: 8,644 from Scopus and 5,007 from WoS.
management the assets found within the factory (including
both breakdown and preventive or predictive The data source is updated as at the end of December
maintenance) 2019. The creation of the initial database was followed
Customer relationship Process including all activities involving interaction
management with customers (for example, to understand by a screening phase of the papers using the standard fil-
their habits or any product customisations). ter fields provided by the databases. In this phase only
It also includes the design, management and
provision of services (including customised
English articles were included. In addition, only peer-
services) directly connected to the physical reviewed journal articles were included; therefore, book
product chapters, conference papers, proceedings, and other non-
After-sales Management of the after-sales process including
management activities mainly concerning technical assistance refereed publications were excluded. This procedure is
and product maintenance, spare parts usual in a systematic review since this process acts as a
management, recovery and disposal of products
at the end of the product lifecycle quality control mechanism that confirms the knowledge
provided by the included articles (Light and Pillemer
1984). A filter was also applied to the subject areas in
value chain, it has been poorly adopted in published order to include only the most relevant articles based on
research (Cragg and Mills 2011). the research question of this study. Figure 2 shows all the
Based on the models shown above, the authors have inclusion criteria adopted.
identified a list of business processes that characterise a The articles from the two different databases were
typical industrial and manufacturing company. The list merged and any duplicates were removed. The result was
of processes is described in Table 2. a single database consisting of 2,084 papers. After the
abovementioned filtering, the impact factor was also con-
3. Methodology sidered, in order to assess the relevance of the journal in
which the selected papers were published. This process
3.1. Literature selection strategy
ensures the inclusion of relevant and high-quality works.
In this section, the authors present the adopted approach The advantages of citation-based ranking include high
for selecting I4.0 related literature. To address the objectivity and wide acceptance and use of the Journal
research question, academic publications were investi- Impact Factor to assess the quality of individual papers
gated, following the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is very common (Pagani, Kovaleski, and Resende 2015).
process. Indeed, SLR summarises existing knowledge The screening phase have brought to 951 articles available
and evaluates available research works on a particular for further analysis.

also excluded. As a result, a total of 571 papers were con-

Keywords: Industr* 4.0
sidered ‘outside of the scope’. Therefore, after this reading
Scopus Web of Science Data process, the sample was reduced to 380 papers.
5007 papers
8644 papers
sources The second selection phase involved reading the full
paper. In this case, in addition to the criteria shown
Database standard field filtering
phase above, all the articles which did not refer to any pro-
• Inclusion criteria:
I. Paper language: English;
cess in the manufacturing business were also discarded.
II. Document type: article, article in press, review; Finally, the articles outside the scope of the manufactur-
III. Subject area: engineering; computer science;
automation control system; robotics; mechanics; ing industry were also excluded. In the end, 186 papers
science technology other topics; operation were considered suitable for this literature review. The
research; business, management and
accounting; social science; decision science; selected papers were read and analysed with the sup-
port of Mendeley© and Microsoft© Excel. The articles
papers were catalogued in Mendeley and, after a first reading,
each of them was allocated a tag relating to both the
Duplicate removal technologies and the processes investigated. In addition,
the parts of papers relating to potential applications to
papers be mapped were highlighted. In a second step, all the
highlighted parts were entered into a Microsoft© Excel
Impact factor > 1 spreadsheet, created according to the diagram in Figure 1.
Each cell contained parts of the article highlighted in
951 the previous phase. Then, the content of each cell was
read, reasoning by single row, to identify the applications
Reading titles and abstracts
First found and highlight the possible integrated use of two or
selection more technologies. This enabled us to identify the vari-
• Exclusion criteria:
I. Outside of the scope; ous applications for each intersection of the table, as per
II. Too much focus on technical principles of technology;
III. No mention of manufacturing; the set objective.

papers 3.2. Sample description

Second 3.2.1. Year-wise publication analysis

Reading full paper
selection In order to achieve a general view of the pieces of litera-
• Exclusion criteria:
phase ture analysed, we conducted a primary mapping based
I. Articles investigating the 4.0 phenomenon in
general ; on a year-wise publication analysis. Figure 3 shows an
II. Articles mainly focused on a single technology,
with no reference to industrial application increasing trend in the number of published papers
III. Articles not relating to any manufacturing
business process
per year on I4.0 in manufacturing, which implies that
IV. Articles outside the scope of the manufacturing the topic of I4.0 is attracting more and more attention
from the academic community. From 2016, contributions
began to increase rapidly, especially in 2019, resulting in
almost twice the contributions of 2018 and three times
those of 2017. Indeed, no significant contributions have
Figure 2. Literature review selection process strategy.
been observed before 2016 according to our selection
criteria. This trend can be explained by the fact that
I4.0 is a relatively novel topic. Moreover, I4.0 was born
In order to achieve the research objectives, based on in Germany in 2011 and first contributions were pub-
the developed conceptual framework, the authors car- lished mainly in Conferences proceedings, generally in
ried out a first selection phase, which involved reading German. Since this literature review excludes conference
the titles and abstracts of each paper, in order to exclude proceedings, it is reasonable to state that, due to the nov-
the ones which were not within the scope of the research. elty of the topic, the papers published in peer review
In particular, works investigating the 4.0 phenomenon in journals emerge mainly in 2016 and following years.
general and with no explicit reference to an I4.0 enabling
technology were not considered. In addition, all the arti- 3.2.2. Journal contributions
cles mainly focused vertically on a single technology, with Figure 4 lists the journals based on the number of arti-
no references to any application in manufacturing, were cles published in this journal. Only Journals with at least
1928 T. ZHENG ET AL.

Figure 3. Year-wise publication.

Figure 4. Journal contribution on the topic of I4.0.

3 published articles are listed. IEEE Access, International 4. Content analysis result
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Inter-
4.1. New product development
national Journal of Production Research, Journal of Man-
ufacturing Systems, Journal of Manufacturing Technol- New product development can mean the creation of new
ogy Management are the top five listed journals in which products by assessing all the characteristics and func-
I4.0 related articles are published. Since I4.0 is enabled by tions. In other cases, this activity may involve the modifi-
advanced manufacturing technologies, including Oper- cation of an existing product in order to achieve specific
ations Technology (OT) and Information Technology improvements and to satisfy new customer needs. The
(IT), it is unsurprising to see that most articles have been literature provides several contributions concerning the
published in technology-oriented and manufacturing- support of digital technologies in achieving this process.
focused journals. Moreover, we noticed that a variety of Miranda et al. (2019) focus on the topic of smart prod-
journal types are covered, relating to business and sus- uct development according to a reference framework
tainability, which indicates the multifaceted impact of based on the adoption of CPS to create sensing, smart
I4.0. and sustainable products. Tao and Qi (2019) develop a

Service-oriented Smart Network (SoSM), in which the Table 3. Impact of I4.0 enabling technologies on ‘new product
IoT is used to connect all the users involved in the design development’.
phase of formalising the product information model. The Technologies Applications Sources
specific receiver and feedback mechanism enabled by the Cyber-physical systems Smart product (Miranda et al. 2019)
IoT improves the effectiveness of data source collection development
Internet of things Data collection for (Ang et al. 2017;
in New Product Development (NPD) (Chen et al. 2017). product design Chen et al. 2017;
In addition, Bressanelli et al. (2018b) stress the capacity improvements Bressanelli et al.
2018a; Tao and Qi
of the IoT and BDA in improving product design from 2019)
a Circular Economy (CE) perspective. Indeed, the IoT Big data and analytics Data processing (Ang et al. 2017;
and analysis for Chen et al. 2017;
allows data to be collected directly from the product in product design Bressanelli et al.
order to identify potential improvements in the design improvements 2018a; Dalenogare
phase, which can be very useful when a new version of et al. 2018; Qi and
Tao 2018; Tao and Qi
the physical product is to be launched. 2019)
In addition to collection, these data also have to be Cloud technology Distributed and (Ang et al. 2017; Rao
collaborative design and Prasad 2018)
processed to underline any improvement trends; some Artificial intelligence Data processing (Ang et al. 2017)
works in the literature demonstrate the usefulness of BDA and analysis for
product design
technology in this processing. Dalenogare et al. (2018) improvements
provide the evidence that operational big data collected Blockchain – –
Simulation and Virtual prototyping (Ang et al. 2017)
from sensors has a positive impact on product design modelling
in CAD systems. Indeed, BDA is a lever for customised Technical product (Miranda et al. 2019)
design, since more and more active or passive informa- assessment
Digital product (Qi and Tao 2018)
tion on user behaviours are exposed to the internet (Qi representation
and Tao 2018; Tao and Qi 2019), so designers can exploit Visualization technol- Augmented design (Zhong et al. 2017)
ogy (augmented
these data to acquire information about potential design and virtual reality)
features and improvements in order to satisfy latent cus- Automation and –
industrial robots
tomer needs. This is further confirmed by Chen et al. Additive Digital complex design (Ang et al. 2017; Chen
(2017) who state that BDA can help designers to trans- manufacturing 2017)
form data into enlightening knowledge. Moreover, Ang Rapid prototyping (Chong, Ramakrishna,
and Singh 2018;
et al. (2017) state that, combined with Machine Learning Ghobakhloo 2018)
(ML), information collected from product lifecycle can
be used to optimise product design.
Another interesting technology for NPD is Cloud with traditional production techniques (Ang et al. 2017;
technology, which provides an environment where Chen 2017). On the other hand, this production technol-
data and functionalities are deployed; specific customer ogy, characterised by reduced production lead time, guar-
requirements across the global network can be transmit- antees rapid prototyping and obtains the product com-
ted to the Cloud for storage, computing and analysis, ponents quickly for subsequent testing (Chong, Ramakr-
promoting distributed and collaborative product design ishna, and Singh 2018; Ghobakhloo 2018).
(Ang et al. 2017; Rao and Prasad 2018). Table 3 shows the applications of I4.0 technologies in
Automated simulation can support and accelerate vir- ‘New Product Development’.
tual prototyping (Ang et al. 2017), while simulation is
useful in technical assessment before the prototyping
4.2. Supply chain configuration
stage (Miranda et al. 2019). Digital Twin (DT) is also
important in NPD as it replicates the digital represen- The supply chain configuration is a fundamental strate-
tation of physical products for iterative optimisation of gic activity as it includes both the choice of position of
personalised design (Qi and Tao 2018). the various facilities, such as plants and warehouses, and
Visualization technology, for example Augmented the number of levels. Another aspect to be considered is
Reality (AR), can also support the product development the factory layout, as it can have a considerable impact on
process as it provides a concrete vision of the end product process efficiency. Clearly, factory layout design is inher-
for assessing, in particular, the aesthetic details (Zhong ent in the production system design, but it also forms
et al. 2017). part of those tactical choices that fall under supply chain
Finally, AM can also be implemented to enhance NPD. configuration; therefore, we do consider factory layout
On the one hand, AM allows designers to achieve prod- in this section. In this case, BDA can play the impor-
ucts featuring complex shapes that would not be feasible tant role of integrating data from different systems and,
1930 T. ZHENG ET AL.

when combined with simulation, provide more accurate Table 4. Impact of I4.0 enabling technologies on ‘supply chain
data for building sophisticate disruption scenarios for configuration’.
resilient SC design analysis (Ivanov, Dolgui, and Sokolov Technologies Applications Sources
2019; Queiroz and Telles 2018; Vieira et al. 2019a, 2019b). Cyber-physical system Distributed production (Durão et al. 2017)
Therefore, BDA and simulation technologies can offer of spare parts
Supply chain risk (Ivanov, Dolgui, and
effective support in supply chain risk assessment. In addi- management Sokolov 2019)
tion, the use of IoT, BDA, Cloud, AI, Blockchain, AR and Internet of things Smart purchasing and (Srai and Lorentz 2019)
supply management
VR enable smart purchasing and supply management Big data and analytics Supply chain risk (Ivanov, Dolgui, and
(Srai and Lorentz 2019). Integrating these technologies assessment Sokolov 2019;
Queiroz and Telles
makes it possible to digitise purchasing and supply man- 2018)
agement functions, improving coordination and control. Factory layout design (Kumar, Singh, and
BDA can also be used in combination with AI and and evaluation Lamba 2018; Zhang,
Wang, Wang, et al.
Simulation tools for evaluating and improving factory 2019)
layout. Indeed, Kumar, Singh, and Lamba (2018) exploit Smart purchasing and (Srai and Lorentz 2019)
supply management
a metal-heuristic approach to develop the framework for Cloud technology Smart purchasing and (Srai and Lorentz 2019)
a sustainable and robust stochastic cellular facility lay- supply management
Artificial intelligence Factory layout design (Kumar, Singh, and
out, while Zhang, Wang, Wang, et al. (2019) explore the and evaluation Lamba 2018)
simulation method for evaluating and optimising the lay- Smart purchasing and (Diez-Olivan et al. 2019;
out of the workshop and the dynamic performance of supply management Ghadimi et al. 2019)
Supply chain risk (Ivanov, Dolgui, and
the manufacturing system. Supply chain configuration assessment Sokolov 2019)
management also includes assessing what to produce and Blockchain Smart purchasing and (Srai and Lorentz 2019)
supply management
what to outsource if necessary. Although in recent years Simulation and Factory layout design (Kumar, Singh, and
the trend has been to outsource to countries with low- modelling and evaluation Lamba 2018; Zhang,
Wang, Wang, et al.
cost labour, some technologies, such as AM, have given 2019)
companies the opportunity to implement insourcing or Supply chain risk (Ivanov, Dolgui, and
back-sourcing strategies. Ivanov, Dolgui, and Sokolov assessment Sokolov 2019; Vieira
et al. 2019a, 2019b)
(2019) highlight the potentialities of back-sourcing and Visualization technol- Smart purchasing and (Srai and Lorentz 2019)
in-sourcing strategies thanks to the higher flexibility and ogy (augmented supply management
and virtual reality)
shorter lead times provided by 3D printing. In addition, Automation and Backshoring (Savastano et al. 2019)
Durão et al. (2017) investigate the relationship between industrial robots
Additive Distributed production (Durão et al. 2017;
central factories and distributed production sites when manufacturing of spare parts Zanoni et al. 2019)
leveraging AM as a main production process for spare Insourcing / back (Ivanov, Dolgui, and
sourcing strategy Sokolov 2019)
parts, in combination with CPS for full access to the Backshoring (Savastano et al. 2019)
monitored data. Savastano et al. (2019) also investigate
the impact of I4.0 and competitive priorities on back-
shoring decisions, discovering that advanced automation
and additive manufacturing can act as effective levers.
Indeed, AM-enabled spare part supply chain configura- demands, leading to greater efficiencies in the distribu-
tions can definitively exploit the flexibility advantages of tion of end products. Indeed, a more accurate monitoring
local manufacturing (Zanoni et al. 2019). of customer demand may have an impact on different
Table 4 lists the main applications of I4.0 enabling processes and make production planning more effec-
technologies in ‘supply chain configuration’. tive and aligned (Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Gawankar
On the other hand, with IoT and BDA technologies,
4.3. Integrated supply chain planning
inbound and outbound flows can be tracked more accu-
The integrated supply chain planning process refers to the rately, enabling automated and more precise demand
organisation and management of various aspects, such as planning and forecasting (Hofmann and Rüsch 2017).
materials, suppliers, inventory, as well as demand fore- These two technologies enable advanced demand assess-
casting. The support of digital technologies in managing ment and forecasting. In this regard, Cloud technology
all these aspects results in improved coordination and can enhance the abovementioned mechanism, acting as
integration along the entire supply chain. an advanced data repository for planning and forecast-
The simultaneous adoption of the IoT and BDA ing, allowing communications among all the players in
helps companies anticipate and shape future customer the supply chain (customers, assemblers, suppliers and

other service providers), facilitating the supply decision- Machines (SVM) and Deep Neutral Network (DNN),
making process for complying (or not) with customer- to solve multi-criteria inventory classification (MCIC)
desired product varieties, volumes and times (Garay- issues, generating excellent results.
Rondero et al. 2019; Strozzi et al. 2017; Wan et al. 2016; BDA can also support distribution planning; Gruž-
Yin, Stecke, and Li 2018). Indeed, Cloud technology not auskas, Baskutis, and Navickas (2018) adopted this tech-
only promotes vertical integration within smart facto- nology for finding the trade-off between cost effective
ries, but also horizontal integration along value networks, performance and sustainability in distribution planning.
allowing interaction among consumers, design activi- Strandhagen, Vallandingham, et al. (2017) consider real-
ties, manufacturing, and logistics (Wang, Wan, Li, et al. time big data analytics as a lever for facilitating optimal
2016). The Cloud also provides the opportunity to cre- material and product transportation routing within a
ate collaborative instruments such as a service platform Logistics 4.0 environment.
for coordinating regional manufacturing resources and Integrated supply chain planning is a field in which
achieving effective sharing and optimal allocations, even Blockchain can be effectively applied with two main
extended to multi-plants and logistics enterprises con- applications, namely: real-time materials identification
text (Bienhaus and Haddud 2018; Strandhagen, Alfnes, and tracking (Ivanov, Dolgui, and Sokolov 2019), and
et al. 2017; Rao and Prasad 2018). Another aspect pecu- cross-organisational automated collaboration among
liar to integrated supply chain planning is the possibility stakeholders (Ghobakhloo 2018; Hofmann and Rüsch
of exchanging data for a complete visualisation at all lev- 2017; Ivanov, Dolgui, and Sokolov 2019; Viriyasitavat
els. Ben-Daya, Hassini, and Bahroun (2019) reinforce the et al. 2018). In particular, product information records
idea of the visualisation capacity of the IoT, which enables can be traced transparently and authenticated (Alladi
the virtual control of supply chains and, consequently, et al. 2019; Fernandez-Carames and Fraga-Lamas 2019;
buyers can track and trace goods as they move through Srai and Lorentz 2019), and collaboration can be achieved
the supply chain, enabling advanced quality control and through distributed smart contracts that enable trusted
planning during the sourcing process. In addition, the and autonomous relationship among different actors in
real-time data capturing and exchange capacity provided the supply chain, both suppliers and customers (Alladi
by CPS, Auto-ID technology and BDA requires less man- et al. 2019; Fernandez-Carames and Fraga-Lamas 2019;
ual interaction at inventory level between buyer and sup- Longo et al. 2019). This kind of application is also con-
plier, facilitating supply chain information exchange and firmed by Viriyasitavat et al. (2018) who focus on busi-
visualisation (Hofmann and Rüsch 2017). BDA technol- ness process management (BPM).
ogy is also helpful in profiling and extracts the infor- Table 5 shows the main applications resulting from the
mation important for marketing and supply chain man- abovementioned contributions found in the literature.
agement functions to improve the matching of sup-
ply and demand processes (Kamble, Gunasekaran, and
4.4. Internal logistics
Gawankar 2018).
Moreover, the combined implementation of IoT, Internal logistics deals with the handling and storage
BDA and Cloud enhances supply chain integration and of goods within the factory. This process encompasses
automation (Ardito et al. 2019; Garay-Rondero et al. the movement of materials and the support operations
2019; Gružauskas, Baskutis, and Navickas 2018; Man- related to warehousing, stock control, material han-
avalan and Jayakrishna 2019), in which IoT can cre- dling, and production feeding. In particular, the human
ate a network of stakeholders along the supply chain resources involved in internal logistics are responsible
(Schroeder et al. 2019) BDA play the role of data collector for ensuring secure production supply, so cost and time
and processor along supply chain and the Cloud stores efficiency are essential. I4.0 enabling technologies offer
structured information for sharing and exchange. Bien- many ideas for improving internal logistics.
haus and Haddud (2018), Srai and Lorentz (2019) focus In the literatures, there are some contributions high-
on procurement digitisation, in which operational activi- lighting the identification and tracking capability of IoT
ties such as procurement transactions can be automatised technologies. Wan et al. (2016) describe the adoption of
through IoT, BDA and AI, in order to create more space RFID for material identification and recording manufac-
for strategic human-performed initiatives. Indeed, com- turing information. Lee, Zhang, and Ng (2017) inves-
panies using CPS and Big Data tend to have more efficient tigate the implementation of IoT in tracking and trac-
cooperation with their partners (Nagy et al. 2018). ing raw materials, semi-finished products and finished
Consequently, AI is also effective in supply chain goods in inbound order inspections. Zhang, Qu, et al.
integration and automation. Lolli et al. (2019) research (2019) highlight the role of the IoT in making physi-
the use of ML techniques, such as Support Vector cal objects ‘smart’ and synchronising information among
1932 T. ZHENG ET AL.

Table 5. Impact of I4.0 enabling technologies on ‘integrated supply chain planning’.

Technologies Applications Sources
Cyber-physical systems Supply chain integration and automation (Hofmann and Rüsch 2017; Nagy et al. 2018)
Internet of things Data collection for advanced demand assessment (Hofmann and Rüsch 2017; Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Gawankar
and forecasting 2018; Wan et al. 2016)
Supply chain information exchange and (Ben-Daya, Hassini, and Bahroun 2019; Gružauskas, Baskutis, and
visualization Navickas 2018; Hofmann and Rüsch 2017)
Supply chain integration and automation (Ardito et al. 2019; Bienhaus and Haddud 2018; Garay-Rondero
et al. 2019; Manavalan and Jayakrishna 2019; Patel, Ali, and
Sheth 2018; Schroeder et al. 2019; Srai and Lorentz 2019)
Big data and analytics Advanced demand assessment and forecasting (Garay-Rondero et al. 2019; Hofmann and Rüsch 2017; Kamble,
Gunasekaran, and Gawankar 2018; Patel, Ali, and Sheth 2018;
Wan et al. 2016)
Supply chain information exchange and (Ben-Daya, Hassini, and Bahroun 2019; Gružauskas, Baskutis, and
visualisation Navickas 2018; Hofmann and Rüsch 2017)
Supply chain integration and automation (Ardito et al. 2019; Bienhaus and Haddud 2018; Garay-Rondero
et al. 2019; Manavalan and Jayakrishna 2019; Nagy et al. 2018;
Patel, Ali, and Sheth 2018; Srai and Lorentz 2019)
Distribution planning (Gružauskas, Baskutis, and Navickas 2018; Strandhagen,
Vallandingham, et al. 2017)
Cloud technology Advanced data repository to carry out demand (Ardito et al. 2019; Garay-Rondero et al. 2019; Moeuf et al. 2018;
assessment and forecasting Strozzi et al. 2017; Wan et al. 2016; Yin, Stecke, and Li 2018)
Supply chain information exchange and (Ben-Daya, Hassini, and Bahroun 2019; Gružauskas, Baskutis, and
visualisation Navickas 2018; Hofmann and Rüsch 2017)
Supply chain integration and automation (Garay-Rondero et al. 2019; Manavalan and Jayakrishna 2019; Srai
and Lorentz 2019; Novais, Maqueira, and Bruque 2019; Wang,
Wan, Li, et al. 2016)
Cloud manufacturing service platform for SC (Bienhaus and Haddud 2018; Chen and Tsai 2017; Hofmann and
collaboration Rüsch 2017; Rao and Prasad 2018; Strandhagen, Alfnes, et al.
2017; Wang, Wan, Li et al. 2016; Yoon et al. 2019; Zhang, Ding,
Zou, et al. 2019)
Artificial intelligence Multi-criteria inventory classification (Lolli et al. 2019)
Advanced demand assessment and forecasting (Garay-Rondero et al. 2019)
Supply chain integration and automation (Bienhaus and Haddud 2018; Srai and Lorentz 2019)
Blockchain Real-time materials identification and tracking (Alladi et al. 2019; Fernandez-Carames and Fraga-Lamas 2019;
Ivanov, Dolgui, and Sokolov 2019; Srai and Lorentz 2019)
Cross-organisational collaboration among (Alladi et al. 2019; Fernandez-Carames and Fraga-Lamas 2019;
stakeholders Ghobakhloo 2018; Hofmann and Rüsch 2017; Ivanov, Dolgui,
and Sokolov 2019; Longo et al. 2019; Viriyasitavat et al. 2018)
Simulation and modelling – –
Visualization technology – –
(augmented and virtual reality)
Automation and industrial robots – –
Additive manufacturing – –

production systems and warehouse systems for optimal digitisation of material flows, delivery processes may be
dynamic lean control. These expedients may help reduce simulated in relation to adjacent processes. Therefore,
time and save resources. Indeed, incoming materials fit- Simulation and Modelling might help in the assessment
ted with Auto-ID tags can be controlled by employees of collection and delivery processes.
using scanning devices or automatic gate control systems As regards Visualization technologies, pick-by-vision
(Hofmann and Rüsch 2017). is a promising concept within logistics (Strandhagen,
Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) can read sensors Alfnes, et al. 2017). Work instructions for logistics oper-
in the factory, automating internal transportation, line ations can be given directly to workers using AR tech-
feeding and material handling (Novais, Maqueira, and nologies for reducing the cognitive load and enabling
Bruque 2019; Tang and Veelenturf 2019). To demon- better performance of various operations. Blanco-Novoa
strate this, Strandhagen, Vallandingham, et al. (2017) et al. (2018) illustrate the cases of use of Industrial Aug-
show that Auto ID and RFID, together with AGVs and mented Reality (IAR) for asset location and warehouse
autonomous industrial robots, enable autonomous track- management.
ing and inventory control in warehouse management. As shown in Table 6, applications are found for tech-
Fuzzy logic incorporated with machine learning algo- nologies such as IoT, AI, Simulation and modelling,
rithms can support and improve the order picking pro- Visualization Technology and Automation and Indus-
cess (Lee et al. 2018). In addition, Hofmann and Rüsch trial Robots in Internal Logistics processes. No relevant
(2017) discussed internal material flow optimisation applications have been found concerning the other tech-
through simulation. Since there is an increase in the nologies considered.

Table 6. Impact of I4.0 enabling technologies on ‘internal logis- planning, evaluating and managing entire production
tics’. processes (Kang et al. 2016; Rossit, Tohmé, and Frutos
Technologies Applications Sources 2019), and achieving mass personalisation of produc-
Cyber-physical systems – – tion (Aheleroff et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2017). Indeed,
Internet of things Material identification (Hofmann and Rüsch several frameworks are proposed for achieving CPS-
and tracking 2017; Lee et al. 2018;
Wan et al. 2016; enabled smart scheduling. Wan, Chen, et al. (2018) pro-
Zhang, Qu, et al. pose an IoT-enabled framework for managing dynamic
Automation of internal (Strandhagen, manufacturing resources based on CPPS. Fatorachian
transportation, line Vallandingham, and Kazemi (2018) argue that the challenge of com-
feeding and material et al. 2017; Novais,
handling Maqueira, and
munication among different CPSs can be resolved by
Bruque 2019; Tang IoT, while BDA and Cloud enable overall control. Abidi
and Veelenturf 2019; et al. (2019) propose cloud-based CPS architecture for
Wan et al. 2016)
Big data and analytics – – integrating heterogenous data for the purposes of shop-
Cloud technology – – floor status monitoring and adaptive scheduling. Lu and
Artificial intelligence Order picking (Lee et al. 2018)
management Xu (2019), Zhang, Ding, et al. (2019) also confirm that
Blockchain – – CPS enables smart production control through cloud-
Simulation and Material flow (Hofmann and Rüsch
modelling simulation in 2017)
based platforms. Zhang, Wang, Zhu, et al. (2019) investi-
factories and gate the constitution of CPS through ubiquitous robots
warehouses governed by Cloud. Jiang et al. (2018) also investigate
Visualization technol- Pick-by vision (Strandhagen, Alfnes,
ogy (augmented et al. 2017) CPS-based multi-agent systems (MAS) and contract net
and virtual reality) theory for task scheduling. Cruz Salazar et al. (2019)
Material allocation (Blanco-Novoa et al.
guidance 2018) identify resources, processes, management and commu-
Automation and Automation of internal (Strandhagen, nication agents to create agent-based CPPS architecture.
industrial robots transportation, line Vallandingham,
feeding and material et al. 2017; Novais, Tan et al. (2019) state that smart assembly units (SAUs),
handling Maqueira, and self-organized wireless sensors and actor/actuator net-
Bruque 2019; Tang
and Veelenturf 2019;
works (WSAN), MAS, edge computing and cloud com-
Wan et al. 2016) puting can create CPS architecture for the dynamic coor-
Additive – – dination of shop-floor level material and information
flow. CPS also enables shop floor digital twin, since the
computational and physical capabilities are integrated by
CPS, which makes physical resources capable of comput-
4.5. Production scheduling and control
ing, communication and control (Longo, Nicoletti, and
Production scheduling and control is the area that Padovano 2019; Tao and Zhang 2017; Urbina Coronado
received most attention in the scientific literature. Table 7 et al. 2018). Xu (2017) consider cyber-physical machine
shows that, apart from Blockchain technology, all the tools an essential element of CPPS, where cyber twins
other I4.0 enabling technologies are found to have of machines can be provisioned and coordinated. Turner
numerous applications in this process. CPS is observed et al. (2016) on the other side, investigate the func-
to have considerable impact in production, with appli- tion of VR and DES for shop-floor control. With regard
cations focused mainly on the scheduling and control of to the virtualisation of manufacturing resource, Shafiq
cyber-physical production systems, as well as the virtual- et al. (2015, 2016) proposes the concept and framework
isation of manufacturing resources. of virtual engineering objects (VEOs) and virtual engi-
CPS, IoT and IoS constitute the architecture of smart neering process (VEPs) as a specialised form of CPS
factory, digitising the processes, assets, products and for providing engineering artefacts and processes with
operators (Diez-Olivan et al. 2019; Ghobakhloo 2018; experience-based representation. Lu and Xu (2018) pro-
Wang, Wan, Li, et al. 2016; Wang, Wan, Zhang, et al. pose a framework of test-driven resource virtualisation
2016). According to Mittal et al. (2019) and Monostori to guide industries in creating digital twins for smart
et al. (2016), the applied form of CPS in production factory, where technical properties, functional proper-
is CPPS, which is an interchangeable term for smart ties and real-time status can be virtualised in cyberspace
factory (Chen et al. 2017). Individual CPSs constitute by utilising semantic web technologies, OWL and Jena
the low-level control systems, powered by integration modelling.
and interoperability, cloud computing, data analytics and Regardless of the type of machinery or the type of
cyber security, (Rojas and Rauch 2019). CPPS can enable processing, collecting the data of the production process
smart scheduling, ranging from physical operations to is essential for effective monitoring. In this regard, IoT
1934 T. ZHENG ET AL.

Table 7. Impact of I4.0 enabling technologies on ‘production scheduling and control’.

Technologies Applications Sources
Cyber-physical systems Cyber-physical production system scheduling and (Abidi et al. 2019; Chen et al. 2017; Cruz Salazar et al. 2019; Diez-
control Olivan et al. 2019; Fatorachian and Kazemi 2018; Ghobakhloo
2018; Jiang et al. 2018; Kang et al. 2016; Lalanda, Morand, and
Chollet 2017; Longo, Nicoletti, and Padovano 2019; Lu and Xu
2019; Mittal et al. 2019; Monostori et al. 2016; Rojas and Rauch
2019; Rossit, Tohmé, and Frutos 2019; Tan et al. 2019; Tao and Qi
2019; Tao and Zhang 2017; Turner et al. 2016; Urbina Coronado
et al. 2018; Wan, Chen, et al. 2018; Wang et al. 2017; Wang, Wan,
Li, et al. 2016; Wang, Wan, Zhang, et al. 2016; Xu 2017; Zhang,
Ding, Zou, et al. 2019; Zhang, Wang, Zhu, et al. 2019)
Manufacturing resource virtualisation (Lu and Xu 2018; Shafiq et al. 2015; Shafiq, Sanin, Toro, et al. 2016)
Internet of things Data collection from production processes and (Lalanda, Morand, and Chollet 2017; Makris et al. 2016; Mourtzis
resources and Vlachou 2018; Tao and Qi 2019; Tao and Zhang 2017; Wang
et al. 2017; Wang, Wan, Li, et al. 2016; Zhong et al. 2017)
Smart connected factory formalisation (Chen 2017; Fatorachian and Kazemi 2018; Ghobakhloo 2018;
Strandhagen, Vallandingham, et al. 2017; Lee, Zhang, and
Ng 2017; Lenz, Wuest, and Westkämper 2018; Liu et al. 2020;
Molano et al. 2018; Rojas and Rauch 2019; Simões et al. 2019;
Tan et al. 2019; Wan et al. 2016; Wan, Chen, et al. 2018; Wang,
Wan, Li, et al. 2016; Wang, Wan, Zhang, et al. 2016; Yao et al.
2019; Yoon et al. 2019; Zhang, Ding, Zou, et al. 2019; Zhang, Qu,
Zhou, et al. 2019)
Big data and analytics Automated resource allocation and scheduling (Ang et al. 2017; Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Gawankar 2018; Kang
et al. 2016; Liu et al. 2020; Moeuf et al. 2018; Qi and Tao 2018;
Rojas and Rauch 2019; Tao and Qi 2019; Wang, Wan, Li, et al.
2016; Wang, Wan, Zhang, et al. 2016; Zhang, Ding, Zou, et al.
Cloud technology Storage and computation capacities for smart (Chen 2017; Fatorachian and Kazemi 2018; Ghobakhloo 2018;
connected factories Strandhagen, Vallandingham, et al. 2017; Lalanda, Morand, and
Chollet 2017; Liu et al. 2020; Moeuf et al. 2018; Molano et al.
2018; Mourtzis, Zogopoulos, and Xanthi 2019; Rojas and Rauch
2019; Rossit, Tohmé, and Frutos 2019; Saucedo-Martínez et al.
2018; Strozzi et al. 2017; Tan et al. 2019; Wan et al. 2016; Wang,
Wan, Li, et al. 2016; Wang, Wan, Zhang, et al. 2016; Yoon et al.
2019; Zhang, Ding, Zou, et al. 2019; Zhang, Wang, Zhu, et al.
2019; Zhong et al. 2017)
Smart machining implementation (Kim et al. 2018; Xu 2017)
Artificial intelligence Automated resource allocation and scheduling (Cohen et al. 2019; González Rodríguez, Gonzalez-Cava, and
Méndez Pérez 2020; Moussa and ElMaraghy 2019; Sharp, Ak,
and Hedberg 2018; Wan, Yang, et al. 2018; Zhang, Ding, Zou,
et al. 2019)
Smart machining implementation (Kim et al. 2018; Ritou et al. 2019)
Semantic applications for production systems (Gorecky, Khamis, and Mura 2017; Jirkovsky, Obitko, and Marik
2017; Lu and Xu 2018; Patel, Ali, and Sheth 2018; Pedone and
Mezgár 2018; Turner et al. 2016; Wan, Chen, et al. 2018; Wan,
Yang, et al. 2018; Xu 2017)
Multi-agent applications for production systems (Cruz Salazar et al. 2019; Jiang et al. 2018; Kaihara et al. 2017; Peres
et al. 2018; Rojas and Rauch 2019; Tan et al. 2019; Wan, Chen,
et al. 2018)
Blockchain – –
Simulation and modelling Manufacturing resources virtualisation (Benotsmane, Kovács, and Dudás 2019; Lu and Xu 2018; Shafiq
et al. 2015; Shafiq, Sanin, Szczerbicki, et al. 2016; Simões et al.
2019; Turner et al. 2016; Urbina Coronado et al. 2018)
Production planning preview and performances (Cimino, Negri, and Fumagalli 2019; Guizzi, Falcone, and De Felice
evaluation 2019; Kaihara et al. 2017; Longo, Nicoletti, and Padovano 2019;
Tao and Zhang 2017; Xu et al. 2016; Yoon et al. 2019; Zhang,
Ding, Zou, et al. 2019; Zhang, Wang, Wang, et al. 2019)
Visualization technology Shop floor visualisation (Turner et al. 2016)
(augmented and virtual reality)
Automated guidance for operators’ manual tasks (Abidi et al. 2019; Ang et al. 2017; Blanco-Novoa et al. 2018;
Cohen et al. 2019; Kadir, Broberg, and Conceição 2019; Kamble,
Gunasekaran, and Gawankar 2018; Mourtzis, Zogopoulos, and
Xanthi 2019; Pérez et al. 2019; Simões et al. 2019; Wang, Ong,
and Nee 2018)
Automation and industrial robots Collaborative operations with humans (Benotsmane, Kovács, and Dudás 2019; Chen 2017; Cohen et al.
2019; Strandhagen, Vallandingham, et al. 2017; Kadir, Broberg,
and Conceição 2019; Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Gawankar
2018; Moeuf et al. 2018; Robla-Gomez et al. 2017)
Production process automation (Ghobakhloo 2018; Strandhagen, Vallandingham, et al. 2017;
Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Gawankar 2018; Moussa and
ElMaraghy 2019; Zhang, Wang, Zhu, et al. 2019)
Additive manufacturing JIT and advanced pull system management (Chen and Lin 2017; Cohen et al. 2019)

technologies provide valuable support in collecting data Combining it with Cloud technology can also amplify
from production processes and resources (Qi and Tao the effects and benefits of these relationships. Indeed,
2018; Tao and Zhang 2017; Zhong et al. 2017). There Zhong et al. (2017) view Cloud as a tool for synchronis-
are in fact several applications discussed in the litera- ing machine tools and their twinned services. Moeuf et al.
ture. For example, the adoption of sensors and RFID (2018) and Strozzi et al. (2017) confirm the potential of
can enable data to be extracted from multiple sources, the Cloud in providing access to shared pools for man-
guaranteeing up-to-date information on the progress of ufacturing resources and capabilities. Lalanda, Morand,
the production process (Wang et al. 2017; Wang, Wan, and Chollet (2017) propose a Cilia framework to inte-
Li, et al. 2016). Furthermore, Makris et al. (2016) dis- grate automatically operation data with remote supervi-
cussed context-aware information processing for shop- sion assisted by the Cloud. Rossit, Tohmé, and Frutos
floor application, in which sensors extract data from (2019) and Saucedo-Martínez et al. (2018) highlight the
workpieces, machines and tools to synthesise the digital fact that the high-performance computing capability of
context of real production. Cloud speeds up the computation of solutions. Moreover,
Production data can be used to increase the automa- the connectivity of complex physical machines, humans,
tion of certain crucial activities, such as resource allo- and resources, through networked sensors and software,
cation and scheduling. Mourtzis and Vlachou (2018) with Cloud technologies, can provide the foundation
studied in detail how to integrate data from different software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service
sources such as machine tools, mobile devices as well as (PaaS) in smart factory solutions (Chen 2017). The IoT
human operators for shop-floor job scheduling. Indeed, has the potential to extract the global state of the smart
the adoption of specific optimisation algorithms from factory from the massive real-time system information,
AI systems can be combined with the IoT to achieve then coordinate distributed smart objectives with the
work in process (WIP) management, resource allocation, assistance of powerful Cloud computing ability (Wang,
and production scheduling (Cohen et al. 2019; González Wan, Zhang, et al. 2016; Zhang, Ding, Zou, et al. 2019;
Rodríguez, Gonzalez-Cava, and Méndez Pérez 2020; Zhang, Wang, Zhu, et al. 2019). Therefore, IoT and Cloud
Moussa and ElMaraghy 2019; Wang et al. 2017). BDA computing enable the formulation of a smart connected
can also be considered an enabler of dynamic schedul- network in the factory. Cloud computing can also be
ing in smart manufacturing (Kamble, Gunasekaran, and used in combination with ML techniques for implement-
Gawankar 2018; Kang et al. 2016; Qi and Tao 2018; Tao ing smart machining. In this way, machine tools become
and Qi 2019; Wang Wan, Li, et al. 2016; Wang, Wan, part of a Cloud-based platform that enable connection
Zhang, et al. 2016). Ang et al. (2017) state that through with other machines, systems, data sources and people,
the IoT and the use of BDA, it is possible to monitor enabling the cyber machine tools to be readily provi-
and control the workshop machinery autonomously for sioned as a Cloud service (Kim et al. 2018; Ritou et al.
health monitoring or to change the workflow to allow 2019).
‘real-time’ and flexible adjustment in case of machine Concerning AI, the literature discusses several types of
breakdown or changes in work requirements. However, semantic applications in production systems. Lu and Xu
Moeuf et al. (2018) argue that, despite the fact that BDA (2018) discussed in detail how to virtualise resources for
has been largely recognised as a highly regarded method the creation of DT, enabled by ontology, which can map
of optimising the uses of resources, big data methods are machine status and operation at device, component and
difficult to implement in SMEs. sub-component level. There are also other similar appli-
In addition to collecting real-time data for production cations adopting ontology for mapping classes, proper-
monitoring, the IoT enables connections and informa- ties, relation and instances of manufacturing resources, in
tion exchange among the different resources employed order to formalise resource knowledge base (Wan, Chen,
within the production environment. One of the main et al. 2018; Wan, Yang, et al. 2018). Pedone and Mezgár
benefits of the IoT is to facilitate the communication (2018) focus on industrial interoperability, comparing
among various objects (Wan et al. 2016; Wan, Chen, et al. two of the major standardisation frameworks for indus-
2018; Wang, Wan, Li, et al. 2016; Yao et al. 2019). Indeed, trial Internet architectures. In addition, Jirkovsky, Obitko,
with IoT, it is possible synchronise the information col- and Marik (2017) identified the challenges of semantic
lected from the shop floor in real time, and allow com- heterogeneity, while Patel, Ali, and Sheth (2018) show the
munication among man, machine, method and infor- cases of vertical and horizontal integration empowered
mation systems in the factory (Fatorachian and Kazemi by a Semantic Web of Things for I4.0.
2018; Ghobakhloo 2018; Zhang, Qu, et al. 2019; Lee, Another stream of AI application is Multi-Agent appli-
Zhang, and Ng 2017; Lenz, Wuest, and Westkämper 2018; cations. Peres et al. (2018) tested a Multi-Agent System
Liu et al. 2020; Molano et al. 2018; Yoon et al. 2019). (MAS) composed of a component monitoring agent,
1936 T. ZHENG ET AL.

subsystem monitoring agent and deployment agent, particular for assembly instructions (Ang et al. 2017;
to investigate the acquisition of data at different lev- Blanco-Novoa et al. 2018; Cohen et al. 2019; Kadir,
els of granularity, as well as to perform context-aware Broberg, and Conceição 2019; Kamble, Gunasekaran,
data analysis enabled by ML models for assisting pre- and Gawankar 2018; Mourtzis, Zogopoulos, and Xanthi
dictive manufacturing at shop-floor level. In addition, 2019; Wang, Ong, and Nee 2018). In addition, VR enables
as mentioned in CPS, agent-based CPPS architecture, immersive virtual environments for live on-the-job skill
empowered by semantics and the Cloud, could facilitate refinement, which enhance customised assembly training
self-adjustment and dynamic resource allocation (Cruz (Abidi et al. 2019; Pérez et al. 2019; Simões et al. 2019).
Salazar et al. 2019; Jiang et al. 2018; Tan et al. 2019). For Automation and Industrial robots, two main
The Simulation and Modelling technologies are also applications emerged from the literature analysis, which
useful for supporting production processes. Urbina are human-robot collaborative operations and pro-
Coronado et al. (2018) and Benotsmane, Kovács, and duction process automation. With respect to human-
Dudás (2019) demonstrate how Simulation and Mod- robot collaboration, Chen (2017) identified collaborative
elling can be adopted for virtualising manufacturing robots as one of the emerging technology trends for
resources. While Longo, Nicoletti, and Padovano (2019) integrated and intelligent manufacturing (i2M), due to
stress the fact that digital twin enables the physical sys- them being more flexible and smart in dealing with com-
tem and its submodules to feed the virtual representation plex and challenging material-handling and manufactur-
of the physical space with real-time streams of data. Sim- ing situations. Industrial robots can thus offer increased
ulation and modelling can also be useful for previewing technological support for operators in production envi-
the evaluation of production planning and performances. ronment since manufacturing tasks are becoming more
Xu et al. (2016) highlight the importance of Simulation individualised and more flexible (Strandhagen, Alfnes,
in decision-making within an Industrial internet envi- et al. 2017; Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Gawankar 2018;
ronment by proposing a multi-fidelity approach to tack- Moeuf et al. 2018). Human-robot collaboration can also
ling the increased complexity of real-time simulation. improve safety for workers by reducing the risk of injuries
Yoon et al. (2019) present a Smart Factory Information (Benotsmane, Kovács, and Dudás 2019; Robla-Gomez
Service Bus (SIBUS) for seamless manufacturing infor- et al. 2017). Obviously, increasing the number of robots
mation exchange, in which simulation is implemented used in a production environment facilitates and fos-
to predict the expected total performance index (TPI) ters the automation of production processes, thus reduc-
for the system. Moreover, Zhang, Wang, Wang, et al. ing costs (Ghobakhloo 2018; Strandhagen, Alfnes, et al.
(2019) describe explicitly the framework of simulation- 2017; Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Gawankar 2018; Zhang,
based approaches for predicting production efficiency Wang, Zhu, et al. 2019).
and equipment utilisation rate before the construction of Finally, AM can effectively support the management
the production system. Kaihara et al. (2017) shift their of advanced pull systems and, in particular, just-in-time
research objective to the factory as a whole, consider- techniques. In this regard, Chen and Lin (2017) inves-
ing each factory as an agent, and formulate a simula- tigate the relationship between AM and lean manufac-
tion model to forecast resource bottlenecks, in order to turing, highlighting the fact that 3D printing conforms
improve both the order fulfilment rate and resource use to the concepts of ‘pull systems’ and ‘no inventory’.
within the context of crowdsourced manufacturing. In Indeed, products can be manufactured in a print-on-
addition, simulation techniques can verify the correct- demand manner, eliminating the need for product inven-
ness and security of planning and scheduling decisions tory. Manufacturing facilities with 3D printers can also be
by comparing the actual job shop statement and digital isolated from other facilities, thereby enabling factories
twin job shop statement (Cimino, Negri, and Fumagalli to be downsized for leaner manufacturing (Cohen et al.
2019; Guizzi, Falcone, and De Felice 2019; Tao and Zhang 2019).
2017; Zhang, Ding, Zou, et al. 2019).
As regards Visualization technology, two main appli-
4.6. Energy management
cations are worth mentioning, namely: Shop-Floor Visu-
alization, Automated Guidance for manual operator tasks Energy management has become an extremely important
and Staff Training Simulation. On the one hand, Virtual issue in a context of increasing attention towards emis-
Reality (VR) can act as a visualisation platform for align- sions and sustainability. In recent years, in part driven
ing physical production lines with virtual world (Turner by the growing focus on circular economy, there has
et al. 2016). On the other hand, visualisation technolo- been an increase in articles describing applications of
gies such as Industrial AR (IAR) can support opera- I4.0 enabling technologies in support of energy man-
tors by suggesting manufacturing tasks step-by-step, in agement, although the field is still relatively unexplored

Table 8. Impact of I4.0 enabling technologies on ‘energy man- Table 9. Impact of I4.0 enabling technologies on ‘quality man-
agement’. agement’.
Energy management Technologies Applications Sources
Cyber-physical systems Service-oriented (Bonilla et al. 2018; Cyber-physical systems – –
energy Diaz C. and Internet of things Product quality defect (Illa and Padhi 2018)
management Ocampo-Martinez detection
2019; Mohamed, Big data and analytics Manufacturing process (Tao and Qi 2019)
Al-Jaroodi, and quality monitoring
Lazarova-Molnar and control
2019) Cloud technology – –
Internet of things Energy consumption (Bonilla et al. 2018; Artificial intelligence Assembly defect (Kucukoglu et al. 2018)
monitoring Diaz C. and detection
Ocampo-Martinez Product quality defect (Carvajal Soto,
2019; Kumar, detection Tavakolizadeh, and
Singh, and Lamba Gyulai 2019; Peres
2018; Mohamed, et al. 2019)
Al-Jaroodi, and Blockchain – –
Lazarova-Molnar Simulation and Product quality defects (Carvajal Soto,
2019) modelling detection Tavakolizadeh, and
Big data and analytics Energy performance (Bonilla et al. 2018; Gyulai 2019)
and consumption Illa and Padhi 2018; Visualization technol- Digital visual quality (Avalle et al. 2019;
forecasting Kumar, Singh, and ogy (augmented control Blanco-Novoa et al.
Lamba 2018; Yan and virtual reality) 2018; Ferraguti et al.
et al. 2017) 2019; Muñoz et al.
Cloud technology Service-oriented (Mohamed, Al- 2019; Nagy et al.
energy Jaroodi, and 2018)
management Lazarova-Molnar Automation and – –
2019) industrial robots
Artificial intelligence – – Additive – –
Blockchain Smart contract for (Mohamed, Al- manufacturing
energy supply and Jaroodi, and
consumption Lazarova-Molnar
Simulation and Energy performance (Kumar, Singh, and
modelling and consumption Lamba 2018; propose a framework for structuralising multisource het-
forecasting Mawson and erogeneous industrial big data, and mining the regulatory
Hughes 2019; Yan
et al. 2017) energy-saving mechanism. Kumar, Singh, and Lamba
Visualization technol- – – (2018) consider electrical energy consumption (EEC) in
ogy (augmented
and virtual reality) factory layout design, in order to make the proposed
Automation and – – layout environmentally sustainable. However, Mawson
industrial robots
Additive – – and Hughes (2019) concluded that there are few studies
manufacturing examining the concept of digital twin for energy analy-
sis, and there is also a limited application of AR and VR
to energy analysis.

(Table 8). According to Bonilla et al. (2018), although the

4.7. Quality management
implementation of IoT may increase the energy flow in
manufacturing, it could also provide reliable data about Few of the technologies investigated in this research are
energy flow, facilitating BDA technologies in combina- applied to quality management (Table 9). The adoption
tion with energy optimisation algorithms to offset and of an IoT platform can help to segregate clinically defect-
partially reduce energy consumption. With an IoT plat- related data, for the more effective prevention of qual-
form connected by sensors and gauges, data can be fur- ity defects and material savings (Illa and Padhi 2018).
ther monitored and analysed to provide accurate energy Therefore, the main application of the IoT in quality
consumption trends (Illa and Padhi 2018). Indeed, CPS, management is quality defect detection in factory-made
in combination with IoT and Cloud, enables equipment products. Tao and Qi (2019) also discuss the capacity of
to be adjusted, allowing energy consumption to be mon- BDA applied to product quality and monitoring manu-
itored in real-time, activating service-oriented energy facturing processes. Indeed, BDA enables accurate data
management (Diaz C. and Ocampo-Martinez 2019). analysis from the production process, making it easier to
Blockchain can guarantee the exchange of trusted infor- detect subtle changes in the quality of products.
mation and automate the process of negotiating energy Kucukoglu et al. (2018) tested the joint implemen-
supply agreements among enterprises (Mohamed, Al- tation of artificial neural network (ANN) and digital
Jaroodi, and Lazarova-Molnar 2019). Yan et al. (2017) wearable gloves for classifying appropriate and defective
1938 T. ZHENG ET AL.

operations in connector assembly though feedback sig- real-time monitoring of machinery for the early detec-
nals on vibration and force in the fingers. Carvajal Soto, tion of anomalies and predictive maintenance (Canizo
Tavakolizadeh, and Gyulai (2019) propose discrete event et al. 2019; Chen 2017; Neirotti, Raguseo, and Paolucci
simulation to identify and assess different methods of 2018). Indeed, BDA has been effectively applied to pre-
product failure inspection by means of testing different dicting the lifecycle of equipment, tools and robots (Illa
ML techniques without disturbing physical production. and Padhi 2018; Tao and Qi 2019; Xu and Duan 2019;
AI-related technologies could thus specifically support Yan et al. 2018). This application is also confirmed by
the detection of defects in assembly processes (Peres et al. Ang et al. (2017) who introduce the IoT, big data and
2019). At the same time, augmented reality tools, such as automated simulation for machinery health monitoring
visual wearables, may be used to compare the 3D CAD in ship manufacturing. CPS is also the foundation for fur-
product model and the physical artefact (Blanco-Novoa ther virtual representation of digital twin and simulation
et al. 2018; Ferraguti et al. 2019). In addition, Nagy et al. tools to monitor effectively the health of the machinery
(2018) demonstrate an industrial case of using AR instead workshop, using the data collected from the IoT gate-
of paper-based checklists for quality checks. Avalle et al. way stored in Cloud (Guizzi, Falcone, and De Felice 2019;
(2019) proposes an AR-enabled method of detecting and Longo, Nicoletti, and Padovano 2019; Redelinghuys, Bas-
placing industrial robot faults, while Muñoz et al. (2019) son, and Kruger 2019). In this regard, it is possible to
investigate a mixed reality approach for car body surface combine digital twin and BDA for smart MRO (Main-
quality inspections. tenance, Repair and Overhaul), so that the location and
diagnosis can be displayed to users and technicians (Qi
and Tao 2018).
4.8. Maintenance management
The use of AI techniques can also facilitate fault diag-
The issue of maintenance is one of the most important nosis and predictive maintenance (Sharp, Ak, and Hed-
areas within manufacturing company; a well-structured berg 2018; Wan, Yang, et al. 2018). Zenisek, Holzinger,
maintenance plan allows companies to achieve high effi- and Affenzeller (2019) propose a combined off and
ciency in production with minimal downtime and reduce online model for identifying the condition of machin-
the consumption of resources. ery and forecast deviations by examining different ML
CPS enables real-time monitoring of production assets algorithms. Ansari, Glawar, and Nemeth (2019) propose
in order to connect the physical world with virtual a prescriptive maintenance model (PriMaf) for adapting
space (Ansari, Glawar, and Nemeth 2019). These data maintenance activities within the context of CPPS, where
are transmitted through IoT in order to develop smart deep learning is used to support decision making and
solutions for condition-based maintenance (Fumagalli learning from multi-dimensional data sources.
et al. 2019; Wan et al. 2017). With IoT, the monitoring Regarding Visualization technology, Roy et al. (2016)
of operating conditions is more efficient and sustain- and Nagy et al. (2018) highlight the potential of using
able, as it avoids the engagement of excessive resources AR to support maintenance training tasks, while Blanco-
(Lopes de Sousa Jabbour et al. 2018). To demonstrate Novoa et al. (2018) evaluate the implementation of IAR
this, Mourtzis and Vlachou (2018) focus on shop-floor in effectively detecting anomalies and identifying prob-
scheduling and condition-based monitoring based on lems. Rao and Prasad (2018) also discuss the benefit
data collected from machines and stored on a Cloud of the ultra-low latency and high reliability offered by
platform, where machine tools and human resources are 5G for field personnel using AR devices for conducting
connected through the IoT. In addition, Li, Wang, and maintenance and repair tasks.
Wang (2017) propose a framework for fault diagnosis The main applications of digital technologies to sup-
and prognosis in machine centres, which is composed port maintenance processes are shown in Table 10. As
of a data acquisition module enabled by the IoT and a shown, Blockchain and AM are found to have almost no
data pre-processing module operated by a big data ware- cases of use in maintenance management.
house. The IoT guarantees the collection of big data from
the operation of the various machines and Cloud tech-
4.9. Customer relationship management (CRM)
nology provides the storage capacity and computation
power to process them (Caggiano 2018; Diez-Olivan et al. CRM encompasses all processes that guarantee a perso-
2019; Turner et al. 2019). A third technology support- nalised experience based on customer needs. For exam-
ing the maintenance process is BDA, which provides ple, one of the distinctive elements offered by a manufac-
tools and models to highlight trends and patterns in turing company is designing and delivering customised
order to develop an effective maintenance plan. There- and advanced services connected to the physical product.
fore, the combined use of the IoT and BDA can facilitate This allows the manufacturer to acquire an important

Table 10. Impact of I4.0 enabling technologies on ‘maintenance management’.

Technologies Applications Sources
Cyber-physical systems Industrial data acquisition and structuralising for (Ansari, Glawar, and Nemeth 2019; Caggiano 2018; Canizo et al.
maintenance analytics 2019; Fumagalli et al. 2019; Guizzi, Falcone, and De Felice 2019;
Yan et al. 2018; Li, Wang, and Wang 2017; Longo, Nicoletti, and
Padovano 2019; Lopes de Sousa Jabbour et al. 2018; Mourtzis
and Vlachou 2018; Redelinghuys, Basson, and Kruger 2019;
Turner et al. 2019; Xu and Duan 2019)
Internet of things Industrial data acquisition and structuralising for (Ang et al. 2017; Ansari, Glawar, and Nemeth 2019; Caggiano 2018;
maintenance analytics Canizo et al. 2019; Diez-Olivan et al. 2019; Yan et al. 2018; Li,
Wang, and Wang 2017; Lopes de Sousa Jabbour et al. 2018;
Mourtzis and Vlachou 2018; Neirotti, Raguseo, and Paolucci
2018; Redelinghuys, Basson, and Kruger 2019; Turner et al. 2019;
Wan et al. 2017; Xu and Duan 2019)
Big data and analytics Diagnosis and predictive maintenance analytics (Ang et al. 2017; Chen et al. 2017; Canizo et al. 2019; Chen 2017;
Diez-Olivan et al. 2019; Yan et al. 2018; Illa and Padhi 2018; Yan
et al. 2017; Kiangala and Wang 2018; Qi and Tao 2018; Tao and
Qi 2019; Wan et al. 2017)
Cloud technology Storage and computation capacity for maintenance (Caggiano 2018; Canizo et al. 2019; Diez-Olivan et al. 2019; Yan
analytics et al. 2018; Kiangala and Wang 2018; Mourtzis and Vlachou
2018; Redelinghuys, Basson, and Kruger 2019; Wan et al. 2017)
Artificial intelligence Diagnosis and predictive maintenance analytics (Ansari, Glawar, and Nemeth 2019; Diez-Olivan et al. 2019; Li,
Wang, and Wang 2017; Saufi et al. 2019; Turner et al. 2019;
Sharp, Ak, and Hedberg 2018; Wan et al. 2017; Wan et al. 2018;
Yan et al. 2017, 2018; Zenisek, Holzinger, and Affenzeller 2019)
Blockchain – –
Simulation and modelling Workshop machinery health monitoring (Ang et al. 2017; Guizzi, Falcone, and De Felice 2019; Longo,
Nicoletti, and Padovano 2019; Qi and Tao 2018; Redelinghuys,
Basson, and Kruger 2019; Turner et al. 2019)
Visualization technology Maintenance task guidance (Blanco-Novoa et al. 2018; Nagy et al. 2018; Roy et al. 2016; Turner
(augmented and virtual reality) et al. 2019)
Maintenance training guidance (Roy et al. 2016)
Automation and industrial robots
Additive manufacturing – –

competitive advantage and build greater customer loy- This mechanism can be amplified even further if it
alty. This phenomenon is known in the literature as ‘servi- is supported by Cloud technology; to the Cloud enables
tization’, which can be strengthened by the integration of real service platform where connections are established
digital technologies (Ardolino et al. 2018). In this case, among organisations, suppliers and customers in order
CPS – applied to products – can form the basis for IoT- to offer bundles of products with related services accord-
readiness to enhance smart interconnection throughout ing to data collected on consumer behaviour and improve
the product lifecycle (Kiel, Arnold, and Voigt 2017). At customer satisfaction (Dalenogare et al. 2018; Frank et al.
the same time, the user behaviour and products operation 2019; Lopes de Sousa Jabbour et al. 2018; Zheng et al.
data collected can help the manufacturing companies to 2018). In this regard, Zheng et al. (2018) highlight the
improve product design and production process, as well power of digital twin-enabled service platforms for the
as provide customer-oriented services (Ardolino, Sac- provision of effective product-service systems (PSS) in
cani, and Eloranta 2018; Bressanelli et al. 2018b; Dalenog- which heterogenous sources of data and various fac-
are et al. 2018; Müller 2019; Tao and Qi 2019; Weking tors are processed. Therefore, modelling and simulation
et al. 2020). The IoT usually operates in combination technologies might also be useful in the development of
with BDA to enable the application of smart services. Cloud service platforms.
Indeed, the status and operating data of the equipment Fraga-Lamas and Fernández-Caramés (2019) also
and products can be gathered through the IoT, while demonstrate the potential use of blockchain for seamless
BDA facilitates the prediction of equipment and prod- service connection, enabling interconnection with IoT-
uct lifecycles, for the purpose of preventive maintenance connected vehicles, recording and executing agreements
(Ardito et al. 2019). This also facilitates customer profil- for digital retailing, usage-based insurance and mone-
ing and service innovation (Anshari et al. 2018). Indeed, tary transactions. Furthermore, AM demonstrates its full
BDA offers an advanced form of customer segmentation potential in the customisation and individualisation of
that allow manufacturers to understand how to support physical products; all this can significantly improve the
the personalisation and customisation of sales and ser- level of service and increase customer perceived value
vices (Anshari et al. 2018), as well as the redistribution of (Chen and Lin 2017; Strandhagen, Vallandingham, et al.
manufacturing (Zaki et al. 2019). 2017). Indeed, the decentralised and high-performance
1940 T. ZHENG ET AL.

of AM facilitate mass-customisation (Ghobakhloo 2018; entities involved, such as car manufacturers or warehouse
Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Gawankar 2018; Novais, distributors.
Maqueira, and Bruque 2019; Yin, Stecke, and Li 2018). With respect to Visualization technology, Scurati et al.
Table 11 summarises the main applications of I4.0 (2018) develop a glossary of symbols that can be used in
enabling technologies in CRM processes. the communication of maintenance instructions via AR.
Blanco-Novoa et al. (2018) also show the similar appli-
cation of IAR for augmented real-time collaboration and
4.10. After-sales management
Finally, AM is shown to be an effective technology
Table 12 lists the applications of I4.0 enabling technolo- for spare parts management (Pelantova and Cecak 2018;
gies in After-Sales Management, an important phase that Stock et al. 2018). Important ecological and social gains
completes the loop of lifecycle management. In fact, can be achieved by producing individual spare parts with
the relationship with a customer of a manufacturing 3D printing, exploiting flexibility and reduced produc-
company generally does not end with the sale of the tion lead time to extend the lifecycle of components and
physical product. Furthermore, companies are increas- products. Indeed, Kerin and Pham (2019) confirm that
ingly responsible for managing disposal in the end-of-life exploring the use of AM for low-value mass remanufac-
(EOL) product phase. turing could be a future line of research.
Several contributions in the literature show that the
IoT enables data to be collected from the physical product
5. Discussion and future research agenda
in order to monitor the different parameters of its usage
throughout its lifecycle (Ben-Daya, Hassini, and Bahroun This article reviews the existing literatures on the applica-
2019). This monitoring can be suitable for evaluating tion of I4.0 in manufacturing. Although several contribu-
possible manufacturer responsibility for the operation tions have been published, it is clear that this is a growing
and disposal of the product. Indeed, Gu et al. (2019) focus area of research, reflecting the current trend in the man-
on investigating extended producer responsibility (EPR) ufacturing sector. This section outlines a future research
for managing Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment agenda based on the results of the systematic literature
(WEEE). In this case, the cloud plays the fundamental review.
role of repository of these data (Bougdira, Akharraz, and
Ahaitouf 2019). For example, Roy et al. (2016) explore
5.1. I4.0 enabling technologies: different levels of
the service of product lifecycle maintenance, suggesting
maturity and application potential
how to implement the IoT, Cloud and BDA to collect
and interpret product-related data, in order to gather The adoption of I4.0 by manufacturing companies con-
information on in-service degradation mechanisms and cerns, first of all, the implementation of digital technolo-
to plan appropriate maintenance operations. Moreover, gies to support various businesses processes. As shown
the IoT, CPS and Cloud enhance the track and trace in the previous sections, the scientific literature includes
of post-consumption products, especially in the reverse many contributions investigating the role of technologies
logistics phase, enabling companies to reuse, remanufac- and their possible applications in the various business
ture or recycle product components (Dev, Shankar, and processes. However, for one reason or another, there are
Swami 2020; Kerin and Pham 2019) and speed up the technologies that have been researched more than other
transition towards a circular economy (Garrido-Hidalgo ones. Figure 5 shows a heatmap of the articles analysed
et al. 2019; Pham et al. 2019). Indeed, BDA, along with for this SLR. In particular, the horizontal axis shows the
AI, is capable of isolating specific operating trends and technologies investigated, while the vertical axis shows
assessing end-of-life product recovery (Bressanelli et al. the different manufacturing processes.
2018b; Strandhagen, Vallandingham, et al. 2017; Rajput Focusing on the technologies, this chart highlights the
and Singh 2019). In addition, Goodall, Sharpe, and West high interest in technologies such as IoT, BDA and Cloud.
(2019) investigate the data-driven simulation framework There are 79 papers investigating the impact of the IoT
for dynamic remanufacturing operations, which is com- in different manufacturing processes, confirming the fact
posed of adaptive remanufacturing simulation, reman- that the fundamental characteristic of I4.0 is connection,
ufacturing information models and information system interaction and cooperation. In fact, IoT guarantees the
service layers. connectivity and formulation of a network for gather-
In addition, blockchain can help manage remanufac- ing and transferring data. The IoT is followed by the
turing operations by updating the relevant information Cloud, which is covered by 66 papers, and BDA with
of the spare parts on the shared ledger available to all the 60 papers, which strengthen the fact that academics are

Table 11. Impact of I4.0 enabling technologies on ‘customer relationship management’.

Technologies Applications Sources
Cyber-physical systems Advanced services (Kiel, Arnold, and Voigt 2017; Lopes de Sousa Jabbour et al. 2018; Strandhagen,
Vallandingham, et al. 2017; Weking et al. 2020)
Internet of things Customised and advanced (Anshari et al. 2018; Ardolino et al. 2018; Ardito et al. 2019; Bressanelli et al. 2018a;
services Dalenogare et al. 2018; Frank et al. 2019; Kiel, Arnold, and Voigt 2017; Lopes de
Sousa Jabbour et al. 2018; Müller 2019; Tao and Qi 2019; Weking et al. 2020)
Big data and analytics Customer profiling & (Anshari et al. 2018; Ardito et al. 2019; Bressanelli et al. 2018a; Frank et al. 2019; Zaki
service innovation et al. 2019; Zheng et al. 2018)
Cloud technology Cloud service platform; (Ardito et al. 2019; Dalenogare et al. 2018; Frank et al. 2019; Lopes de Sousa Jabbour
et al. 2018; Strandhagen, Vallandingham, et al. 2017; Zheng et al. 2018)
Artificial intelligence – –
Blockchain Customised and advanced (Fraga-Lamas and Fernández-Caramés 2019)
Simulation and modelling Customised and advanced (Zheng et al. 2018)
Visualization technology – –
(augmented and virtual reality)
Automation and industrial robots – –
Additive manufacturing Product customisation and (Dalenogare et al. 2018; Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Gawankar 2018; Ghobakhloo
individualisation 2018; Lopes de Sousa Jabbour et al. 2018; Novais, Maqueira, and Bruque 2019;
Strandhagen, Vallandingham, et al. 2017; Yin, Stecke, and Li 2018)

Table 12. Impact of I4.0 enabling technologies on ‘after-sales management’.

Technologies Applications Sources
Cyber-physical systems Product-in-use monitoring (Roy et al. 2016)
Reverse logistics management and control (Dev, Shankar, and Swami 2020)
Internet of things Product-in-use monitoring (Ben-Daya, Hassini, and Bahroun 2019; Bressanelli et al. 2018a; Gu et al.
2019; Roy et al. 2016; Strandhagen, Vallandingham, et al. 2017)
Reverse logistics management and control (Ben-Daya, Hassini, and Bahroun 2019; Dev, Shankar, and Swami 2020;
Garrido-Hidalgo et al. 2019; Pham et al. 2019; Rajput and Singh
Big data and analytics Product-in-use assessment (Bressanelli et al. 2018a; Kerin and Pham 2019; Roy et al. 2016;
Strandhagen, Vallandingham, et al. 2017)
Cloud technology Product-in-use data storage and processing (Bougdira, Akharraz, and Ahaitouf 2019; Lopes de Sousa Jabbour et al.
2018; Pham et al. 2019; Roy et al. 2016)
Reverse logistics management and control (Dev, Shankar, and Swami 2020; Garrido-Hidalgo et al. 2019)
Artificial intelligence Product-in-use assessment (Bougdira, Akharraz, and Ahaitouf 2019; Rajput and Singh 2019)
Blockchain Spare part tracking (Alladi et al. 2019)
Simulation and modelling Remanufacturing operations (Goodall, Sharpe, and West 2019; Kerin and Pham 2019)
Reverse logistics management and control (Dev, Shankar, and Swami 2020)
Visualization technology (augmented Remote maintenance support (Blanco-Novoa et al. 2018; Scurati et al. 2018)
and virtual reality)
Automation and industrial robots – –
Additive manufacturing Spare part management (Petr 2018; Stock et al. 2018)
Remanufacturing operations (Kerin and Pham 2019)

concentrating on finding smart data management solu- CPS to support the entire factory and, more extensively,
tions, facilitating the data-driven digital transformation the entire supply chain.
of manufacturing companies. Then, there is a second In turn, AM (17), Automation and Industrial Robot
group of technologies made up of CPS (56), AI (49), Sim- (16) and Blockchain (14) are less debated in the litera-
ulation and Modelling (37) and Visualization Technology ture, and their uses are associated with different aspects
(27). From the analysis of the literature carried out in of manufacturing processes: AM is more product-related,
this paper, it appears that CPS, the founding technol- with frequent discussion of rapid prototyping and cus-
ogy for enabling I4.0, is a purely technological domain tomised product development; automation and indus-
mainly applied to the production process. Furthermore, trial robot are adopted in process automation and human
in many cases, CPS is not described as a technology, but robot collaboration. On the other hand, blockchain tech-
as a working environment in which to build applications nology is associated with information synchronisation
for supporting production activities. CPS is also the ele- among the stakeholders along the supply chain. In fact,
ment on which the virtualisation of the entire company is the roots of AM in product customisation and robots
based, but the contributions are generally rather theoret- in process automation are not new. The improvements
ical and still focus heavily on production. Future research offered by these technologies can be viewed as a continu-
should focus on investigating the opportunity of using ation to previous developments. However, as blockchain
1942 T. ZHENG ET AL.

Figure 5. Research focus heatmap.

is a relatively new technology for manufacturing compa- BDA enables the processing and extraction of knowledge
nies, there is vast potential for using this technology for from product data, which are collected from the IoT.
the entire supply chain; however, current literature is still In addition, when the IoT is combined with the Cloud,
in the early stage and it is difficult to understand for many the emphasis is placed on the creation of a platform
practitioners. Future research should certainly examine for synchronising information among stakeholders along
this area in greater depth. the supply chain, facilitating efficient and precise plan-
ning, as well as collaboration among the different play-
ers. For maintenance management, the interplay among
5.2. The integration of IoT, BDA and cloud as the
IoT, BDA and Cloud technology in predictive mainte-
data-driven solution towards Industry 4.0
nance is evident. The role of IoT is to collect data from
Considering the main applications of I4.0 enabling machines or processes that apply to maintenance. As
technologies in supporting business processes, it turns the IoT connects with the Cloud, Cloud-based architec-
out that certain applications are supported by multi- ture can be formalised, serving as the foundation for the
ple enabling technologies. This shows how sometimes a next step of big data pre-processing and pattern recog-
transversal and integrated use of digital technologies, the nition assisted by BDA and, sometimes, Machine learn-
full breadth of I4.0, achieves more effective results. ing techniques. Finally, in CRM processes, the integrated
The IoT, BDA and Cloud account for large propor- use of the IoT, BDA and Cloud can effectively sup-
tion of integrated implementation and their application port digital ‘servitization’ (Sklyar et al. 2019), gathering
covers a wide range of processes. Indeed, the IoT, BDA data on product operation and user behaviour through
and Cloud are observed to appear simultaneously in the IoT and processing them using BDA to generate
many application scenarios, and they work together in a new service portfolio, encompassing advanced and
the entire lifecycle from product development to end- customised services and increasing customer perceived
of-life. The extensive use of these technologies can be value.
explained by the fact that I4.0 seeks vertical, horizontal The synergistic use of IoT, BDA and Cloud has proven
and end-to-end engineering. Such integration requires to be very effective in various individual manufactur-
the interconnection of levels, from equipment to shop- ing processes (Hofmann and Rüsch 2017; Zhang, Ding,
floor, factory and even supply chain. Indeed, the IoT et al. 2019), their integrated use allows data to be anal-
enables the creation of connected networks that contain ysed more effectively than ever, which is also in align-
huge amounts of data, then the Cloud offers computation ment with the objectives of I4.0 for real-time support and
and storage capacities for managing distributed data flow, decentralised decision making. Future research should
and BDA serves to regulate and rationalise data. Another evaluate the integrated use of these technologies as a pow-
characteristic of these technologies is that they are IT erful element of I4.0. In general, this overview is relevant
technologies, which are mainly intended to employ data not only to manufacturing companies, but also to data
as raw material for process automation and integration. management processes in general and is potentially appli-
For instance, New product development, by incorporat- cable to all sectors in which data analysis is of strategic
ing the IoT and BDA, enhances product design, since importance.

5.3. Industry 4.0 as a lever for optimising strategic 5.4. Industry 4.0 as enabler of servitization and
configuration choices and achieving customer circular economy: from the ‘smart factory’ to the
centricity ‘smart supply chain’ concept
The analysis of the heatmap (Figure 5) also shows which Industry 4.0 has been considered since its inception the
processes, among those listed in the framework presented enabling element of what is known as Smart Factory,
in this article, have received attention in the scientific with particular emphasis on company manufacturing
literature. Production Scheduling and Control ranks far processes (Kagermann 2015). Indeed, I4.0 was conceived
ahead of other processes with 152 articles. This result for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of pro-
is perfectly in line with the principles that gave rise duction processes. However, research developments are
to I4.0, i.e. the wish to impact effectively the efficiency shifting more and more from the individual factory to
of production processes thanks to the power of digi- a broader vision of the whole supply chain (Frederico
tal technologies. Indeed, on the one hand, it is possi- et al. 2019). Likewise, the aims described in the litera-
ble to reduce the time and costs in relation to produc- ture are also changing. This is demonstrated by to the
tion assets and machines and, on the other hand, the trend of associating I4.0 increasingly with servitization
technologies applied to maintenance processes improve and the concept of circular economy. These two strands,
the performance and reliability parameters in the pro- which are developed independently in the literature of
duction department. There is less focus, however, on I4.0, are increasingly interconnected (Frank et al. 2019;
the other processes within Production and Operations Lopes de Sousa Jabbour et al. 2018; Nascimento et al.
Management: Internal Logistics is investigated by 15 2019; Sklyar et al. 2019). It is therefore clear that the
papers, while Quality Management and Energy Man- concept of ‘smart factory’ is evolving into that of ‘smart
agement are investigated by only 11 and 14 papers supply chain’. The smart supply chain is enabled by the
respectively. Regarding the area of Supply Chain Man- implementation of I4.0 and therefore of digital technolo-
agement, we see that Integrated Supply Chain Plan- gies enabling an increasingly ‘servitized’ offer that favours
ning ranked in third place with 58 papers, while Supply the circular economy. This transformation has led to an
Chain Configuration was studied in just 24 papers. From increasing emphasis on the importance of the customer
this analysis, it seems that scholars concentrate more and environmental sustainability, promoting the focus on
on studying the impact of I4.0 enabling technologies ‘customer centricity’. On the one hand, putting the cus-
on planning, while the configuration of strategic sup- tomer at the centre, I4.0 thus favours the implementation
ply chain network received much less attention. Based and delivery of increasingly advanced and ‘servitized’
on the results achieved, it can be said that I4.0 mainly solutions. One the other hand, thanks to the great sav-
impacts the operating processes of manufacturing com- ings achievable in terms of consumption of resources and
panies. In the last few years, literature has also begun emissions, I4.0 focuses on the sustainable aspect by stim-
to investigate more tactical aspects, mainly investigat- ulating increasingly environmentally friendly processes.
ing the effects of 4.0 technologies supporting integrated Future research should concentrate more on this new
supply chain planning. However, little has been said Industry 4.0-enabled model.
about the effects on strategic configuration choices at
the level of individual company or supply chain. These
choices can have strong repercussions both in terms of 6. Conclusions
the efficiency of the operation in the entire supply chain
This research sought to systematize the existing body of
and the effectiveness in ensuring an adequate level of
scientific knowledge concerning the impacts of I4.0 on
service to customers. Future research in this direction
the manufacturing context. In particular, this paper aims
would help increase knowledge in this area. Extend-
to provide an overview of the main applications of I4.0
ing the perspective to lifecycle management, there are
enabling technologies supporting business processes of
24 and 25 papers investigating separately New Product
manufacturing companies.
Development and Customer Relationship Management,
Despite the increasing number of contributions in
whereas After-Sales gets more attention with 30 papers.
the scientific literature, the authors found that there is a
This denotes an ever-increasing attention towards more
lack of a comprehensive overview of how I4.0 enabling
customer-oriented processes. It is recommended that
technologies can be applied to support manufacturing
future research should make efforts to examine the role of
life cycle processes. Moreover, reviews on these topics
I4.0 in supporting processes aimed at achieving customer
don’t deal with holistic study about the impact of dig-
ital technologies on business processes. To fill this gap,
1944 T. ZHENG ET AL.

the authors performed a systematic literature review, Notes on contributors

adopting an original conceptual framework to guide their Ting Zheng graduated in Industrial Engi-
research. A list of the main I4.0 enabling technologies neering at Tongji University (China) in
was formulated and, for each of them, the impact on and 2013. He got his M.Sc. degree in Manage-
main applications in the various business processes were ment Engineering at Politecnico di Milano
assessed. The results of this research show that, consid- (Italy) in 2015. He worked as Process qual-
ity engineer and Customer quality engi-
ering both technologies and processes, there are areas
neer at Bosch VHIT S.p.A between 2016
that have received more attention in the scientific lit- and 2017. Since 2017, he is a member
erature. Indeed, the results of this research highlighted of RISE Laboratory and doctoral student at Department of
certain gaps in the literature on I4.0 that led to the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of Università degli
identification of four recommended directions for future Studi di Brescia (Italy). He was also working as a guest scien-
research. tist at Fraunhofer IAO (Germany) in 2019. His main research
interests are primarily related to Industry 4.0, Production and
In addition to the theoretical implications, this work operations management, Digital manufacturing and Logistics
also has important practical implications. The results of 4.0.
this literature review shed light on the potential applica- Email:
tions of digital technologies in I4.0 and the most suitable Marco Ardolino graduated with top marks
areas of application in manufacturing. Very often, the in Management Engineering in 2013, he
issue of I4.0 remains on an abstract level and it is very obtained his Ph.D. in Mechanical and
difficult for practitioners to understand exactly how to Industrial Engineering in 2017. Since Jan-
exploit this new revolution concretely. This research can uary 2017 he is Research Fellow at Uni-
versità degli Studi di Brescia (Italy). Since
provide insights for manufacturing companies to under-
2013 he has carried out research and
stand better and assess the best strategic choices to make teaching activities at the Department of
and the possible repercussions. Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of the Università degli
As with any research, this study comes with some Studi di Brescia (Italy), and is a member of the Research
limitations. The first is the framework, since not all the Laboratory RISE (Research & Innovation for Smart Enter-
technologies that can potentially be considered part of prises). Within RISE Laboratory he carries out his research on
the adoption of digital technologies to support manufactur-
I4.0 have been examined. However, there is no agreed ing companies, in particular for logistics processes. He is also
taxonomy in the scientific literature, thus the authors involved in the phenomenon of the servitization of manufac-
considered all the relevant research in order to formulate turing companies.
an exhaustive list. The same goes for the selected business Email:
processes. However, in this case too, the authors’ selection Andrea Bacchetti is researcher at the
involved in-depth examination of well-known models University of Brescia (Italy); in 2011 he
and classifications used in both scientific and manage- holds a doctoral degree in Design and
rial literature. A further area concerns the methodology Management of Production and Logis-
tic Systems at the same university. His
adopted for this literature review. First, there could be research involves supply chain manage-
a subjective bias in the reading and selection of papers. ment, demand forecasting, inventory man-
Indeed, the exclusion criteria adopted in the literature agement and, recently, digital manufactur-
review strategy were set according to the objectives of ing. He is member of the Research and Innovation for Smart
the papers and they may have excluded useful articles Enterprises Laboratory ( and he is senior partner
at IQ Consulting (, a spin-off of University
for analysis. In this regard, having selected papers from
of Brescia. He is author of more than 40 scientific publications
only two databases (Scopus and WoS), despite them on international conferences and journals.
being heavily populated, we may have omitted a frac- Email:
tion of the literature. Moreover, some scientific arti-
Marco Perona is full professor of Sup-
cles published on the topic of I4.0, especially in the ply Chain Management at the Univer-
early years, are written in German and were therefore sity of Brescia, Italy ( He
excluded from this work. Finally, the approach adopted to is scientific director of the Research and
identify the applications of the technologies supporting Innovation for Smart Enterprises (RISE)
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( He is also a founding part-
quantitative. ner of the academic spin-off IQ Consult-
ing SrL ( He does research, teaching and
transfer activities on operations management, supply chain
Disclosure statement management, service management and circular economy. He
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s). is author of more than 100 scientific publications focusing on

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