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E,h...ard Cookingham WIII Probably
SuC"ceed Ilim-Xo Change In Pol-
Icy or Concern to ne :\(ade.
CharIes R:. Henn- has re::l'igned 89 pres-
Ident of the Laure-Ihurst Compan}". Once
HenT)" resIgned and the board
refused to accept his resignaUoD. It bas
not been accepted now. but lieS' On the
table. where It 'WaS' placed at the last
meeting of the board. The next meeting
win be held. It Is said. October 13.. At
that time Henry will be allowed to
w1thdr(ll\o" from the head of the company
and Edward Cookingham. c:!shler of the
Ladd & Tilton Bank. will be elected pres-
Mr. Henry Is reticent about big reslg...
nation. He would say nothing- for pub-
lIcaUon ot the causes leading up to hIs
action other than that he was Ured or
being a fi;;urehE'G.d in the office.
"r sohaU keep stock In the Laurel-
hurst Compan3r:. said Mr. Henry. and
outsIde of the Ladd Investment CompaQ}-
I own more than any other holder. But
r shall have nothIng to do with the man
agement or the compan)s atTalrs and
nothing, whatever with the selling of
1\lr. Henry hag made public hlg a.ction
throush a legal notice which announces
Is no longer the head or the com-
At the oft:1ces or the LaurelhuTst Com-
pany In the Corbett building' 1\1I". Henry"s
action wa..s confirmed..
"Th& resofgnation will l11:tely be accepted
at the next meeting of tbe board,"' paid
Paul C. ,),Iurphy, one of the vice-pres!-

lIenr)-. There wItI be no change In the
policy or the <:ompany and to.norrow we
shall !ptart an ad,,ertIslng compe..fgn with
the object. of Increasing the sales. About
S::'OOO.OOO worth of Laurelhurm property
has alrpady been rold and there is noth-
inp; to Indicate a. slump."
It .Is ;said there is nothing behInd l\Ir.
HenryS' action that ha"-e any @tt'ect
on the progreS8 of tha addition. which is
one of the biggest underta.klngs of Us
kind ever started on the Pacific Coa5t.
Any dltr@-rences or opinion there may
have bee-n. it lSI' said,. between .Mr. Henry
and the rest of the officers of the com-

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