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December 2023 to April 2024


The USAID Health Financing Activity (HFA) is a five-year project that provides technical assistance
to the Ministry of Health (MoH) to strengthen local capacity in health economics, data analysis,
stakeholder engagement, learning, and evidence-based decision-making. HFA is supporting the
Ministry of Health’s leadership and vision to improve financial protection, equitable access to
quality health services, and health outcomes. The objectives of HFA are to improve the
sustainability of the GOI’s financing for health and strategic health purchasing (SHP) mechanisms
and capacities.

To improve health financing, it must be presented and communicated to address the concerns,
biases, and priorities of key stakeholders, particularly with Pusjak PDK MoH and other key
stakeholders. And, to ensure the proposed activities align with the government’s strategic plans,
HFA will build effective analysis and policy input with a high-quality evidence-based. Therefore, HFA
seeks a program analyst consultant to assist with this process and its associated work plan activities.
Job Location: This is a part-time consultant position (Indonesian Nationals Only)

Timeline: Estimated level of effort is 3 days per week between December 2023 and April 2024 (for
a total of 60 days over a 5-month period).

Reporting line: HFA Health Financing Specialist

The consultant will undertake the following scope of work:
1 Conduct literature reviews on relevant technical and policy issues, and summarize findings
2 Conduct analyses using health financing tools; Stata, R or other applicative tool, to build
evidence that informs policy on health financing;
3 Develop and manage (e.g., clean, sort, and update variables) large datasets such as NHA, IDHS,
SUSENAS, SAKERNAS, and BPJS-K sample claims;
4 Prepare data for analysis, documenting the study protocol and upholding good research
5 Analyze quantitative and qualitative data across various subjects, including HIV/AIDS, MNH,
and TB.
6 Conduct analysis on health expenditure and utilization, budget impact analysis, and cost-
effectiveness analysis of public health programs.
7 Create graphics and visualizations of quantitative and qualitative data.
8 Draft or revise sections of HFA workplan deliverables.
9 Create meeting documentation (meeting minutes, recording, and photos)
10 Working closely with other HFA, ThinkWell, and Pusjak PDK staff

‒ A progress report that shows the summary of tasks provided contributions to HFA workplan
deliverables. This should be submitted every 25th of each month.

‒ BA/BS and 5+ years experience or graduate degree and 3+ years experience in public health,
health economics, global health, or related fields;
‒ Ability to compile documents on time and under tight deadlines
‒ Proficient in using STATA or SAS, NVIVO, or other statistical analysis software.
‒ Tech savvy and skilled at visual display of data;
‒ Exceptional analytical, research and problem-solving capabilities;
‒ Ability to work remotely effectively; and be proactive, flexible, conscientious, and
‒ Good verbal and written communication skills in English and Indonesian

Please send the application and CV to before November 23,





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