UNIT 5-The Netiquette and The Computer Ethics

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Bato Institute of Science And Technology, Inc.

Dolho, Bato, Letyte


Name: ______________________________________________ Week 6 Sept. 18-23, 2023

UNIT 5: The Netiquette and The Computer digital privacy safeguards individuals from
Ethics such risks.
5. Prevents the Spread of Misinformation: Being
At the end of this unit, you are expected to: responsible online involves verifying
✓ Discuss the importance of being a responsible information before sharing it. By promoting
netizen by following the rules of common fact-checking and critical thinking,
courtesy online and the informal “rules of the responsible netizens can help curb the
road” of cyberspace spread of misinformation, which is especially
crucial in an era where false information can
ABSTRACTION: spread rapidly and have real-world
Being a responsible netizen, which means 6. Upholds Intellectual Property Rights:
engaging in responsible and courteous behavior Respecting copyright laws and giving credit
online, is of paramount importance in today's to creators when sharing their work online
digital age. The internet has become an integral demonstrates responsible netizenship. This
part of our lives, providing us with a platform for supports a culture of creativity and
communication, information sharing, innovation while discouraging plagiarism
collaboration, and entertainment. Just as there are and content theft.
rules and norms that govern our behavior in 7. Maintains Online Security: Following online
physical spaces, there are also rules of common security practices, such as using strong
courtesy and informal "rules of the road" in passwords, updating software regularly, and
cyberspace that help ensure a positive and being cautious of phishing attempts,
productive online environment. Here's why being a contributes to a safer digital environment for
responsible netizen matters: everyone. Responsible netizens help reduce
1. Fosters Positive Online Communities: the risks of cyberattacks and identity theft.
Responsible netizenship contributes to the 8. Sets an Example for Future Generations:
creation and maintenance of positive online Responsible behavior online sets a positive
communities. By treating others with respect example for younger generations who are
and kindness, you help build an atmosphere growing up in a digitally connected world.
where diverse opinions can be shared and By demonstrating the importance of
discussions can flourish without devolving empathy, respect, and ethical behavior
into hostility or harassment. online, responsible netizens can help shape
2. Promotes Constructive Dialogue: Engaging the online behavior of the next generation.
in civil and respectful discussions online 9. Preserves Online Freedom: Responsible
encourages meaningful conversations. netizenship goes hand in hand with
When people communicate respectfully, advocating for a free and open internet.
they are more likely to listen to differing When individuals use the internet
viewpoints, consider new ideas, and find responsibly, they contribute to an
common ground, leading to productive environment where online freedoms can be
dialogue. upheld without the need for excessive
3. Mitigates Online Harassment and Bullying: censorship or restrictions.
Responsible behavior helps combat online 10. Enhances Digital Literacy: Engaging
harassment and bullying. Cyberbullying and responsibly online involves honing skills
harassment have serious consequences for related to critical thinking, media literacy,
individuals' mental and emotional well- and ethical decision-making. These skills are
being. By adhering to respectful crucial in navigating the complexities of the
communication norms, you can contribute digital landscape and making informed
to a safer online environment for everyone. judgments about the content we
4. Protects Digital Privacy: Responsible encounter.
netizenship involves respecting the privacy In essence, being a responsible netizen is about
of others. Sharing personal information extending the same values of respect, empathy,
without consent or engaging in doxxing and responsibility that govern our offline
(publishing private information about interactions to the online world. By adhering to the
individuals) can lead to serious violations of rules of common courtesy and the informal "rules of
privacy and even offline harm. Respecting the road" of cyberspace, we can collectively

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create a healthier, more inclusive, and more 9. Avoid Trolling and Flame Wars: Do not
productive digital environment for everyone. engage in trolling (posting provocative or
offensive content to elicit strong reactions)
The Netiquette and The Computer Ethics or flame wars (heated arguments online).
Netiquette and computer ethics are two important These behaviors contribute to a negative
concepts that guide behavior and interactions in online environment.
the digital world. They provide guidelines for how 10. Respect Different Perspectives: Engage in
individuals should behave online and how they discussions with an open mind and respect
should use technology ethically and responsibly. different viewpoints, even if you disagree.
Constructive dialogue encourages healthy
Let's take a closer look at each of these concepts: debates.
11. Use Emoticons Thoughtfully: Emoticons can
Netiquette: help convey tone in written communication,
Netiquette, short for "network etiquette," refers to but use them thoughtfully to avoid
the set of guidelines, norms, and rules for misinterpretation.
appropriate and respectful behavior in online 12. Be Mindful of Humor: Humor doesn't always
interactions. Just as there are social norms and translate well online. Be cautious with jokes
manners that govern behavior in face-to-face and sarcasm that could be misunderstood.
interactions, netiquette outlines how individuals Netiquette varies slightly depending on the
should communicate and behave when using platform and context. Different online communities
digital communication platforms, such as email, may have specific norms that users are expected
social media, online forums, and chat rooms. The to follow. By adhering to the principles of
goal of netiquette is to create a positive, respectful, netiquette, individuals can contribute to a positive,
and productive online environment for all users. It respectful, and enjoyable online experience for
helps prevent misunderstandings, conflicts, and the themselves and others.
spread of negativity in the digital space.
Here are some key principles of netiquette: Computer Ethics:
1. Respect Others: Treat others online with the Computer ethics is the study of ethical principles
same respect and courtesy you would in and moral values in the context of technology and
person. Avoid using offensive language, computing. It addresses the ethical dilemmas and
derogatory remarks, or personal attacks. challenges that arise due to the rapid
2. Use Appropriate Language: Avoid using advancement of technology and its impact on
excessive capital letters (which can be various aspects of society. Computer ethics
interpreted as shouting) and strong provides a framework for making morally sound
language. Use proper grammar, decisions related to technology use and
punctuation, and spelling to enhance the development.
clarity of your messages. Some key areas of computer ethics include:
3. Think Before You Post: Take a moment to 1. Privacy: Respecting the privacy of
consider the tone, content, and potential individuals and their personal data. This
impact of your message before posting or involves considerations about data
sending it. Remember that online collection, surveillance, and consent.
interactions can have long-lasting effects. 2. Intellectual Property: Respecting the rights of
4. Be Clear and Concise: Communicate your creators and ensuring proper attribution and
thoughts clearly and succinctly. Avoid using compensation for their work. This includes
excessive jargon, slang, or abbreviations issues related to copyright, patents, and
that might confuse others. plagiarism.
5. Respect Privacy: Avoid sharing personal 3. Cybersecurity: Acting responsibly to protect
information about others without their systems, networks, and data from
permission. Be cautious about sharing your cyberattacks and unauthorized access. This
own personal information as well. includes not engaging in hacking or
6. Stay on Topic: When participating in online distributing malicious software.
discussions or forums, stick to the topic of 4. Digital Divide: Addressing the disparities in
conversation to keep the discussion relevant access to technology and digital resources,
and focused. and working towards equal opportunities for
7. Cite Sources: When sharing information, all individuals to benefit from technology.
provide proper attribution to sources. This is 5. Social Impact: Considering the broader
especially important when sharing content societal implications of technological
created by others. advancements, such as their effects on
8. Be Patient: Online communication may not employment, inequality, and cultural norms.
always be immediate. Give others time to 6. Environmental Impact: Considering the
respond and be patient in discussions, environmental consequences of
especially when opinions differ. technology use and striving for sustainable

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practices in the design and disposal of unauthorized use of intellectual property
electronic devices. violate this commandment.
7. Accountability: Taking responsibility for one's 9. Thou shalt think about the social
actions in the digital realm, including consequences of the program you are
acknowledging and rectifying any harm writing or the system you are designing: This
caused by those actions. commandment encourages ethical
Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics consideration during the development of
The "Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics" is a software, systems, and technologies.
set of ethical guidelines created by the Computer Developers should consider the potential
Ethics Institute that outline the principles and impacts on society, privacy, and individual
responsibilities individuals should adhere to when rights.
using computers and digital technologies. These 10. Thou shalt always use a computer in ways
commandments serve as a framework for ethical that ensure consideration and respect for
behavior in the realm of technology. Here are the your fellow humans: The final
ten commandments: commandment reminds individuals to
1. Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other prioritize empathy, respect, and human well-
people: This commandment emphasizes the being in all their interactions and use of
importance of not using computers or technology.
technology to cause harm, whether through
hacking, spreading malware, or engaging in These Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
cyberbullying. provide a foundation for ethical behavior in the
2. Thou shalt not interfere with other people's digital age. They emphasize principles such as
computer work: Respecting others' work and respect, privacy, honesty, and social responsibility,
not disrupting their use of technology is which are crucial for maintaining a positive and
crucial for maintaining a positive and ethical digital environment.
productive digital environment.
3. Thou shalt not snoop around in other Both netiquette and computer ethics play essential
people's computer files: Respecting the roles in promoting positive and responsible
privacy of others' digital information is a behavior in the digital world. By following these
fundamental principle of computer ethics. guidelines and principles, individuals can
Unauthorized access to files and data contribute to a more ethical, respectful, and
breaches are violations of this beneficial online environment for themselves and
commandment. others.
4. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal: This
commandment emphasizes the importance
of respecting intellectual property rights and Prepared by:
not engaging in software piracy, copyright Mary Jane Pagay – Cierva, LPT
infringement, or unauthorized copying of Instructor
digital content.
5. Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false
witness: Spreading false information or
participating in online deception goes
against the principle of honesty and
integrity. This commandment encourages
truthful and accurate digital
6. Thou shalt not copy or use proprietary
software for which you have not paid: This
commandment underscores the
importance of respecting software licensing
agreements and avoiding software piracy.
7. Thou shalt not use other people's computer
resources without authorization or proper
compensation: This commandment
highlights the importance of obtaining
permission before using others' computer
resources, such as network bandwidth or
computational power.
8. Thou shalt not appropriate other people's
intellectual output: Respecting the work of
others, including their ideas, creations, and
content, is essential. Plagiarism and

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