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The pie charts delineate the methods and percentage in which _____ waste byproducts are
handled in three different countries.
The figures for Korea and Sweden have similarities, in which they only have 3 main disposal
methods, which are underground burying, recycling and combustion. Whereas Korea focuses
mostly on recycling the waste products, Sweden instead opts in for underground method.
Because of this, Sweden only has one fourth of its trash recycled in contrast to Korea’s 69%, and
the former's underground method proportion occupies 55% of the waste handled while Korea
only has 22% of its waste buried. Moreover, only 9% of all garbage disposed from Korea is from
incineration, lower than Sweden's amount of one-fifth.
Contrary to the aforementioned nations, the United Kingdom has four trash treatment methods,
with burying being by far the most popular, with 82% of all garbage handled while recycling not
even shown to be a main disposal method. The figures for the amount of trash dealt with via
chemical methods and sea dumping are the same, at 8% while only 2% of the waste are handled
by incineration.
Across the world, women in many nations find the need to marry not as necessary as before.
Some believe that the cause to this is because of their financial independence and they can be in
control of their money.
To begin, women in the past had have less freedom than those in the present, particularly to their
finances and independence. In the past, they could not cannot be in charge of their own money,
and are subjected to much restrictions by their husbands. Moreover, being a full-time housewife
comes with a lot of responsibilities, those that the wives may not want to endure, which often
leads to unhappy marriages and a higher divorce rate. That is the reason why women in today’s
age prioritize on their own dreams instead of trying to get married early; they don’t want to
restrict themselves to an environment where they can’t even pursuit their own aspirations
without severe limitations. Furthermore, since women are now able to have their own finances,
they are now more independent than their past counterpart.
In spite of the aforementioned constraints restraints that one may face upon entering such a
relationship, there are still many who decided to marry at a young age. This may be explained
by the apparent societal norms and prejudices against those who didn’t marry early,
characterized by disparagement towards women who are still single when they’re old, or those
who don’t want to get married. Their family, friends and the society surrounding them pressures
them to get married, lest they want to be looked down on by their own friends and family.
But, things are changing. As society develops, so does its civility, and slowly those negative
prejudices are now less and less common. It means that women are now freer than ever to make
the decision between starting a family or to pursue their ambitions independently. In addition,
women in the modern age have more access to information, which assists them greatly in their
decision-making processes.
In conclusion, while financial freedom certainly plays a role in the increasing number amounts of
women who pursue an independent lifestyle, it is not the only reason. More civilized societies,
greater access to information and less restriction plays as much a role in the phenomenon as the
increasing finance control.
The given diagrams illustrate how three countries treat their toxic byproducts
Overall, there are 5 main measures of discarding dangerous trash outputs in the three nations.
Considering the Republic of Korea, harmful trash products are mostly handled through recycling
with the percentage of 69%, higher than burying them 47% and the least used method is burning
them with only 9%. With the same 3 ways of dealing with dangerous waste outputs as Republic
of Korea, a quarter of dangerous waste outputs in Sweden are recycled, while a fifth of it are
destroyed by fire, and more than a half of it are put into landfill.
According to the graphs, United Kingdom has 4 ways of disposing toxic byproducts and the most
common method is to bury them underground, which represents 82%, followed by using
chemical substances and throwing them at sea with the same proportion of 8%. Lastly, the least
used method to treat the hazardous trash outputs is combustion with only 2%.
Around the world, it is thought that as females are no longer financially dependent on males,
many of them don’t have the intention to get married anymore. In my opinion, this is correct,
however, there are several other plausible/compelling/convincing reasons for this as well.
To begin with, there used to be a problem of gender inequality in the past, men had a much more
important role in the family than women and they were always the breadwinner in the family.
Consequently, women had no choice but to get married at the time, and it is almost obligatory in
most societies. However, recently, as a result of being financially independent/security, there is a
slight reduction in the number of women getting married. There are a lot of things besides
marriage that can lead to happiness, this is the reason why some modern women not only
prioritize their career, further education, or interests over getting married but also dislike being
stuck in family responsibilities.
Beside that, ____
Beside ____, ____
Besides, ____
Moreover, building a happy family is not an easy thing as finding a suitable soulmate is not an
easy task, thus unhappy marriage sometimes occurs and it gives rise to other issues as well. For
example, living a hard life with a person you no longer love will damage a person's mental
health, and divorce will affect both them and their children. Although this problem has existed
since the beginning of humanity, with the development of technology and social media, women
are more aware of its negative/bad/adverse/serious/severe/unfortunate effects that unhappy
marriage brings. Additionally, as a result of the civilization of society, women do not have to
face social prejudices about marriage like they used to so no one would criticize them for their
decision about not getting marriage.
In conclusion, being financially independent is just one of many other explanations for the
downward trend of women intending to get married and women nowadays can still live
meaningfully without finding a husband.
Commit their lives to a particular person
Writing task 2: In many countries, women no longer feel the need to get married. Some
people think that this is because women are able to earn their own money.
Do you agree or disagree with this idea?
Due to the fact that modern women are gradually getting financially independent, getting married
isn’t taken into serious consideration and is something not of paramount importance as it used to
be. This essay will shed light on both views, and give argument to why they are.
In the old days, women’s getting marriage was considered a must among virtually entire old-
fashioned society. Women even got married before they come of age, and were heavily
dependent on men who suffered from arduous and back-breaking work. Meanwhile, women
stayed at home, and did doing household chores on a daily basis. Ever since females are able to
be well-paid, the idea of not having a marital status is aroused among women for a variety of
reasons. First, with their own budget, they can now take care of themselves, accommodate their
own necessities without the help of men. Second, given the fact that full-time jobs have taken
most of their free-time, they have less and less time for romantic relationships with the other sex,
resulting in not getting in touch with their soulmate.
Apart from women’s not getting married owing to their independent finance, there exist other
reasons why they don’t start their own family. First, women lead a life without having a marriage
can be put down to not taking interest in love, and settle down for a life with their new family.
Hesitant to take the responsibility of motherhood and spend time with their family is another
element contributing to this phenomenon. Second, thanks to the more civilized society where
people are much more open-minded, women have their own freedom of decision making. For
instance, they can dedicated themselves to their career, or pursue further education and their own
interests, ambitions, without having the compulsory role of motherhood compared to generations
of their predecessors.
In recapitulation, the idea of not living an stereotypical life of their forerunners, particularly
getting married, is gaining popularity across a lot of countries, depending on one reason or
another, like the state of not undergoing budgetary pressure, or the lost of interest in love, setting
up a family.
Writing task 1: The pie charts below show how dangerous waste products are dealt with in
three countries.
The provided pie charts below illustrate the percentage of hazardous byproducts being handled
through the use of different measures. Overall, Underground, Recycling, and Combustion are the
methods which the Republic of Korea and Sweden have in common. Recycling toxic wastes is
the most commonly used among the former with 69% whereas only a quarter of the Swedish
implement this method. The proportion of underground is significantly lower at 22% when
compared to the most widespread one, In contrast, the burying of wastes plays a key role in the
handling of byproducts in Sweden, at 55%. Incineration is the least likely option to be opted for
in both countries, at lower than a tenth and a fifth respectively. In contrast, United Kingdom
proposes a variety of measures, with the domination of Underground at a staggering 82%.
Treating chemically and dumping at sea are equally popular in UK, at lower than a tenth. Only
2% of the wastes are discarded by the combustion method, which adds up to a total of 100%.
1. Across numerous many countries, since women are becoming more and more financially
independent, it is believed by some that this is why females do not feel that marriage is a
necessity anymore. In my opinion, this belief is only partly true and it does not reflect the whole
In the past, men were the breadwinners for the family so women naturally did housework to
support the household. This had been the fact for a long time and in a lot of cultures, such as
western culture, asian culture and more. However, this is not the case for the recent years, since
gender equality and women’s rights are being emphathized stronger than ever before, thus
leading to them being paid more for their work, which means they do not need a breadwinner for
them to rely on.
It is the fact that increased wage is one of the reasons why the need of getting married is being
overlooked, but it is not the only reason why this is the case. There are some more obvious
explanations for the situation, one of which is that some members of the female community have
priorities that are above marriage, focusing on their career, enhancing their knowledge, pursuing
their interests are some examples of this situation. Another arguable cause of the matter of fact is
that being united in a matrimony means one have to take responsibility and have to restrain
themselves from doing various things. Opting not to be wedded to someone might come from the
fear of having an unhappy married life, which can followed by adultery or domestic violence. In
the civilized society, prejudices are no longer relevant, which means being unmarried is not as
much of a problem than it was in the past. Another important basis of a life without a partner is
that one value themselves significantly high, and tends to look for a perfect husband or wife who
is better than them, or they might not look for anyone at all, thinking they are too good to be
bonded in a messy lifestyle where they have to worry for more than themselves.
In conclusion, having a higher wage is only a contributing factor among various others leading to
women not getting married.
2. The given pie chart shows how treacherous [unfavorable weather condition] waste products
are done away with in three countries. For Sweden, the majority of waste products are buried,
about 55% of trash outputs are is dealt with this way. There are two other ways of handling
these, which are combustion accounting for 20% of the trash and the 25% of wastes left is treated
through the use of recycling. Republic of Korea have the same ways of removing refuse, with a
quarter of them recycled, more than half is buried away, and one fifth of which is burnt. In the
United Kingdom, all procedures of eliminating waste outputs with the exception of recycling are
used, with more than 80% of them concealed underground. Incineration is the least used way of
disposing trash, with only 2% of all refuse being removed by this method. Dumping/throwing at
sea and chemical treatment are used to deal with the same volume of litter, with about 8% each
Writing task 2: Some people think that spoken communication is more powerful than written
Do you agree or disagree with this idea?
Intro: outweigh (v) = overshadow/eclipse (v)
[1] spoken communication
-immediate/instant response – arrive at/come to an agreement/a compromise – save time
-apart from intended information, simultanenously – feelings of speakers are conveyed [body
languages/gestures/facial expression/variations in the tone/pitch/intensity]
hidden messages/implications
speakers – have more considerable control over what listener will get
ex speech
[2] written communication
-be preserved – future reference
ex: business contract – unchangability – legal documents
-have time to choose written words with thought
Writing task 1:
The table below shows a survey on the preference of three age groups for different TV programs in a
country in Europe in 2012.
The percentage/proportion of people in 11-15/15-20/21-25 age group watching/viewing ______
To summarize, the age group of 11-15 have the greatest interest in cartoon, 15-20 age group in
features film and the oldest group of 21-25 years old are most interested in news.
The youngest age group, of those within the ages of 11 and 15 have their interests peaked in
cartoon and sports-related media, with a viewing percentage of 29% and 22% respectively. The
figures for features film and soap opera were relatively equal, occupying about less
than/under/nearly one-fifth of all viewings from this age group. TV dramas was the second least
watched programme, with only 8% of all TV programs watched by the 11-15 age group, only
bested by News, having a meagre 6%.
The percentage of children who watched ____ and ____
Fall into/belong to the age group of ___
Be aged 11-15
11-15-year-old people
Overall, Features Film-Sports is the most popular programs in all 3 groups while the minority of
people intended to watch TV Dramas
According to the graph, watching features film was the most common program to people in 15-
20 age group with the proportion of 23%, followed by News which represented 19%. The figures
for of people viewing Sports and Cartoon were equal with the percentage of 18% which is 6%
higher than people watching Soap Opera and only a tenth of them watching TV Drama
Overall, all age groups had different screen time spent on all types of TV programs, with the
climax regarding difference/disparity/gap of Cartoon viewers aged 11 to 15 at 29%, and the least
favorable was also which of people from 21 to 25 years old group at 4%. The majority of people
aged 21 to 25 enjoyed News programs, with nearly a quarter. The percentage of Features Film
viewers with 20% was relatively the same as that of Features Film and Soap Opera, with only a
disparity of 1%. TV Dramas experienced a lower percentage when compared to the
aforementioned programs, with the second lowest position at 13%.
Overall, cartoons were more appealing to children at the age of 11-15; the older 15-20 age group
took interest in film featured programs; most people in the 21-25 age group prefer news
programs to other types of program.
The most viewed TV program for people in 11-15 age group was cartoon with 29% of children
watching, followed by sports programs at 22%. Programs that features film and soap operas do
not differ much in the number of viewers, with 18% and 17% of people watching respectively.
This age group did not seem to take interest in TV dramas or news, as these kinds of program
only have 8% and 6% viewing percentage separately.
Seem/appear to be ___

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