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Put a relative pronoun:

1.A hotel is a place…………………………people stay when they are on holiday.

2. A dictionary is a book…………………………… definitions of words.

3. That's the girl. ……………………………… in a restaurant.

4. A restaurant is a place. ……………………………….you can eat.

5. Lions are animals.………………………………. live in Africa.

6. A chemist's is a shop.………………………………….you can buy medicines.

7. They are the children………………………………………broke my window.

8. This is the room.…………………………………….we have our meetings.

9. That is the shop……………………………………………I bought your book.

Put the sentence in the preset perfect form:

1) Mark (eat) _______ ________ dinner already. He is not hungry.
2) Beth (write) _______ ________ three letters today. She misses her family.
3) Yoko and Armand (take) _______ ________ the test. Now they
can relax.
4) Marty and I (be) _______ ________ to Costa Rica three times.

Choose the correct answer:

a. Tom’s car is (as big as / the biggest) his friend’s.

b. Who is (shorter than / the shortest) person in your family?
c. Who is (more independent than / the most independent) person you know?

Put the sentence in negative the present perfect form:

1) Mrs. Polanski (know) ……………………………….. Peter since he was a little boy.
2) After eight hours, Angel and Roberto (arrive) ……………………………….. in California.
3) Nastia (live) ……………………………….. in Norway for twenty-two years.
4) Ariel (be) ……………………………….. a gymnast for eight years.
Completethe sentences with the correct form of the adjective in

a. Carol is as good (good) as you at sport.

b. We like wearing the____________________ (late) fashion.
c. These trousers are ____________________ (comfortable) than those jeans.
d. She is ______________________ (happy) now than he was last year.
e. You are the ________________________ (pretty) girl in class.

Complete the sentences with a superlative:

a. This building is very old. It’s ……………………………..building in the town.

b. It was a very happy day. It was ……………………………..of my life.
c. It’s a very good film. It’s…………………………….. I’ve seen.
d. It was a very bad mistake. It was…………………………….. in my life.
e. It was a very cold day. It was…………………………….. of the year.

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