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BE No.132/2023 [ATCA ATHTE / GOVERNMENT OF INDIA “Car HATE /MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS: ara HE /Ramway BOARD) No. E(Ne)r/2028/7R/31 New Delhi, Dered 01.12.2023 ‘The General Manager (P) All Zonal Reiluays/PUs ‘Sub: Timeline for transfer on mutuel exchange basis for non-gozetted railway employees cover Zonel Railways Ref: 1. Boord's letter No. E(NS)I-2017/TR/24 dated 09.05.2018. 2. Board’ letter No. E(NG)I-2018/TR/B dated 11.01.2019, Kindly refer to Boord’ letters under reference et (1) and (2) above containing Instructions for transfer of nan gazetted railway employees on mutuel exchange basis, In recent times, @ notable delay hes been observed in the processing of transfer on mutal exchange basis ot various level, The matter was also brought to attentin in the PCPO's meeting. Accordingly, Board's instructions for fromework/timeline for transfer on mutual ‘exchange basis issued vide Pare 10 of Board's letter dated 11012019 is being reiterated for strict compliance: EN Actitiy la) | Forwarding oF applications by Supervsars to the Personnel Department oF the Division Tt should be verified at the stage that the prescribed application form is complete i ail respects duly signed by both employees and the information given therein is correct, In case of Workshop staf, this wll be done at the Workshop itself. 10 ii) | Forwarding by OWilonal Personnel Department {4 Divisional controlled Posts Divisional Persone! Department wil forward the request application with neceszory documents directly tothe Division concerne +o which transfer is sought. The name and designation ofthe officer signing the letter shoud invariably be mentioned inthe forwarding etter. Tn respect of Workshop staff, thie will be doen by Chief Workshop Maneger (CWI) or by lower authority to whom the powers may be re-deegated, b. HO controled posts: Persomsel Department wil forward the aplication with all ‘the necessary documents to Zonal HQ (CPO office). 18 dy: —eO (i) | Forwarding by HQ Personnel deptt ( For HQ controlled posts) (On receipt of the opplication duly forwarded from Division/Workshop, the HOl Personnel Deptt office will forward it 0 the Zonal Rly/PU concerned. 15 days fio) | Conveying of eeceptance: The counter part HQ/Division fo lsue Their acceptance te forwarding H@/Division (as the case may be). 10 days (@) | Tssue of Transfer Order’ On receipt of consent from the receiving HQ/Division, the} transfer orders should be issued 10 days ja) | Dispatch of UPC and Service Records: Persomel Department soneerned shou ensure that the LPC and Service Record of the employee(s) are sent expeditiously t the new Division/Zone ete in terme of Boords letter number E(N6)I-2001/TR/1 dated 21.11 2001, Attested Xerox copy of the Service Record shoud be given to th employee concerned, 15 doy 2, Further Boord’s letter dated 09.05.2018 (under reference at (1) above) also stands reiterated stating that all mutual transfer cases where NOC has been given by both the Rellways/Units te. accepting and relieving, both the employees should be sfared immediately within a week, without either unit woltig for the reliever. In edction, itis directed that in the event of any doubt the senior person shall necessarily be relieved first within a week of wesatal enter oes aap? Ex VN oiectn END Railway Board Ph. Ne, - 01123303658 mall Id- eqveyn/2023/7R/31 New Delhi, dated 01.12.2023, Copy forwarded to 1, The General Secretary, ATRF, Room No253, Rail Bhawen, New Delhi (35 copes). ‘The General Secretary, NFIR, Root No.256-E, Rll Bhawan, New Delhi (35 copies). 13. All Members/Departmental Council & National Council & Secretary/Staff Side, National Council 13-C, Ferozechah Road, New Delhi (60 spares} 4, The Secretary Generel, FROA, Room No.256-A, Rail Bhawen, New Delhi (S spares) 5, The Secretary Generel, TRPOF. Room No.268, Ri Bhawan, New Delhi (5 soares) —— —3— 6, ‘The Secretary, BBSS Group's’ Officers Assocition, Rall hawan, New Delhi 7. ‘The Secretary, RBSS Group’8' Officers Assocatian, Rail Bhawan, New Deh 8. The Secretary Rollasy Board Ministerial Staff Association, Rall Bhawan New Delhi. 9, The Secretary, Rallwey Board Group 0’ Employees Association, all Shawen, New Delhi 10. The Secretary, Raley Board Promotee Officers Association, Room No.34-C, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi 11, General Secretary All India SC&ST Relay Emplayees Association, Rail Ehawan, New Delhi tS ‘for PEDGRYRatiway Board ‘Advisor/MR, PSs/MoSR(D), MOSR (3), EDPG/MR, OSD/MR, OSD/Coord/MR PSs t0 Chairman & CEO, M(F), M(Enfre), MCTARS), M(OBBD), Secretary, DG/RHS ond Demmer. PSs to AM(Comml), AM(CE), AM(CATS), AMIElec). AM(Budget), AM), AMMech), ‘AM(lg), AMGProject), AML), AMS), A(Stores), AM(Tele, AM(Traffe), AMCWrks), AAN(TEC), AM(Staff), AMHR), PEDig) and PEDCEfra) Ss to ED/Safery(M), EDCE(G), ED(EAR), EDE, EDEN), EDME(W), EDERS(G), EDE(Res.) EDE(RRB), EDF(B), ED(RE), ED/Track(M), EDFOIL, EDFOXIT, ED(H), EDELEC), EDIStat), ED(Treck/MC), EDME(Chg_), EDME(Traction), ED(Works), EDME(Dex), EDRS(C), EDRS(W), DPC, EDF(E), EDA, EDV(A), TS(6) and T6/RPF. DPC-IT, DE(6), DOH), DIHAFW), D(MP®), DE(NNTE, DEIR), DE(DEA), DEILL), ID(OL), TOE(REp), JDE(RRB), DO(Code Revision), DDE(LAYE, DDE(LAYIT, DDE(LRIIIT, DOV{AAP), DO(OLIE, E(NEYT, E(Rep)E, E(Rep)IL, E(ReplIIE, E(SCTIE, E(SCT) TE, E(REB), PC-TIT, PC- IV, PC-V, E(PAANL, E(PHAIIE, CE-T, CEE, CE-TEE, Sec(€), Sec(ABE), E(MPP), Safety Branch, A/C-IEE and Code Revision Cel

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