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Jurnal Ilmiah,

Sumber Daya
JENIUSp-ISSN: 2581-2769 e-ISSN: 2598-9502
The Effect of Work Environment and Communication on Employee
Performance in The Quality Control Section at The Decoration Department
of PT Lung Cheong Brothers Industrial Kragilan Serang
Achmad Rozi, 2Siti Rohaya, 3Denok Sunarsi, 4Azhar Affandi
Universitas Primagraha, Serang, Banten, Indonesia
Universitas Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia
Universitas Pasundan, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Email : 1*achmadrozi@primagraha.ac.id

(Received: December 2022; Reviewed: December 2022; Accepted: December

2022; Available online: January 2023; Published: Januari 2023)


This study aims to determine the effect of the work environment and
communication on the performance of quality control employees at PT. Lung
Cheong Brothers Industrial decoration department. The research method used is
quantitative research. The results of the quantitative analysis can be explained that
the influence of the work environment and communication is very closely related to
employee performance, the leadership of PT. Lung Cheong Brothers Industrial
needs to pay attention to employee performance with an adequate work
environment so that employees can work optimally.

Keywords: Work Environment, Communication, and Employee Performance

Copyright © Pada Penulis 429
JENIUS. Vol. 6, No. 2, Januari 2023

Jurnal Ilmiah, Manajemen Sumber Daya

Manusia JENIUS

The success of an organization in
managing its human resources
INTRODUCTION determines the success of achieving
The development of the organizational goals. Every
business world is progressing rapidly, organization will always try to
this is marked by an increasingly improve the performance of its
fierce level of competition. Therefore, employees, with the hope that the
for companies that have the desire to company's goals will be achieved.
win the competition, they must be Therefore, it is appropriate for
able to improve services and maintain the company to provide an adequate
the performance of their employees. working environment for its
Human Resources (HR) are employees such as a comfortable
people who design and produce goods office layout, workplace decorations,
and services, allocate financial beautiful colors, a clean environment,
resources, control quality, and air circulation in the room, air
formulate overall strategies to achieve humidity, temperature or air
goals. temperature in the room, adequate
In this case the work lighting or light, melodious music,
environment has contributed to safety in the workplace, as well as the
improving employee performance. relationship between fellow
employees and the relationship Communication that goes well
between employees and leaders so and is supported by a conducive work
that employees who are not optimal at environment will improve the
work, by creating an adequate work performance of employees of PT.
environment can be more enthusiastic Lung Cheong Brothers Industrial,
and can optimize their performance. especially in the Quality Control
A work environment that is fun section of the Decoration
and can meet the needs of employees Department. Based on the results of
will provide a sense of satisfaction temporary research in the Decoration
and encourage their morale. A work Department of PT. Lung Cheong
environment that receives less Brothers Industrial, where the
attention will have a negative impact research was conducted to find out
and reduce morale, this is due to what factors affect employee
employees experiencing distractions performance, showed that the
in carrying out their duties, resulting Decoration Department of PT. Lung
in a lack of enthusiasm and a lack of Cheong Brothers Industrial has
energy and thoughts devoted to their uncomfortable working conditions
duties. such as air conditioners that are not
Internal communication is functioning properly, poor air
considered necessary in improving circulation, noise is often heard
employee performance, because if the around the work environment area
communication that exists between which can reduce the level of
leaders and employees and fellow concentration of employees in
employees is harmonious then it will carrying out their duties and
create a pleasant climate so that responsibilities as well as the lack of
employees can be comfortable at communication between superiors
work. and subordinates, where there are

JENIUS. Vol. 6, No. 2, Januari 2023

Jurnal Ilmiah, Manajemen Sumber Daya

Manusia JENIUS

children's toys, the main focus is the
quality of the toys produced.
many misunderstandings (mist Based on the background
understanding) between what is description, the writer is interested in
ordered by superiors and what is done conducting research by taking the title
by subordinates in carrying out work “The Effect Of Work Environment
tasks. And Communication On Employee
Decoration Department PT. Performance In The Quality Control
Lung Cheong Brothers Industrial Section At The Decoration
always conducts assessments to Department Of PT. Lung Cheong
measure employee performance by Brothers Industrial Kragilan Serang”.
comparing work results in achieving
company goals. As a company RESEARCH METHODS
engaged in the production of The approach method used by
researchers is descriptive with a IBM SPSS 23 program can be as
quantitative approach or statistical follows:
data analysis. What is meant by a Normality test
quantitative approach is research that The normality test aims to test
focuses on presenting data in the whether the confounding or residual
form of numbers or quantitative variables in the regression model
scoring using statistics. have a normal distribution, by
In this study, the population is conducting a Kolmogorov-Smirnov
the employees of the Decoration non-parametric statistical test. At
section at PT. Lung Cheong Brothers least the test method for data
Industrial Kragilan Serang population distribution is by looking at the
of 186 people. To determine the significance value of the variable, if it
sample taken using the slovin formula is significantly greater than 0.05 at
with a sample taken of 54 people. the 5% alpha significance level, then
it indicates a normal data
results of multiple analysis using the
Table 1 Normality Test Results
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Unstandardized Residuals

N 54 Normal Parameters, b Means ,0000000 std. Deviation

absolute , 111
Most Extreme Differences Positive ,069 Negative -,111
Test Statistics , 111 asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,097c a. Test distribution is
b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.
to test whether the regression model
The output results above are found a correlation between the
known to be sig. 0.200 > 0.05 then independent variables.
the data is normally distributed. To detect the presence or
Multicollinearity Test absence of multicollinearity in the
The multicollinearity test aims

JENIUS. Vol. 6, No. 2, Januari 2023

Jurnal Ilmiah, Manajemen Sumber Daya

Manusia JENIUS

10, then multicollinearity does not
occur. The results of the
regression, it can be seen that if the multicollinearity test can be seen in
tolerance value is > 0.10 and VIF < the following table:
Table 2 Multicollinearity Test Results
Unstandardized Coefficients
Bstd. t Sig.
Model Standardized Collinearity Statistics
Error Betas tolerance VIF

(Constant) -31,726 7,131 -

4,449 ,000

environment ,826 0.08 ,770 10.33 ,000 ,970 1,031 Communication ,690 ,099 ,520 6,969 ,000
,970 1,031
a. Dependent Variable: Employee_Performance

Based on table 2 above, each Communication

VIF value is less than 10 and the
tolerance value is more than 0.10 for
each variable. So it can be concluded Employee
that the regression equation model
Table 3. Correlation Coefficient Test
does not have multicollinearity
problems and can be used in this
Correlation Coefficient Test environment Communication Employee
The correlation technique used
in testing the correlation coefficient is
the Pearson's Product Moment performance
1 -,173 ,680** Sig. (2-tailed) ,210 ,000
method which aims to determine the Correlation
N 54 54 54 Pearson
level of closeness of the relationship
-,173 1 ,386** Sig. (2-tailed) ,210 ,004
between variables expressed by theCorrelation
N 54 54 54 Pearson
correlation coefficient (r) contained in
,680** ,386** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
the SPSS program. If the significanceCorrelation
value is <0.05 then it is correlated and N 54 54 54
if the significance value is > 0.05 then
it is not correlated.
The results of the correlation
coefficient test using the SPSS 25
program are as follows:

Work environment
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
performance. The Pearson
Based on the results of table 4 Correlation Work Environment
above, it shows a significance value Value is 0.680 and the Pearson
of the work environment of 0.000 Correlation Communication Value is
and Communication of 0.000, it can 0.386, so in the guidelines for the
be said that the two independent degree of relationship it can be said
variables have a relationship with

JENIUS. Vol. 6, No. 2, Januari 2023

Jurnal Ilmiah, Manajemen Sumber Daya
Manusia JENIUS

Coefficient Test
Testing the hypothesis in this
that the Work Environment Pearson study was carried out using a multiple
Correlation value is included in the linear regression analysis model and
medium correlation category and is a two-tail study with a significance
Communication is included in the level (α) of 0.05. The calculation of
strong correlation category. the multiple linear regression model
was carried out with the help of SPSS
Multiple Linear Regression 25.
Table 4. Multiple Linear Regression Coefficient Test Results
Unstandardized Coefficients
Model Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B std. Error Betas

(Constant) -31,726 7,131 -

4,449 ,000

environment ,826 0.08 ,770 10.33 ,000 Communication ,690 ,099 ,520 6,969 ,000
a. Dependent Variable: Employee_Performance

All regression coefficients for discipline are increased, employee

all variables are positive, this performance will also increase. T
illustrates that if leadership and Test (Partial Test)
Table 5. T test results
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
Model Standardized
B std. Error Betas
(Constant) 31,726 7,131 4,449 ,000 Work

environment ,826 0.08 ,770 10.33 ,000 Communication ,690 ,099 ,520 6,969 ,000
a. Dependent Variable: Employee_Performance
Summary models
Adjusted R Square std. Error of the Estimate
Model RR Square
1 ,851a ,725 ,714 2,455 a. Predictors: (Constant), Communication,
table 2.007, it can be concluded that
Based on the basis of decision communication has an effect on
making: it is known that the t value of employee performance. The influence
the work environment variable is of the work environment and
10.328 > t table 2.007, it is concluded communication on employee
that there is an influence of the work performance is 71.4%, the rest is
environment on employee influenced by other factors of 28.6%.
performance. The t value of the Simultaneous F Test
communication variable is 6.969 > t Based on the output of SPSS
25, the F test results of the Work Employee Performance (Y) are as
Environment (X1) and follows:
Communication (X2) variables on
Table 6. Simultaneous Hypothesis Test F-test

JENIUS. Vol. 6, No. 2, Januari 2023

Jurnal Ilmiah, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia

Model Sum of

Squares Df MeanSquare F Sig.

Regression 809,610 2 404,805 67,154 ,000b
residual 307,427 51 6,028
Total 1,117,037 53
a. Dependent Variable: Employee_Performance b. Predictors:
(Constant), Communication, Work_Environment Summary
std. Error of the Estimate
Model R R Square Adjusted R
1 ,851a ,725 ,714 2,455 a. Predictors: (Constant),
Communication, Work_Environment
1. The influence of the work
In the simultaneous test the environment on employee
value of sig. 0.000 <0.005, so the performance has the effect of this
conclusion is that simultaneously being proven by the results of the t
Work Environment (X1) and test. It is known that the
Communication (X2) have a significance value for the effect of
significant influence on employee X1 on Y is 0.000 <0.05 and the t
performance (Y). The magnitude of value is 10.328 > the t-table value
the simultaneous influence of the is 2.007, so it can be concluded
Adjusted R Square value is 0.714, if that H1 is accepted, which means
multiplied by 100 it is 71.4%. From that there is an influence of X1 on
the conclusion, the contribution of the Y.
Work Environment (X1) and 2. The influence of communication
Communication (X2) simultaneously on employee performance has no
is 71.4 and the rest is influenced by effect, this is proven by the results
other factors of 28.6%. of the t test. It is known that the
sigmification value for the effect
DISCUSION of X2 on Y is 0.000 <0.05 and the
After carrying out various t-value is 6.969 > the t-table value
hypothesis tests, the results are is 2.007 so that it can be concluded
obtained which will be presented in that H2 is accepted, which means
this discussion. From these results that there is an influence of X2 on
will answer the questions described Y.
earlier in the formulation of the 3. Taken together, the influence of
problem in this study. The results of the work environment and
this study include: communication has an influence
on employee performance. Based
on the output above, it is known CONCLUSION
that the significance value for the Based on the results of the
influence of X1 and X2 research and discussion in this thesis
simultaneously on Y is 0.000 entitled "The Influence of the Work
<0.05 and the calculated F value is Environment and Communication on
44.482 > F table 3.14 so that it can Employee Performance in the Quality
be concluded that H3 is accepted, Control Section of the Decoration
which means that there is an effect Department of PT. Lung Cheong
of X1 and X2 simultaneously on Y

JENIUS. Vol. 6, No. 2, Januari 2023

Jurnal Ilmiah, Manajemen Sumber Daya

Manusia JENIUS

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JENIUS. Vol. 6, No. 2, Januari 2023

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