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Chapter (7) Questions

Chapter (7) MCQs

1. Environmental issues
a. Affect economic development
b. Affected by economic development
c. a and b
d. none of the above
2. ……………….. is the Increasing average air and ocean temperatures
a. Global warming
b. Climate change
c. Weather change
d. None of the above
3. Human industrial, forestry and agricultural activities emitting greenhouse gases resulting
a. Global warming
b. Climate change
c. Weather change
d. None of the above
4. ……………. Is the Non-transient altering of underlying climate
a. Global warming
b. Climate change
c. Weather change
d. None of the above
5. ……………….. is the need for careful balance between economic growth and environmental
a. Substantiality
b. Sustainability
c. Development
d. None of the above
6. …………………. Is meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the
needs of future generations
a. Substantiality
b. Sustainability
c. Development
d. None of the above
7. In developing countries, environmental capital is generally a ……. fraction of total capital
a. Larger
b. Smaller
c. Same
d. None of the above
8. …………………. Is The incorporation of environmental benefits and costs into the
quantitative analysis of economic activities.
a. Environmental consideration
b. Environmental calculations
c. Environmental accounting
d. None of the above
9. Overall capital assets are meant to include
a. manufactured capital
b. human capital
c. environmental capital
d. all of the above

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10. manufactured capital includes
a. roads
b. experience
c. soil quality
d. all of the above
11. …………… is a human capital
a. Machines
b. Knowledge
c. Forests
d. All of the above
12. …………….. is a part of environmental capital
a. Factories
b. Skills
c. Rangeland
d. All of the above
13. …………………. Is The portion of a country's overall capital assets that directly relate to
the environment
a. manufactured capital
b. human capital
c. environmental capital
d. all of the above
14. Sustainable net national product =
a. GNI – Dm – Dn
b. GNI + Dm – Dn
c. GNI – Dm + Dn
d. None of the above
15. The poor are the victims of environmental degradation because
a. The poor live in environmentally degraded lands which are less expensive
b. People living in poverty have less political clout to reduce pollution
c. Living in less productive polluted lands gives the poor less opportunity to work their
way out of poverty
d. All of the above
16. as per capita incomes rose, pollution and other forms of environmental degradation
a. rise and then fall
b. rise
c. fall
d. none of the above
17. the idea that as per capita incomes rose, pollution and other forms of environmental
degradation would first rise and then fall is referred as
a. Environmental Lewis curve
b. Environmental Kuznets curve
c. Environmental Lorenz curve
d. None of the above
18. Environmental problems have consequences like
a. Flourish of agricultural productivity
b. Prevalence of unsanitary conditions
c. Decreased dependence on biomass fuels and pollution
d. All of the above
19. Developing countries can adopt a range of policies to deal with environment degradation
a. Clearer property rights and resource ownership
b. Improved economic status of women
c. Proactive stance toward adapting to climate change
d. All of the above
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20. Industrial countries can help developing nations in their efforts to improve the
environment of development through
a. Trade liberalization
b. Debt relief
c. Financial and technological assistance
d. All of the above

# Ans. # Ans. # Ans. # Ans. # Ans.

1 C 5 B 9 D 13 C 17 B
2 A 6 B 10 A 14 A 18 B
3 A 7 A 11 B 15 D 19 D
4 B 8 C 12 C 16 A 20 D

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