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Marie Laveau

Legendary Creature, Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Neutral

Armor Class 18 (+3 Dex, +2 Armor, +3 Divine)

Hit Points 112 (12d10 + 24)
Speed 30ft.


@DevonBorkowskiArt 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 22 (+6)

Condition Immunities Charmed
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18
Skills Deception +13, Insight +11, Stealth +7, Medicine +11,
Perception +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Persuasion +10

Languages Common, Haitian Creole, Abyssal, Demonic,
Challenge 10 (5,900xp)

False Appearance Marie may take advantage on any Deception

(Disguise) check made in a city street environment. The
Voodoo Queen was known to only be seen on the street if she
wanted to be seen on the street.

Informed Clairvoyance. Marie may take advantage on any

e Wisdom (insight) check regarding a target her servants have

been able to observe and report on before her meeting them.

Divine Sorcery. Marie spellcasts using Charisma instead of

Wisdom, & adds her Charisma bonus to cantrip damage rolls.
Disciple of Death. When Marie creates an undead, it gains a
additional hit points equal to 2+ the spell’s level.
Marie Laveau
The Voodoo Queen most often appears as an Spellcasting. Marie casts spells as a level 12 cleric (Voodoo).
uncommonly beautiful mixed human woman with a Spell Attack: +10 | Spell Save DC 18 | See Chart.
magnetic gaze. She is known to heal the sick, protect Actions
women from their pasts, and do immaculate hair, all
while knowing far more than she should about current Divine Intervention: In rare circumstances, Marie can call on her

events. Elites pay to hear their fortunes, beggars bring deity to intervene when her need is great. She rolls percentile
her gossip, and folk of all kinds seek her solutions to dice, and if the result is 12 or below, her deity does so.
their many problems. There is little in Marie Laveau’s Channel Divinity (2/day):
city that she does not hear about or foresee. Turn Undead - Each undead within 30ft that can see or hear
Underworld Queen. In addition to her grand Marie must make a Wisdom saving throw or be turned for 1
reputation in elite circles, Marie is a fixture in the lives minute or until it takes damage (the creature flees and will not
of criminals, beggars & thieves, providing advice, safety willingly approach within 30ft.). If its CR is 2 or less it is

and aid to social outcasts. For those who can afford it, instantly destroyed when it fails.
Marie charges amply for her help, and for those that Evoke Unlife - Marie can use her channel divinity to harm the
need it most, she accepts all manner of favors that living or heal the undead with a pool of 60hp. She may choose

sometimes cost a great deal more than coin. any number of creatures within 30ft of her and divide that pool

Voodoo Priestess. As the most powerful local

among them. This feature can harm or heal no more than half
of a creature’s hit point maximum.
practitioner of her arts, Marie commands a certain
degree of awe and fear amongst magic users of all Multiattack. Marie makes three attacks with her ritual dagger or
kinds. Marie keeps many apprentices, women who shoots three Eldritch Blasts.
resemble her closely in manner and appearance, so
much so that one can never be quite sure if they’re Ritual Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5ft., one
target. Hit 8 (1d4 + 6 + 2d8 Poison). Target must make a
speaking to the real Marie. It can be startling to have a constitution saving throw (DC 14) or become poisoned.
conversation with Marie Laveau, leave her place of
business, then pass Marie Laveau on the way to your Eldritch Blast. Ranged Spell Attack: Three Bolts. +10 to hit, range
next destination. 120ft., up to three targets. Hit 11 (1d10+6 each).
The Laveau Hair Treatment. Marie Laveau was known
Legendary Actions to do immaculate hair. A character that spends 1hr at
Marie’s salon getting their hair done may take
Marie can take 3 legendary actions, though she can only use
advantage on Charisma checks until their next long rest,
one at a time, and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
or until they take damage.
Apprentices. Marie Laveau always has at least 1d4
She regains her Legendary Actions at the start of her turn.

Cast a Cleric Spell (Costs all 3 actions). Marie casts a Cleric spell lookalike apprentices working under her in the same
from her spell list. area as she. These female passing students in her arts
Eldritch Blast. Marie shoots one eldritch blast bolt. serve as her eyes and ears, sometimes taking on her
Command Minion. One of Marie’s minions, (Her snake, an
apprentice, or an undead she created) takes an action.
mantle to wheedle information out of others.

Medium Undead (Marie’s Pet Snake), Neutral Evil
Marie’s Spell List:
Armor Class 14
Cantrips: Light, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Sacred

Hit Points 28 (4d8 + 8)
Flame, Eldritch Blast Speed 30ft. Climb 30ft, Swim 30ft.
1st Level (4/day): Cure Wounds, Protection, Hex, Witch Bolt
2nd Level (3/day): Augury, Blindness/Deafness, Hold Person STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
3rd Level (3/day): Animate Dead, Bestow Curse, 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Clairvoyance, Speak with Dead, Magic Circle, Fear, Vampiric
Condition Immunities charm, exhaustion, paralyzed, poison
Touch Senses blindsight 10ft, darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
4th Level (3/day): Divination Languages Haitian Creole
5th Level (2/day): Raise Dead, Scrying, Contagion, Insect Challenge 1 (200)
Plague, Dream
6th Level (1/day): Truesight, Harm

Voodoo Domain Spells

Cleric Level Spells
e Actions
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5
(1d4 + 4) piercing. The target must make a constitution saving
1st Witch Bolt, Hex throw (DC 12) or take 3d6 Poison damage (Half if successful).
3rd Fear, Vampiric Touch
Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
5th Insect Plague, Dream Hit 5 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled
7th Etherealness, Finger of Death (Escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the creature is
9th Foresight, Imprisonment restrained. The snake may constrict as a bonus action each
round it remains grappling its target.

Spellcasting. Marie casts spells as a level 6 cleric (Voodoo).

Marie Laveau (Apprentice) Spell Attack: +6 | Spell Save DC 14
Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Neutral
Cantrips: Light, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Sacred Flame
Armor Class 16 (+3 Dex, +3 Divine) 1st Level (4/day): Cure Wounds, Protection, Hex, Witch Bolt
Hit Points 48 (6d10 + 12) 2nd Level (3/day): Augury, Blindness/Deafness, Hold Person
Speed 30ft. 3rd Level (3/day): Animate Dead, Bestow Curse, Clairvoyance,

Speak with Dead, Fear, Vampiric Touch

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) Actions
Channel Divinity (2/day):
Senses Passive Perception 16
Turn Undead - Same as Marie except if its CR is 1/2 or less it is
Skills Deception +6, Insight +8, Medicine +6, Perception +6,
Knowledge (Arcana) +6 instantly destroyed when it fails, instead of CR 2.
Evoke Unlife - Same as Marie except with a pool of 30hp.
Languages Common, Haitian Creole, Abyssal
Multiattack. Marie makes two attacks with her ritual dagger or
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
uses sacred flame once.

False Appearance. Only an insight check of 15 or higher reveals Ritual Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft., one
that this creature is not the real Marie Laveau, but a lookalike target. Hit 8 (1d4 + 4 + 1d8 Poison). Target must make a
apprentice. constitution saving throw (DC 14) or become poisoned.
Disciple of Death. When Marie creates an undead, it gains
additional hit points equal to 2+ the spell’s level. Sacred Flame. Ranged Spell: Range 60ft. Target makes a
Dexterity save (DC14) or takes 2d8 radiant damage.

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