Module 3 - Assignment - CASTRONUEVO

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ROGELIO A. CASTRONUEVO Ill KEYBOARDING AND DOCUMENT PROCESSING BSOA 1.1 ASSIGNMENT - MODULE 3: Answer the following questions. arene Does the spelling and grammar check find every error in a document? How often should you save your work? Do you have to close one document before opening another document? What does a green wavy line indicate? Why would you use the print preview command? ‘ANSWERS: 1‘ Spell check isn't always correct. It will sometimes mark certain words as incorrect even if they're spelled correctly. This often happens with names, which may not be in the dictionary. In some research, grammar checkers only correctly identified errors in student papers 50 percent of the ime. And even worse, they often flagged perfectly good prose as a mistake, known as a false positive. If we are not using OneDrive, professionals recommend saving work every 10-minutes. To try and prevent accidental loss of your work itis important to set Word so that it automatically saves your work at regular intervals. Itis not necessary to close one document before opening another document but closing a document ‘fees up more computer memory for other activities. Since each document opens in its own program window, you dont need an exit command, so you exit Word by using the Close button on the program window. And to protect your files, always save your documents and exit before tuming off the computer. Itindicates grammatical error. By default, Word automatically checks your document for speling and grammar errors, so you may not even need to run a separate spelling and grammar check. These errors are indicated by colored wavy lines. The blue line indicates a contextual speling errr. We use this command to display the active document as it would appear when printed. When you choose this command, the main window will be replaced with a print preview window in which one or two pages will be aisplayed in their printed format. The print preview toolbar offers you options to view either one or two pages at atime, move back and forth through the document then zoom in and out of pages and initiate a print job.

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