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2, MARCH 2015

PEV Charging Control Considering Transformer

Life and Experimental Validation of a 25 kVA
Distribution Transformer
Qiuming Gong, Member, IEEE, Shawn Midlam-Mohler, Emmanuele Serra, Vincenzo Marano,
and Giorgio Rizzoni, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—When considering the characteristics of electric the importance of understanding how the PEV charging at the
power systems in the U.S., the local distribution is the most residential level affects the distribution network by proposing
likely part to be adversely affected by the unregulated plug- a PEV distribution circuit impact model. In [3], works on the
in electric vehicle (PEV) charging. The increased load that can
result from unregulated charging of PEVs could dramatically impact on the distribution grid are reviewed and categorized
accelerate the aging of electrical transformers. In this paper, the depending on whether the PEV charging is seen as an
control strategies that can mitigate or eliminate the accelerated active load or an energy storage device. Besides this duality,
aging that could result from load peaks caused by PEV charging Gong et al. [3] also report work coping with grid stability
is developed. The aging model makes it possible to develop charg- issues. Dharmakeerthi et al. [4] perform a review on PEV
ing control strategies that protect the transformer system while
maximizing overall PEV charging quality. The charging control charging impact on the power grid from a slightly different
policy makes use of load prediction algorithms using data-driven point of view. They consider the challenges/opportunities that
models that are based on actual electricity consumption data. The electric utilities and, in limited ways, automobile industries
experimental tests are done to calibrate the thermal model of a will have to face/exploit in order to achieve a good level of
25 kVA distribution transformer and validate the effectiveness of integration of PEVs and the power grid.
the control strategy.
The challenge of integrating residential PEV charging seam-
Index Terms—Distribution transformer, grid interaction, lessly in the current distribution network offers the opportunity
plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs), smart charging. to encourage their market penetration. Moreover, it is a com-
mon belief that the electric mobility spreading will benefit
I. I NTRODUCTION individual transportation in reference to fossil fuel dependency
HE INCREASED number of plug-in electric and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Finally, the PEV
T vehicles (briefly, PEVs) in the near future arises
challenges and offers new opportunities to the smart grid
electric load can also be seen as an energy storage system in
the V2G paradigm, or they can facilitate the development of
research community at the same time. A first literature survey community energy storage systems by means of PEV aged
on the impact of PEV deployment, which reviews among the batteries second use (see [5], [6]).
others researches conducted by the National Laboratories, is However, the main concern arises when it comes to deal
presented in [1]. According to the authors, even though the with the extra burden deriving by the uncoordinated connec-
current electric network is capable of handling most of the tion of an increasing number of electric loads to the residential
future PEV charging requests, the integration of smart grid outlets. Electric utilities are willing to figure out what is going
concepts is mandatory to completely exploit the possibilities to happen to the electric grid bottleneck (namely, the distri-
of PEVs and to enable the distribution network to host bution transformers installed at the neighborhood level which
advanced grid technologies such as vehicle-to-grid [namely, serves a few household units) in different PEV market penetra-
vehicle-to-grid (V2G)] systems. Farmer et al. [2] emphasize tion scenarios. In fact, as pointed out in [7], in high-integration
level scenario, transformer temporary overloading is admis-
Manuscript received October 1, 2013; revised March 22, 2014 and sible as long as a subsequent recovery strategy to decrease
July 26, 2014; accepted October 10, 2014. Date of publication
November 20, 2014; date of current version February 16, 2015. This work was the transformer temperature is provided. Hilshey et al. [8]
supported in part by the SMART@CAR Consortium members at the Ohio study the charging impact on distribution transformer life bases
State University Center for Automotive Research, and in part by the U.S. on IEEE guide Annex G model. Nevertheless, according to
Department of Energy Graduate Automotive Technology Education Center of
Excellence under Grant DE FG26 05NT42616. Paper no. TSG-00757-2013. Masoum et al. [9] there is a lack of knowledge about the distri-
Q. Gong is with Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI 48124 USA. bution transformer performances in PEV residential charging
S. Midlam-Mohler, E. Serra, and G. Rizzoni are with the Center for scenarios. Furthermore, Moses et al. [10] argue that what is
Automotive Research, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH 43212 USA (e-mail: midlam-mohler.1@osu.edu). needed is a deep understanding of the impact of unregulated
V. Marano is with the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of PEV charging onto the distribution network because it is very
Salerno, Fisciano 84084, Italy. unlikely that its infrastructure will be able to support smart
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. charging control strategies in the near future. In other words,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSG.2014.2365452 it can be possible that the PEV market diffusion outpaces the
1949-3053 c 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

development of the smart grid, requiring an in depth awareness the charging in terms of loss of life of a real off-the-shelf
of the behavior of the local distribution circuits (namely, distribution transformer, and the proposed control strategies
transformers and connection cables) thermal dynamics under are also validated based on the experimental tests.
PEV loads. As previously pointed out, Dharmakeerthi et al. [4] The remaining of this paper is organized as follows. The
reviewed the paper dealing with the impact on the distribution transformer thermal and aging modeling which is integrated
system assets. Most of this paper has been carried out at the in the control problem is summarized in Section II. The
system level meaning that the interaction of a large number of improvement of the predictive charging control strategy is
components (which in this case are transformers and cables) is briefly described in Section III, followed by some performance
investigated by means of simulation or measurements collected improvements results in Section IV. The transformer thermal
on actual devices. model is calibrated for a 25 kVA transformer in Section V,
Summarizing, survey papers agree that the current distri- and the control strategy is validated in Section VI, followed
bution network assets are able to support the future PEV by the conclusion in Section VII.
charging load providing that smart charging strategies are
put into operation. One possible manner to classify the stud- II. T RANSFORMER T HERMAL AND AGING M ODELING
ies on PEV optimal charging control is by the objective The objective of this paper is to study the PEV charging
of their optimization. The goal of the optimization process impact on the distribution transformer systems, and designing
can be either economical, environmental, or related to the a charging control strategy which can minimize the impact.
customer satisfaction. In [11], a full chapter is dedicated Due to the fact that the distribution transformer life is very
to the optimal charging control of PEVs. This reference is sensitive to the winding hot-spot temperature as pointed by
a good source of papers on the topic of smart charging IEEE Standard C57.91-1995 [21], the transformer aging and
strategies. According to the authors, coordination strategies thermal models are used in this paper [18]–[20].
can be classified into two categories: 1) centralized strate- The transformer aging is estimated based on the knowledge
gies; and 2) decentralized or distributed strategies, depending of the hot-spot temperature which should be obtained by a
on which kind of information is available to the individual transformer thermal model. Susa et al. [22] did quite extensive
PEV. The paper presented in [12] is an example of decen- work in the dynamic thermal modeling, experimental valida-
tralized charging control which can be seen as a form of tion of transformer, and they compared their model results to
finite-horizon noncooperative dynamic game. It is proved that the IEEE Annex G model [21] to validate the effectiveness of
the demand-dependent price scheme leads the system asymp- their dynamic model. Due to the less parameter involved in
totically toward a Nash equilibrium. Another decentralized the model, the dynamic model proposed in [22] is used for the
charging algorithm is proposed in [13]. Electricity generation hot-spot temperature estimation in this paper. Detailed usage
cost and carbon dioxide emissions are minimized by means of of the thermal model is described in [18].
a decentralized charging algorithm for load shifting (conceived
emulating optimal charging pattern obtained as solution of a III. S MART C HARGING S TRATEGY BASED ON
linear programming problem) and frequency regulation algo- L OAD P REDICTION
rithm based on frequency droop (which can be implemented
in a decentralized way). Based on the models in Section II, the transformer loss of
Mets et al. [14] assumed that the charging rate can be life can be estimated for different power load and ambient tem-
controlled and that PEV charging duration is known, lever- perature conditions. A control strategy can be designed with
age quadratic programming to minimize the peak load, and the objective to balance the minimization of the transformer
flatten the overall load profile. The resultant smart energy loss of life and the maximization of customer satisfaction.
control strategy is exploited in this paper as an element of The intelligent charging of the PEVs is based on the res-
comparison and will be referred as the average transformer idential base load prediction, which means to predict the
load approach. Likewise in [15], stochastic quadratic and future 12–24 h base load so that we can plan the charging load
dynamic programming techniques are employed to minimize more intelligently. The prediction period is chosen based on
the power losses and to maximize the main grid load factor. the daily base load consideration. A predictive control strategy
Sortomme et al. [16] developed three optimal charging algo- is proposed in [19], which involves detailed load prediction
rithms which unveil the connection among feeder losses, load and the charging resource allocation. In this section, the brief
factor, and load variance. Moreover, the trend that it is pos- summary of the control strategy is presented based on earlier
sible to infer from survey studies evolution is that the recent work, and some improvement in base load prediction will be
research is focusing its interest in the distribution level of the shown together with the improved performance results which
power grid rather than in the transmission level [17]. are not included in [19].
In this paper, we propose a smart charging control strategy
leverages residential base load prediction. The optimization A. Data-Driven Base Load Prediction Using ARMA Model
objective is pursued by means of a tradeoff between the With Information Update
minimization of the transformer loss of life and the maxi- In [23], an auto regressive moving average (ARMA) model-
mization of the charging service quality. The novelty of our based prediction is used for this paper considering the easy
approach to the problem of PEV charging impact on the dis- implementation of the model (1). The model is further mod-
tribution grid consists in taking into account the effect of ified and improved in this paper for the control strategy

development. The historical base load data and the temper- presented in [19]. If not considering the customer satisfaction
ature data are used together to predict the future base load, issue, the single objective optimization problem considering
due to the fact that the ambient temperature is correlated with only the distribution transformer loss of life can be described
base load as pointed out by [24] as follows:
L(t) + a1 L(t − 1) + · · · + aM1 L(t − M1 ) min Jlol = f (θoil (s), θhs (s), u(s), θamb (s), ts )
= b0 θamb (t) + b1 θamb (t − 1) + · · · + bM2 θamb (t − M2 ) (1) s=l
where L is the base load ratio, θamb is the ambient temperature,
ai and bj with i {0, . . . , M1 }, and j {0, . . . , M2 } are param- 
s.t. u(s) · ts = (SoCk (l) · Ck ) + δ(l) (3)
eters of the model. M 1 and M 2 are the orders of output and
s=l k=1
input. Detailed training and case study of the model can be
found in [23]. j
u(s) ≤ g(SoCk ) (4)
The hourly sampled base load data for a 25 kVA trans-
former and the corresponding ambient temperature data near
Columbus, OH, are used for the model fitting [23]. The orders where f is transformer loss of life model, which is a dynamic
of M 1 and M 2 are chosen as 48 based on the best fit values function of total load on the transformer and transformer tem-
for predicting the future 12–24 h load. peratures (θoil is top-oil temperature, θhs is winding hot-spot
Reference [23] is based on one time prediction for the temperature, and θamb is ambient temperature) as described in
future 12–24 h load. The prediction error will propagate and transformer thermal and aging modeling section; u(s) is the
increase with the increased number of prediction steps. This total charging load for all the available PEVs based on the
problem can be reduced by updating the base load information predicted base load (the distribution of this load to each PEV
during the prediction process, which means instead of predict- will be discussed in the next step); Ck is the battery capacity
ing the next step based on predicted current step, the real base of the kth PEV; δ(l) is the uncertain term of the future arriving
load data of the current step can be used. The improved pre- PEV energy demand since at current step l, the future battery
diction model will be used in the control strategy, and the energy requirements are unknown; g(SoCk ) is the charg-
corresponding performance improvement will be discussed in ing rate constraint model (the battery charging characteristic
next section. curve is set as the charging rate limit). The constraint in (3)
represents the battery energy demand constraint. To tackle the
uncertainty term δ(l ) in the charging demand constraint, three
B. Smart Charging Strategy Based on Load Prediction
sub-strategies (A, B, C) are proposed for real-time application
Before discussing the real-time applicable control strategy as discussed in [19].
that takes into account the real PEV plug-in time, real depart-
ing time, and real plug-in SoCs, simple scenarios are studied IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS OF THE C ONTROL S TRATEGY
first in [23] for the optimization problem. Three charging
strategies are proposed and compared to find the potential In [19], some simulation results for the control strategy
of optimal charging. The three strategies are: 1) genetic are presented focusing on the charge rate distribution. In
algorithm-based strategy; 2) average charging load strategy; this section, the data-driven base load information update
and 3) average transformer load strategy. Detailed description effect on performance improvement is studied which is not
of the three strategies can be found in [23]. covered in [19].
Based on this paper in [23], the genetic algorithm-based The study case is six houses with six PEVs fed by a
strategy and the average transformer load strategy have very 25 kVA transformer. To capture the variation of battery SoCs
close performances with less than 2% differences and are caused by different daily driving patterns, Monte Carlo-based
much better than average charging load strategy. Considering large-scale simulation approach is used for estimation of the
that the genetic algorithm-based strategy is much more compu- plug-in SoC of PEVs after daily driving as presented in [18].
tationally expensive than the average transformer load strategy, The plug-in time and departing time distributions are obtained
the average transformer load strategy is much easier for from the survey data of the National Household Transportation
real-time implementation. It will be used for the real-time Survey [25], assuming that the PEVs are plugged-in immedi-
applicable control strategy development. ately after arriving home. The work in this paper is focused
Reference [23] is based on very simple scenarios, and is on the residential case, not the public charging scenario in
far away from real-time implementation. So we proposed a charging stations.
real-time applicable algorithm, which is designed to be able
to handle the uncertainties in vehicle arrival time, leaving A. Performance Improvement for Base Load Update
time, and arrival SoC [19]. There are generally four major To take into account the variations of base load for different
steps in each loop: 1) predict the base load using historical days and the variations of load prediction errors, the charg-
data; 2) update the PEV information; 3) obtain the optimal ing strategy is applied to the two months data in Summer
total charging load with three optional sub-strategies; and of 2009. At this step, the same departing time is assumed,
4) distribute the charging rate to the PEV queue. Detailed so 18 h prediction is set as the prediction period. The sim-
descriptions of the sub-strategies and the whole process are ulation results for the three different sub-strategies with and


without load information update for prediction are shown in

Table I. Generally, the three sub-strategies (A, B, C) are much
better than the average charging load strategy, especially sub-
strategy B. With the load information update for prediction, Fig. 1. Environmental chamber tests of 25 kVA transformer.
there is about 17% improvement for sub-strategy B.
An additional solution is analyzed with all PEVs infor-
A. Experimental Setup
mation available, including plug-in time and battery energy
requirements, namely optimal result. This solution provides Since the objective of this paper is to test the transformer
an optimal solution, used as benchmark. thermal effect and the corresponding temperature responses,
the thermal effect caused by the current load is the focus of the
B. Charging Resource Distribution experimental test. High voltage ac environment is unsafe for
the transformer tests, so instead of powering the transformer
For the charging rate distribution portion in the algorithm,
with ac current, the dc power is used to test the thermal effects.
detailed discussion can be found in [19]. For the two pro-
The core loss in ac current is taken into account. Both of the
posed approaches, the departing time priority approach has
primary and secondary windings are powered with dc current
steeper slope, while the balance SoC approach can make the
inputs. The ratio of the currents on primary and secondary
SoC trajectories grow gradually [19]. Generally, the balance
windings is calculated based on the transformer parameters
SoC strategy is more effective from the customer satisfaction
on the name plate.
aspect. To quantitatively describe the quality of charging ser-
This dc environment tests make the thermocouple mea-
vice, a satisfaction factor is defined in [19] to measure average
surement possible instead of using the fiber optics, which is
departing SoC values
much more expensive, and more complicated to install. In
fsat = mean(SoC) + range(SoC). (5) the experimental tests, the thermocouples are used to measure
the oil, tank, and environmental temperatures and hypodermic
If taking both the transformer loss of life and customer satis- needle probes are used for winding temperature measure-
faction into the optimization problem, there will be a trade-off ment. In [20], some simple testes for oil are done for the
between the two transformer without environmental chamber, and the wind-
min J = α · Jlol + γ · fsat . (6) ing tests are also not included. Here, more accurate tests
by placing the transformer into an environmental chamber
This means, by tuning the control algorithm, to make the are carried out, due to the advantage that the environmental
customers get more satisfied with their departing battery SoC, chamber can provide accurate desired ambient temperature.
there will be some more sacrifice on transformer loss of life. The environmental chamber is very critical for the exper-
Detailed trade-off curve can be found in [19]. iments, because it can guarantee the ambient temperature
control for the tests. For example, for the constant tem-
V. E XPERIMENTAL T ESTS ON THE T RANSFORMER perature tests, it can provide the exactly accurate constant
The smart charging control strategies are presented in ear- ambient temperature value. It makes the control strategy vali-
lier sections which show great improvement of performance dation possible, since the time-varying ambient temperature
to minimize transformer loss of life while maintaining cus- curve can be programmed into the chamber to mimic the
tomer satisfaction compared to the simple average charging real-world ambient condition for the case used in simulation
load strategy. The simulation study is based on a distribution model.
transformer model that is obtained from earlier literatures. To The experimental set-up for the transformer is shown in
validate the effectiveness of the simulation model and the con- Fig. 1 with the following equipment: 1) 25 kVA residential
trol strategy, a 25 kVA transformer is used for experimental distribution transformer; 2) dc power suppliers; 3) National
tests to calibrate the model parameters. Instrument LS-9163 data acquisition system; 4) OMEGA
The control strategies will also be validated based on the TMTSS-062u-32 thermocouples; 5) OMEGA hypodermic
real 25 kVA transformer tests in the next section. needle probes; and 6) environmental chamber.

Fig. 2. Thermocouples location on the transformer.

Fig. 3. Test results for top-winding temperatures.

The diagram of the locations of thermocouples is shown nominal value for the dc loss, and Rw is general sign for the
in Fig. 2. Four thermocouples are placed at different loca- winding resistance, which represents primary winding resis-
tions in the top-oil to measure the top-oil temperature, four tance and secondary winding. The measurement of resistances
are set at different depths in oil till the bottom, four are put for primary and secondary windings is described in the later
on the tank of the transformer, and another two are used to subsection. Both primary and secondary windings are pow-
measure the ambient temperature. So far, due to the difficul- ered with dc current based on the transformer characteristics,
ties in measuring the hot-spot winding temperature directly to mimic the actual heat loss situation
by thermocouples, two needle probes are placed at the top 2
Itotal Rw = Idc
Rw + Pac . (8)
of windings to measure the top-winding temperature. The
direct measurement of hot-spot temperature needs compli-
C. Constant Load Ratio Test Results
cated experimental setup and expensive measure equipments.
Though the measured results of windings are not the hot-spot The average of the residential distribution transformer base
as desired, it does not affect the structure of this paper. The load ratio is about 0.4–0.5 and the range is 0.2–1 based
essence of the control strategy is cutting the peak temperature. on the data obtained from an electric utility. When PEVs
Since the hot-spot temperature is much higher and responses are charged, the total load ratio can rise even to more than
faster based on the model parameters, the strategy effect of 1.5 depending on the PEV market penetration when constant
cutting the peak temperature would be even better than the level 2 charging is taken and no regulation added [18]. To val-
top-winding. idate the simulation model used in this paper, a set of constant
load ratio tests which represent step response are carried out
for 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, and 1.3. The transformer is put into a
B. AC Loss Compensation
programmable environmental chamber so that different ambi-
In this paper, we performed all the aging experiments using ent temperatures can be set. Considering the safety of the
dc currents. In a real setting, a transformer sees ac currents. transformer, load ratios higher than 1.3 are not tested.
The power loss of a transformer in ac environment should Since four thermocouples are used for top-oil temperature
include the dc and ac loss as shown in (7), where Ploss is measurement and two needle probes are used for winding tem-
the total loss, Pdc is the winding dc loss, and Pac is the ac perature measurement, the results in this paper will be the
loss. The winding resistance dominates the dc loss, while the average of each group of them. The winding temperature val-
hysteresis and eddy current losses contribute to the ac loss. So ues for different load ratios are shown in Fig. 3. The winding
there is need to compensate for the ac loss when testing the temperatures increase gradually and reach the peak values.
transformer with just dc currents When the transformer reaches the steady state, the power is
shut down, and the transformer is cooled down without power
Ploss = Pdc + Pac . (7)
load. Similar results are obtained for top-oil temperatures. The
Based on the data from an electric utility, the ac loss value winding temperature is much higher and responds faster to the
for this specific 25 kVA transformer is about 51 W. This value top-oil temperature for the same load.
is used in this paper to calculate the required dc current load
inputs in experiments. The required actual current load input D. Model Fit for Top-Oil and Top-Winding
to the transformer in the dc environment should be calculated As mentioned earlier, the 25 kVA transformer under test
by (8), where Itotal is the actual total load input, Idc is the may have different parameters to the model used in simulation.


Similarly, assuming that the other parameters in the hot-spot

temperature model are comparable, rated hot-spot winding
temperature rise θwinding,rated and winding time constant
τwinding,rated are the model fitting parameters. As mentioned
earlier, hot-spot temperature in this paper is not measured
directly with current available equipments, while the top-
Fig. 4. Best fit of the simulation model to the test data. winding temperature is measured instead. But the hot-spot
model is used here to find the characteristics of top-winding
temperature. The validation of using the model is shown in
Based on the tested data in the above subsection, the top-oil the next section.
and winding parameters can be fitted and calibrated. There are The calibration results for top-winding are also collected
mainly two differences when comparing the simulation results in Table II using the same calibration method for the top-
of top-oil temperature with the real test data: the steady state oil model. From the results, the values of θwinding,rated are
value gap and the response time lag. Based on the analysis of very close under different load ratios. The calibrated values
the top-oil thermal model, assuming that the other variables of τwinding,rated are ranging from 43 to 60 min when the load
are comparable, we can infer that the steady state value dif- ratios are close to 1. Generally, the top-winding temperature
ference is mainly affected by θoil,rated, while the response is much lower than the hot-spot temperature which has the
time delay is mainly affected by τoil,rated . The values used for rated temperature rise of 30 ◦ C in the simulation model, and
the simulation model are 38 ◦ C and 150 min, respectively for it also responses much slower than the hot-spot of winding
these two parameters. To fit the simulation model to the test which has a time constant of only 6 min in the simulation
data, a cost function in (9) is defined to be minimized in order model.
to find the optimal values of θoil,rated and τoil,rated
E. Winding Resistance Test
min Joil = (θoil_S (t) − θoil_T (t))2 (9)
For the winding resistance Rw , since both the voltage VW
and the current IW through the windings can be measured
where θoil_S is the simulated oil temperature and θoil_T is the directly, the winding resistance can be estimated with (10).
tested oil temperature. Here, the winding resistance Rw represents both the primary
A 3-D map can be obtained by computing the least square winding resistance Rwp and the secondary resistance Rws
metered for the different combination of the two parameter
values. The searching method is used to find the best fit value Rw = Vw /Iw . (10)
which corresponds to the minimum value on the map. For
example, the best fit parameter values for load ratio of 0.8 are By setting the environmental chamber at different temper-
θoil,rated = 40 ◦ C and τoil,rated = 155 min, which are very atures, and letting the transformer be heated to steady state,
close to the values used in the simulation study. The com- the resistance tests are carried out under different tempera-
parison of the simulation results and test data for this case is ture. The estimated primary winding resistances at different
shown in Fig. 4. temperatures are plotted in Fig. 5. The plots have very good
The results of the best fit parameters for all of the six load linear trend. Similar results are obtained also for the secondary
ratios are collected in Table II. The values of θoil,rated are winding resistance.
ranging from 30 ◦ C to 40 ◦ C when the load ratio values are The resistances increase when the winding temperature
around 1, which are close to the value used in the simulation increases during the experiments, following (11) where R0
model (38 ◦ C). The top-oil time constant values are relatively is the initial value of resistance (e.g., resistance at 0 ◦ C),
close ranging from 150 to 165 min, when the load ratio values and β is the resistance temperature coefficient of wind-
are around 1. In the simulation model, the time constant value ing. Based on the tests, the resistance temperature coef-
is chosen as 150 min based on [22]. Based on the test results, ficients for primary winding and secondary winding are
the tested transformer top-oil time constant values are close to 0.0044071/K and 0.0043361/K, respectively, which are very
the values used in the simulation model. close to the value of the same material (aluminum)

Fig. 5. Tested primary winding resistance.

Fig. 6. Simulated hot-spot temperature responses.

from another report (0.0040411/K)

Rw = R0 (1 + β · T). (11)


A. Control Strategy Validation
In Section III, the smart charging control strategy consid-
ering all the uncertainties is presented. Within the strategy,
the key part is the optimization step. Based on simulations,
the average transformer load strategy can obtain nearly opti-
mal results by comparing to the genetic algorithm based
strategy, and they are much better than the average charg-
ing load strategy. If the experimental tests can show similar
effects, the proposed smart charging control strategy can be
validated to be effective. In this section, the experimental
test results will be presented to validate the control strategy.
Day 6 presented in [23] is chosen as the case study for exper-
imental tests. The prediction of the base load using ARMA Fig. 7. Tested top-winding temperature responses.
model, and the control results for the three strategies are
shown in [23].
To see the detailed responses of hot-spot temperatures, the optimal strategy; and 2) the average charging load strategy.
simulations results are compared in Fig. 6. When applying the To validate the control strategy, experimental tests for the
control results to the predicted base load which is for no error same case study are carried out. Hourly ambient tempera-
prediction assumption, the average transformer load strategy tures are programmed into the environmental chamber. The
and GA-based strategy have very close responses, and they first 6 h data are used to warm up the transformer to the
both try to make the hot-spot temperature as flat as possible. same initial temperature before adding the charging load. In
The average charging load strategy is not as smart as the other this paper, top-winding temperature results are used instead
two, so it generates a big temperature peak. When applying of hot-spot temperature to see the effectiveness of the control
the three control strategies to the actual base load, which take strategies. The comparison of winding temperature responses
the prediction error into account. The average transformer load are shown in Fig. 7. The advantage of the average transformer
strategy still has very close response to the GA-based strategy, load strategy (or GA-based strategy) is very obvious in reduc-
and their peak values are much lower than the average charging ing the winding temperature peak. Since hot-spot temperature
load strategy. responses faster, and has higher peak based on the time con-
Since the average transformer load strategy can obtain stant (τ ) and rated temperature rise (θ ) in the transformer
almost the same results as the GA-based strategy, the two will thermal model as presented in [18], the effect in cutting the
be considered to be the same for the experimental validation. peak temperatures for hot-spot should be even more obvious
Thus, only two strategies will be compared: 1) the GA-based than the other part of winding as indicated in Figs. 6 and 7.

the needles on the hot-spot of winding. The model parameters

are fitted based on the measured top-oil, winding temperature
responses. The base load prediction-based control strategy is
also validated using the measured winding temperature. The
advantage of the control strategy in reducing the load peak is
obvious from the test results.

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[9] A. S. Masoum, A. Abu-Siada, and A. Islam, “Impact of uncoordinated
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hour-to-hour. The model predicted winding temperature curve former in smart grid with charging stations,” in Proc. 2011 IEEE PES
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ters used in the simulation model are chosen from Table II plug-in electric vehicles,” in Proc. IEEE PES Innov. Smart Grid Technol.
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oil and winding temperature in an equivalent dc environment. [19] Q. Gong, S. Midlam-Mohler, V. Marano, and G. Rizzoni, “Distribution
of PEV charging resources to balance transformer life and customer
So far, two hypodermic probe needles are used to measure satisfaction,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Elect. Vehicle Conf. (IEVC), Greenville,
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[20] Q. Gong, S. Midlam-Mohler, E. Serra, V. Marano, and G. Rizzoni, Emmanuele Serra received the B.S., M.S., and
“Distribution transformer tests for PEV smart charging control,” Ph.D. degrees from the University of L’Aquila,
in Proc. IEEE Energytech, Cleveland, OH, USA, May 2012, pp. 1–6. L’Aquila, Italy, in 2003, 2006, and 2011, respec-
[21] IEEE Guide for Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Transformers, tively, all in control and computer engineering.
IEEE Standard C57.91-1995, 2012. Since 2012, he has been a Post-Doctoral
[22] D. Susa, M. Lehtonen, and H. Nordman, “Dynamic thermal model- Research Fellow with the Department of Electrical
ing of power transformers,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 20, no. 1, and Information Engineering, Center of Excellence
pp. 197–204, Jan. 2005. Design Methodologies of Embedded Controllers,
[23] Q. Gong, S. Midlam-Mohler, V. Marano, and G. Rizzoni, “Optimal Wireless Interconnect and System-On-Chip,
control of PEV charging based on residential base load prediction,” in University of L’Aquila. Post-Doctoral Research
Proc. ASME Dyn. Syst. Control Conf., Arlington, VA, USA, Nov. 2011, Fellow at the Ohio State University Center for
pp. 727–734. Automotive Research, Columbus, OH, USA. His current research interests
[24] H.-T. Yang, C.-M. Huang, and C.-L. Huang, “Identification of include the characterization of the impact of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs)
ARMAX model for short term load forecasting: An evolutionary on the electric grid, the energy management systems at the household level
programming approach,” in Proc. IEEE Power Ind. Comput. Appl. and at the neighborhood level, hybrid and control systems, and networked
Conf., Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 1995, pp. 325–330. [Online]. Available: control systems with a focus on failure detection and identification.
[25] A. Santos, N. McGuckin, H. Y. Nakamoto, D. Gray, and S. Liss,
“Summery of travel trends-2009 national household travel survey,” Vincenzo Marano received the B.S., M.S.,
U.S. Dept. Transp., Fed. Highway Admin., Washington, DC, USA, (cum laude) and Ph.D. degrees from the University
Tech. Rep. FHWA-PL-ll-022, 2011. of Salerno (UNISA), Fisciano, Italy, in 2003 and
2007, respectively, all in mechanical engineering.
In 2005, he joined the Ohio State University
Center for Automotive Research (OSU CAR),
Columbus, OH, USA, as a Visiting Scholar, and
was promoted to a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow,
a Research Associate, and a Senior Research
Qiuming Gong (M’07) received the B.S. degree
Associate in 2008, 2009, and 2010, respectively.
in automotive engineering from Jilin University,
From 2008 to 2013, he was a Program Manager at
Changchun, China, in 2003, and the M.S. and
the SMART@CAR Consortium, an international collaborative research and
Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from the
development program, OSU CAR, where he focused on PEVs and intelligent
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Milwaukee,
charging, sponsored by the major automotive original equipment manufac-
WI, USA, and Ohio State University, Columbus,
turers and electric utilities. In 2012, he joined the Department of Industrial
OH, USA, in 2007 and 2012, respectively.
Engineering, UNISA, as a Research Associate, and since 2014, he has been
He is currently an Electrified Vehicle System
serving as a Local Coordinator of the CO2 Reduction Laboratory (a joint lab-
Engineer with Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI,
oratory Magneti Marelli—UNISA). His current research interests include the
USA, where he researches advanced electrified pow-
broad areas of energy systems and alternative vehicles, PEVs, energy storage,
ertrain systems of Ford electrified vehicles. He was a
energy management, control strategies for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and
Graduate Research Associate at the Center for Automotive Research, at Ohio
their interaction with renewable energy sources and the grid. He has authored
State University, where he focused on plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) con-
over 70 scientific publications, and regularly serves as a reviewer for ISI jour-
trol and charging-related research from 2009 to 2012. His current research
nals and international conferences organized by the Society of Automotive
interests include control and optimization of PEVs, and its integration with
Engineers (SAE), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),
transportation and power sectors. He has authored over 30 peer-reviewed pub-
and IEEE, and has been an invited speaker at the International Panels on
Sustainable Transportation and Renewable Energy. In 2014, he was appointed
Dr. Gong was the recipient of the Ford Internal Go Further Award in 2014.
as a Research Fellow at the Center for Automotive and Mobility Innovation,
He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the
Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy. He manages research and development
Society of Automotive Engineers. He is also a technical track Co-Chair of
efforts, and is responsible for establishing/developing relationships with poten-
the IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) and the
tial and existing sponsors.
Expert Panel Organizer/Moderator on vehicle-to-grid (V2G) of ITEC 2014.
Dr. Marano is an ASME and SAE member.

Giorgio Rizzoni (F’04) received the B.S., M.S., and

Ph.D. degrees from the University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI, USA, in 1980, 1982, and 1986, respec-
tively, all in electrical and computer engineering.
From 1986 to 1990, he was a Post-Doctoral
Fellow, a Lecturer, and an Assistant Research
Shawn Midlam-Mohler received the Ph.D. Scientist at the University of Michigan. In 1990,
degree in mechanical engineering from Ohio State he joined the Department of Mechanical (now
University (OSU), Columbus, OH, USA, in 2005. Mechanical and Aerospace) Engineering at Ohio
He is currently an Assistant Professor of State University, Columbus, OH, USA, as an
Practice with the Department of Mechanical and Assistant Professor. He was promoted to Associate
Aerospace Engineering, an Associate Director of Professor in 1995 and to Professor in 2000. He was appointed as the
the Simulation Innovation and Modeling Center, Director of the Center for Automotive Research in 1999. Since 2002, he
the Director of the Motorsports Program, and an has been a Chair in Electromechanical Systems at Ford Motor Company,
Associate Fellow with the Center for Automotive Dearborn, MI, and also became a Professor in the Department of Electrical
Research at OSU. He is also the lead Advisor of and Computer Engineering. His current research interests include sustainable
OSU’s successful EcoCAR team and has a broad and safe mobility.
interest in the area of sustainable energy. His current research interests Prof. Rizzoni was the recipient of numerous teaching and research
include the area of model-based design of complex systems with a focus awards, including the Stanley Harrison Award for Excellence in Engineering
on advanced automotive powertrain systems, courses related to automotive Education, and the National Science Foundation Presidential Young
topics in the thermal and fluid sciences, as well as senior capstone design, Investigator Award for his specialization in dynamic systems and control.
project management, and systems engineering. He has authored over 60 He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and the
peer-reviewed publications and holds several patents. Society of Automotive Engineers.

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