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ANG, Antonio III L.

November 22, 2023

LICHAUCO, John Carlo R.
12 STEM M (St. Stephen)

Written Work #2: Position Paper

ORBGRAND: The implementation of a groundbreaking chip

Technology has made significant strides over the years. In the present year, a
groundbreaking artificial intelligence (AI) chip has been created, showcasing remarkable
capabilities in deciphering any signal. This development, as asserted by the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT), holds the potential to enhance the performance of lower-cost
devices while minimizing energy consumption. The implementation of this remarkable
innovation is crucial at this juncture. However, it is important to acknowledge that alongside its
myriad benefits, this technology is not without its drawbacks.

Resource extraction, such as mining for raw materials used in chip production, often
leads to land disturbance, deforestation, and pollution. Moreover, managing electronic waste
(e-waste) generated by the chip's end-of-life disposal is crucial for minimizing environmental
harm. Additionally, the potential compatibility issues between the new chip and older
infrastructure may pose significant challenges for its widespread adoption. Companies relying
on older systems might have to invest in substantial modifications or even replacements to
seamlessly integrate the new chip. According to (Hillary, 2023), compatibility issues can arise
due to various factors such as differences in protocols, interfaces, or hardware capabilities. For
instance, the older infrastructure may lack the necessary connectors to accommodate the new
chip or may have outdated communication protocols that are incompatible with the chip's
advanced functionalities. Another factor to be considered is the cost and effort required for
modifying or replacing existing infrastructure can be a significant barrier to the widespread
adoption of the new chip.

While it is true that resource extraction, particularly in the context of mining for raw
materials used in chip production, can have environmental consequences such as land
disturbance, deforestation, and pollution, it is valuable to recognize the efforts and
advancements within the industry to address and mitigate these issues. Firstly, the industry can
include exploring ways to reuse and recycle materials in the chip manufacturing process,
thereby minimizing the impact on land and ecosystems. According to Pittroff (2021), replacing
more polluting gasses with cleaner fluorine contributes to a lower impact on global warming.
Thus, using cleaner fluorine in the production process will have a significant change to the
climate. Advancements in technology have led to more efficient mining practices, reducing the
overall environmental footprint of resource extraction. Furthermore, the focus on managing
electronic waste (e-waste) is a crucial aspect that the industry acknowledges and actively
addresses. According to Madkhali (2023), many companies have implemented comprehensive
e-waste management programs, including the development of take-back and recycling
initiatives. These initiatives aim to ensure that end-of-life chips are managed, dismantled, and
recycled, preventing hazardous substances from contaminating soil, water, and air. The industry
is also investing in research to develop more sustainable and recyclable chip materials. As
mentioned in (2023), semiconductor chip manufacturers have taken proactive steps
to reduce waste and promote sustainability. By exploring new materials and manufacturing
processes, the sector is working towards creating products with a reduced environmental impact
throughout its life cycle. However, the concerns raised regarding potential compatibility issues
between the new chip and older infrastructure are valid, it is essential to emphasize that
technological advancements are an integral part of progress. The challenges associated with
integration should be viewed as opportunities for innovation and improvement rather than
insurmountable obstacles. Firstly, it's important to note that the technology industry is well aware
of the compatibility challenges that may arise during transitions between older and newer
systems. Consequently, chip manufacturers often provide comprehensive guidelines and
support to facilitate a smoother integration process. Adopting the new chip can benefit from the
expertise and assistance offered by manufacturers to navigate potential compatibility issues.
Moreover, history has shown that the technology ecosystem is adept at finding solutions to
compatibility challenges. The industry often develops bridge technologies or adapters that
enable the seamless integration of new components into existing infrastructure. This adaptability
has been a hallmark of technological evolution, allowing businesses to leverage the benefits of
cutting-edge innovations without undergoing extensive and costly infrastructure overhauls.
Furthermore, businesses can explore temporary workarounds and fallback mechanisms to
maintain continuity during the integration process. It's essential to consider the long-term
benefits that the new chip may bring, including improved performance, enhanced functionalities,
and increased efficiency. While there may be upfront costs associated with modifying or
replacing existing infrastructure, the long-term gains in productivity and competitiveness can
outweigh these initial investments.

In order to harness the transformative potential of the groundbreaking artificial

intelligence (AI) chip and ensure a smooth transition into a more technologically advanced
future, a collaborative and action-oriented approach is paramount. Industry stakeholders,
policymakers, and businesses must establish collaborative platforms where they can actively
engage in open dialogue, sharing insights and best practices for responsible technology
integration. The emphasis should be on promoting sustainable practices within the technology
industry, advocating for eco-friendly manufacturing processes, and implementing
comprehensive electronic waste (e-waste) management programs. Allocating resources to
research and development initiatives focused on creating environmentally friendly chip materials
and manufacturing processes is crucial. Additionally, providing education and support to
organizations navigating the integration process, addressing concerns, and offering solutions for
compatibility issues will be instrumental. Collaboration on regulatory frameworks that incentivize
sustainable practices and public-private partnerships between technology companies,
government agencies, and non-profit organizations should be actively pursued. Investing in
training programs to equip businesses and their workforce with the skills needed for successful
technology integration, including handling compatibility issues and implementing sustainable
practices, will contribute to a positive and responsible transition. Through these collective
actions, we can turn the challenges of technology integration into opportunities for innovation,
sustainability, and positive societal impact.

A new chip for decoding data transmissions demonstrates record-breaking energy efficiency.

(2023, February 22). MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

A new Decoder chip breaks the record for energy efficiency for longer battery life and hardware

sustainability | Center for Information & Systems Engineering. (n.d.). © 2023 Boston



Can Semiconductor Chips Be Recycled? | Electronic Engineering Tech. (2023, November 21)

Liu, M., Wei, Y., Chen, Z., & Zhang, W. (2023). ORBGRAND is almost Capacity-Achieving. IEEE

Transactions on Information Theory, 69(5), 2830–2840.

Madkhali, H., Duraib, S., Nguyen, L., Prasad, M., Sharma, M., & Joshi, S. K. (2023). A

Comprehensive review on E-Waste Management Strategies and prediction Methods: A

Saudi Arabia Perspective. Knowledge, 3(2), 163–179.

The computer chip industry has a dirty climate secret. (2021, September 18)


Hillary. (2023, October 18). Driving towards a connected future: The role of Electronics in

advancing automotive technology in 2023. TechBullion.


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