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Ethel Kim Cinco


Reaction Paper

My reaction to this film is that it is impressive because it’s realistic. In particular that people nowadays
forget to know the difference between wants vs. needs. This movie will serve as an eye-opener for us to
learn how to value our money and save for the future. We must learn to budget our money. We must
also live a less materialistic life because there are other things that we must consider first.

From the beginning of the movie, unmistakably, spending is an issue for Rebecca. It’s entertaining to
imagine that she took a job at Savings Magazine. She’s encouraging individuals on the most proficient
method to deal with cash, yet she can’t have any significant bearing it to herself. Rebecca’s frantic try to
get more cash-flow or set aside more money while dodging the bank and her charge card organizations’
calls and letters. Indeed, Rebecca plans to get more cash-flow by making outlines at home or taking low
maintenance work in a garments store.

Rebecca plans additionally incorporate dating the wealthy cousin of her roommate, Suze. Rebecca is
pulled in to Tarquin’s riches and how having a relationship with him would end her monetary issues.
Even though she is edgy for an answer, she can’t force herself to acknowledge cash from Tarquin. It
shows that Rebecca is essentially a genuine individual. At the end of the movie, Rebecca, at last,
understands that running from her issues will compound the situation. Rebecca makes courses of action
to meet at the bank and take care of her monetary matters. As opposed to run as she generally has,
Rebecca acts dependably, at long last turning into the grown-up that she never figured she would be.

As the moral lesson I learned from this film, we must learn to prioritize our needs than our wants. We
must know our limitations when it comes to spending. Especially nowadays that earning money is
difficult. Let’s be brave enough to face the people we are in debt. Learning to give back what we borrow
to people is a must. Also, don’t forget that you must love that person not because of his wealth when
you enter into a relationship. Mahfouz Ali Khan said, and I quote, “Love a man and not his money. Love
the qualities of head and heart and not the glamour of his surroundings.”

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