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APRIL 9, 2023

Despite the fast-changing world view against Biblical standards and principles of

marriage, God’s set standard written in His Word remains unchangeable and needful for the

society. Disobedience to God’s Law brings about societal chaos and confusion.

I. World’s view of Marriage

A. Trends of today

B. Cause of change

II. Biblical View of Marriage

A. Origin of Biblical Marriage

B. Opposition of Biblical Marriage

III. Homosexual vs. Heterosexual Union

A. God intends marriage to be between a man and a woman.

B. Homosexual union defies God’s plan for propagation.


Since the beginning of time, the devil is in active attack on the family. To do so, he

attacks marriage. God ordained marriage purposefully. He created marriage because mankind

needs fellowship and partnership, the Bible says, “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the

man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him” (Genesis 2:18).1 Secondly, marriage

was also established because of a great biological need. John R. Rice wrote, “God Himself has

formed in human beings a certain sex capacity for marriage and love and home and mating. God

Himself has given a biological necessity that presses men and women toward marriage.” 2

Thirdly, marriage was created for the propagation of the race (Gen. 9:1) and for rearing the next

generation of Christians. However, because of the fast-changing morals of the society and its

sinful nature, there is a growing support for same-sex marriages, divorce, equal rights, and the

general encouragement to “pursue happiness” at the expense of violating clear, Biblical

standards. This research paper aims to draw a line between what the society says and what the

Word of God says. There is a vast difference between the society’s view of marriage and God’s

plan for marriage, but obedience to God’s perfect plan is unchanging and needful for the

preservation and harmony of the society.

World’s View of Marriage

The popular trend of marriage today is that people can choose who they want to marry.

They think that they can change the law of God. They have become the final authority who

dictates what is right and what is wrong. In 2008, California has legalized same-sex marriage.

All biblical passage referenced are in the King James Version.
John R. Rice, The Home, (Tennesse: Sword of the Lord Publishers,
1974): page 23.

The formal ruling stated: “The California Supreme Court held that the California legislative and

initiative measures limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples and may not be used to preclude

same-sex couples from marrying.”3 Even the Los Angeles Councilmember Bill Rosendahl agreed

with the same-sex union. He said, “I’m going to be excited when the courts rule in our favor and

I can give him a big hug and a kiss and know that his life and mine are forever on equal

footing.”4 He is not the only one who supports same-sex marriage but there are many more. In

one of the attorney’s appeals to the court they said, “The data show that California’s exclusion of

same-sex couples from marriage impacts more than 90,000 couples and 70,000 children who are

being raised by same-sex couples. By comparing characteristics of same-sex couples and married

different-sex couples, we have determined that same-sex couples are similarly situated to married

couples in geographic, demographic, and economic terms.”5

The very cause of change of society today can be trace to the acceptance of different

views regarding marriage. When people do not recognize the authority of the Bible they made

their own standard. Man’s philosophies, ideas, opinions, theological views affect their views of

marriage. In the Bible, God gave up the heathen to reprobate mind because they do not

acknowledge Him as the Creator of all things. “Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness

through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the

Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.” (Romans 1:24-25). Confusion always comes when

In Re: Marriage Cases S147999 available at S147999 | PDF | In Re Marriage Cases | Domestic
Partnership (
Kate Linthicum, Councilman Bill Rosendahl, partner make relationship official, Los Angeles Times, Jan.
10, 2013, available at Councilman Bill Rosendahl, partner make relationship official - Los Angeles Times
R. Bradley Sears and Clifford Rosky, In Re: Marriage Cases, In the Supreme Court of California, Case
No. S147999 available at
people do not know God and do not submit to His authority. Men became god of themselves and

they just live for pleasure instead of living for the glory of God.

Biblical View of Marriage

The originator of marriage is no other than God Himself. When He saw Adam not having

a companion, He said, “It is not good that a man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). That is why

He made a helpmeet—a companion for man. Thus, marriage is a divine plan. It is not a human

idea but a divine institution. In Genesis 2:21-22, woman was made from the rib of man. And she

was called Eve because she was taken out of man. Woman became the completer of man. Paul

Chappell wrote, “Biblically, man cannot complete man, nor can woman complete woman. The

divine institution of marriage consists of a woman completing a man.” 6 People may change the

definition of marriage, but the Word of God is clear that marriage should be for the covenant of

man and woman. And only the relationship of man and woman can fulfill the command of God

to “multiply and replenish the earth” (Genesis 1:28). So, the other important purpose of marriage

is for procreation.

Many opposed the Biblical view of marriage because it contradicts their lifestyle.

Hollywood, social media and celebrities make the sin of homosexuality become accepted in the

society. Chappell said, “The media is one of the strongest enemies of biblical marriage. It

chooses what stories to enhance and which ones to bury. The television portrays godless

marriages on sitcoms and movies. The radio highlights major divorces and Hollywood

scandals.”7 Satan will use the influence of the system of the world to attack the institution of

marriage. He will use every device he can think of to corrupt the minds of the people (2 Cor.

Paul Chappell, Same-Sex Marriage: What the Bible Says About Marriage, (Lancaster, California: Striving
Together Publications, 2008) p. 12
Ibid, p. 24
4:4). Attacks are not only happening in America but all over the world. In the Philippines for

example, they have begun to file SOGIE (Sexual Orientation and Gender Equality Orientation)

Bill, which promotes same-sex marriage in 2000. But the Senators and the House of

Representatives did not try to consider it until this year 2023. They are arguing that more than

thirty plus countries have already accepted same sex marriage and why not Philippines. Some of

the cults in the country supports the bill but many Evangelical and Baptist churches still opposed

to it and want to stand on their convictions.

Homosexual vs. Heterosexual Union

God intends marriage to be between a man and a woman. But because of prevailing

societal sins, “The rise in support for same-sex marriage over the past decade is among the

largest changes in opinion on any policy issue over this time period. A new national survey finds

that much of the shift is attributable to the arrival of large cohort of young adults – the Millennial

Generation – who are far more open to gay rights than previous generations. Equally important,

however, is that 14% of all Americans – and 28% of gay marriage supporters – say that they

have changed their minds on this issue in favor of gay marriage.”8 This survey was done almost a

decade ago and with all the easy access to media, legalization of same-sex union in fifty states in

the United States, Hollywood influences, and unfiltered use of social media platforms, it is

perceived that these numbers are higher than ever. However, God’s perfect plan is not

homosexual but heterosexual marriage. God ordained marriage in the Garden of Eden and set an

example with Adam and Eve. There was no record of homosexual marriage in the Bible. God

Jocelyn Kiley, “Growing Support for Gay Marriage: Changed Minds
and Changing Demographics”, Pew Research Center, March 20, 2013,
prohibited same-gender sexual relations (Lev.18:22-24; Rom.1:26-27; Jude 7). It is an

abomination, and it hinders natural human propagation – God’s purpose for marriage is to

produce godly offspring (Gen.1:28). God considers homosexuality as an abomination to Him. “If

a man also lies with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an

abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them” (Lev.20:13).

Disobedience to God’s set standards certainly affects the nation and its morals. The society may

accept and legalize sin, but it would continue to be sin.


In the past two decades we have seen the change of the society’s view of marriage. They

have tolerated what the Bible says abomination to God. But one of the great problems of this

generation is that churches are not preaching repentance. Men can only forsake their sin if they

have truly repented from it and have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. The only solution to

the problem of men living in sin is no other than the gospel of Jesus Christ. Once a person

receives Christ as his Savior, his entire being can be change and he will become a new person (2

Cor. 5:17). The hope of this world is that Christians will become the salt and light (Matthew

5:13-14). They must proclaim the good news and show the world what it means to be a follower

of Jesus Christ. The husband and wife should reflect the relationship of Christ to His Church.

And families should live a life pleasing to God (Ephesians 5-6). When Christians do what they

ought to do God can still send revival in this world (2 Chronicles 7:14). Many people can still be

saved, lives can still be changed because the gospel and God’s Word still powerful (2 Cor. 4:4, 1

Cor. 1:18, Hebrews 4:12).

Word Count- 1,606


Chappell, Paul. Same Sex Marriage: What the Bible Says About Marriage. Lancaster, California:
Striving Together Publications, 2008.

In Re: Marriage Cases S147999 available at S147999 | PDF | In Re Marriage Cases | Domestic
Partnership ( Accessed on April 7, 2023

Kiley, Jocelyn “Growing Support for Gay Marriage: Changed Minds and Changing
Demographics”. Pew Research Center. March 20, 2013. Available at
Release.pdf accessed on April 7, 2023

King James Version of the Bible

Linthicum, Kate. Councilman Bill Rosendahl, partner make relationship official. Los Angeles
Times, Jan. 10, 2013. available at Councilman Bill Rosendahl, partner make relationship official
- Los Angeles Times ( accessed on April 7, 2023

Rice, John R. The Home. Tennessee: Sword of the Lord Publisher, 1974.

Sears, R. Bradley and Clifford Rosky, In Re: Marriage Cases, In the Supreme Court of
California, Case No. S147999 available at accessed on April 8,

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