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Argumentative Essay Outline

December 28th, 2022

TITLE: The Unbreakable Tie of Fashion and Art

Background information: Fashion is a self-expression media, it allows people to
present themselves however they want to. Fashion is dressing in clothes that bring out
the best of people’s body while impressing to others the excellent taste of the wearer.
From a broader perspective, it can be said that it is also a reflection of the society people
live in. The term "fine art" refers to an art form practiced mainly for its aesthetic value and
its beauty rather than its functional value.
Thesis statement: While fashion itself is definitely a form of art because it revolves
around creativity, ideas, beauty, and personal meanings, it is not enough to be considered
as fine art.

Body paragraph 1:
• Argument: Fashion is a form of art, but it is not a fine art
• Counterargument: It has beauty and aesthetic values
• Refutation: By definition, fine art is practiced mainly for its aesthetic value more
than its functional value while fashion heavily reckons its functional value

Body paragraph 2:
• Argument: Fashion is considered more of a self-expression rather than just solely
judged for its aesthetic and beauty
• Counterargument: Fine art is also a form of self-expression and is also judged for
its aesthetic and beauty
• Refutation: Fashion and fine art are both forms of self-expression and both are
also judged for their aesthetic and beauty, but the purpose of fashion leans more
to the former while fine art is more to the latter. Some thinkers have argued that
the difference between fine art and applied art has more to do with value judgments
made about the art than any clear definitional difference (Novitz, 1992) Commented [MF1]: Put this in your list of reference(s).

Body paragraph 3:
• Argument: Art that is not considered “fine art” tends to be constricted in terms of
form. Fashion falls into this category
• Counterargument: Fashion can be designed however the designer wants because
it is their way of expressing themselves
• Refutation: No matter how creative or aesthetic the design could be, clothing
generally needs to have holes for the arms, legs, and head, so fashion designers
are limited in terms of shapes

There have always been those who would dismiss fashion as an insignificant or shallow
frivolity, hardly akin to art. In actuality, fashion can easily be considered as an art with the
way it is created. However, for fashion to be considered as fine art is not precise due to
its shape and function. Fashion might be a form of art, but not quite enough to be called
fine art.

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