Performance of A Clinical Decision Support System and of Clinical Pharmacists in Preventing Drug-Drug Interactions On A Geriatric Ward 2014

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Int J Clin Pharm

DOI 10.1007/s11096-014-9925-x


Performance of a clinical decision support system and of clinical

pharmacists in preventing drug–drug interactions on a geriatric
Pieter Cornu • Stephane Steurbaut •
Sabina Šoštarić • Aleš Mrhar • Alain G. Dupont

Received: 7 November 2013 / Accepted: 11 February 2014

 Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij ter bevordering der Pharmacie 2014

Abstract Background Drug–drug interactions (DDIs) can accepted by the physicians. Thirty-seven adverse drug
lead to adverse drug events and compromise patient safety. events were identified for 29 patients that could be related
Two common approaches to reduce these interactions in to 55 DDIs. For two interactions the causality was evalu-
hospital practice are the use of clinical decision support ated as certain, for 31 as likely, for ten as possible and for
systems and interventions by clinical pharmacists. Objec- 12 as unlikely. Mainly intermediate level interactions were
tive To compare the performance of both approaches with related to adverse drug events. Contextual factors taken
the main objective of learning from one approach to into account by the clinical pharmacists for evaluation of
improve the other. Setting Acute geriatric ward in a uni- the interactions were blood pressure, international norma-
versity hospital. Methods Prospective single-centre, cohort lised ratio, heart rate, potassium level and glycemia.
study of patients admitted to the geriatric ward. An inde- Additionally, the clinical pharmacists looked at individual
pendent pharmacist compared the clinical decision support administration intervals and drug sequence to determine
alerts with the DDIs identified by clinical pharmacists and the clinical relevance of the interactions. Conclusion
evaluated their interventions. Contextual factors used by Clinical pharmacists performed better than the decision
the clinical pharmacists for evaluation of the clinical rel- support system mainly because the system screened only
evance were analysed. Adverse drug events related to DDIs for high level DDIs and because of the low specificity of
were investigated and the causality was evaluated by a the alerts. This specificity can be increased by including
clinical pharmacologist based on validated criteria. Main contextual factors into the logic and by defining appropri-
outcome measure Number of alerts, interventions and the ate screening intervals that take into account the sequence
acceptance rates. Results Fifty patients followed by the in which the drugs are given.
clinical pharmacists, were included. The clinical pharma-
cists identified 240 DDIs (median of 3.5 per patient) and Keywords Adverse drug events  Belgium  Clinical
advised a therapy change for 16 of which 13 (81.2 %) were decision support systems  Clinical pharmacy 
accepted and three (18.8 %) were not. The decision support Computerized physician order entry system  Drug–drug
system generated only six alerts of which none were interactions  Geriatrics  Medication safety

Impact of findings on practice

P. Cornu (&)  S. Steurbaut  A. G. Dupont

• Drug–drug interaction screening by clinical pharma-
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Research Group Clinical
Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy (KFAR), Vrije cists may be useful even in the presence of a clinical
Universiteit Brussel, 1090 Brussels, Belgium decision support system.
e-mail: • Clinical decision support systems should not only
screen for high level drug–drug interactions.
S. Šoštarić  A. Mrhar
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana, 1000 Ljubljana, • Contextual factors such as lab values should be
Slovenia incorporated in the decision support rules.

Int J Clin Pharm

• Appropriate screening intervals that also take into analysis of (1) ADEs related to DDIs and the ability of both
account the sequence in which the drugs are given approaches for detecting and resolving DDIs related to
should be defined for individual drug–drug interactions. ADEs; (2) factors relating to the occurrence of ADEs; and
(3) contextual factors used by the clinical pharmacists for
evaluation of the clinical relevance of DDIs.
Ethical approval
Drug–drug interactions (DDIs) can lead to adverse drug
The study was approved by the UZ Brussel Medical Ethics
events (ADEs) and compromise patient safety [1, 2]. Dif-
ferent approaches can be used to reduce unwanted DDIs in
hospital practice. One of these is the use of clinical deci-
sion support (CDS) systems [1, 3, 4]. At the moment of
prescribing, CDS embedded in a computerized physician
order entry (CPOE) system has the potential to reduce the
occurrence of DDIs [3, 5]. However, DDI checking with
CDS often produces many alerts with low clinical rele-
The UZ Brussel is a 721-bed university hospital in Brus-
vance resulting in low alert adherence caused by alert
sels, Belgium. The software system is self-developed and
fatigue [3, 4, 6–10]. Several studies report high alert
includes basic CDS such as DDI screening [28, 29]. CDS
overriding with up to 96 % of alerts being overridden [11,
for DDIs is provided as non-interruptive alerts during
12]. One way to reduce alert fatigue is by carefully
prescribing. The knowledge base used for DDI checking is
selecting which interaction alerts are presented to the
the commercially available DelphiCare database [30].
physicians and to decide for every DDI alert if it should be
The interactions are divided into 6 categories depending on
interruptive or not, based on severity level [12–14]. It is
their clinical relevance and seriousness. Currently, the
also important to increase the specificity of alerts by inte-
system screens only for level 1 and 2 interactions, the two
grating individual patient data to create patient-specific
most severe categories (contraindicated and precautionary
DDI alerts [15]. Furthermore, attention should be given to
contraindicated), in order to avoid alert fatigue. Because
human factors principles such as the sociotechnical aspect
the CDS system is self-developed, there are opportunities
of alerting and workflow issues [16, 17].
to improve DDI sensitivity and specificity.
Another approach is to let clinical pharmacists actively
On the geriatric ward, clinical pharmacists perform several
screen for DDIs and perform interventions for clinically
routine tasks such as medication reconciliation and screening
relevant DDIs [18–20]. Several studies report high accep-
for DRPs. We have a site license for Lexicomp and Stock-
tance rates for interventions by clinical pharmacists on
ley’s so clinical pharmacists can use these screening tools.
drug related problems (DRPs) in general and for inter-
They conduct an intervention for DDIs judged clinically
ventions on DDIs [18, 20–24]. However, the number of
relevant and work independently from the CDS system [31,
clinical pharmacists in hospitals is limited and active DDI
32]. During the study period, a senior year pharmacy student
screening is a very intensive and time-consuming activity.
(ŠS) documented which screening tool they used and which
Therefore, it is important to optimize CDS systems for DDI
patient characteristics they took into account to determine
screening saving time for the clinical pharmacists to spend
whether a DDI required an intervention or not.
on tasks like medication reconciliation and medication
review that can’t be performed completely with CDS [22,
Design and study population
25, 26]. Zaal et al. [27] recently observed that clinical
pharmacists identified many DRPs in addition to CDS and
This was a prospective single-centre, cohort study of patients
that the specificity of CDS is low.
admitted to the 29-bed acute geriatric department between
March 2nd 2011 and June 15th 2011. Patients were con-
secutively followed-up by the clinical pharmacists whenever
Aim of the study possible and excluded for the study if their follow-up was not
possible, if they died during hospitalisation, when they took
The primary aim of this study was to compare the routine no or only one drug and in case of rehospitalisation. An
performance of a CDS system and of clinical pharmacists independent research pharmacist (PC) compared the CDS
in reducing DDIs on a geriatric ward in order to learn from alerts with the DDIs identified by the clinical pharmacists
one approach to improve the other. Other objectives were a and evaluated their interventions. The patients’ electronic
comparison of the different interaction databases used and medical record (EMR) was screened by the pharmacy

Int J Clin Pharm

student under the supervision of the research pharmacist to patients took a median of 8 drugs (3–15). The most frequent
identify possible ADEs and hospital admissions potentially reasons for admission were a decline in health status (12
related to DDIs. An ADE was defined according to the ICH patients), fall (ten patients) and dyspnea (four patients). The
guidelines as ‘‘any untoward medical occurrence that may majority of patients (36; 72.0 %) resided at home prior to
present during treatment with a pharmaceutical product but hospitalization and 14 patients (28.0 %) resided in a nursing
which does not necessarily have a causal relationship with home. After discharge, 21 (42.0 %) patients returned home,
this treatment’’ [33]. The causality between DDIs and ADEs 22 (44.0 %) were transferred to a nursing home and 7
was evaluated by a clinical pharmacologist based on the (14.0 %) were transferred to a revalidation centre.
causality assessment criteria of Edwards and Arondson [34].
He was given a short overview of the clinical cases and had Identified DDIs
access to the patient’s EMR.
Additionally, the patients’ drug therapy was analysed A total number of 240 DDIs with a median of 3.5 (range
with the web-based DelphiCare application to identify 0–18) per patient were identified by the clinical pharma-
lower risk level DDIs that were not triggered by the CDS cists, 239 using Lexicomp and 1 additional interaction
but could have been triggered by it (level 3–5). The pur- using Stockley’s. An overview of the DDI classification
pose of this analysis was to investigate if screening on levels of the different databases is provided in Table 1. The
lower level interactions could be useful and to identify clinical pharmacists advised a therapy change for 16 DDIs
possible missing or additional DDIs when compared with of which 13 (81.2 %) were accepted and 3 (18.8 %) were
the results from the clinical pharmacists. not. For 8 other DDIs the advice was to monitor the patient
closely. We were not able to determine if the physician
Statistical analysis followed this advice. The CDS system generated only six
alerts of which none were accepted by the physicians. Two
Descriptive and statistical analyses were carried out with of these alerts were for DDIs that were not identified by the
IBM SPSS Statistics version 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). clinical pharmacists. The four other DDIs were also iden-
In case of parametric data, the mean and standard deviation tified by the clinical pharmacists and they conducted two
were used. In case of non-parametric variables, the median interventions of which one was accepted. Analysis by the
and range were used. Binary logistic regression analyses research pharmacist of the patients’ drug therapy with the
were conducted to identify possible patient-related risk web-based DelphiCare application resulted in the
factors associated with the presence of ADEs. The depen-
dent variable was the presence or absence of any ADE. The Table 1 DDI levels of DelphiCare, Lexicomp, and Stockley’s
independent variables analysed were age, gender, the res-
idential situation before admission (home or nursing DelphiCare [30]
home), the length of hospital stay, the estimated glomerular 1 Contraindicated
filtration rate category (eGFR, MDRD-IDMS), the number 2 Precautionary contraindicated
of drugs, and the number of DDIs. Statistical analyses were 3 Monitoring or therapy adjustment needed
performed with a 0.05 significance level and 95 % confi- 4 In some cases monitoring or therapy adjustment is
dence intervals (CI) were calculated where relevant.
5 Precautionary monitoring
6 No action needed
Lexicomp [31]
X Avoid combination
Characteristics of the study population D Consider therapy modification
C Monitor therapy
Fifty patients, 17 males (34.0 %) and 33 (66.0 %) females, B No action needed
were followed by the clinical pharmacists and included for A No known interaction
the comparison. Twenty patients were excluded because Stockley’s [32]
follow-up was not possible (13 patients, mostly related to Avoid Contraindicated drug pair, avoid drug combination
lack of time or communication problems), follow-up started Adjust It is recommended that either one of the drugs is
changed, or the dose is altered on initiating the
at discharge (three patients), two were rehospitalisation’s,
one died and one took only one drug. The mean age was
Monitor Monitor
84.6 ± 4.8 years, 24 patients (48.0 %) had an eGFR
Informative Informative
C60 ml/min/1.73 m2 while 26 (52.0 %) had a lower eGFR.
No action No action
The median length of hospital stay was 17 days (6–44) and

Int J Clin Pharm

Table 2 Number of identified DDIs by the clinical pharmacists, CDS potassium level for 13 DDIs and glycemia for ten DDIs.
system and with the web-based DelphiCare application divided into For the four DDIs identified by both the CDS system and
action levels
the clinical pharmacists, only two interventions were con-
Screening by Database used Level Number DDIs ducted because for the other two DDIs an intervention was
judged unnecessary based on available lab values. Another
Clinical pharmacists Lexicomp X 5
factor was the duration of the screening interval and the
D 40
sequence in which the drugs were given. The CDS system
C 192
screened with a fixed interval going back 3 days in the
Ba 2
medication history and 2 days ahead in the medication
Stockley’s Informative 1
planning when a prescription was made. The clinical
CDS system Delphicare 1 3
pharmacists took into account a specific relevant screening
2 3
interval for each individual DDI and the sequence in which
Research pharmacist DelphiCare 1 1b
the drugs were given was also taken into account.
2 5c
3 53
4 4 Identified ADEs and causality assessment
5 47
A total of 37 ADEs were identified for 29 patients that could
The clinical pharmacists only reported type B DDIs in case an ADE
occurred that could be related to the DDI
be related to 55 DDIs. Often, several DDIs could be related
Two level 1 DDIs were initially not identified by the research
to the same ADE. Ten ADEs occurred already before hos-
pharmacist because his analysis was based on the drug therapy doc- pital admission and 27 during hospitalization. For five of the
umented by the clinical pharmacist and for these two DDIs one of the ten ADEs that occurred at home, the potentially responsible
interacting drugs was prescribed one-time only and the clinical DDI(s) was/were still present during hospitalization, for the
pharmacists did not capture these prescriptions
other 5 the drug therapy was adjusted at admission. For 10
Two level 2 DDIs were not triggered by the CDS because of the
(20.0 %) patients, the main reason for hospital admission
system settings
was an ADE that could be related to one or more DDIs. Of
these ten patients, seven resided at home and three in a
identification of 110 DDIs. Of these 110 DDIs, 105 were
nursing home prior to hospitalisation. An overview of the
also identified by the clinical pharmacists with Lexicomp
types of ADEs is provided in Table 3. Based on the clinical
and 5 were exclusively included in DelphiCare. Of the
effect of the eight DDIs related to falls, five could be related
240 DDIs identified by the clinical pharmacists, 135 were
to CNS depression, two to orthostatic hypotension and one
not included in DelphiCare. The numbers of identified
to bradycardia.
DDIs with the different approaches broken down according
Of the 55 DDIs that could be related to an ADE, 18 were
to action level are summarized in Table 2. In general, there
triggered by both Lexicomp and Delphicare, 36 were
was similarity between the severity classification of DDIs
triggered only by Lexicomp and 1 DDI was triggered only
identified with both Lexicomp and Delphicare although
by Stockley’s. Analysis of the action levels of these DDIs
there were some remarkable differences. The type X DDIs
indicates that the 18 mutual DDIs were level 3 (5), level 4
in Lexicomp were not classified as level one but as level
(1) and level 5 (12) in Delphicare and type D (3) and C
two in Delphi. DDIs classified as type D in Lexicomp
(15) in Lexicomp. The 36 DDIs triggered only by Lexi-
were classified as level 1, 2, 3 or 5 in Delphicare and one
comp consisted of type D (2) and type C (34) DDIs. The
type B Lexicomp interaction was classified as level 3 in
DDI triggered by Stockley’s was categorized as ‘‘infor-
Delphicare. The action levels of the DDIs that were only
mative’’. None of the DDIs related to an ADE were trig-
included in one of the databases were analysed. There were
gered by the CDS system.
3 type X, 14 type D and 117 type C DDIs that were only
A clinical pharmacologist evaluated the causality
included in Lexicomp. One level 2, 1 level 3 and 3 level 5
between the 37 ADEs and 55 DDIs. For 2 DDIs the cau-
DDIs were only included in Delphicare and 1 informative
sality was evaluated as certain, for 31 as likely, for 10 as
DDI was only included in Stockley’s. This indicates that
possible and for 12 as unlikely.
also high level DDIs like type X, D (Lexicomp) and level
2 (Delphicare) were not included in all databases.
Factors associated with the occurrence of ADEs
Contextual factors for evaluation of DDIs
The univariate binary logistic regression analyses identified
Blood pressure was taken into account for 52 DDIs, the the number of DDIs (OR 1.33; 95 % CI 1.07–1.66;
INR value for 27 DDIs, heart rate for 16 DDIs, the p = 0.01) as a significant risk factor for the presence of one

Int J Clin Pharm

Table 3 Overview of the types of identified ADEs Discussion

Type of ADE Number
This study showed that clinical pharmacists (16 interven-
Hypotension 8 tions advising therapy change, 13 accepted) performed
Fall 8 better than the CDS system (six alerts, none accepted) in
Bradycardia 3 reducing DDIs on a geriatric ward. Several reasons may
High INR 2 explain this finding.
Symptoms of serotonin syndrome 2 A first reason relates to the extensiveness of the data-
Rigidity, extrapyramidal symptoms 2 base’s content and the set alert trigger level. In general, we
Aggression and confusion 2 found similarity between the severity classifications of
Gastric irritation and/or cramps 1 DDIs included in both databases (Lexicomp and Del-
Hypercalcemia 1 phicare) but several DDIs, including high risk level DDIs,
Orthostasis 1 were not included in both databases. More importantly, of
Symptoms of CNS depression 1 the 55 DDIs that could be related to an ADE, 36 (65.5 %)
Hyperglycemia 1 were not included in the database on which the CDS is
Malaise due to hyponatremia 1 based. This indicates that additional DDIs should be
Hypoglycemia 1 included in the CDS knowledge base. As a start, critical
High blood pressure 1 DDIs should be included [1, 12]. It is however important
Bleeding 1 not to focus on high risk level DDIs only given the finding
Loss of consciousness 1 that mainly intermediate risk level DDIs could be related to
Total 37 ADEs. Horn et al. [5] stated that showing only the most
severe alerts is the most common knowledge base cus-
tomization but this approach can lead to patient harm.
Therefore, the CDS system should be set to screen also for
lower risk level DDIs. However, adding more DDIs will
not solve the problem of alert overriding. There were only
Table 4 Univariate binary logistic regression analysis of possible
patient-related risk factors for ADEs 6 CDS alerts and all were overridden; hence, this is prob-
ably not resulting from alert fatigue but rather a problem of
Characteristics Odds ratio (95 % CI) p
low alert specificity which is a second reason for the poor
Age 1.00 (0.89–1.12) 0.98 performance of the CDS. To determine whether a DDI
Length of hospital stay 1.07 (0.98–1.16) 0.11 required an intervention or not, the clinical pharmacists
eGFR category often took into account individual patient characteristics.
C60 ml/min/1.73 m2 a – – This is an important factor to increase alert specificity. As
<60 ml/min/1.73 m2 0.53 (0.17–1.65) 0.27 indicated by Duke et al. [9], we believe that just showing
Sex the relevant lab values or patient characteristics together
Malea – – with an alert will probably not reduce alert overriding as
Female 1.37 (0.42–4.46) 0.60 the prescribers can already easily lookup these parameters
Residential situation before admission in the EMR. Therefore, lab values and other characteristics
Homea – – should be included in the logic of the interaction rules so
Nursing home 1.44 (0.40–5.16) 0.58
that a patient specific advice can be generated. The severity
No. of drugs 1.12 (0.91–1.39) 0.28
of the alert and the required action can then depend on the
No. of DDIs 1.33 (1.07–1.66) 0.01
context in which the DDI occurs. Another factor to increase
alert specificity is to adjust the duration of the screening
Reference category interval in function of individual DDIs and to take into
eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate account the sequence in which the drugs are given. We
only found one study that mentions this type of custom-
ization, although no results are provided regarding the
or more ADEs (Table 4). For every additional DDI, the effect on alert specificity and overriding [35].
odds of experiencing one or more ADEs increased by The scarce provision of solutions together with the DDI
33 %. Age, gender, the residential situation before admis- alerts probably also contributed to the low performance of
sion (home or nursing home), the length of hospital stay, the CDS system. The system provided suggestions for
the eGFR category and the number of drugs had no sig- solutions for some DDIs but the information was often not
nificant effect. specific. For example, advice for specific combinations of

Int J Clin Pharm

drugs with risk for QT-prolongation was not provided. The intermediate level DDIs could be related to ADEs.
advice was of a more general nature reflecting towards the Increasing alert specificity by including contextual factors
whole group of QT-prolonging drugs. The clinical phar- into the CDS logic, adjusting the screening interval in
macists on the other hand, provided a specific solution for function of individual DDIs and taking into account the
the DDIs. Providing solutions is indicated as a success drug sequence is also of utmost importance. The database
factor in other studies [36]. A last reason for the low per- of a CDS system should be compared with other available
formance of the CDS system may be the difference databases and inclusion of additional DDIs may be
between the human/computer and human/human interface. necessary.
The personal intervention of a clinical pharmacist has
probably more effect than an alert on a computer screen. Acknowledgements We thank Claudine Ligneel, Tinne Leysen,
Eva De Baere and Hilde De Ridder for their support as clinical
The clinical pharmacists’ approach also had important pharmacists.
limitations. The CDS system identified two additional
DDIs that were not identified by the clinical pharmacists Funding The study was performed with the support of the Agency
because one of the interacting drugs was prescribed one- for Innovation by Science and Technology in Flanders, Belgium,
which provided a research grant for the first author. The funding
time only and the clinical pharmacists did not screen agreement ensured the authors’ independence in designing the study,
continuously for DDIs. Another disadvantage of the clini- interpreting the data, writing, and publishing the report.
cal pharmacists’ approach was that the DDIs were identi-
fied after they had already occurred in practice while the Conflicts of interest The authors have no conflicts of interest
regarding this study.
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occurring during hospitalisation.
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