Learning Targets

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Bagasbas, Rica Mae B.


Table 2.6 Sample Learning Targets

Type of Learning Targets Sample Learning Targets
Knowledge Targets I can identify and define key literary
elements in a short story, including
characters, setting, plot, conflict, and
Reasoning Targets I can analyze and compare the themes of
two different short stories, citing evidence
from the texts to support my conclusions.
Skills Targets I can write a well-structured and coherent
short story of my own, using appropriate
dialogue, descriptive language, and a
clear narrative arc.
Product Targets I can create a multimedia presentation
that explores the historical and cultural
context of a classic short story and
explains how it influences the narrative.
Affective Targets I can engage in a group discussion about
a thought-provoking short story, actively
listening to others, respecting diverse
viewpoints, and demonstrating empathy
in our conversation.
(Instruction: Complete the table by formulating sample learning targets per type)

Using the example as reference, complete the learning targets task by supplying the
required information on the table provided.

Title of lesson: Writing Short Story

Table 2.7. Learning Target Tasks
Objective/Learning Type of Learning Sample Learning
Outcome Related Lesson Content Targets Targets
to the Lesson
At the end of this The lesson will I can…
lesson on short center around the
stories, students narrative elements I can identify and
will be able to that make up the define key
analyze a given story, including Knowledge Targets elements of a short
short story for its characters, setting, story, including
literary elements plot, conflict, characters, setting,
and thematic theme, and literary plot, and theme.
elements, techniques.
articulating their I can analyze and
findings in a well- interpret the
structured written symbolism used in
analysis. Reasoning Targets a short story to
uncover deeper
meanings and

I can demonstrate
the ability to write a
Skills Targets concise summary
of a short story,
highlighting its main
events and central

I can create an
original short story
that includes well-
Product Targets developed
characters, a
compelling plot,
and a clear theme.

I can express and

defend my
Affective Targets responses to a
short story,
explaining how the
story's themes and
characters affected
my thoughts and
Table 2.8. Assessment Plan Using Assessment Methods
Subject English
Specific Lesson Analyzing Character Development in a
Short Story
Learning Outcome/s/ Instructional Students will demonstrate an
Objectives understanding of character development
in short stories.

Learning Targets Knowledge Targets, Reasoning Targets,

Skills Targets, Product Targets, Affective

Assessment Task/Activity (Alternative) Students will select a short story from a

provided list or one of their choosing.
They will read the story and create a
character development timeline or visual
representation for one of the story's main
Why use this assessment task/activity? This assessment task/activity is effective
because it combines various skills and
aspects of learning, including reading
comprehension, critical thinking, analysis,
and emotional engagement.
How does this assessment task/activity It allows for a deeper understanding of
help you improve your instruction? how students grasp the concept of
character development.

How does this assessment task/activity It provides an opportunity for self-

help your students achieve the intended assessment and reflection as students
learning outcomes? compare their own analyses with those of
their peers.

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