Neonatal Hypotonia and Neuromuscular Conditions

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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

162 (3rd series)

Neonatal Neurology
L.S. de Vries and H.C. Glass, Editors
Copyright © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 21

Neonatal hypotonia and neuromuscular conditions

Department of Pediatric Neurology, Catholic University, Rome, Italy

The differential diagnosis of neonatal hypotonia is a complex task, as in newborns hypotonia can be the
presenting sign of different underlying causes, including peripheral and central nervous system involve-
ment and genetic and metabolic diseases. This chapter describes how a combined approach, based on the
combination of clinical signs and new genetic techniques, can help not only to establish when the hypo-
tonia is related to peripheral involvement but also to achieve an accurate and early diagnosis of the specific
neuromuscular diseases with neonatal onset. The early identification of such disorders is important, as this
allows early intervention with disease-specific standards of care and, more importantly, because of the
possibility to treat some of them, such as spinal muscular atrophy, with therapeutic approaches that have
recently become available.

Generalized hypotonia is a common feature in the neona- now emerging with exciting translational research work,
tal unit. Since the original description by Dubowitz especially in the field of genetic therapy.
(1968) there is increasing attention on the diagnosis of This chapter concentrates on the differential diagnosis
floppy infants, as this is one of the key presenting signs of neonatal hypotonia, focusing on the new approaches
in newborns with neuromuscular disorders. An accurate for the diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders. The chap-
differential diagnosis is, however, needed as generalized ter also provides a general review of the most significant
hypotonia can also be observed in a wide range of therapeutic advances for neonatal onset neuromuscular
other conditions, including central nervous system invol- diseases.
vement and genetic and metabolic diseases (Dubowitz,
1995; Vasta et al., 2005).
While until a few years ago the main goal was to iden-
tify the clinical signs or the other investigations that A neuromuscular disorder should be suspected when the
would confirm or exclude a neuromuscular disorder infant has a generalized hypotonia and additional clinical
(Vasta et al., 2005), recent advances in the field of features, such as weakness or contractures (Dubowitz,
neuromuscular disorders have completely changed both 1968; Vasta et al., 2005). There is often confusion and
the diagnostic pathway and the level of intervention. a tendency to define a hypotonic infant as weak, but it
The advent of next generation sequencing (NGS) has is crucial that the two aspects are examined separately,
allowed simplification and identification of the specific as this is a key element in the differential diagnosis of
underlying genetic defect in most cases (Ghaoui et al., neonatal hypotonia.
2015; Savarese et al., 2015, 2016; Cummings et al., Hypotonia means decreased muscle tone, an infant
2017). On the other hand, the development of specific with hypotonia “looks” floppy, as he/she does not show
therapeutic approaches based on the genetic diagnosis the normal flexor tone observed in healthy newborns.
has produced a number of clinical trials that have The appearance of a floppy infant, in the most severe
started to show concrete results, and treatments are cases, is that of a “rag doll.” This is best observed

*Correspondence to: Eugenio Mercuri, M.D., Ph.D., Neuropsichiatria Infantile Policlinico Gemelli, Largo Gemelli, Rome 00168,
Italy. Tel: +39-063-015-5586, Fax: +39-063-015-4363, E-mail:
when the infant is held in ventral suspension. The found in patients with central nervous system involve-
neurologic examination shows clear signs of hypotonia ment and genetic and metabolic disorders.
with increased popliteal angles, scarf signs, and poor The family history is equally important. Establishing
axial tone. a pattern of inheritance is important in the differential
A floppy infant is not always weak. One of the key diagnosis. Furthermore, there may be subclinical mani-
elements to detect weakness is the observation of anti- festations in dominant and X-linked disorders that can
gravity movements, as weak infants are unable or have help in the diagnostic process. The best example is
severe difficulties in performing antigravity movements myotonic dystrophy, an autosomal dominant condition.
that are always present even in very preterm newborns. The mother, who is always affected and may be unaware
Weak children show little or no movements, even of the disease as she is only mildly clinically affected,
in response to stimulation. If the movements are not should be examined, looking for weakness of the
observed when the infant is awake and calm, it is essen- facial muscles (which may consist only of the inability
tial to make sure that they are not present at peak of activ- to bury the eyelashes), relaxation myotonia of the hands,
ity, such as when crying or stimulated. Infants with and percussion myotonia of the tongue and hands. An
metabolic disorders or with neonatal encephalopathy ophthalmologic assessment could help to identify early
may not show spontaneous movements but generally ocular involvement, such as cataracts.
will show some abrupt movements following stimula- It is also important to exclude myasthenia gravis in the
tion. Observing even a few movements is a sign that there mother, as this may lead to transient neonatal myasthenia
is muscle strength and that paucity of movements is not due to passive transfer of antibodies across the placenta.
related to weakness. An accurate clinical examination will also help to
In contrast, severely reduced or absent antigravity identify clinical features, such as the distribution of
movements, even after stimulation, are a sign of weak- weakness that may help to indicate or exclude specific
ness and suggest a possible neuromuscular disorder. neuromuscular disorders. Overt facial weakness is char-
Some genetic syndromes, such as Prader–Willi syn- acteristic of myotonic dystrophy and of several congen-
drome, can present with severe neonatal hypotonia and ital myopathies, as well as of some forms of congenital
an overall appearance that is evocative of a possible muscular dystrophy. In contrast, it is never observed
neuromuscular disorder. The predominant swallowing in spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). External ophthal-
difficulties and the presence of antigravity movements moplegia is a feature of centronuclear myopathy and
in Prader–Willi syndrome, however, are of help in the other congenital myopathies.
differential diagnosis. The distribution of the respiratory muscle weakness is
The other key sign is the presence of contractures important. Diaphragmatic weakness with paradoxical
that are also frequent and often involve several joints. movement of the abdominal muscles with respiration
Neonatal contractures are often the result of reduced occurs in congenital muscular dystrophy and in some
motility in utero. While some contractures are obvious, of the congenital myopathies, and in congenital myasthe-
especially if there is a diffuse pattern, as observed in nia. In contrast, in SMA the weakness is mainly intercos-
severe arthrogryposis, other contractures might be more tal, the breathing pattern is abdominal, and the rib cage
subtle. Especially in the presence of weakness, the clin- moves paradoxically with the abdomen. More details
ical examination should include a detailed assessment on clinical signs will be provided when discussing the
of possible contractures, especially at knee, hip, and individual neuromuscular forms.
elbow level, where they can only be observed by
performing an assessment of each joint, looking for the
full range of extension.
A careful assessment of both weakness and contrac- The serum creatine kinase (CK) levels can help to
tures is important, as they are the two signs that can more identify patients with muscular dystrophies. In newborns
reliably identify infants with neuromuscular disorders with clinical signs of weakness and hypotonia, very
(Vasta et al., 2005). elevated levels (several 1000 units) can be a sign of
In addition to contractures, other important clues congenital myotonic dystrophy or of some form of
that may suggest prenatal signs of weakness are poor congenital muscular dystrophies. An accidental finding
fetal movements, polyhydramnios, suggesting prenatal of elevated CK levels in an asymptomatic newborn, in
involvement of the swallowing muscles, and thin ribs contrast, is often likely to identify preclinical Duchenne’s
on the chest radiograph, suggesting poor prenatal respi- muscular dystrophy.
ratory muscle movement. A cautionary tale is that less markedly elevated CK
Feeding abnormalities and respiratory impairment are levels are normal in cord blood (up to 1000 units) or in
also frequent, but they are not specific, as they can also be newborns in the first days after delivery as a result of
some muscle damage during labor. The value generally with respiratory insufficiency. A recent study reports
normalizes within the first 10 days of life. that its incidence is 2.1/100,000 (1/47,619) live births
The value of electromyography (EMG) in the neona- (Campbell et al., 2013). During the first year of life, there
tal period is limited, as interpretation can be difficult. is a 30% mortality for those infants ventilated for
Its use is mainly limited to when there is a suspicion of more than 3 months (Campbell et al., 2013; Johnson
motor neuron involvement without the typical clinical et al., 2016).
signs of SMA (see dedicated paragraph); if there is a Weakness and contractures are present at birth, often
suggestion that the infant may have myotonic dystrophy, with bilateral talipes, severe facial muscle weakness, and
then one should obtain EMGs from the mother, looking feeding and often respiratory difficulties.
for myotonic discharges. There is often a prenatal history of polyhydramnios
Ultrasound imaging of muscle (Heckmatt and and reduced fetal movements. Outside the neonatal
Dubowitz, 1987; Zuberi et al., 1999), in contrast, is period, most cases with the congenital form survive
increasingly used to detect signs of muscle or motor but few become independent, with most of them showing
neuron involvement and can also help to demonstrate intellectual disability.
patterns of selective involvement. Congenital myotonic dystrophy is one of the most
Until recently, when clinical signs were suggestive frequent causes of neonatal onset muscle disorders.
of neuromuscular involvement and there were no signs Therefore in an infant with the clinical signs consistent
suggestive of specific disorders, muscle biopsy was an with this diagnosis, signs of the disease should be inves-
obligate choice for arriving at a diagnosis, as it provides tigated in the mother, who is generally affected. Facial
both structural information on possible myopathic, weakness, percussion myotonia of the tongue, and
dystrophic, or neurogenic changes, and also allowed myotonic discharge on the EMG can generally be found
identification of specific protein defects using immunohis- in the mothers. Clinical myotonia of the hands or at eye
tochemistry. The exceptions were infants with suspected opening are also often present. A careful family history
congenital myotonic dystrophy or SMA, in whom the often helps to support this possible diagnosis on the basis
typical clinical findings and the ease of performing of presenile cataract, frontal baldness, or other signs
genetic tests did reliably lead to a diagnosis without the typical of the late onset forms of DM1.
need for muscle biopsy. The confirmation of the diagnosis is based on
The advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) the genetic test showing an expansion of the DNA and
technologies now offers the possibility of mapping entire an increase in the number of CTG trinucleotide repeats
genomes at affordable costs. This has increased the in the noncoding region of the dystrophia myotonica
possibility of achieving a genetic diagnosis, but reaching gene (DMPK).
a final diagnosis is often still difficult, as the technique Performing cranial ultrasound is suggested in these
identifies many DNA variations with unpredictable infants, as ventriculomegaly is in some cases already
meaning. Because of this, muscle biopsy is still often diagnosed prenatally (Mutchnick et al., 2016). Progressive
needed. enlargement of the ventricles, however, is less frequent
Brain imaging is generally not indicated when a and only a minority will require shunt placement.
neuromuscular disorder is suspected unless there are
clinical signs that suggest a possible concomitant CNS
It is often performed in patients with CMD and This is a heterogeneous group of neuromuscular
alpha dystroglycan deficiency, as these forms are known disorders characterized by weakness, usually from birth,
to often be associated with structural brain changes (see or within 6 months, and dystrophic changes on muscle
next paragraph). biopsy (Dubowitz, 1994; Philpot et al., 1995). Over
the years the classification of CMD has become increas-
The muscular dystrophies ingly complicated due to the ever-growing numbers of
genes and proteins identified (Muntoni and Voit, 2004;
Mercuri and Longman, 2005; Godfrey et al., 2007).
Congenital myotonic dystrophy is the congenital form Mutations in more than 20 genes have been reported
of myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) (Vanier, 1960), but there are still a number of forms/types with clinical
a heterogeneous multisystem genetic disease caused by and histologic findings consistent with CMD without a
expansion of a CTG trinucleotide repeat in the noncoding genetic diagnosis (Bonnemann et al., 2014; Sframeli
region of the dystrophia myotonica gene (DMPK) et al., 2017).
(Buxton et al., 1992). The congenital form is character- A previous nationwide population study reported that,
ized by severe hypotonia and weakness at birth, often in Italy, the prevalence of CMD is 0.563 per 100,000
(Graziano et al., 2015). CMDs due to alpha dystroglycan include the form of CMD with rigid spine syn-
glycosylation deficiency (dystroglycanopathies) were drome secondary to mutations in the SEPN1
the most common forms (40.2%) followed by laminin
CMD with mitochondrial structural abnormalities
a2-related CMD (24.1%) and Ullrich-CMD due to
collagen VI deficiency (20.2%). In another study per-
Table 21.1 provides a complete list of the CMD types,
formed in the United Kingdom, laminin a2-related
including protein and gene defects.
CMD was reported as the most common CMD subtype
From a practical point of view, for the clinician it is
(37.4%), followed by dystroglycanopathies (26.5%)
useful to separate forms with central nervous system
and Ullrich-CMD (15.7%) (Sframeli et al., 2017). In a
involvement from those in which CNS involvement is
recent Australian study, the most common CMD subtype
absent or rare. We will describe the most frequent forms
was Ullrich-CMD, followed by dystroglycanopathies
of CMD, providing clinical, pathologic, and imaging
and laminin a2 deficiency (O’Grady et al., 2016).
details to help their identification in the neonatal period.
The discrepancies of the frequencies of individual
As a group, the CMDs share some clinical signs.
CMD subtypes between the studies likely reflect the
Generalized weakness, hypotonia, and contractures
mutant gene pool frequencies in these population groups,
are usually present at birth. Facial weakness is frequently
although differences in the referral pathways between
present but generally is not as striking as in congenital
the different studies could also have played a role. The
myotonic dystrophy. Respiratory and swallowing
first classifications of CMD were mainly based on the
involvement are also frequent at birth. Patients with
involvement of the CNS and on the presence or absence
Ullrich-CMD or with SEPN1 mutations, however,
of merosin, an extracellular matrix protein found to be
may present later in the first year of life with motor
missing in approximately half of the cases with CMD
delay. In dystroglycanopathies, the clinical signs of
(Dubowitz, 1994). Subsequent classifications were
CNS involvement may predominate. A few studies
based on the genetic defect, on the assumption that each
have recently reported a comprehensive review of the
gene was associated with a specific phenotype (Muntoni
diagnostic aspects related to CMD (Bonnemann et al.,
et al., 2009). The improved understanding of the mech-
2014; Kang et al., 2015; O’Grady et al., 2016).
anisms underlying these forms provided new clues that
made this classification inadequate. Individual pheno-
types are often associated with mutations in different ULLRICH-CMD
proteins. Conversely, allelic disorders can give rise to
This CMD form is due to deficiency of collagen type
divergent diseases (Godfrey et al., 2007). In the last
VI (Camacho Vanegas et al., 2001), an extracellular
few years, CMDs have been classified according to
matrix component. It is characterized by marked distal
combined clinical, genetic, and pathologic approaches
laxity, contractures of the proximal joints, skin changes,
(Mercuri and Muntoni, 2012).
and normal intelligence (Mercuri et al., 2002; Nadeau
(1) Forms of CMD due to mutations in genes encoding et al., 2009). Only patients at the severe end of the clinical
for structural proteins of the basal lamina or extra- spectrum have a neonatal onset with weakness, contrac-
cellular matrix or receptors for extracellular matrix tures, and hypotonia, often associated with torticollis
proteins. This category includes mutations in the and hip dysplasia (Nadeau et al., 2009).
collagen six genes, laminin a2 (merosin), integrin In Ullrich-CMD, serum CK is often normal or only
a7 and the more recent variant due to integrin a9 mildly elevated (Foley et al., 2013). Muscle biopsy can
gene deficiency. Mutations in DAG1 (dystroglycan show a variable pathology ranging from myopathic
gene) have very recently also been described and changes (always with presence of neonatal myosin
clearly belong to this subgroup (Hara et al., 2011). positive fibers), to clearly dystrophic patterns, with
(2) Forms secondary to genes encoding for putative abundant adipose tissue. A marked deficiency or absence
or demonstrated glycosyltransferases, which affect of collagen VI is a clear marker of Ullrich-CMD. This
the glycosylation of a-dystroglycan. These include can usually be detected on muscle fibers, but is best
Fukuyama CMD, muscle–eye–brain disease (MEB) observed in skin (Sabatelli et al., 2011).
and Walker–Warburg syndrome, MDC1C and The diagnosis needs to be confirmed by genetic anal-
MDC1D, and other phenotypes associated with ysis looking for mutations. Collagen VI is composed of
mutations in one of the 15 known genes. three a chains encoded by three genes: COL6A1 and
(3) Defects of nuclear envelope proteins (LMNA and COL6A2 on chromosome 21q22 or COL6A3 on chromo-
nesprin). some 2q37 (Nadeau et al., 2009; Yonekawa and Nishino,
(4) Defects of proteins with, so far, unknown function 2015). Detecting mutations in these genes will confirm
localized in the endoplasmic reticulum, which the diagnosis. Mutations in these genes, however,
Table 21.1
List of the CMD types.

Biochemical defect Gene location Protein Disease phenotype(s)

Extracellular matrix LAMA2 6q22–23 Laminin a2 chain of merosin Primary merosin deficiency
proteins COL6A1, 21q22.3 Collagen type VI, subunit alpha 1/2/3 Ullrich-CMD
COL6A2 2q37
External sarcolemmal ITGA7 12q13 Integrin a7 Integrin a7-related CMD
proteins ITGA9 3p23–21 Integrin a9 Integrin a9-related CMD
Dystroglycan and POMT1 9q34.1 Protein-1-O-mannosyl-transferase 1 Walker–Warburg syndrome, MEB, CMD with cerebellar involvement, CMD with
glycosyltransferase mental retardation and microcephaly, CMD no mental retardation
enzymes POMT2 14q24.3 Protein-O-mannosyl-transferase 2 Walker–Warburg syndrome, MEB, CMD with cerebellar involvement, CMD with
mental retardation and microcephaly
POMGnT1 1q32–34 Protein-O-linked mannose b1,2-N- Walker–Warburg syndrome, MEB, CMD with cerebellar involvement
aminyltransferase 1
FKRP 19q13.3 Fukutin-related protein Walker–Warburg syndrome, MEB, CMD with cerebellar involvement, CMD with
mental retardation and microcephaly, CMD with no mental retardation
FCMD 9q31 Fukutin Fukuyama CMD, CMD with mental retardation, CMD with no mental retardation
LARGE 22q12.3–13.1 Like-glycosyl transferase Walker–Warburg syndrome, MEB, white matter changes
DPM2/DPM3 1q12–q21 Dolichyl-phosphate CMD with mental retardation and severe epilepsy
mannosyltransferase polypeptide 2/3
ISPD 7p21.2 Isoprenoid synthase domain WWS, LGMD
GTDC2 3p22.1 O-mannose b-1,4-N- WWS
B3GALNT2 11q13.2 Beta-1,3-N- WWS, MEB
acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 2
GMPPB GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase CMD with mental retardation and severe epilepsy
DAG1 3p21 Primary dystroglycanopathy, LGMD with early onset and mental retardation, normal
brain MRI
SGK196 8p11.21 Protein-O-mannose kinase MEB
— 1q42 MDC1B
Endoplasmic SEPN1 1p35–36 Selenoprotein N1 CMD with spinal rigidity (RSMD1)
reticulum protein
Nuclear envelope SYNE1 6q25 Nesprin 1 CMD with adducted thumbs
proteins LMNA 1q21.2 Lamin A Congenital laminopathy
Mitochondrial CHKB 22q13 Choline kinase Mitochondrial CMD (CMDmt)
membrane protein
can also be associated with Bethlem myopathy or with an While the early studies following the identification of
intermediate phenotype, but these allelic forms generally the first genes involved mainly focused on distinct
do not have a neonatal onset (Bonnemann et al., 2014). known phenotypes, namely MEB, WW, and Fukuyama,
it has become increasingly obvious that the spectrum of
MEROSIN-NEGATIVE CONGENITAL CNS involvement is much more complex (Mercuri and
MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY Muntoni, 2012; Bonnemann et al., 2014). Brain MRI
studies have highlighted that infratentorial structures
Children with merosin deficiency are usually symptom-
appear to have a particular susceptibility in the majority
atic at birth or in the first few weeks of life with hypotonia
of the dystroglycanopathies (Clement et al., 2008;
and muscle weakness, weak cry, and often with contrac-
Mercuri et al., 2009; Godfrey et al., 2011). A number
tures (Geranmayeh et al., 2010).
of patients have posterior fossa lesions, such as cerebellar
Muscle biopsy shows a classical dystrophic picture
dysplasia or hypoplasia, that may occur in isolation, or
and immunofluorescence techniques demonstrate the
are variably associated with brainstem and pons abnor-
reduction or absence of laminin a2 chain. In most cases
malities or with more severe and diffuse supratentorial
with neonatal onset, the protein is totally absent or only
changes. We have proposed a simplified clinical classifi-
present in traces. The diagnosis of merosin deficient
cation system comprising five broad phenotypic catego-
CMD should be genetically confirmed by studying the
ries for the CMD forms (Godfrey et al., 2007) with
laminin a2 chain (LAMA2) gene, mapped to chromo-
patients subdivided according to the presence/absence
some 6q22–23 (Hillaire et al., 1994).
and degree of structural and functional brain involvement
Diffuse white matter changes on MRI are a constant
and motor functional abilities.
feature in these children, affecting both hemispheres,
A recent study, also including newly discovered
but sparing the internal capsule, corpus callosum, basal
genes, has confirmed that the spectrum of changes is
ganglia, thalami, and cerebellum (Philpot et al., 1999).
similar also in the newly identified forms (Sframeli
These changes are not obvious on the conventional
et al., 2017).
scans performed in the first months of life and are best
New Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
visualized after 6 months (Mercuri et al., 2001).
entries have been created, subdividing the group of mus-
The changes on brain MRI are thought to be the result
cular dystrophies with deficit of dystroglycan (MDDG)
of an increase in water content rather than being a
into three broad phenotypic groups denoted type A, B,
sign of demyelination and are generally not associated
and C, each including some of the seven categories
with clinical signs of CNS involvement, with the excep-
proposed by Godfrey et al. (2011).
tion of epilepsy, observed in 10%–30% of children
Type A includes the phenotypes with cortical involve-
(Geranmayeh et al., 2010).
ment and the most severe phenotypes: WWS, WWS-like,
Other patterns of brain lesions, such as cerebellar
MEB, and FCMD-like.
hypoplasia and/or cortical dysplasia, can be observed in
Type B includes cases of CMD with posterior fossa
a small proportion of these patients (Philpot et al., 1999).
abnormalities or normal MRI, including both patients
with and without intellectual disability.
There is also a Type C including the LGMD forms,
but these will not be discussed in this chapter, as they
have onset well beyond the neonatal period.
The CMD forms with structural brain changes and eye Studies of large cohorts have demonstrated that,
involvement fall under the group labeled as dystrogly- although the involvement of each of these genes was
canopathies, that includes a genetically heterogeneous originally reported in patients with a distinct phenotype
group of muscle disorders, with hypoglycosylated (de Bernabe et al., 2003; Brockington et al., 2005, 2010),
a-dystroglycan on muscle biopsy (Godfrey et al., 2011; mutations in individual genes have subsequently been
Mercuri and Muntoni, 2012; Bonnemann et al., 2014). associated with different phenotypes and, conversely,
Patients with primary or secondary dystroglycanopathies the same phenotype has been reported in association
have common features, such as predominant involvement with many, if not all, the known genes (Godfrey et al.,
of the upper limbs and markedly elevated CK. Brain and 2007; Mercuri et al., 2009). This suggests that the iden-
eye involvement are frequent but are not a constant tity of the defective gene cannot be predicted from the
feature, as the spectrum of clinical severity ranges from clinical phenotype. Because of this, when a diagnosis
forms with severe structural muscle, eye, and brain of dystroglycanopathy is suspected, either because of
involvement to mild cases with late onset and no brain the association of CMD and structural brain changes,
or eye involvement (Clement et al., 2008; Mercuri et al., or because of a biopsy showing reduced glycosylation
2009; Godfrey et al., 2011; Mercuri and Muntoni, 2012). of the alpha dystroglycan, all genes should be screened
(Bonnemann et al., 2014). While in the past this proved Congenital myopathies
to be a lengthy and expensive task, involving many
The congenital myopathies are a heterogeneous group of
centers, the new NGS techniques have now simplified
disorders associated with distinctive morphologic struc-
this process (O’Grady et al., 2016). We briefly report
tural abnormalities within the muscle fiber (North, 2011;
the most common phenotypes of CMD associated with
Maggi et al., 2013; North et al., 2014). They often have a
structural brain changes and ocular abnormalities.
neonatal onset. Although, as a group, congenital myop-
athies are reported to have a relatively benign, nonpro-
Walker–Warburg syndrome gressive course when compared to congenital muscular
dystrophies or other muscle disorders, this is not always
This is the most severe phenotype, with neonatal onset
the case in the neonatal onset forms.
and a combination of weakness, severe hypotonia, and
A recent study estimates a point prevalence of
signs of central nervous system involvement, such as
approximately 1:26,000, with core myopathies being
poor visual attention and decreased alertness, often
the most common histopathologic subtype and RYR1-
associated with ocular abnormalities ranging from severe
related myopathies the most prevalent genetic subtype
myopia to retinal dysgenesis, microphthalmia, or anterior
(Amburgey et al., 2011).
chamber malformations (Dobyns et al., 1989).
This group of myopathies is commonly identified on
Brain MRI shows a type II lissencephaly with
the basis of their features on muscle biopsy (North et al.,
the typical polymicrogyric cobblestone cortex, severe
2014). Classically, the most frequent forms of congenital
and diffuse white matter abnormalities, and cerebellar
myopathies that have neonatal onset are nemaline myop-
and brainstem hypoplasia or dysplasia. Progressive
athy, centronuclear myopathies, core myopathies (cen-
hydrocephalus is often present (Dobyns et al., 1989;
tral core disease and multiminicore myopathy), and
Ross, 2002).
congenital fiber type disproportion (Maggi et al., 2013).
Over the past decades, the advances in electron
Muscle–eye–brain disease microscopy, histochemistry and, more recently, molecu-
lar genetic techniques with NGS, have allowed better
In MEB, clinical signs are usually present in the neonatal
definition of the spectrum of these disorders. It has
period with hypotonia and weakness but ocular abnor-
become increasingly obvious that there is a great
malities may become evident only after the first year
heterogeneity even within specific morphologic subtypes
of life (Godfrey et al., 2007). Brain MRI shows extensive
and considerable overlap between subtypes sharing com-
abnormalities of neuronal migration, such as pachygyria
mon genetic etiologies (Sewry et al., 2008; O’Grady et al.,
and polymicrogyria and often brainstem and cerebellar
2016). As already reported for the congenital muscular
hypoplasia and periventricular white matter changes
dystrophies, the same clinical and pathologic phenotype,
(Clement et al., 2008).
e.g., nemaline myopathy, can be associated with different
genes, and an individual gene can be associated with
Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy multiple phenotypes (central core, nemaline, etc.)
(Table 21.2). Because of this heterogeneity and overlap,
This form was originally described in Japan (Kobayashi
the first clinical and pathologic diagnosis (nemaline, core
et al., 1998; Hayashi et al., 2001). The clinical features
myopathy, etc.) should be confirmed by genetic testing.
of the Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy are
We will briefly report clinical, pathologic, and genetic
mild to moderate hypotonia. Ocular abnormalities occur
findings in the most frequent forms with neonatal onset.
in approximately 70% of these children but are rarely
severe. Brain MRI shows structural changes consisting
of pachygyria and polymicrogyria and abnormal white
matter areas.
The centronuclear myopathies (CNMs) are characterized
by the presence of several central nuclei in skeletal
Cerebellar dysplasia/hypoplasia
muscle myofibers not associated with other structural
Following the identification of the three severe pheno- abnormalities, such as nemaline bodies (Jungbluth
types, another common phenotype has been identified et al., 2008; Romero and Bitoun, 2011) or cores. The
with neonatal onset of weakness, hypotonia and cere- disease was also called myotubular, as the muscle fibers
bellar cysts (Topaloglu et al., 2003), and/or hypoplasia with central nuclei resemble the myotubes observed
(Mercuri et al., 2003; Godfrey et al., 2006; Clement during fetal muscle development.
et al., 2008). Children with this phenotype generally also There are three clinical and genetic subtypes: (1) a
develop cognitive impairment. severe X-linked type, presenting in the neonatal period;
Table 21.2 birth with severe hypotonia, weakness, including facial
List of congenital myopathy subtypes. weakness, and respiratory and feeding difficulties and
Chromosome Inheritance Many of these infants generally die within the first
Myopathy subtype Gene location pattern days or weeks of life but there are an increasing number
of reported cases who survived, even though many
Nemaline myopathy ACTA1 1q42.1 AD, AR
were completely or partially ventilator dependent; in a
CFL2 14q13.1 AR
KBTBD13 15q22.31 AD few cases there is a “mild” phenotype with only slightly
KLHL40 3p33.1 AR delayed milestones and no need for ventilatory support
KLHL41 2q31.1 AR beyond the newborn period (Barth and Dubowitz,
NEB 2q23.3 AR 1998; Pierson et al., 2007).
RYR1 19q13.2 AR
CK is generally normal or only mildly elevated.
TNNT1 19q13.42 AR
TPM2 9p13.3 AD The diagnosis is based on muscle biopsy, showing the
TPM3 1q21.3 AD, AR typical centronuclear features, or directly on genetic
Cap disease ACTA1 1q42.1 AD testing (North, 2011). Although centronuclear myopathy
(NM variant) TPM2 9p13.3 AD has been associated with mutations in five genes, the
TPM3 1q21.3 AD
X-linked form of the disease is commonly associated
Zebra body myopathy ACTA1 1q42.1 AD
Hyaline body MYH7 14q11.2 AD with mutations in the myotubularin gene (MTM1)
myopathy (Maggi et al., 2013).
Core-rod myopathy KBTBD13 15q22.31 AD NEMALINE MYOPATHY
NEB 2q23.3 AR
RYR1 19q13.2 AD, AR This congenital myopathy is of variable inheritance
TPM2 9p13.3 AD (both autosomal dominant and recessive) and severity,
Central core disease RYR1 19q13.2 AD, AR characterized by the presence of nemaline (rod) bodies
Multiminicore disease RYR1 19q13.2 AR in the muscle fibers.
SEPN1 1p36.11 AR
The classification of nemaline myopathy is based
MYH7 14q11.2 AD
Centronuclear BIN1 2q14.3 AR on age of onset and severity of motor and respiratory
myopathy CCDC78 16p13.3 AD involvement with severe congenital, intermediate con-
DNM2 19p13.2 AD genital, typical congenital, childhood-onset, and adult-
MTM1 Xq28 XL onset forms (North et al., 1997; Wallgren-Pettersson
MYF6 12q21.31 AD
and Laing, 2006; Laing and Wallgren-Pettersson, 2009).
RYR1 19q13.2 AR
TTN 2q31.2 AR The severe neonatal form presents at birth with severe
SPEG 2q35 AR hypotonia and muscle weakness and little spontaneous
Congenital fiber type ACTA1 1q42.1 AD movement. The weakness is usually most severe in
disproportion MYH7 14q11.2 AD the proximal limb muscles, in the neck flexors, and in
RYR1 19q13.2 AR
the face, which is typically elongated, with tented
SEPN1 1p36.11 AR
TPM2 9p13.3 AD upper lip and high-arched palate. Arthrogryposis may
TPM3 1q21.3 AD be present, generally associated with decreased fetal
movements and polyhydramnios.
The prognosis is very variable. Although some infants
will not survive after the first weeks or months due
(2) a less severe infantile type, which is probably autosomal to respiratory insufficiency, several patients, including
recessive; and (3) a mild juvenile or adult type, which some with severe floppiness and lack of spontaneous
is autosomal dominant in some cases (Jungbluth et al., respiration at birth, will survive, some of them with little
2008; Romero and Bitoun, 2011; Maggi et al., 2013). residual disability. It is of note that the prognosis or
The X-linked type is the most severe and has the the degree of respiratory muscle involvement does
earliest onset with severe hypotonia and weakness at not always reflect the severity of skeletal muscle weak-
birth, associated with persistent ventilatory failure and ness (Wallgren-Pettersson and Laing, 2006; Laing and
often with feeding difficulties. Onset is commonly Wallgren-Pettersson, 2009).
in utero with an antenatal history of polyhydramnios The serum CK levels are normal or only slightly ele-
and reduced fetal movements (Heckmatt et al., 1985; vated. As for the other congenital myopathies a diagnosis
Jungbluth et al., 2008; Romero and Bitoun, 2011; of nemaline myopathy can be suspected on the basis of
Maggi et al., 2013). Affected males usually present at the pathologic findings, but this should be genetically
confirmed. This was very challenging before the advent It is due to the transfer of acetylcholine receptor
of NGS, as nemaline myopathy is genetically hetero- (ACHR) antibodies across the placenta (Djelmis et al.,
geneous and some of the genes involved, such as 2002). Within a few days, but often within a few hours
NEB, were very large. Mutations in nine different genes from birth, there are feeding difficulties and often inabil-
have been identified: a-tropomyosin slow (TPM3), ity to handle pharyngeal secretions, generalized weak-
nebulin (NEB), skeletal muscle a-actin (ACTA1), ness, and poor respiratory effort. There is generally a
b-tropomyosin (TPM2), KBTBD13, CFL2, KLHL40, good response to anticholinesterases. The severity of
KLHL41, and troponin T (TNNT1) (Maggi et al., signs of neonatal myasthenia is not always related to
2013; North et al., 2014). In the neonatal forms, de novo the severity or duration of maternal disease (D’Amico
dominant mutations in the ACTA1 gene account for a et al., 2012).
significant proportion of the severe form; mutations in
NEB and TPM3 have also been frequently reported. CONGENITAL MYASTHENIC SYNDROMES
As the genotype–phenotype correlation is not entirely
The term congenital myasthenic syndromes includes
clear, in the presence of clinical and pathologic signs
a heterogeneous group of hereditary disorders affecting
consistent with a nemaline myopathy, the whole panel
the neuromuscular junction due to one or more specific
of known genes should be explored.
mechanisms (Souza et al., 2016; McMacken et al.,
2017, 2018; Natera-de Benito et al., 2017; Nicole
CORE MYOPATHIES et al., 2017).
Core myopathies are a heterogeneous group of disorders Initially, the CMSs were classified according to the
characterized by the presence of areas devoid of location of the mutant protein as presynaptic, synaptic,
oxidative staining, which may appear as “central cores” and postsynaptic. The advent of new genetic techniques,
or multiple smaller “minicores” (Ferreiro et al., 2002a, b; including whole exome sequencing, has allowed
Maggi et al., 2013; North et al., 2014). identification of at least 30 CMS disease genes (Beeson,
This group of disorders usually has an onset in infancy 2016; Souza et al., 2016; McMacken et al., 2017;
or childhood, with a spectrum expanding up to mild or Nicole et al., 2017). The current classification takes into
asymptomatic cases with adult onset, but in some cases account the defects in protein glycosylation where the
the onset can be neonatal with severe neonatal weakness, abnormal proteins are located.
arthrogryposis, and respiratory failure. In the severe The description of individual forms is beyond the
cases, independent ambulation may not be achieved scope of this chapter and the diagnostic pathway leading
and respiratory support is often needed (Jungbluth, to the identification of specific subtypes in the neonatal
2007; Klein et al., 2012; Maggi et al., 2013). period is very challenging. Identifying this disorder is,
In these cases, the identification of the cores leads however, important as they are among the few neuro-
to genetic investigations (North et al., 2014). Cores have muscular disorders that can be treated.
been found associated with several genes also involved In the neonatal period, signs of fatigable weakness
in other congenital myopathies. Mutations in RYR1 affecting especially the ocular and other cranial muscles,
are the most frequent in this group and have often been a positive family history, and, in older infants, a
found in the neonatal cases (Jungbluth, 2007; Maggi decremental EMG response or an abnormal single-fiber
et al., 2013). EMG may be of help to suspect a possible genetic
Other pathologic phenotypes, such as congenital diagnosis of CMS.
fiber type disproportion, can also be observed. From The genetic diagnosis of a specific CMS is facilitated
the brief review of these forms, it is obvious that the in the presence of a positive family history that, in
diagnostic pathway in all the cases of congenital myop- combination with clinical and EMG studies, can help
athy is similar (North et al., 2014). While there is increas- to target specific genes. In the other cases, new genetic
ing tendency to perform genetic testing as first line techniques, such as NGS when appropriate, should be
investigations, at the time when the phenotype–genotype discussed with a specialist to help target the most appro-
correlation is not yet fully established, muscle biopsy still priate therapeutic approaches (Beeson, 2016; Souza
plays an important role and should be considered. et al., 2016; Nicole et al., 2017).

Spinal muscular atrophy

Myasthenia Gravis
The term spinal muscular atrophies includes a
genetically heterogeneous group of disorders character-
Neonatal myasthenia gravis is a transient disorder that ized by degeneration of alpha motor neurons in the spinal
may occur in newborns born by myasthenic mothers. cord with progressive muscle atrophy and weakness.
Classically, the term is used for the autosomal recessive clinical signs may be more subtle at birth but still are
forms of proximal symmetrical spinal muscular atrophies showing signs in the neonatal period or soon after that,
due to a defect in the survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) with inability to raise the legs against gravity or maintain
gene localized to 5q11.2–q13.3 (Melki et al., 1990a, b). the head posture in the supine or prone position, but
In over 95% of SMA patients, the disease is caused by having, at diagnosis, no feeding and swallowing or respi-
homozygous absence of exons 7 or of exon 7 and 8 of ratory involvement. At the other end of the spectrum,
the SMN1 gene, 7 (Lefebvre et al., 1995; Wirth, 2000). type 1.9, includes infants achieving some head control
There is, however, a peculiar aspect of the genetic aspects and having a less severe respiratory involvement.
that has clinical relevance. The SMN locus is part of a Contractures are generally not a frequent feature
genomic inverted duplication region, which also con- of type 1 SMA but some cases of prenatal onset have
tains a paralog gene, SMN2. SMN2 is intact in all reduced fetal movements, multiple contractures, severe
SMA patients. The SMN2 copy numbers vary consider- respiratory involvement at birth, and short survival time
ably in different individuals from between 0 and 8, and (MacLeod et al., 1999). Dubowitz (1999) suggested this
this is associated with different clinical phenotypes. very severe form of SMA be designated SMA 0.
The 5q SMA includes a wide range of phenotypes of A revised classification, which overlaps with the
different severity that are classified into clinical groups decimal one (Mercuri et al., 2012; Finkel et al., 2015),
on the basis of age of onset and maximum motor function has recently been proposed, combining onset of clinical
achieved. The most severe form, type 1, or Werdnig– signs and severity: 1A, head control never achieved,
Hoffman disease, include infants in whom the onset is signs at birth (Finkel et al., 2015) or in the first 2 weeks
often in the neonatal period, or within the first 6 months. (Mercuri et al., 2012); 1B, head control never achieved,
The other type have onset after the age of 6 months and onset after neonatal period; 1C, head control achieved,
will not be discussed in this chapter. onset after neonatal period.
Weakness may already be present at birth or may The severity of the phenotype partly reflects the
develop in the first weeks of life. These infants show a SMN2 copy numbers, with infants with three copies
very consistent and typical phenotype characterized by having lower morbidity and mortality and better function
general hypotonia and a characteristic “jug-handle” than those having two SMN2 copies (Finkel et al., 2014).
posturing of the upper limbs with internal rotation of The recent advent of clinical trials has highlighted
the shoulders and pronation of the forearms. There is the need for natural history studies to capture the progres-
always severe axial and limb weakness but sparing of sion of the disease. Recent studies used functional motor
the facial muscles. The legs are more affected than the scales, such as the CHOP-INTEND (Finkel et al., 2014;
arms and proximal muscles more than distal, often with Kolb et al., 2016; De Sanctis et al., 2017), or develop-
very limited spontaneous activity, mainly limited to the mental assessments (De Sanctis et al., 2016) to quantify
feet and hands. One important clinical feature is that longitudinal changes. These studies have clearly shown
while the intercostal muscles are always affected, the that infants with type 1 never achieve developmental
diaphragm is spared, with a distinctive breathing pattern. milestones or improve function over time and there is
The combination of severe hypotonia and weakness, a progressive loss of function that is more rapid in infants
the posture, the sparing of the facial muscles, and the with type 1A and B (or 1.1 and 1.5, according to the
distinctive breathing pattern are very typical of SMA 1 decimal classification).
and the diagnosis is very straightforward to the genetic The management of type 1 SMA has dramatically
test, looking for mutations in the SMN1 gene. Unlike changed over the last decade. The median age of survival
other muscle disorders, the clinical pattern in type 1 is in infants with SMA 1 is reported to be around 9 months
very evocative and there is no need to perform muscle and is even shorter in the infants with early onset and
biopsy. The EMG may be used to confirm motor neuron severe phenotype. By the age of 12 and 24 months, only
involvement, but it is often not necessary. If performed, it 15% and 8% generally survive (Finkel et al., 2014). In the
will show some fibrillation potentials at rest, but often last few years, there has been increasing evidence that
does not show the classical changes of reinnervation infants with SMA type 1 benefit from noninvasive use
(i.e., large isolated motor units). of the insufflator–exufflator machine that increase the
There have been several attempts to subdivide type 1 chance of survival during acute respiratory infections
patients into clinical subgroups. Dubowitz proposed a and the overall management of these children. Recent
decimal classification (Dubowitz, 1995) identifying as standards of care recommendations have recently been
(type 1.1) the infants with severe weakness and early published also highlighting other aspects, such as feed-
respiratory and bulbar difficulties at birth and an overtly ing and nutrition (Finkel et al., 2018; Mercuri et al.,
poor prognosis for survival. Type 1.5 includes the most 2018). Gastrostomy is now recommended at the onset
common presentation, infants in whom the onset of of swallowing problems or even before their onset,
not only to prolong survival by reducing the risk of also showed a rapid increase on the CHOP-INTEND
aspiration pneumonia, but also to improve quality of scale following gene delivery, vs no improvement, or
life. Other aspects include acute care, physiotherapy deterioration, reported in the historical natural history
and posturing, orthopedic involvement, and medications. cohort.
The most exciting results, however, come from recent Both studies using antisense oligonucleotides and
clinical trials. With a better understanding of the molec- gene therapy strongly indicate the need for early inter-
ular basis of SMA in the past decades, several therapeutic vention, as the response to treatment was significantly
approaches have been targeting the possibility of restor- higher/better in those treated soon after onset of clinical
ing the full-length SMN protein that is missing in SMA signs. This highlights the need to raise more awareness
as a result of the mutation in the SMN1 gene. The use of among neonatologists to promote early diagnosis and
nusinersen, an antisense oligonucleotide (a synthetic referral for type 1 infants.
RNA-like molecule), has shown an increase in the pro-
duction of full-length SMN protein (Hua et al., 2011;
Porensky et al., 2012).
In type 1 infants, a large randomized double-blind The main aim of this chapter is to inform the neonatolo-
sham-controlled clinical trial (ENDEAR), in which gist of the wide range of neuromuscular and nonneuro-
infants under 7 months of age with type 1 SMA received muscular disorders that may present in the neonatal
either nusinersen or sham procedure, showed exciting period with hypotonia. Despite the dramatic advances
results (Finkel et al., 2017). While infants receiving the in the diagnostic procedures, especially in the genetic
sham procedure had no improvements on their field, a good clinical assessment of the baby and of the
milestones on the Hammersmith Infant Neurological mother remains a mandatory step, as it will establish
Examination (HINE), over 50% of those treated with whether there is a neuromuscular problem, and if there
nusinersen had a motor-milestone response. Further- is, it can help provide a clinical diagnosis that can guide
more, the risk of death or the use of permanent assisted to target the appropriate investigations in order to achieve
ventilation (tracheostomy or ventilatory support for a diagnosis. The chapter also aimed to provide informa-
16 h per day for >21 continuous days in the absence tion on the new therapeutic approaches that are becoming
of an acute reversible event) was 47% lower in the available, such as those for SMA, as achieving/requiring
nusinersen-treated group than in the control group. Other an early diagnosis. The advent of these therapies is
secondary endpoints included the CHOP-INTEND scale rapidly changing as well as the diagnostic perspective,
and the CMAP amplitude. The second primary efficacy as it has become increasingly obvious that early interven-
end point was event-free survival, which was defined as tion produces better results in terms of improvements or
the time to death or the use of permanent assisted venti- lack of deterioration. The role of the neonatologist in early
lation. Better results were observed in younger infants recognition and in avoiding diagnostic delays in these
and in those in whom disease duration at screening cases can have a huge impact on the response to treatment.
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