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 (052) 201 8636 ✉ 


G Suite Account

1. Students shall be provided with their own MARINERS’ G Suite [Google Suite]
Account. Example of the standard login credentials is as follows:
▪ Name of Student: Juan dela Cruz
▪ Email Address [Gmail]:
▪ Default Password: mpcflc2020
2. Upon first log-in, students should change the default password to a strong
password for greater protection
3. Students are also requested to add a profile picture in their account. The photo
should be taken:
▪ within the last 6 months to reflect current appearance
▪ in front of a plain white or off-white background
▪ in full-face view directly facing the camera
▪ with neutral facial expression and both eyes open
▪ in appropriate clothing. For upperclassmen, their uniform is preferred.
4. The G Suite Account shall be used for academic purposes only. Students are
however free to create another email account for personal use.
5. Students shall be responsible for checking in their respective G Suite Accounts
regularly, change their passwords or update any information when deemed

G Suite Security
1. Students are advised not to share their password with anyone and shall practice
good password management
▪ For help on how to change password:
▪ For help on how to make better passwords:
▪ Students are recommended to have a recovery email in case they forget their
– For steps on how to set up a recovery email:
– For help on how to recover the password:
2. Students shall also ensure their privacy by not sharing their data and information
3. The G Suite Accounts assigned to students are operational for as long as they are
enrolled with MARINERS’. Upon discontinuation of their studies or graduation,
students shall lose access to the account including G Suite data and email. It is
advised that students make a backup copy before they permanently leave the

G Suites Applications
The following are the common Google applications that shall be used under the

Generic Application G Suite Application Description

Web browser Google Chrome G Suite apps best works with the
Google browser
Learning Management Google Classroom To be used for virtual classes
Cloud Computing Google Drive To be used for storing or saving
Services files on the internet
Email Gmail To be used as the official email
Conferencing Tool Google Meet To be used for synchronous, live,
or real-time learning
Chat Google Chat To be used for online
communication between faculty
members and students
Document Processor Docs To be used to create, edit, and
share documents
Spreadsheet Sheets To be used to create, edit, and
share spreadsheets
Presentation Slides To be used to create, edit, and
share presentation slides
Survey Administration Forms To be used for polls/surveys,
evaluations, quizzes, and
Smart Display Jamboard To be used as an interactive
Assessment Quizizz To be used for assessment [i.e.,
quizzes, examinations]
Student Tech Support
1. Students may email the G Suite Administrator at in
case they run into any technical issues or if they are having any difficulties
2. They are also requested to report any G Suite Account abuse, misuse, or possible
security breaches to the Institution using the same email address

Code of Conduct

Students shall conduct themselves in a way that reflects the core values of the
Institution, encourage intellectual curiosity, as well as promote a safe, supportive, and
secure environment for all. Students shall:
1. treat others with courtesy and respect at all times
2. respect the views and opinions of others that are different from their own
3. avoid any form of aggression, abuse, or misconduct that could bring harm to others
and/or disrepute the Institution
4. respect their privacy and that of others [i.e., do not read, copy, or forward private
messages of others]
5. demonstrate commitment, discipline, and determination to their respective
programs of studies
6. maintain regular communication with their faculty members, especially when they
are having trouble understanding or coping with the lesson/s
7. participate actively in class, work independently when required, and collaborate
willingly in group activities
8. be considerate of their mentors and classmates’ time [i.e., refrain from calling
and/or messaging on wee hours, or during weekends, or holidays]
9. practice sound judgment when sending emails and posts to anyone
10. avoid spreading false information about anyone, including your classmates and
other members of the MARINERS’ community
11. act responsibly and course any of their school-related concerns or problem to the
proper channels to be formally addressed by the Institution.
▪ For the School’s contact information:
▪ For any academic-related feedback: Form here

Technology Abuse
Students shall strictly adhere to following guidelines on the use of technology for
learning. The student should not:
1. send obscene, harassing, discriminatory, and threatening messages to anyone
2. access the G Suite Account using other people’s username and password
3. illegally transfer or access files of the School and other people
4. take pictures, video or audio recordings of persons without their knowledge or
5. use the G Suite Account for any purposes that are inconsistent with these policies
and guidelines [i.e., for business use]
6. practice any unlawful act that would interfere with the operation of the School and
affect the works of others

The School reserves the right to block any student from his/her G Suites Account
because of misconduct or inappropriate actions. Other sanctions may also be
accorded depending on the gravity of his/her offense as per the Student Guidebook.
The Discipline Committee shall investigate any charges, determine the appropriate
disciplinary actions to be taken, and notify students and parents/guardians.

Academic Honesty and Integrity

Students shall exercise academic honesty and integrity at all times. Dishonesty cripples
the student from attaining his/her scholastic potential and violates trust and
confidence which are essential to effective learning. Dishonesty includes plagiarism,
cheating, and collusion. These are considered serious offenses that could significantly
impact on the academic standing of a student.

Plagiarism is the practice of copying someone else’s works or ideas. A student commits
plagiarism when he/she:
▪ submits the works or ideas of others as his/her own
▪ neglects to give credit to the source/s of his/her material/s
▪ copies the majority of the words or ideas from the source, even if he/she gives
credit or not to the author

MARINERS’ is using the American Psychological Association [APA] format for

acknowledging sources.
▪ For help in properly citing sources:

Cheating happens when a student seeks assistance or copies answer to coursework

from someone, especially during assessment [i.e. quizzes and examinations] or any
activity that requires independent effort. Fraud and misrepresentation also constitute
cheating and dishonesty.

Collusion, on the other hand, is a form of cheating that happens when two or more
person deceitfully collaborates to submit or complete coursework that is meant for
individual effort. A student also commits collusion when he/she:
▪ allows others to copy his/her work
▪ share answers to assessment tasks [i.e., quizzes and examinations]
▪ complete coursework for others

Attendance Policy

Learners are expected to attend their virtual classes regularly and promptly. Each
course shall have an attendance monitoring sheet, usually available in Google Forms
which the students need to accomplish every meeting as per their class schedule.
Students may be exempted from attending their classes in case of illness and other
justifiable reasons. They shall however inform their respective faculty members on why
they missed the class to avoid failing due to absences.

There are other ways where students’ attendance can be checked and validated by the
instructors/teachers. Examples of these are:
1. Submission of assignments due on that day
2. Participation in online discussion
3. Participation in synchronous sessions
4. Reply to feedback or queries of the faculty member
5. Consultation messages to the faculty member

No show students or those who have not participated in their classes shall be dropped
or failed following the School’s policy on Attendance as stipulated in the Students

Class Requirements

Students shall complete all assignments, quizzes, examinations, and other student
activities mandatory to the course, and submit them on or before a given schedule.
They shall participate actively in class discussions via the official communication
channels [i.e., Google Chat, Google Classroom]. Students should take responsibility
for their education, and keep a positive attitude and enthusiasm towards learning.
Grading System

The School, just like in the traditional face-to-face learning, shall employ a cumulative
grading system. The percentage value of each grading period as it relates to the final
course grade, as well as the grade components are as follows:

Grading Period Percentage Grade Components Percentage

Prelim 12% Periodic Examination 40%
Midterm 18% Quizzes 20%
Semi-Final 30% Class Participation 20%
Finals 40% Other Acad. Requirements 20%
Course Grade 100% Course Grade 100%

Grade Equivalents
A. For freshmen and 2nd year students enrolled in the business and engineering

Grade Pt. Range Description Grade Pt. Range Description

1.00 98-100 Excellent 2.50 80-82 Fair
1.25 95-97 Superior 2.75 77-79 Passing
1.50 92-94 Very Good 3.00 75-76 Passing
1.75 89-91 Good 5.00 74 &  Failed
2.00 86-88 Very Satisfactory FA Failed due to absences
2.25 83-85 Satisfactory DRP Dropped

B. For 3rd year to 5th year students enrolled in the business and engineering programs

Grade Pt. Range Description Grade Pt. Range Description

1.00 99-100 2.50 67-69
1.10 97-98 2.60 63-66 Satisfactory
1.20 95-96 Excellent 2.70 60-62
1.30 93-94 2.80 57-59
1.40 90-92 2.90 53-56 Pass
1.50 88-89 3.00 50-52
1.60 86-87 5.00 49 &  Failed
1.70 84-85 Very Good FA Failed due to absences
1.80 82-83 DRP Dropped
1.90 80-81
2.00 78-79 Good
Grade Pt. Range Description Grade Pt. Range Description
2.10 76-77
2.20 74-75
2.30 72-73
2.40 70-71

C. For all maritime programs across year levels

Grade Pt. Range Description Grade Pt. Range Description

1.00 99-100 2.50 67-69
1.10 97-98 2.60 63-66 Satisfactory
1.20 95-96 Excellent 2.70 60-62
1.30 93-94 2.80 57-59
1.40 90-92 2.90 53-56 Pass
1.50 88-89 3.00 50-52
1.60 86-87 5.00 49 &  Failed
1.70 84-85 Very Good FA Failed due to absences
1.80 82-83 DRP Dropped
1.90 80-81
2.00 78-79
2.10 76-77
2.20 74-75 Good
2.30 72-73
2.40 70-71

Scoring Rubric
Depending on the coursework, faculty members may use a scoring rubric to grade
students’ work or performance against predefined criteria or standards.
▪ Please, click on the link to view sample rubrics:


Students shall be graded based on their submitted works and performance.

Assessments are conducted to collect evidence that the students have acquired the
knowledge, understanding, and proficiency about a particular topic or lesson. Some
examples of assessments are examinations, quizzes, homework, student activities, and
learning portfolios or reflection notes.
Moreover, students may be given the chance by their instructors/teachers to redo their
work or retake a formative assessment when needed, but make sure that you do not
abuse this privilege.

Virtual Classroom

Students shall make use of the Google Classroom as their online learning environment.
They shall access their classes using the G Suites Account provided to them.
Classrooms are managed and supervised by faculty members assigned to teach a
particular course.

A separate instructional guide shall be provided to students on how they can access
the Google Classroom.

Schedule for Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning

Synchronous or live learning happens when class discussions are being done in real-
time even while students and teachers are physically separated. Asynchronous or self-
paced learning, on the other hand, allows the students to work independently without
the virtual presence of his/her instructor. The table below shows the schedule and
duration allotted for each approach:

Specifics Synchronous Asynchronous

Schedule ▪ Mondays for MWF courses ▪ The rest of the class
meetings for the week
▪ Tuesdays for TTH courses ▪ The rest of the class
meetings for the week
▪ 1 hour for a 2 to 3-hour
Duration course ▪ As per schedule
▪ 1.5 hours for a 4 to 5-hour
▪ 2 hours for a 6-hour course
Consultation ▪ Any time within the allotted schedule for asynchronous
learning of the course
▪ It is best practice to schedule your consultation with your
instructor ahead of time

If the target synchronous session falls on a holiday, your faculty members shall
reschedule it to your next meeting for the course.
Communication, and Student and Faculty Member Interaction
Constant communication between the student and faculty member is vital, especially
under the “new normal.” Interaction pertains to students’ participation in class, and
teachers’ feedback [including grades] to submitted outputs.

The interaction may be done synchronously and asynchronously. Some examples of

synchronous interaction are live lectures or discussion via Google Meet, Zoom, and
other conferencing apps. Some examples of asynchronous interactions are through
emails, SMS, and online chats.

Interactions are conducted within the given class schedule or working hours of faculty
members. Students are reminded to be considerate of the time when contacting their
instructors/teachers. It is best to arrange for a consultation schedule with them.

Learning Spaces

It is highly recommended that students have a small space at home dedicated to

learning. If this is not feasible, then at least have an uncluttered table, desk, or any
hard surface to work on.

Below is the checklist of other things to consider when selecting a learning space at-
 proper lighting and good ventilation
 quiet, or an area with the least amount of distraction
 comfortable seating

If the learning space is situated at an open area outside the house [due to poor
connectivity inside], students are advised to make sure that they have at least some
shade, table, and a comfortable chair.


Netiquette or network etiquette refers to the proper conduct and behavior on the use
of the Internet. It shall be practiced in all areas of communication which include emails,
chats, discussion forums, among others.

A. Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is bullying that happens online through the use of social media and
other digital platforms. Common examples are flaming, exclusion, harassment, outing,
cyberstalking, and catfishing. Students are advised to immediately report any case of
cyberbullying to the School’s Guidance Office through whatever means available to
them [i.e., text, email, phone call].

B. When Communicating
Below are the guidelines to students when communicating with faculty members, staff,
or their classmates using email, chat, Google Classroom, and other communication

Students should:
1. communicate sensibly and politely with others, and be mindful of their tone
2. express their ideas effectively and stay on point, avoiding the sharing of random
ideas or content not related to the lesson or the discussion on hand
3. deter from using profanity or participating in antagonistic discussions
4. properly address their instructors/teachers by their appropriate title, and call their
classmates using their name
5. write with a certain level of formality when communicating with their
instructors/teachers [i.e., conveying their thoughts in the English language and in
complete sentences, and avoiding internet slang or informal text messaging]
6. write messages using black font color in a readable font and appropriate font size
7. refrain writing messages in CAPITAL form, use lowercase letters instead
8. use emoticons or emojis sparingly and appropriately. Refrain from using multiple
exclamation marks
9. employ built-in or online grammar and spelling checker tools
10. take a moment to think and review their messages before they click send or post

C. When Engaging in Synchronous Learning

Below are the guidelines to students when engaging in synchronous learning via
Google Meet, Zoom, or other conferencing tools.

Students should:
1. inform family members on the schedules of their live classes
2. ensure that gadgets/devices needed for the live classes are fully charged and
working properly [i.e., laptop, smartphones, camera, headset/microphone]
3. make themselves presentable by wearing appropriate attire to the classroom [i.e.,
t-shirt or blouse with sleeves]
4. join the synchronous sessions a few minutes before schedule to ensure that
everything is working well
5. exercise proper greetings at the start and end of the meeting [i.e., good morning,
good afternoon, goodbye, thank you]
6. seat upright, do not lie in bed or lounge in a sofa
7. find proper lighting to lit up the face, and shall take note of the following:
▪ Avoid using bright lights behind you
▪ Do not seat on the dark
8. keep their webcam on during the class discussion, and shall take note of the
▪ Make sure that the camera is positioned properly, preferably head-on, and at
the eye-level, and not too close to the camera
▪ Check your surrounding areas to avoid accidentally showing things you do not
want others to see
9. be considerate of their instructors/teachers for they have put on a lot of work to
prepare the live lectures
10. listen intently, follow instructions, and take down notes and questions about the
lesson or topic which they can raise to their instructor/teacher after the lecture
11. keep microphones on mute when not speaking to keep background noise to a
12. not record lesson proceedings or take pictures without the permission of their
13. not share the class links to other individuals without the permission of their
14. not share their screens if not being asked by the instructor/teacher to do so
15. use the chat box properly:
▪ use it for your questions and/or clarifications
▪ refrain from using it while the lecture is going-on
▪ if the message is intended for a specific person, make sure that you do not
send your message to all members
16. stay focus during the class discussion, turn-off notifications from their other
devices, and refrain from multi-tasking

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