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Syllabus for Strategic Corporate Management 23-24 M2 https://canvas.cmu.


Course Syllabus
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The purpose of this course is to develop your understanding of strategic situations. It will help you
recognize strategic opportunities, frame them in a way your business partners can understand,
predict how your actions will affect the actions of other parties involved, so that you can exploit such
opportunities for your own benefit. This course will provide a basic understanding of strategic
situations, the tools of game theory, how to model strategic situations so that you can analyze them,
the use of statistical inference, and practice in experimental situations within the classroom, to form
good strategies. Roughly speaking, this course treats game theory, empirical analysis and your
personal application of strategic behavior in simulations and project presentation, as three equally
important components. The experiments utilize Comlabgames ( ,
software for designing, running and analyzing experimental games over the Internet. You can launch
Comlabgames ( in Virtual Andrew (https://cmu-tepper- .


• There are four (group) assignments, collectively counting 50 percent: they are essentially
exercises based on the live lectures (in person and remote) and the asynchronous material. The
first and last assignments, due after Access Weekend and Thanksgiving respectively, are worth
15 percent each. The other two count 10 percent each. One point (out of 10 for the shorter
assignments or out of 15 for the longer assignments) per day will be deducted for each day late.
• You may submit a group assignment of up to 4 but no more than 4 in the group will be permitted
(one assignment per group with all the members listed at the top). I have no problem with larger
groups (for example 5) churning over ideas in the initial discussion of the assignment, but please
turn in distinct assignment material (say one group of 2 and another group of 3). Please submit a
pdf or a word document. Scanned handwritten diagrams are also fine providing they are neat.
• A multistage (group) project is worth 30 percent. There are three components worth 10 percent
each. Roughly speaking, the first component is to frame the strategic situation; the second is your
group presentation to the class, which you will treat as an experimental laboratory. The third and
final report compares your experimental results with the theoretical predictions. It is vital to submit
these components on time, because the rest of the class is relying on your effort, not just me.
• The remaining 20 percent come from class participation, by following basic protocol during out
meetings (screens on, actively engaged), in the experiments we conduct during class (10
percent), and in class (individual) performance in the projects of the other groups at our final
meeting (10 percent).

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Syllabus for Strategic Corporate Management 23-24 M2

Due dates for assignments and project components

Tuesday October 31: Assignment 1

Tuesday November 7: Assignment 2

Tuesday November 14: Assignment 3

Tuesday November 28: Assignment 4

Friday December 8: Part A of Project

Tuesday December 12: Part B (slides and game)

Wednesday December 13: Part B (group presentations)

Monday December 18: Part C of Project

Contact hours for team and personal consultation

Monday 8:15PM through 9:30PM or by email appointment. My Teaching Assistants, Yizhen Xie: ( and Jaepil Lee: ( are also available to assist you.


A draft of the text for this class, Strategic Play ( ,

written by Vesna Prasnikar and myself, serves as supplementary reading material.

Course Summary:
Date Details Due

 Strategic Corporate
Management 23-24 M2
Sat Oct 21, 2023 ( 8am to 9am

 Strategic Corporate
Management 23-24 M2
Wed Nov 1, 2023 ( 8:30pm to 9:45pm

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