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FIRST MATE Opes PREPARATORY NOTES D4 | FUNCTION - 2 eo — Samsvt ALAY KHAN a : IEP ORT OF ORAL EEAMINATION wpe de sig BxaMNaioN cowree: wencANIL MARINE DEPARTMENT, MUMBAL |: Ba. y GRADE: CLUBR MATH Cd . . * Bunonion, oa) va : NAMI’: PAM Rage kt pITEM RARWAA LEVEL: MANAG, : : IND. No. ; ae 7 : ve : SNe. iipies, SSCS EVALUATION | . ineldds all ‘upetion of and mate/lst mate (FG) and the following” : ope ‘and applicatio ‘Btabiiity of cargos’ and a Bae of plabitisy. ond trim: Alajeaim dnd stres “equipment inelpding Avtomatic databased equip; ol evo enlculetien within ascoptablo nites nn as . B DRY CaRGo SToWwAGE r UN eas ‘ 4 Stowage and Bechsing/THmming of Varlode typee of |. =”, 7 | targdes on various ehipe-Le. General Cargo (Steal plate, °°" : _pulp;bagged eargo) /Bullc cea, MOP, stron Ov DY Ore, Concontrates) | Ss lous of be. ned te Fansenger Duet 2-@ Felatfigto Pase/Caryo), ip, Sawn Tim Lumber) RO-RO (verious ‘pee ‘Light/Heavy vehicles and . ‘enbwlodge of Livestogh/pure Car Carrier, Reftigeraled argo _58' Difindtion of Heavy Lifts Loading/Stowage & Seouring of i 7 : Heavy'Lifts on si General CargoMultt Sogedlnaered * Carter, & grEcranizen ‘CARGO STOWAGE ee as ‘Tanker (various types of heavy and | Al ‘Chomical (vatioustypes of chen avs peechamic eo PO (various typo uf se pe gus cade : Cérriage of IMDO/Dnngerous, Hazardots and has argos. “D TRANSIT CARE 8 Precautisnsduving luting and unloading and care diring voyage of satd cargoes. y Grisis “7; : AL Onitingencies plan/remédial action during toad! nfs pldafremii action during loading! Braniplyse, - eC ais pups Breglitows/Pewér fathire/Oil Splllage, Bilge akages fate hold with cargo, concentrates becoraing This Bok Has BEEN PREPARED Te flsster ty PREPARATION =FoR IMFG OkALS Ir was Béen PREPARED 84 DEOICATING Counrtéss Hooke in THE FRA OF REFERENCES To FAST NOTES, CobEs 4 Conventions, ANENDN Ents tt ONLINE CONTENT. Att Efforts HAVE BEEW MADE 7 Enteke CORRECTNESS OF inbhefroy bEAKE Fitting 17 Downy 1 THIS Bak. THis Book /S Sreercy PRE PPRES AS PER THE Syecrwaus FoR ORhis Prd Nor I/NTEROED 7 AoekREesS Puy PRETlC OCR SURVEYOR QUESTION Sérs, Bur 70 CovéeR fe thEers of ThE Oks ToPtes AS Mec hs FassibLe. LD Have PREPARED THESE NeTEs TAKING INSPIRATION From PAsr frrembrs OF MR. Sabrt), HR. MAKATIN 4 ores WHese ores nhue Fekrep Ghtis oF CAweiofreés' othe - PREPPRATIONS = FOR YE RRL. Finney, Z bod Like 70 Oly Ale ny FélLowW mares THE GEsr oF Lueck FoR THEIR ExAne. THESE NOTES ARE IN7ENDED To KE SuAtén. PLEME SHARE TI) Sams. Aart Kyaw Femenon- 2 Ore e7Es AS PER Extn, sifpfond SHEET _ Fox ORALS INpEx OF Torre s TOPIC, Various TEkaino loaie s / DEANITIONS Insse core GRAM cope Tlagek cobE BLU CODE CSS COE IM0G cobe CARRRGE OF LIVESTOCK CONT AERS REGCEK SHIPS Ro-kO 4 LASH Heavy Lifr VAkiws PRY CARGOES LIsGorr Cll TANKER OPERATIONS CHErttchL = TANKERS GAS TANKERS CARGO RELATED DOCUMENTS CRISIS Okapr = SURVEY PAGE Wo. RANGE aoe Se t to 4 S to 44 12 t 24 25 to 33 34 bo 43 44 to 48 4q bo 54 co to 6? 6& to 80 at bo a8 24 bo #5 eb PP ee do 442 212 & 1212 11 & 155 1s¢ Eo (170 rt to 28t 4p2 to 186 407 to 188 439 t 1494 oy = EWA. Y fata- Gaecel. @ Vases Fecminodageea Lad, ettly-- Masters Aseiple Let. lon. & hb Lead. 0-4 Costl Bea. * : Coats. are. fomee fra® wp Reape fe rrhae, pa beyge Car, Se eb arate hyrarcl othe. teak Lacdohy g Sha AG Goal itt STeulage... poe . late ourage ffasbe- Volum, ectuypiet Gy Coot Bugis. 7 2 Gago bust abe ms fe- Retipha cd G] tne Bolen, fear - : Spete. betvem,. frrtager Hot remains Daf llide « gun sadn parley Org a... lange O56 mk QZ. eregartar SAger. 7 = Exprestet a4 Patintege. yelamn of the.’ Catgs det nde Pla pote shiek. 2m bok 6 : ye thm Grreedth 23 Hohn, from tela tril, iu Garg, otto, Sha byelh fen ty ee Dant pheatiling On fils thy to Cancarbicle J hack, Stama Ant bgt fan the tna Gh, bulkhead Stuffers OA Gon Qchig aidan. yelfeoe Goon Cooly . Chie Cqrait, J pou Chen Fi Lenght Bleadte < bith or palo vighr & the pleery, Tak Gack, i tool, sles Alam pian Gol Madunariat Cys | Gago On heal | presplt-ai chaspedl & SE volume — obispo by the Cope Ay Sursed - Do Premtet hr 4th gor for 2 Cen. oak dn, phoky hy an She Bap, Bld ey wan But any Seas oun the Ay ai Co Whur Corts Kh, hyp Prelude Rhee -1n futn Gr Hh ate fhe hd - Wilke vopeu, Cndity 1' etn hiplss Bhn Cred below danspord= £ fant Oy, Shy he hab Orbad, Bye On Lhe Catgo 9 ) Carge Posed ~ Ola, ashen Vablabo i Gddrnt oot thle gai for 4 Cd be ryt fae 2D Can ae (old & an Crag ag ed ROI Bub Why Grainy ami Gata date Cargo ah Corky Blo ir dew pork. f Catn haste Canrcree om the Cargo fora Gupe Sw22ae- 2) Break uth, ke luge - Congo Bet Cantund unt focbtget for bate aden Cofrcrited Latico nt Carriet ay bath. Huh Gyed Wn Cate on gauuol Guy Hugs. a i 1) Candy ut Yinkthetinn Only tf ha Sen specrt : ulstcle (ecgarateets ets phan Ah, eee 7 Sompecstan at th hh Gale. : 2 Rebit Yratrtetir. tf fla Lee powrt J. Sha athe A ed. MOM haW. She Temagp es tthe a She bl - 4 a lyn f_tacbilolon - 1) Flscugh Upbrilotaes v Susan. Usuh Lilies Fhasuph. — Udit ai paaied Ata Cha toes Quen Sle tik aplr Aan 0b fh. bottom, Flom fhe leg rdiad Urhlletrn 1 fo Che tial © ernolwtecl 2 an A WA Ntety Hector ‘ay gn the Whack. me lg Stafaee- Pun Ah buiadidoad Urtteto ash Cha black L hawind Umptetrr Aanteg on the rine. Reamred in Lata Gugg Gt Beh oo (P heghes % vgypobe hgh bfoen Ake harfanhal Plose. Gere the Cone Shae Obfasnut Phe Salle Grge ud Condit Oo Lhe pln. lon beatraffea Mabdinl obferedl thu phyertel OA imal Cyaation Dradenirafle Uni grilnde go Aaturel Ohets + Nelinal (les Confein 2 Cange Vo Longe pantrite < Lampe Crntabrets Usually Conner i praliiles H ple, Tromypostieple Motsfare lonok CH) Opi the Tatum peer thurs Conlote ¥* On Gat robe, Coruitind Sale for Crtiage Hu aoud tov g the for motitu, Pelee (ne) Fah - Flow rmorrhube Pant ai the To math, Catink Bf athigh flow Stam haulage Mortar Gntat-- Y wwughe gq (ha vetiq Coa ret Ly fhe fatal Cagle fg PAn San pb ~ Forsfurr fac 2 WE gf vet « 09% Toted way “Panyed, Cae) Vikius Codes 0 OL. Easte Gt. we oleate ~4" Jee 2008 _ Fathi ta'to for. = A" Jldnsany, Zot. — faspan - Fratalete, Abe Lyfe tet. < Shpeated Labt a hed. Congas . ty frdeicleg teaisomoticos Oa. COrpzmamt | atelraled enthn tebe Ekpormé. Uf Onbeca. Begfi.. Gf. toll, Bed» a = anes Mejor clonse fom 6 be 7 Cotta a (- gecbizn oclclecl Cleeurels form stony) 12 Secheas am posse Abbaye Cele Leneystord.) . 4. Ayprceas # Cec atid Cehaacke or Soledt bull. apace . ae Mes Bpau x al 2 Bhorletel Vibes of Seton — | Gerad fA Om tires ~ 2 Gpbeucel, hosing, Cantcog, dh Cabooding phe Capibors a fy... Ptonnel. & Phe. ele peared alse htt Y Gucgn neti gfon TH - Chop ade 7 “Ss Trrinamacig | Polecbodet <6 Wthods ¢ Alesouriig ansgde of Aypass -? Qloaa. Chat May bynyly Faxt frotdars fn Ctgo eine Lh -7 Moteats fasering chine tel Aas acl Cartage J Sold: torpor ans Galt, « eat Securify preucsione we Poway. fot Bnyerson rebls Refeten te Po Acbeled. sagonmehiog Lk rene nolatring -/3 Apposder TL 9 Padrutlarl Aetula J Label fall Ceaggus Bpose- IE ~+ Coborapary feat Pritts, Ctpriyclet bpaction LIM an. Appsde il 5 trayab'ss G tw bulk Cages Aepardine [TC —~ Inder G Cogeu © Mypheetin of Bate wh alt ths f whl (a due pel a Btyrg Sold Balla Gonged. Gd fered tr regestinn 2g Olas CHIT. sobd tlh = Thy Caige Gf Ham eyed & 2%. Comectheg BR Ontbinsteta f (rbihe Br@ule Oy Cogn fetes mralite! grarnolh dui sin an ; Oenport ton LL bduty ante Che Qhgo Ge ge thy UK ob Oy wihneuchate for x Col tig mg Be S typ 9 Cage 0A She bb Gray A — Cagine asker may Luly ay Shige Qa uerslure Cortind un ten | Aho TE roy B- — (argaca heh possess Q chenetal Kay ml Drkeh batet gine Jasch @ AMimpguous Gi fonloos On a thee Brapic ~ Corgan hich Arn Rec fhen habe. fo Coyuely nor forsee hawscof Regards’ High lonely Sotit Sell Congo ~ Solel bile Cugn “bE Saclay.” Ferd of tSt ont on Cate : _ Seationnt . Paterna ag Pkyeb bitg f@ Quggarranl. L for Sie. Lt Phnniele. _ Gipo. si foun to be Phone! bo the. Ph jpaen . wan loth Matha. Leff tint hy tes adtinnte df tate ey @. Buhl. Congo sh ppig Mare Cbesn)- Snel Nawad Tay Be Qted wry, adtdle tens DD Cage grey CAB oc) QD Zhe tassg th bsg Cy Yyplictt) 2... OM Ruma Caf Cy pheode) 0D. TE. Yo 9 igo ofert OO... Stovegs yfaetn. GL. Meade Painenig kL Pameving fistlabt, ad pie call AQ PEebhed 4p Mpg, wadelng angle papers 0... Obiftahs en. Wetttshe Coobink ho THL am Gg. ; Colgan Whik mom Le . ae ~ (22 Ldn g fron, Z. a. 20 bags LO. thee Jawe Qurmotel by “Barge CY Gyphitabe,) (72) arpracb ly, Berets, Cortese 2lr OY SM tentiig pry ths f the Cape. Cf ee Gy) Fwiston (ae) Gases Glin etry otek Will 7 wetex Col Bpphcobl AID Rakrachus pica Cay yeh) HK) My after ofp Tepinret ae Aulher tu ~ The, abou aifoe waotane Holl be RtrrPauled — along wk a Adaahion: , 1 a © Prluwed. fo blumer 4, Tal. A hath. clelunen Thad silat fede Cipe Slat be Cndubet tithy 6 mate % he date of Loading 4g Gauge . the Crepes fn ot dhaearhitghiu g the Citgo _ 4 Cn Yorurbl x Ag Anton, 2 fest SLM he Chet : gun > Stamyelong 4 tating for Mortar Cotinke Chaly he Conduits G4 fearl, O4 fiebriable tL. rime of _. Loong a4 Le- 7.841 — Cnbactroteg Lbrt ty Leyisfy et 7 Only tt Bctyeled on boarding PD phy Oftael ord fate Cutnt qth. Cage aq toy (ham TAC : ba — Wrrive Linh Cyyoa sty be etyetat for 4 Loiding Special, Covert vuntich on fede Gugo : Ships tm Wher tha Vorsturs Cotrn} Kuk the TH. Sun 9-34- Stpragetns Getetem Stet Fal, Coyor foswateg Aimed — Fasc Fits by nla Drotersnd fe. tig fag Chapt... aaleela. ye ¢ _ Abionsl.._.g abe: chats ff Prt. Bibiy.e. fh ah. © On Ae. clr Lhe tabioral guraidestans. Gy. Genoldn _batab ry. 04 boo. Pha sgh Ger tee 1d Unacle co he. O abiocad qed ties Gey urhy.. peavrbol Of het 2 Coufiies Be 2arylsel eon. Ae. PaOunrweate: Baad ou Yon on Cees) _ _ Gnushinn on Shs Bafrol Kron bosilady man _¢. thad Aes pasede.. Peete - Frcs botnclony “oman of) osetia wt fami sae ¥ _ NOt folcbawn baa. bos Sak pen Guhy g Huan % i Combry 9 dasfinction: —@ Bho bemspatonk authorly J Gantry J tages wait 7 Akerutd % Pdtellr Guaat- Gf Fhe Guky 7g wns, Aart raters Satig that eetan untinw tet ors Creabel Cey Gir ar Tee CS he Va the Moura » | Aipmtie TE > Pieler Shteet foth Cagacs SHrutum, > Hokined Gray... fyeseses gy. | FLA c. _ © 2 ; ee Tod i Meh Melted hagaaters OLp im Bull. “ute agebanrte | Brhick frome hema tay ands oho, Cattaiot veri 4 uth othu fhan pralirtls ann yeict < wd Hingis Que tn’ Lhe Lhd, Cody 7 ~ No hanien oraberoals Meas aaaehiicals thy Auodity hye au Chdiig hernig Noapart aq a Lshd wa Ayypr-clx ~2, fua-4t I I Cokevn malenul- Meng neliunlg wher are _t net. pet -Tohuria matiwals - I . : - 4 1 timouig fargo , Seid Bt Corgan Gir be Olga ag ue GA Ne Cherie — P Angle f Vopr. 49% Lhetaatheliié off 26~ Cohuaise Gal, Cangas Dihich ai mdotatiin 9 Cargo Stabahh - St tar ben wiihedid alle aheurber! Chclitey oX non. Chkepring Sukh. Gigeu. Ch Lamy Qugass 4 Sime ty es possets Chedion Gord Powe s bed gf Sete sy Ge Boke eb, p “Koharu Carg aus mage gY yest 11 AF am ccktedds G Guapo wdecled, ; L feng 107 anidlected wo arlernhual Sahidiley yx —h Kohesie Catgaes = Wyte. 2 FO" Bak SE oh ym Bas? SS Fide. HLGES Net LISTED (N THE ._C00E att DY A. bold Losge ahah ai dr Leste tin Yponer E. b thi od. a Pr yaset fo. Contam sera: teudh, fhe. 7 Shegper Shell, (Fee t bosching , prowl. te the .. Qomptiol. autbarth Gp Phe part 9 Loading rth wn the gaatershia 4. fageshn 7 th Cage om wo eon... WA Sabin, 7. Of Che OL. Bated on Lhe cenrfeteration Aetirenlr.... Che Coryteloed- Autharh anti Asusd the CetyetrOhb.. 63 Che Ctpn. Som Sig. Chip at 2) Uther te i Otaeted thet Kir Stbd bik Cutge - Piopored fo. Caruage dy fleisad Megands ts Lh te ~ ifaaiect L Aw b, Aduve 421 L04g 4 - te Che ~ ana! abkbert of th. pat of Youdoeding - Basel. of the £2 Sfbe,- The 3 Crypt Gu lhoribies all ae fitinr fk rushaty a Suctabe Grad feng oc. phe Cbg. Abi, Catga 2) Othe thas aiyestd Phar tebe Cred full Glgo oreporel bie ea prasds fe Pihee Avg tncke fm Kragported: fs 4) Phi Orgy Chih be auth Mt ek The np Pagal Ye per Om hooting Lf ape Stoll” Ba Adee ga sae ee 7 Safe) | Pibemabions Ce foe the Sife Caring, Y Quorn ax: Gabe Gls Cope (9/9 28 Mag 94 Prtspebiond Gaacs Coe Fabeysnte foes = Gori ofypleselin~ — pyplicte te ot bla Corrpag Hach ny talk Meurspertive J Size €. Pornoge As fen Sods Cre fate —~ Cane. J rar. Yun Grilds Whak, Maye, ars, Gorkey , 0G, poses buds 4 protested fom SAME, Brkese belongs dime for to that f pen wy er nahn Stade wa SLM Cae heg-9 — Iotimet- Geach gelias al mand ahesy fo. hes Canaging Groen wv Salk - Wageude of Greer yp felting 2) Shighag Bote _wbmung A bolt fatness gpedtion ei CAR ear by Lh Kumuyon + > Yroin Settle b about 27. wks dene [he or Sure veel Spats be SE ry ML fret ha en + he: « am Coed sla J tet, Lughds Obeid, rage rertr, 2) Oittebute he Cage sch tha eliy ty bar As a A. OAK rE, Merah Y GM blll Consneledsig a fete... Prete hee Sas 8). lene, phe ~2eagtt. by Athy fein feta LP. ables. thy Cage llvane f. chy f ange. ae th hate ~ 0... Fron the tubing, averted Mab roms. hem’ the. Btoan orclng . bovtat , ges the Vilamuing tabig Papo tnd je ah Aetl ae . a wo D.. Madi the VIL, by Gyprfriete gate to Orporgate ca Behe etrbited.thaft 4G. a ae Deru... the Cortutiet..UHLA bq. Sfowiege sorts . 2. thbain Veaehe— haley toriete ~ obfa beled Aulig marine 0 7 2 Crafter. the potat Kabng omamidts Dnie frke Marable... hulog Drasate oblainid.. fem. he. ise Kaley mocmls 2 Masala. habog. te ak. kak Le 2 monde on. Y9plen. Libs Caps in the Abldy bo tng at 2Hthy the allowable Aimefe: Pro. © Bites. trixmat Gonpadtrrmt - A Camparteront, aad Phe ibe. Blain wi pues - Betts Aaentneeg, poscbl. wxfeel £0. febcak Shs, 0inwgi ob its highest possihle. baak. @ Boll Latin one Grapes rasat- uw” “Corpnatnrae a Qhil the Blas i gn C0 fhe Maer. hak posses cn tt AE Gf He Lath, gto Gee Coulee Hh Perplig of Fhe het gparig Che pracn tll fe at ats fated Anzh 7 rsgose - @ bath fata Grgeat rent - Bmp inp io thnk Abs Gran i et Org Gut but ame filled awhthu — fiana me at Lag arreed- ee a 7 0 7 OY, Moprg,. Lehe...erusien hall he amiclinul ae oS Sessa Less hable Conpasfintbt x. : oa ate hue beg mm rata loaglaadasd G09 Tale bellecba ada ft fe... frase tionad, - Gea, be. denurt....beaca use dhife of Basites.. be tthe. A 01g intel _ = hah. tt athe Aaige gumirgs aban fialeoed WU Come tm Cool dul Rote. band Pha ogh heh - Pe gdiet on living raag.. Pb plate. Be ale cee eceeteae @) fe perth, filet Gnyaitrats, moltigh by tle. @Q billed Danae Oupurtoa sts, rardésph, bg (06 fro. : Gabond, ¢ Yan Looctns beobhd - 2 Sty fenton ans xy Ligh chp Blah LG x» Tables f doy fr Fanfee rte bog 99 Gyeuhu Fb GZ ll Lompartoruds. 9 Gs usg 00 tobi f why lading Dhow tae Phan 4o' ofall pose "biplaarrods : 2 My cles tote. Piopebia po te range f Gpercitiig Lays offs 2 Lross Curves Stadl, Bhi are Safe ton Ao plop Hh G2 Cu & Whack whic Gaus eae 12" t4o7- eAlolslesfionod 4% whi “4 Gyprowd | By Aolmaiatty atyon — ’ Lares or fable ‘Lay ons: Vabrd Gatig of Voturug + Riturnd orate ial tet Compara, fled am pot ee xy Tues raxtoruns faynestabl, Kuling ror ads fo fae hijplotiorads £ varying kbs the Shep: Debesls fp Stimblenge oY Rimposatg feblige ode 4 mut Aenyacrem. she 9) Lasdlous emithawbrons tng’ tele for G Holes a Lampe im PuvoleanG GY Mora é) Ty prod ne aurea £ Bhypaa/ure Cr keh ing . Lh thumedete sour Ser dfn Utag Sve foto 25, 12 & base m/e : eo _ ht: 9 bee . fret. fol Letty St vy Sa Gypdial 7 She olny fr aan: L464. Cateye Ahab tha, Fhe hae bern fioesel tLe om fa: ‘ef ag (httody x Bnply Dp Ab, requyrerg nd 7 © Kes Haun. Cab DD Dke 008 may be an Carparated. socty he. gles = hadng booblee.: — 4). ha pea, ghee. Aihiiay,,. Sra. hh. Can Oth LD Of. at an - Aliketrr 4 te. vod ntl Li 7 Vyg= Vd, +0.95- Ch $00). mam Dtten Vb=. Vol het ontetlibls at Compton _ ds Ch Se garda from beh tin - Me Vl ¢ Lanro 7 LxOxvel= Volume anarlet’ Bur jh. Gags. - Maxpvum sible elt J Yolume = Ap CRBw Byker, Vaz nal Vor olgeht 2 02 Maximum Chiyt diilong of Fh. Crpo 2 [vod anc hubng momel loupe. _{ Leu>| 2 Matto the abou ban & (axl df. to offacq Correale eae. s “6 Aix Tate votiaste husky mominpe aah pian hfe Soctege gue Ani tlalerr nk 7 Bh do = Kedubems wm G2 - dye Ay x Coa ho" Ae OAs SThbiury — REQuiREMENTS - O Shy vite 2 Dea DO Ch anghg tf duh Ataumut theft of grown _ Shald no ute 72° o fom Reed shajs Conetrntet 09 1 Atm (4 Bor 1994 | She ng al hk the ~ duh whe tramrass, hirhwen as Lew a CD Bn a Oh Arelal Qin tly Ah. 7 Auking aim Gan < tke Aughtig nm Gane type 7 fhe Cangk evrarinum Syaretien tatu Sh, 2 Garey O40 ah nigh of Hoodny Bhidcesr «3 Cease : Should not te bagthan 010795 mvacbans _/ ca) Bactiol Gta Ctrefest fer Fie Shanth ep~ he bo than Om — Cp Matter must demonsfrite Cory ai nlp fh a ~fob itt, Cefn af a Sig. J VOY Ae 7 Meaty myst Oras, Hef tunel ai UGE dfon Protuding oot Cae + ~ Grihel G4) 2039, oo ee iL OQ My Uthot Dow £. D Pe wept. of poor ood rust not Hin. Ve G © Kh Metal GGKE ns TTT LD dk gash Rerfactet sim’. fabled Compartrrigk matt bo, Austrand by & Cbrelry Acyesci,, wel te lrg for hh falk hgh 9 Che. Compost ratal: 4. ebendlng [fron Aan nine ich 0 Keb. Couate. ha yet, below ole. Lhe tual fo Cle a. R47 Bithech tr th. Palin Mtn nctrily Cuturang 04 turdleng rag Fe Ud ty for tea intake - (i) le frm frase Ruylates err fart, galled Corypalerode L trust +0 frivrmad Lid kL Stintd Gy uarifory + L SWopuig oA barking me bg Rive mesh hy the heh Crue be tote hacky Meet he or Car £ 42 tuk - OY De On Gy Phaghot Ha vayops Should at be en Phan 93 72 24 Obert by Chr BA mada — fro Guy = Lb Vd (0-258 -— O64. vee ) SF x Br O09 Gn CD The Mashx Should ahemenstrte Shap fhs Chip | Gmpls wl hee, Avgucven dbs frce Loreling. Metdodls f Stung DQ Lenpitudind Aernctions —> Failte (Pa rmed, tabginmed) ) festl, fit | ; DQ Stubhicg 7 D bonding Fer fuld Covyfostrans. 9) Hraypag [hedkeg D Wire mh Fen Partly flat Camyostors ink 92 Oratdatoniag Longr'hudand der serous _ YD Divert rust be Groiakishe € of Sugg ame . Strngth mubrg the dugurem ode thy Cte. it 2) Ships Suitient fetes tafe GY frtstny may be _ fue anth tnkiled braces Lt tye Suuppot ths Leruscon a D By trey Auths , Che clemsio Shell octnd from 7 Buk tp tuk we for fue Engrg £ bets 7 Of Ge Compartir ole * mal | | tL c - = Stal. Wire rape 12 9m cloamabes cnn Elton boehile B EM tt aaa Li 4 Ball ag. gbayes te mabe. Fempstary tye (abbiat) Chain... brt0ebing obragt tbat 49n fone SHO hres - SDagey x [Bourg po conn BO Meine seelee 2 Mae Spatiag Febutim Loskesg cat rade thie 24m — aaalelneg eee Seth Rents Y breadth. CII, cbgticn, 12: 7 Y brady 218im, hytis 2 Pm L Fea Yemarug , obtan ty so hrpelatio: de Fay Sypasshin uchoth Guts the Gulih> 20. Geld. ap Oe pate 2th hagpedl guowe aD Se the targets |Qyppahien.. hath Quath Glan hogs 5) Dee Seypaubig Shutisn wert tthonot batt daly 7 Ahn kept... Lauter. Tas . = Ahursie Caskey sated be Serre the bap get Pac 7 te flat. by the of Cine, thon 04 Laukl. Stal trop ~ QD We Syasehen Lit Mot on. feet, must drurlag by (Pm P-1-0 @ Eten Letting - CD) Make Santen. CH) Taryobin [Gusdap Urad Wbs Strangted? 2643 wf Gm stave i: TOG tte OD Gk yp vee fuk “Grain (0 Lay Ah fanpotn Ou Liha up Complitele Fk Letty I faryobn | Eerkop Used ibs Shragtid (264 al Stn feip 7 CD Baw Lewy the Aasthery Live UD) Vtg herman tty sn Liha FEA rection; OD tay Faryobin Ou the OCemn age » fell ty the Spec L. Wik beggd Pasi. CW Stun fhe Fargo. on top Lay heurnage Ark Sethe the Diver Orn the Aurnage. dog of tt oO ( Comparlraes. duive tekingg aye oad fast 450 1. Aad ov be - aebctgated, Give Lule by mutase hackles ob Betony ~— elamsee Dv Guth Lodge, Koon Shae. » - 4) hg Aenlop | forfolie..cun the Giga... 2. Sobek floc 4 PHaysre Gat Petes. 2S ram x 10m 00 Loom wa UY Calpe, tevsaat by. 2B Morpes- fo ype Mearabivd, °% Tagh Coy d 0 badads.ay te. Mild Qu. SOmm x 1S. baad Patek. Pho bide. 2) Tashngs au Lyypatal by a Singh abhennatthijes Lie. 7 upatge tiherdig th ft Druk 7. dhe... repeater tok Ld.of Wire _aatsb. ~ ) Mathod ai Simadan. be. Sippy [ “shig thyeh— Pah Dire mith i US Loser oth” _y Masking meliteed Sutumd 49077™ blow Lh. And tppoat fin youn. Sarfal- D Separtttie.. clots, Lav Quel Staple, 7° abbas 1344 | Stem Spry. LAD Dive ge tel 2heyem: Prim hamelea. 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