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Materials and Methods

3.1 The Study Area

In the context of our study, titled "Innovations in Solar-Powered Water Purification

for Mindanao State University General Santos City: Advancing Access to Safe Drinking
Water," the study area is H Building of Mindanao State University located in General
Santos City. This section will provide an overview of the study area, including its
geographical location, significance, and the specific features relevant to our research.

3.1.1 Geographical Location

Mindanao State University General Santos City is situated in General

Santos City, Philippines. The geographical coordinates of the university campus
are approximately 6.0660° N, 125.1266° E, which places it in the southern part of
the Philippines. General Santos City is known for its warm climate and is
characterized by its proximity to the sea.

3.1.2 Significance of the Study Area

The choice of Mindanao State University General Santos City as the study
area for our research is significant for several reasons:

i. Regional Relevance: General Santos City and the surrounding regions face
water quality and accessibility challenges. This research aims to address
these issues through solar-powered water purification, making the study
area highly relevant.
ii. Academic Setting: Mindanao State University is an academic institution with
a commitment to research and development. Conducting this research in
an academic environment allows for the collaboration of experts, students,
and resources.
iii. Community Impact: The study area is home to a diverse community of
students, faculty, and local residents. By advancing access to safe drinking
water within the university, the benefits can extend to the broader
iv. Existing Infrastructure: The university infrastructure, including H Building,
provides the necessary facilities and resources to conduct experiments and
implement solar-powered water purification systems.

3.1.3 Specific Features of H Building

H Building within Mindanao State University General Santos City is an

important element of our study area. Here are some specific features of H Building
that are relevant to our research:

i. Location: H Building is strategically located within the university campus,

making it a suitable site for implementing solar-powered water purification
ii. Accessibility: The building is easily accessible for research teams and
maintenance personnel, allowing for the effective monitoring and
maintenance of the water purification systems.
iii. Rooftop Space: H Building offers ample rooftop space for the installation of
solar panels, which will be an essential component of the solar-powered
water purification system.
iv. Electrical Infrastructure: The building is equipped with electrical
infrastructure that can be used to connect and power the solar panels and
water purification equipment.

3.1.4 Collaborative Potential

The study area's location within Mindanao State University General Santos
City fosters collaboration with university personnel, students, and local experts.
This collaboration is essential for the success of our research and the
implementation of innovative solar-powered water purification systems. This
location holds significant promise for addressing water quality and accessibility
challenges and provides an ideal setting for implementing our solar-powered water
purification systems.

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