Adobe Scan Nov 12, 2023

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>| THURSDAT \ovun A Nev 2029 No wa we SA RR NRO RRR m~errPrRPR ro PRACTICE. Extacine, hek OQ be kangent ob lenath 1S¢en hengtn ao Q teow centse G+ 12cm - -Godius (idem 3% - Crem) * — sodiun > V29em? -.wadius of the cixcle io Dem In Aaa Acme Weme: Qoe >a —? D4lcm4- 400ema: GPR a¢ey ~~ = QP Aare ms L—2hm J. Q98 drem : Hence, \ength & angent io Dem dn AARC AE+ AF CE = OC \bangents drown from eoctesnal ED + 06 J point ove equal Adding he causation» Logethes > AF+ BOtCE | AEH OCH ES Pevineler (QAR > ALAAFA CEL DC / _ +EBt VB a Desumekes COABO): aLAFA BDF Ce) 2 a LYevimetes (NAC |= AE ABODE CE: AL + OC4 EG 9 E A DE DM) EAs AF) FO OG: CHC pan drown From external point axe equal 3) * AO CB DCt AB | : noah DET EN + GO HCH: DHE ARIEGAC | Ld w 5) i Nie \elo gran ABCD 2 CO on Mi AD BC Coke sides are equel _ AKAN | KB: BL: MC: Ke; ND: 9M Clangents dren fromm “enttena gairk axe east) | Adding all the e uations loaelher > Foren mer br ANUND + OheKC > ASTOC: Ady 7 7 2AS= LAD - A®= AQ AS? AQ? 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