IMP Physics Questions (For Boards)

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New Indian Era (NIE)

Most Important Question

Chapter 1- Rotational Dynamics

1). Describe Centripetal force and centrifugal force ?

2). Derive an Expression for Maximum Speed of a vehicle on a banked Road ?

3). Derive an expression for Most safe speed of a vehicle on a banked Road ?
4). Derive an expression for minimum speed of a vehicle inside a wall of death ?
5). Derive an expression for Parallel Axis theorem ?
6). Derive an expression for Perpendicular Axis Theorem?
7). Describe Sphere of Death ? And Conservation of Angular Momentum for an object
8). Define Moment of inertia and Radius OF Gyration ?

9). Derive and expression for torque in terms of moment of inertia ?

10). Derive and expression for Total energy (K.E + P.E) In Rolling
New Indian Era (NIE)
Important Question–Physics(Chapter 1)
1) What is Fluid ? Define ideal fluid and Properties of Fluids.(

2)Derive an expression for Pressure Due to a Liquid Column?(pg. no.28)

3) Define Pascal’s Law and what is Applications of Pascal’s Law?(

4) Define Angle of Contact and what is 1) acute angle of contact
2) obtuse angle of contact
3) Zero angle of contact
4) Angle of contact 900 and conditions for convexity
and concavity (
5) Describe in detail Capillary Action.(Capillary fall and Capillary rise) ( 42)

6) distinguish between Streamline flow and Turbulent flow.( 44)

7) How much amount of work is done in forming a soap bubble of radius r?

8) What is the basis of the Bernoulli’s principle?

9) Why is a low density liquid used as a manometric liquid in a physics laboratory?

10) Derive an expression of excess pressure inside a liquid drop.

11) Describe Ventury tube.(

12) What is Critical Velocity and Reynolds number ?(

13) Describe in detail Stokes’ Law.(pg. no.47)

14) Define Coefficient of viscosity ( 46)

15) Define Laplace’s law.(pg. no.41)

16) Define Surface Tension and describe Molecular Theory of Surface Tension. What is
1) Cohesive force
2) Adhesive force
3) Sphere of influence
4) Surface film
5) Free surface of a liquid(pg. no. 33)
New Indian Era (NIE)
Important Question–Physics(Chapter 2)
1) On what factors do the degrees of freedom depend?

2) On what factors do the degrees of freedom depend?

3) Define athermanous substances and diathermanous substances.

4) When a gas is heated its temperature increases. Explain this phenomenon based on kinetic
theory of gases.

5) State the law of equipartition of energy and hence calculate molar specific heat of mono-
and di-atomic gases at constant volume and constant pressure
6) Mention the conditions under which a real gas obeys ideal gas equation.

7) What is a perfect blackbody ? How can it be realized in practice?

8) State (i) Stefan-Boltmann law and (ii) Wein’s displacement law.

9) Explain spectral distribution of blackbody radiation.

10) State and prove Kirchhoff's law of heat radiation.

11) Describe Wien’s Displacement Law. (

12) Describe Coefficient of Emission or Emissivity.( 68)

13) Describe Absorption, Reflection and Transmission of Heat Radiation.(

14) Define Interaction of Thermal Radiation and Matter and Coefficient of reflection or
reflectance and Coefficient of transmission or transmittance.(pg. no. 65)
15) Deferent between Ideal Gas and Real Gas. (pg. no.57)

16) What is Mean Free Path? (

17) Describe Monatomic Gases, Diatomic Gases and Polyatomic Gases. (pg. no. 64)

18) Describe Emission of Heat Radiation.(pg. no. 67)

19) Describe Interaction of Thermal Radiation and Matter. (pg. no. 65)
New Indian Era (NIE)
Important Question–Physics(Chapter 4)
1) What sets the limits on efficiency of a heat engine?

2) Why should a Carnot cycle have two isothermal two adiabatic processes?

3) Describe Sterling Cycle.(pg. no. 106)

4) Describe The Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Carnot Cycle. ( 105)

5) Describe Carnot Refrigerator. ( 105)

6) Describe Significance of Reversibility in Thermodynamics. ( 104)

7) The figure shows the V-T diagram for one cycle of a
hypothetical heat engine which uses the ideal gas. Draw the p-V
diagram and p-T diagram of the system.

8) Describe The second law of thermodynamics, statement.( 102)

9) Describe Limitations of the First Law of Thermodynamics. (

10) What is Air conditioner and Heat Pump ?(

11) Describe The Heat Engine Cycle and the p-V Diagram.(

12) Describe in detail The p - V diagram( 85)

13) What is Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics ?( 76)

14) Describe Heat, Internal Energy and Work.(pg. no.77)

15) Describe Internal Energy.( 77)

16) Describe First Law of Thermodynamics: (Work and Heat are related)(pg. no. 80)

17) Describe Heat Added During a Thermodynamic Process. (pg. no.87)

18) Describe in detail 1) Reversible and Irreversible Processes
2) Isothermal process
3) Isobaric process
4) Isochoric process
5) Adiabatic process
6) Cyclic Process
(pg. no 88-95)

19) What is Free Expansion? (pg. no 95 )

New Indian Era (NIE)
Important Question– Physics(Chapter 5)
1) Define linear simple harmonic motion.

2) Using differential equation of linear S.H.M, obtain the expression for (a) velocity in S.H.M.,
(b) acceleration in S.H.M.

3) Obtain the expression for the period of a simple pendulum performing S.H.M.

4) State the laws of simple pendulum.

5) Prove that under certain conditions a magnet vibrating in uniform magnetic field performs
angular S.H.M.
6) Obtain the expression for the period of a magnet vibrating in a uniform magnetic field and
performing S.H.M

7) Show that a linear S.H.M. is the projection of a U.C.M. along any of its diameter.

8) Deduce the expressions for the kinetic energy and potential energy of a particle executing
S.H.M. Hence obtain the expression for total energy of a particle performing S.H.M and show
that the total energy is conserved. State the factors on which total energy depends.

9) Deduce the expression for period of simple pendulum. Hence state the factors on which its
period depends.

10) Describe Free Oscillations, Forced Oscillations and Resonance.(

11) Derive an expression for Damped Oscillations.(

12) Derive an expression for Magnet Vibrating in Uniform Magnetic Field.(

13) Distinguish between Conical pendulum and Simple pendulum.(

14) Describe Second’s Pendulum.(

15) Derive an expression for S.H.M. 1) Amplitude(A)

2) Period(T)
3) Frequency (n) (
16) Derive an expression for Differential Equation of S.H.M.(
New Indian Era (NIE)
Important Question– Physics(Chapter 6)
1) What are harmonics and overtones?

2) State the characteristics of progressive waves.

3) State the characteristics of stationary waves.

4) Derive an expression for equation of stationary wave on a stretched string.

5) State the laws of vibrating strings and explain how they can be verified using a sonometer.
6) Show that only odd harmonics are present in the vibrations of air column in a pipe closed at
one end.

7) Prove that all harmonics are present in the vibrations of the air column in a pipe open at
both ends.

8) Describe Musical instruments.(

9) What is 1) Loudness
2) Pitch
3) Quality or timbre (

10) What are the Applications of beats?(

11) Describe Laws of a Vibrating String.(

12) Derive an expression of Vibrations Produced in a String.(with diagram) (

13) Derive an expression of Practical Determination of End Connection.(

14) Derive an expression for Vibrations of air column in a pipe open at both ends.
(with diagram)(

15) Derive an expression for Vibrations of air column in a pipe closed at one end.
(with diagram) (

16) Describe Comparison of Progressive Waves and Stationary Waves.(

17) What are the Free and Forced Vibrations? (

18) Derive an expression of Equation of Stationary Wave on a Stretched String.(

19) What is Progressive Wave? Write down Properties of progressive waves.(

New Indian Era (NIE)
Important Question– Physics(Chapter 7)
1) What are primary and secondary sources of light?

2) What is a wavefront? How is it related to rays of light? What is the shape of the wavefront
at a point far away from the source of light?

3) In Young's double slit experiment what will we observe on the screen when white light is
incident on the slits but one slit is covered with a red filter and the other with a violet filter?
Give reasons for your answer.

4) Explain what is optical path length. How is it different from actual path length?
5) Derive the laws of reflection of light using Huygens’ principle.

6) Derive the laws of refraction of light using Huygens’ principle.

7) Explain what is meant by polarization and derive Malus’ law.

8) What is Brewster’s law? Derive the formula for Brewster angle?

9) Describe Young’s double slit interference experiment and derive conditions for occurrence
of dark and bright fringes on the screen. Define fringe width and derive a formula for it.

10) What are the conditions for obtaining good interference pattern? Give reasons.

11) What is meant by coherent sources? What are the two methods for obtaining coherent
sources in the laboratory?
12) What is diffraction of light? How does it differ from interference? What are Fraunhofer and
Fresnel diffractions?

13) Derive the conditions for bright and dark fringes produced due to diffraction by a single

14) Describe what is Rayleigh’s criterion for resolution. Explain it for a telescope and a
New Indian Era (NIE)
Important Question– Physics(Chapter 8)
1) Describe Gauss' Law and write down Application of Gauss' Law.(

2) Derive an Expression for potential energy.(

3) What is Zero potential? (

4) Write down Relation between electric field and electric potential.(

5) Derive an expression for Electric potential due to an electric dipole.(

6) Describe in detail Electrostatics potential due to a system of charges.(

7) Derive an expression for Equipotential Surfaces.(

8) what is Electrostatic Field? Describe a) Potential energy of a system of two point charges
b) Potential energy for a system of N point charges
c) Potential energy of a system of two charges in an external electric field
d) Potential energy of a dipole in an external field (

9) What is Polar dielectrics and Non Polar dielectrics ?(

10) What are the Uses of Capacitors ?(

11) What is Capacitors in series and Capacitors in Parallel ?(

12) Describe Van de Graaff Generator with Principle, Construction, Working and Uses
New Indian Era (NIE)
Most Important Question
Chapter 9 (Current Electricity)

1). What is Junction, Loop and Branch in Electrical Network ?

2). Explain Kirchoffs Law and sign Convention and Voltage law with sign conventions ?

3). Prove condition for balancing the Wheatstone bridge with Diagram ?
4). Explain 6-Points of Application of Wheatstone Bridge ?
5). Explain MeterBridge and Their Application ?
6). What is Potentiometer ? And explain their uses ?

7). Advantages of a Potentiometer Over a Voltmeter also write Merits and Demerits ?

8). How to convert a moving coil galvanometer (MCG ) into an

ammeter ? Also What is Shunt ? Also write uses of shunt ?

9). Differentiation Between Ammeter and Voltmeter ?

10).What is potential gradient? How is it measured? Explain.

New Indian Era (NIE)
Important Question–Physics (Chapter-10)
1) Derive an expression for Magnetic Force.(

2) Describe Cyclotron Motion.(

3) Derive an expression for Cyclotron Accelerator with diagram also prove that

4) Derive an expression for Magnetic Force on a Wire Carrying a Current.

(i) Straight wire
(ii) Arbitrarily shaped wire

5) Derive an expression of Moving Coil Galvanometer.(

6) derive an expression for Magnetic Dipole Moment.(

7) Derive an expression for Magnetic Field due to a Current : Biot-Savart Law . (

8) Derive an expression for Force of Attraction between two Long Parallel Wires.(
9) Derive an expression for Axial Magnetic Field Produced by Current in a Circular
10) Describe Ampere's Law .(

11) What is Toroid? Describe Toroid.(

New Indian Era (NIE)
Important Question–Physics (Chapter-11)
1) Which property of soft iron makes it useful for preparing electromagnet?

2) What happens to a ferromagnetic material when its temperature increases above curie
3) What should be retentivity and coercivity of permanent magnet?

4) Discuss the Curie law for paramagnetic material.

5) Obtain and expression for orbital magnetic moment of an electron rotating about the
nucleus in an atom.
6) What does the hysteresis loop represents?

7) Derive an expression for Torque Acting on a Magnetic Dipole in a Uniform Magnetic Field.

8) Derive an expression of Magnetic Moment of an Electron Revolving Around the Nucleus of an

9) Derive an expression for Magnetization and Magnetic Intensity.(
10) Describe Diamagnetism.(
11) Prove that

12) What is Paramagnetism? (

13) Describe Ferromagnetism a) Domain theory.(

14) Derive an expression for Effect of Temperature on Magnetic.(
15) Derive an expression for Hysteresis.(
New Indian Era (NIE)
Important Question– Physics(Chapter-12)
1) What do you mean by electromagnetic induction? State Faraday’s law of induction.

2) State and explain Lenz’s law in the light of principle of conservation of energy.

3) What are eddy currents? State applications of eddy currents.

4) Explain why the inductance of two coils connected in parallel is less than the inductance of
either coil.

5) Describe Transformer.(
6) Derive an expression for Alternative definitions of mutual inductance.(

7) Derive an expression for Mutual Inductance (M).(

8) Derive an expression of Inductances series 2. in parallel (

9) Describe Generators in detail. (

10) Derive an expression of Self-Inductance.(

11) Explain Definition of L (

New Indian Era (NIE)
Important Question– Physics(Chapter-13)
1) Derive an expression of AC Generator.(

2) Explain Phasor diagram of AC voltage applied to a resistor.(

3) Describe Different Types of AC Circuits.(

4) Derive an expression of RMS value.(

5) Derive an expression of AC voltage applied to a capacitor.(

6) Distinguish between Resistance and Reactance.(

7) Derive an expression of Average power associated with an inductor.(

8) Derive an expression of Average power in LCR Circuit.(

9) Describe Choke Coil.(

10) The total impedance of a circuit decreases when a capacitor is added in series with L and R.
Explain why ?

11) For very high frequency AC supply, a capacitor behaves like a pure conductor. Why ?

12) What is wattless current ?

13) What is the natural frequency of L C circuit ? What is the reactance of this circuit at this
New Indian Era (NIE)
Important Question– Physics(Chapter-14)
1) Derive an expression of The Photoelectric Effect.(
2) Describe Einstein’s Postulate of Quantization of Energy and the Photoelectric

3) Describe Wave-Particle Duality of Electromagnetic Radiation.(

4) Derive an expression of Wave-Particle Duality of Matter.(

5) Describe De Broglie Hypothesis.(

6) Describe Photo Cell.(

7) What is photoelectric effect?

8) Can microwaves be used in the experiment on photoelectric effect?

9) Is it always possible to see photoelectric effect with red light?

New Indian Era (NIE)
Important Question– Physics(Chapter-16)
1) Why is the base of a transistor made thin and is lightly doped?
2) How is a Zener diode different than an ordinary diode?

3) On which factors does the wavelength of light emitted by a LED depend?

4) Why should a photodiode be operated in reverse biased mode?

5) State the principle and uses of a solar Cell.

6) Draw the circuit diagram of a half wave rectifier. Explain its working. What is the frequency
of ripple in its output?
7) Why do we need filters in a power supply?

8) Draw a neat diagram of a full wave rectifier and explain it’s working.

9) Explain how a Zener diode maintains constant voltage across a load.

10) Explain the forward and the reverse characteristic of a Zener diode.

11) Explain the working of a LED.

12) Explain the construction and working of solar cell.

13) Explain the principle of operation of a photodiode.

14) What do you mean by a logic gate, a truth table and a Boolean expression?

15) What is logic gate? Write down the truth table and Boolean expression for ‘AND’ gate.
16) What are the uses of logic gates? Why is a NOT gate known as an inverter?

17) Write the Boolean expression for:

(i) OR gate
(ii) AND gate
(iii) NAND Gate.

18) Define 𝛼 and 𝛽 Derive the relation between then.

New Indian Era (NIE)
Important Question– Physics(Chapter-16)
1) Why is the base of a transistor made thin and is lightly doped?
2) How is a Zener diode different than an ordinary diode?

3) On which factors does the wavelength of light emitted by a LED depend?

4) Why should a photodiode be operated in reverse biased mode?

5) State the principle and uses of a solar Cell.

6) Draw the circuit diagram of a half wave rectifier. Explain its working. What is the frequency
of ripple in its output?
7) Why do we need filters in a power supply?

8) Draw a neat diagram of a full wave rectifier and explain it’s working.

9) Explain how a Zener diode maintains constant voltage across a load.

10) Explain the forward and the reverse characteristic of a Zener diode.

11) Explain the working of a LED.

12) Explain the construction and working of solar cell.

13) Explain the principle of operation of a photodiode.

14) What do you mean by a logic gate, a truth table and a Boolean expression?

15) What is logic gate? Write down the truth table and Boolean expression for ‘AND’ gate.
16) What are the uses of logic gates? Why is a NOT gate known as an inverter?

17) Write the Boolean expression for:

(i) OR gate
(ii) AND gate
(iii) NAND Gate.

18) Define 𝛼 and 𝛽 Derive the relation between then.

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