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1. "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

" - Desiderius Erasmus

What does this proverb mean?

Even someone with minor ability is considered special by those with no ability at all.

It's more advantageous to be able to see, even a little bit, than to be blind.

Someone who can see will be able to take advantage of others who cannot see.

It would be easy for someone who can see to become king in a land of people who cannot see.

Official records state that the Pueblo Indians lived in New Mexico and Arizona. The word "Pueblo"
comes from the Spanish word "pueblo," meaning town or village. The Spaniards found these Indians
living in apartment houses, some of them on the side of a cliff in order that they could be reached only
by ladders. Whenever they were attacked by Apaches, the Pueblos would pull up the ladders. They grew
corn, which they watered with water flowing down in ditches. They wove cloth, made wonderful
baskets, and created jars and pots out of clay proving how skilful they were at hand-craft.

From the passage we understand that the Pueblo Indians were afraid of :

Apache Indians

apartment houses

water flowing down in ditches

cliff dwelling

When faced with a challenging event like a disagreement with a colleague at work, there are always two
roads to go down; You can either approach the situation as a problem, or as an opportunity for spiritual
growth. This not-so-subtle distinction can mean the difference between distress and eustress- always try
to choose the latter. A eustress is a moderate or normal psychological stress interpreted as being
beneficial for the one who experiences it.

Which of the following is not true about the passage?

A disagreement with a colleague at work is a challenging event.

Spiritual growth is the result of a disagreement with a colleague at work.

A disagreement with a colleague at work can be an opportunity for spiritual growth.

A eustress is advised to be chosen over distress.

There were only five sections for the subject Math 54. The sections were A, B, C, D,and E. The teachers
assigned to each section were Mr. Martin, Miss Garcia, Mrs. Romulo, Miss Santos, and Mr. Apacible
respectively. Students enrolling for the subject were free to choose the section they want so they can
adjust their schedules. The quota for each section was 50 students and section A and D were filled up
easily, ahead of the three other sections. It seemed that Mr. Martin and Miss Santos were popular with
the Math students.

What is true of the following observations?

Miss Garcia was a terror teacher.

Both sections A and D have 50 students each.

Mr. Apacible and Mrs. Romulo are not popular with the Math students.

Mr. Martin and Miss Santos were the best in Math 54.

Spending time volunteering for charity is important to Company X. Company X offers their employees
paid time off to volunteer.

How is the second sentence related to the first sentence?

It reinforces the first statement.

It reveals the first statement.

It offers a solution.

It contradicts the first statement.

Samuel Morse, best known today as the inventor of Morse Code and one of the inventors of the
telegraph, was originally a prominent painter. While he was always interested in technology and studied
electrical engineering in college, Morse went to Paris to learn from famous artists of his day and later
painted many pictures that now hang in museums, including a portrait of former President John Adams.
In 1825, Morse was in Washington, D.C., painting a portrait of the Marquis de Lafayette when a
messenger arrived on horseback to tell him that his wife was gravely ill back at his home in Connecticut.
The message had taken several days to reach him because of the distance. Morse rushed to his home as
fast as he could, but his wife had already passed away by the time he arrived. Grief-stricken, he gave up
painting and devoted the rest of his life to finding ways to transmit messages over long distances faster.

Morse left the art world and helped to invent the telegraph:

. because he was fascinated by science

because he wanted to communicate with people far away

. because he was tired of painting

because of a personal tragedy in his life

In the past, consumers would rarely walk into an ice cream store and order low-fat ice cream. But that
isn't the case today. An increasing health consciousness combined with a much bigger selection of tasty
low-fat foods in all categories has made low-fat ice cream a very profitable item for ice cream store

This paragraph best supports the statement that

low-fat ice cream is more popular than other kinds of ice cream.

ice cream store owners would be better off carrying only low-fat ice cream.

ice cream store owners no longer think that low-fat ice cream is an unpopular item.

low-fat ice cream produces more revenue than other low-fat foods.

The advent of cellphone is perhaps the best contribution of modern technology to our communication
system. Back then, it would take a week or longer before we can communicate with our loved ones if we
are working in other countries. It was through letters that we could communicate with them, and letters
really took time to reach their destinations. Today, if we want to talk to our loved ones, even of we are
living in another country, we can do so very easily with the use of cellphones. In a matter of minute, we
are connected with them.

What does the passage say?

Letters are useless in our modern time.

Communication using cellphones is fast and easy.

Back then, communication with our loved ones was impossible because there was no cellphones.

Cellphone can reach people in faraway places but letters cannot.

A person born in the Year of the Tiger is capable of earning large sums of money, but he is rather a
spendthrift and does not always put his money to best use. He can also be most generous and will often
shower lavish gifts on friends and relations. That is why a Tiger person has many friends and

Which of the following is true about a person born in the Year of the Tiger?

He is a good businessman.

He welcomes people in need and helps them in whatever way he can.

He spends his money in extravagant and irresponsible way.

He is always successful in earning large sums of money.

One New York publisher has estimated that 50,000 to 60,000 people in the United States want an
anthology that includes the complete works of William Shakespeare. And what accounts for this
renewed interest in Shakespeare? As scholars point out, his psychological insights into both male and
female characters are amazing even today.

This paragraph best supports the statement that

Shakespeare's characters are more interesting than fictional characters today.

people even today are interested in Shakespeare's work because of the characters.

New Yorkers have a renewed interested in the work of Shakespeare.

academic scholars are putting together an anthology of Shakespeare's work.

Research suggests that there are creatures that do not know what light means at the bottom of the sea.
They don't have either eyes or ears; they can only feel. There is no day or night for them. There are no
winters, no summers, no sun, no moon, and no stars. It is as if a child spent its life in darkness in bed,
with nothing to see or hear. How different our own life is! Sight shows us the ground beneath our feet
and the heavens above us - the sun, moon, and stars, shooting stars, lightning, and the sunset. It shows
us day and night. We are able to hear voices, the sound of the sea, and music. We feel, we taste, we
smell. How fortunate we are!

Judging from the passage, we can say that this story is mainly about

life of sea creatures at the bottom of the sea.

the differences among creatures of the earth and those of the sea.
how changes in the seasons are perceived by the deep-sea creatures.

the superiority of human beings over some creatures in terms of senses

Most researches in needy countries are based on the thinking and approach of the highly developed
Western world, and seldom have they been directed toward meeting the countries' own development

The sentence best supports the statement that _________.

most researches done in needy countries are missing their objectives

highly developed countries offer the best guide for the development of needy countries

needy countries need researchers to help them reach the status of the western world.

most researches have universal application.

In the words of Thomas De Quincey, “It is notorious that the memory strengthens as you lay burdens
upon it.” If, like most people, you have trouble recalling the names of those you have just met, try this:
The next time you are introduced, plan to remember the names. Say to yourself, “I’ll listen carefully; I’ll
repeat each person’s name to be sure I’ve got it, and I will remember.” You’ll discover how effective this
technique is and probably recall those names for the rest of your life.

The quotation from De Quincey indicates that the memory

improves if it is used often.

breaks down under great strain.

becomes unreliable if it tires.

always operates at peak efficiency.

Baby carriages were invented in 1848 by Charles Burton. He lived in New York City and faced opposition
to his invention from people who felt they were unsafe. He believed in his idea and moved to England,
where he opened a factory. He made carriages for Queen Victoria of England, Queen Isabella II of Spain,
and other royalty. A factory opened in the United States ten years later but only 75 carriages were sold.
Today, baby carriages are extremely popular and almost every baby has at least one.

We can conclude from the passage that:

the initial design of the baby carriage was not safe.

baby carriage sales have dramatically risen in the last 75 years.

Americans’ attitudes toward baby carriages has changed significantly.

Burton had many inventions that he tried to put into mass production.

Mula sa salitang Griyego na Krystallos na nangangahulugang frozen light, ang Kristal ay sumisipsip,
tumutuon at nagbibigay ng electromagnetic energy. Hindi kataka-taka dahil sa loob ng mahabang
panahon ay nakabaon sa lupa ang mga kristal, kaya nga ang mga sinaunang mistikong manggagamot ay
naniniwalang ito ay likas na mangagagamot ng mundo. Nagbibigay ito ng masuyo at mabilis na
kagalingan na tumutugon sa manggagamot sa loob ng ating katawan, isang mekanismong nag-aayos at
nagbabalik ng balance sa loob ng katawan.

Ang talata sa itaas ay isang pagtalakay tungkol sa:

salitang Griyego



electromagnetic energy

Deadweight tonnage is a measure of how much weight a ship is carrying or can safely carry. It is the sum
of the weights of cargo, fuel, fresh water, ballast water, provisions, passengers, and crew.

Which of the following does NOT go into the calculation of dead weight tonnage?

weight of passengers

weight of ballast water

weight of crew

weight of the ship

The movie Close to You, a romantic comedy, was graded A by the Films Rating Board. It opened
simultaneously in fifty theaters in Metro Manila on a Wednesday. The following day, it was reported
that not even one of the fifty theaters where it was shown played to an SRO audience. The producers of
the movie were shaking their heads, asking one another how they could recoup their investments.
What could be said about the movie?

Romantic comedy is not popular with moviegoers.

The movie was a dismal flop.

Most grade A movies did not enjoy commercial success.

The theaters in Metro Manila are big.

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