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1 Make estimates of the following quantities. {a) the speed of sound in air speed = .... tn {b) the density of alr at room temperature and pressure density = tt) {e) the mass of a protractor MASS ineneinneeuenninenee EM (d) the volume, in cm, of the head of an adult person volum: em? [1] Make reasonable estimates of the following quantties (a) the frequency of an audible sound wave frequency = ...... eect [1] (b) the wavelength, in nm, of ultraviolet radiation wavelength eM [] (e) the mass of a plastic 30cm ruler mass (a) the density of air a atmospheric pressure ONSHY = oc eesrcsesereeseeeterseneeee KG AT [1] 1 (@) Two ofthe SI base quantities and their units are mass (kg) and length (m).. Name three other SI base quantities and their units, 41. quantity aan sei 2. quantity 3, quantity (b) The pressure p due to a liquid of density pis related to the depth h by the expression P= pgh, where gis the acceleration of free fall. Use this expression to determine the derived units of pressure, Ex 4 A.unitis often expressed with a prefix. For exampl ‘kilo’ as the kilogram. The prefix represents a pow is 10°. the gram may be writen with the prefix ten. In this case, tha power-of-ten Complete Fig. 1.1 to show each prefix with its symbol and power-of-ten. prefix symbol power-oFten kilo ik 1 nano n cent M 1 101? Fig.1.1 4 b) Fig. 1.1 shows a turbine that is used to generate electrical power from the wind, wind speed v Fig. 1.4 ‘The power P available from the wind is given by P=CL2pv? Where Lis the length of each blade of the turbine, isthe density of air, he wind speed, C is a constant. (i) Show that C has no units.

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