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Machine Shorthand 1
Lesson 1

Learning Objective:

1. Define the definition of machine shorthand;

2. Discuss the three section of machine shorthand keyboard;
3. Illustrate the proper way of home keys position in machine shorthand.
A wonderful day! Are you excited to enhance your skills in typing in machine shorthand?
If yes, good and if not, think twice. I'm sure you will enjoy it. Machine is an easy course skill.
Just strike to the right and left and strike up and down. So prepare yourself because this
module will help you find out the secret techniques in machine shorthand. So, what are you
waiting for?
Machine Shorthand- is a specialized chorded keyboard or typewriter by stenographers for
shorthand use. Here's the layout of machine shorthand keyboard. Observe and learn the
keyboard section. This is the important in the proper operation of machine shorthand.
Machine Shorthand is an easy skill course.-The Machine Shorthand keyboard is divided into
three sections.-The proper way of home keys position of the fingers.-The correct depressing of
the consonant compound ST and vowel U.-Proper use of new letter and new words.-Correct
application of the punctuation mark PERIOD.
Activity # 1
Draw a machine shorthand keyboard on the clean sheet of bond paper or drawing
paper and write the corresponding letters and illustrate the three sections of keyboard.

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