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★ 本次考試為(請勾選)

科目 系所 學號 姓名

品質管理 工資管系
◎ 可使用之文具用品:計算機
The exam is closed book. You are allowed to use a calculator and to refer to your handwritten A4 sheet. You
are not allowed to talk with your classmates during the test. The exam lasts 100 minutes. Total points: 100 pts.
Question I: (15%) True or False, fill in the blank and explain your answer.
( ) a. Adding sensitizing rules to a Shewhart control charts is encouraged because they do not change the
value of ARL0 but can reduce the value of ARL1. (5%)

( ) b. In a control chart, if a sample point is plotted outside of control limits, the process mean must shift
to a new mean. (5%)

m n
( xij x )2
i 1 j 1
( ) c. The formula s always provides a proper estimator of process standard
mn 1
deviation because it includes all observations. (5%)

Question II: Multiple choices questions. (35%)
( ) 1. Which of the following step is not a part of the DMAIC procedure?
(A) Define (B) Measure (C) Action (D) Improve (E) Control.
( ) 2. If one changes the three-sigma limit in a Shewart control chart to six-sigma limit, that would
(A) increase the number of false alarm
(B) increase the sensitivity of the Shewart control chart
(C) improve the process capability ratio (Cp)
(D) increase the average run length under statistical control.
( ) 3. One usually assumes the data is from a normal distribution when establishing a Shewart control
chart. For a X -MR chart, if this assumption is not correct, which of the following statements is
(A) ARL0 is not affected.
(B) ARL1 is not affected.
(C) OC curve is still correct.
(D) The UCL and LCL are different if the normality assumption is false.
(E) None of the above statements is true.

( ) 4. Refer to the following control chart, what is the most possible reason to see the pattern in the chart?

(A) Change in process mean (B) Change in process variance (C) Data from mixed population
(D) Wrongly calculated control limits.

( ) 5. When you want to apply control chart, how to estimate the process standard deviation?

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) none of above.

( ) 6. Which of the following statements about the Range (Xmax - Xmin) of units in a sample is correct?
(i) It's a random variable (ii) Range is normally distributed

(iii) Mean( R ) d 2( n ) (iv) Standard Deviation ( R ) d 2( n )

(A) (i) and (ii)

(B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (iii)
(D) (i), (ii), and (iii)
(E) (i), (iii), and (iv)
( ) 7. It is known that the average fraction nonconforming is p 0.1 . One would like to choose sample
size n large enough so that the control chart will have a positive lower control limit (3-sigma limts).
What is the minimum number of the sample size?
(A) 30 (B) 55 (C) 81 (D) 171 (E) 305.
Question III: Consider x and s charts with sample size 5. After 30 samples were taken in Phase I, we have
30 30
xi 6000 and si 270 . Use these numbers to make x L ˆ x and s L ˆ s charts so that the ARL0

i 1 i 1

of the x chart equals 500. Both charts use the same L value. (25%)

(a) If there are no assignable causes of variation in the system, compute control limits for the x and s charts.
1 1 1
Hint: (0.001) 3.09 , (0.002) 2.88 , and (0.003) 2.75 (10%)

(b) Using the control limits you found in (a). If now the process mean shifts to right with one standard
deviation, find the ARL1. (10%)
Hint: (0.65) 0.74 , (0.853) 0.8 , (3.09) 0.999 , and ( 5) 0 .

(c) If the specification limits (USL and LSL) are 200 20 , estimate the process capability ratio, C p . (5%)

Question IV: Consider the standard x and R control charts with 3-sigma control limits shown in the
following table (assume the quality characteristic is normally distributed with mean u and standard deviation
and the sample sizes are equal for all samples), (15%)
x -chart R-chart

UCL = 363 UCL = 16.18

x 360 R 8.91

LCL = 357 LCL = 1.64

(a) What is the sample size (n) in this case? (5%)

(b) What is the estimated standard deviation of the process ( )?(5%)

(c) ( YES NO )
For the x control chart shown in the table, can we detect one-sigma shift in mean ( u1 u0 1 ), on
average, in four samples taken after the shifts has occurred ( ARL1 4 )? please explain your answer. (5%)
1 1 1
Hint: (0.25) 0.6745 , (0.5) 0, (0.75) 0.6745 and 3 1 n 0.

Question V: (10%)
Frozen orange juice concentrate is packed in 6 oz cardboard cans. By inspection of a can, we may determine if
it could possibly leak either on the side seam or around the bottom joint. Set up a control chart to improve the
fraction of nonconforming cans produced by this machine. Five samples of n 50 cans each were selected
at half hour intervals. The data is given in the Table.

Use the data in the table to construct a fraction nonconforming control chart. (p-chart).

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