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Definition of marketing....
Answer :
Marketings are those who work for a company in charge of determining the value of a
product or service and communicating that information to customers. They make a purchase and
sale of a product or service on behalf of the company, including advertising products, sales and
shipping to people. They promote and sell products or services, including market research and
advertising. In addition, marketings also always try to attract the attention of consumers in
various ways such as by using slogans, packaging designs, celebrity endorsements and media
(print media and electronic media).

Type of Marketing..

1. Word of Mouth Marketing (WoMM)

Product information obtained by consumers from other consumers verbally and directly. Also
known as word of mouth promotion. Delivered directly.

2. Public Relation Marketing (PR Marketing)

Building relationships with consumers is an effective way to market products. The analogy is
that when consumer loyalty has been built, when the company launches a new product,

consumers will voluntarily buy the product .

3. Relationship Marketing
Building relationships with consumers is an effective way to market products. The analogy is
that when consumer loyalty has been built, when the company launches a new product,
consumers will voluntarily buy the product.

4. Digital Marketing
Digital marketing utilizes all its resources and assets online. Digital marketing or digital
marketing maximizes all the potential that exists on the internet in order to achieve company
targets. In addition, digital marketing is also an effective way to build a brand at a low cost. The
target market can also be determined because many advertising service providers have this

5. Branding
A product should have a target market, as well as a name or “brand,” to be recognized.
Branding is one of the types of marketing that has a function as a long-term promotion. Branding
often includes a name, slogan, and logo.
6. Broadcast ads
Radio as a marketing medium is one form of paid advertising that is commonly used by
companies or business owners. The concept of marketing to consumers in this way is very
potential because when turning on the radio the listeners really listen to what the announcer is
saying. Meanwhile, to reach customers broadly, advertising media can be used on television.

7. Multi-Level Marketing
Multi-level marketing is a direct, multi-person form of marketing in which a company recruits
and sells its products. Multi-level marketing is often known as network marketing because its
marketing personnel earn commissions from the products they market as well as marketing and
sales commissions from the network.

Functions of marketing..

1. Research Function
One of the marketing activities is to dig up information about a product that is needed by
consumers or develop an existing product about its advantages and disadvantages, then report all
the data to the company for immediate action
2. Promotion Function
Promotion is a form of marketing communication carried out by marketers to provide information
and offer a product or service with the aim that prospective consumers are interested and make
purchasing decisions so that companies can obtain maximum and satisfactory results.
3. Promotion Function
Promotion is a form of marketing communication carried out by marketers to provide information
and offer a product or service with the aim that prospective consumers are interested and make
purchasing decisions so that companies can obtain maximum and satisfactory results.
4. Facility Provision Function
Marketing functions to provide facilities because it is closely related to activities that are able to
guide the course of marketing operations. This function includes all processes of information
gathering, communication, sorting and financing.
5. Sales Function
Marketing activities must be done to get a satisfactory income. In this case, marketing
functions to generate income for the company by offering and selling products produced
by the company in order to create sales which can be in the form of activities that bring
together buyers and sellers.
6. Intermediary Function
For the smooth running of a company's business activities, there needs to be a way to be able to
channel products that have been produced by producers to consumers.
This is done through marketing or marketing intermediaries whose job is to link exchange
activities with physical distribution. The intermediary function activities include financing,
information seeking, product classification, and so on.
2. Multi Level Marketing
Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing as it is called world over happens to be a fast
growing phenomenon. The fact that anyone, anywhere can become a distributor and earn income
from building the network without having to sacrifice any other occupation or additional investment
into this business makes it very attractive for people from all walks of life to attempt at joining the
network. It is estimated that in US alone over 70 percent of the Direct Selling Revenues come from
Network Marketing. Though no figures are available to confirm the revenue figures at national level,
over 50 million people are estimated to be engaged in Multi Level Marketing all over the world.
The concept of Multi Level or Network selling seems to have emerged accidently when the
Distributors discovered that they were generating more sales for the Company by referring their
friends and known people to the business opportunity available with Nutralite. At this point of time,
there was no system in place to recognize and reward the distributors for their efforts in recruiting
other Distributors for the company. With the realization dawning on the Distributors and the
Company, the system of paying 2 percent bonus to the sponsor Distributor on the sales that were
achieved by the Distributor and the network that he sponsored or built was introduced. This then led
to the birth of modern day system of ‘Pyramid Selling’.

 Why is MLM an Opportunity for Anyone and Everyone

For those who do not know the concept, seeing a phenomenon of networking and selling
through the network might be puzzling as well as interesting. The marketers are only too eager to
sit down and explain the concept and the working methodology to you and urge you to join the
network. Whether you are a busy professional or a student aspiring to build a career, joining and
doing business with MLM network works for you. There are several reasons why people from all
walks of life choose to join the MLM networks.

 MLM is for Anyone and Everyone

What makes this concept most inviting and attractive is the fact that anybody can join and
benefit from the scheme irrespective of your age, qualification or experience. You will find people
with no business background or financial backing having made their millions with MLM network
business. These millionaires have not had any education or financial backup that helped them
reach heights. Sheer hard work and focus that they have invested into MLM network has yielded
such fruits.
The MLM method of business gives a common man a chance to dream and make it big
as a millionaire. There are no limitations to how much you can earn. The more you perform, the
more you get to earn. The real life cases of people who made their millions with MLM sales show
that your goals are achievable.

 No Investment Business
When an MLM Distributor tells you that you can get into this business without any
investment and start earning almost immediately, you are not likely to believe. But this is true that
in MLM business, you do not need to invest in holding any inventories, no retain space,
showroom or office is required to be setup. You do not need to leave your job or sacrifice your
career. The potential to earn is unlimited and enormous.

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