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Purposive Communication 1.

It has issues when communicating with

distant people.
Communication (came from the Latin term 2. It is difficult for certain people to
‘communicare’ which means to share) is the act understand speech due to various
of conveying meaning to a person or a group of speech tones used in verbal
people using mutually understood symbols, communication.
gestures, behavior, and semiotic rules. 3. This form of communication is not
suitable for lengthy message.
Communication is beyond simply putting words
into thoughts and emotions. It is done 4. There is chance of leak of secret
effectively only when information is transmitted information with the help of modern
without changing both the content and context devices such as polygraph or lie
of the message. Simply put, communication detector. Often secret information can
is the art of creating and sharing ideas for a be obtained while the person is under
specific purpose. It comes in many forms: the influence of alcohol.
• Verbal communication, which includes the use
• Non-verbal communication, which includes
of language, sounds, and tone of voice
body language and facial expressions.
Verbal Communication: Oral- Advantages
- Type of communication that does
1. It brings quick feedback. not involve words.
2. In a face-to-face conversation, by
It has three elements:
reading facial expression and body
language one can guess whether he/she 1. Appearance (speaker) - Clothing, hairstyle,
should trust what‘s being said or not. neatness, use of cosmetics; Appearance
3. It saves time in communication. (surrounding) room size, lighting, decorations,
4. It is quick in obtaining feedback once furnishings
5. It provides complete understanding of 2. Body language - facial expressions, gestures,
communication delivered and there is postures
chance to make it clearer in case of
3. Sounds - voice tone, volume, speech rate
doubts in interpretation of words or
ideas. Advantages
6. It is more reliable method of
communication. 1. Provides clarity.
7. It is flexible and effective for all. 2. Reduces wastage of time.
8. It is powerful means of persuasion and
control. 3. Quicker transmission of message.
9. It is cheaper way of communication and
4. Help to handicapped people.
hence saves money.
Verbal Communication: Oral- Disadvantages
1. Lack of formality
2. Difficult to understand 5. Difficult to maintain secrecy
6. Lack of flexibility
3. Long conversations are not possible. 7. Delay in response
4. Meaning varies across cultures. 8. Delay in decision making
9. Cost in record keeping: It is very difficult
5. Distant conversations are not possible. and expensive to keep all the records in
written communication.
• Written communication, such as through
10. Complex words
journals, emails, blogs, and text messages
11. Other: Prompt feedback is impossible,
Written- Advantages Slowness, Bureaucratic attitude,
Understanding problem between boss
1. Messages can be edited and revised and subordinates, lack in quick
2. Written communication provide record clarification and correction, formality
and backup. problem, lack of personal intimacy, etc
3. A written communication enables • visual communication, which involves
receiver to fully understand it and send signs, symbols, pictures, graphics, and
appropriate feedback emojis.
4. Easy to preserve.
5. Easy presentation of complex matter. The Communication Process
6. Permanent record.
The goal of communication is to transmit
7. Prevention of wastage of time and
information and the understanding
information— from one person or group to
8. Accurate presentation.
another person or group. This communication
9. Use as a reference.
process is divided into three basic
10. Longevity
components: A sender conveys a message
11. Proper information
through a channel to the receiver. (Figure
12. No opportunity to misinterpret
shows a more elaborate model.) The sender first
13. Easy to verify
develops an idea, which is composed into a
14. Others: Clear understanding, Legal
message and then transmitted to the other
document, Acceptability, Reduction of
party, who interprets the message and receives
risk, Creating confidence, Easy
meaning. Developing a message is known as
circulation, Wide access or coverage
encoding. Interpreting the message is referred
to as decoding.

Written- Disadvantages

1. Expensive
2. Time consuming
3. Red-Taoism: Red-Taoism. It means to
take time for approval of a project.
4. Useless for illiterate person
Physiological Barriers

Physiological barriers to communication may

result from the receiver’s physical state.

For example, a receiver with reduced hearing

may not fully grasp the content of a spoken
conversation especially if there is significant
background noise.

Elements of communication must be present Physical Barriers

and these include;
An example of a physical barrier to
a) Speaker or sender, b) Message, c) Channel, d) communication is geographic distance between
Receiver, e)Feedback, and f) Communicative the sender and receiver(s).
Systematic Barriers

Systematic barriers to communication may exist

Barriers in Communication According to in structures and organizations where there are
Category inefficient or inappropriate information systems
and communication channels, or where there is
Psychological Barriers
a lack of understanding of the roles and
The psychological state of the communicators responsibilities for communication. In such
will influence how the message is sent, received organizations, people may be unclear of their
and perceived. role in the communication process and
therefore not know what is expected of them.
For example:
Attitudinal Barriers
If someone is stressed they may be preoccupied
by personal concerns and not as receptive to Attitudinal barriers are behaviors or perceptions
the message as if they were not stressed. that prevent people from communicating
effectively. Attitudinal barriers to
Anger is another example of a psychological communication may result from personality
barrier to communication. When we are angry it conflicts, poor management, resistance to
is easy to say things that we may later regret, change or a lack of motivation. To be an
and also to misinterpret what others are saying. effective receiver of messages you should
attempt to overcome your own attitudinal
More generally people with low self-esteem
barriers to to help ensure more effective
may be less assertive and therefore may not feel
comfortable communicating - they may feel shy
or embarrassed about saying how they really Language Barriers
feel, or read unintended negative sub-texts in
messages they hear. Language and linguistic ability may act as a
barrier to communication.
However, even when communicating in the A feedback signifies that communication is
same language, the terminology used in a effective. Therefore, it is important to provide
message may act as a barrier if it is not fully feedback once communication takes place.
understood by the receiver(s). For example, a
message that includes a lot of specialist jargon 4. Principle of Informality
and abbreviations will not be understood by a There are major distinctions between formal
receiver who is not familiar with the and informal communication. To emphasize,
terminology used. there are times that formal communication may
Regional colloquialisms and expressions may be not accomplish and desired results so informal.
misinterpreted or even considered offensive. Communication can be effective and efficient in
Principles of Communication some situations. It is valid to convey message
informally because it is as important as formal
It is mentioned earlier that communication is an communication.
acquired skills or something that you can learn
about as you go through the process of 5. Principle of Consistency
development. But not everyone is skilled Consistency always matters in communication.
knowing that there are some factors that affects To achieve consistent result once must be
the development of one’s individual. To attain consistent in the way they communicate. It
such an effective communication, it is important contributes to the reputation of both sender
to know the principles of communication. and receiver and strengthens relationship.
1. Principle of Clarity 6. Principle of Timeliness
The thought or idea that needs to be This principle states that communication should
communicated should be spelled properly. The be done at an accurate time as possible. To
word should be arranged in such a way that the attain this principle, the sender who conveys
receiver understand the same word which the the message should make a safety measures
sender conveys. Pronunciation should be clear when delivering the message. Time is very
as possible including the enunciation to avoid important, when the receiver is not ready to
misconception. accept or hear the message it is therefore not
2. Principle of Attention the right time to convey the message.

Attention is very important in communication. 7. Principles of Adequacy

One should pay attention to every single detail This principle is important in communication.
in communicating. To understand what the Inadequate message creates confusion to the
sender means, the receiver should be drawn receiver, but an adequate message build rapport
towards the message by paying attention to the to both parties. So it is important to deliver
emotion, behavior, manner and gestures so they adequate message at all times in all respect.
may respond properly to the message.

3. Principles of Feedback
Communication Ethics The diverse characteristic of a multi-cultural
communication set up may cause language
Ethics is the moral system or judgment of what barrier to both sender and receiver. Message
is right from wrong and also refers to the values, may not be interpreted correctly and may not
conduct, manners and behavior with the be understood because of accent and
respect of rightness and wrongness of an action. pronunciation differences.
If it is used in communication, we define
communication ethics as the governing 3. Attitudes on Rank and Authority
principles of communication that has to do with
the rightness and wrongness as well as A very important aspect of any organization is
appropriateness relevant to the dimensions of the ability to work in a team. However, there is
communication. Ethical communication a difference on how an organization treat rank
advocates truthfulness, accuracy, honesty and authority depending on their culture.
endorse freedom of expression with its diversity 4. Different styles and Procedures in
of perspective that leads to the respect of other Making Decisions
communicators before evaluating and
responding to their messages. Different Cultures have different styles in
arriving at a decision or an agreement. They are
Communication and Globalization some companies or leading who are not very
Globalization is the process by which people in transparent in giving out details when they
the world are unified and act as one society; in arrived at a decision while other cultures, like
order to have globalization a person has to Americans are swift and transparent in arriving
know a universal Language - which in most at decisions.
cases; English is the language that connects us Impact of Communication in Society and the
to globalization. Also, globalization and World
intercultural communication impacted the types
of communication skills needed in dramatic Below is the impact of Communication in the
ways. Society and World

Communication Issues in Intercultural Settings 1. Communication breaks the racial divide

1. Direct Communication and Indirect Learning a new language, being exposed to

Communication different cultures through various forms of
media helps us understand, respect and
This issue is commonly observed because of the appreciate other cultures
culture and background of two speakers.
Messages can be interpreted different because 2. Communications evokes inspiration
of the differences in communication methods
In the history of the world, we have seen the
and styles.
rise and fall of a Nation or a culture or Society
2. Confusion with Accent, Pronunciation because of inspiring and charismatic speeches,
and Fluency broadcasts and announcements of different
leaders and influencers.
3. Communication is a symbiotic

In order for communication to be effective,

messenger to first and foremost should
understand the message that he/she wants to
convey. Preparation, research and practice are
key factors that contribute to the success and
effectiveness of the communication.

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